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Ancient Aliens - What's the proof?
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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Ancient Aliens - What's the proof? The History channel recently ran a TV series called "Ancient Aliens"; The whole theory is that instead of us humans evolving as Charles Darwin suggested, instead Ancient Aliens came here to planet earth and put us here. So if the theory was right, the aliens would be US!. We would be the descendants of the aliens. In other words, the aliens are human beings just like us and they came here to colonize this planet! As thousands of years have gone by, we simply forgot where we originally came from because we did not write it down clearly enough for further generations to understand. So the Ancient Aliens theory suggests all the massive monuments around the world like the pyramids in Egypt and the Mayan temples and stuff were all built with "alien technology" by our fore-fathers. In other words, WE BUILT THEM! But we just forgot we did it because we did not write this down clearly enough! Today, mainstream science tells us we evolved from the apes and we have no proper 100% proof of Ancient Aliens. So science tells us we evolved! This is my question; What would be 100% proof of Ancient Aliens? Its difficult, but we can just about explain how they built the pyramids and the other ancient monuments around the world with simple technology. So what would be 100% proof that Ancient Aliens built the pyramids and NOT mankind evolving, becoming clever and building big structures? My suggested proof would be; 1. Finding a buried spaceship under a pyramid or other ancient structure. 2. Finding an alien humanoid type skeleton with a massive brain. But this would be unlikely if the aliens look just like us! 3. Wouldn't it be 100% proof if archaeologists dug up some ancient text book with scientific drawings in Egypt or Mexico? 4. Finding ancient pictures of DNA or something like that? Science they could not have known thousands of years ago. Whats do you think guys? What would be 100% proof? John. ![]() |
Larry Monske Send message Joined: 17 Sep 05 Posts: 281 Credit: 554,328 RAC: 0 ![]() |
This could require some open minds. Say we were visited not once but many times. And by different races. As the human geome project homosapian originated in east africa. Eurphrates valley in Iraq was belived to be the Garden of Enden. Not just in the bible but the Koran and chinese and indian cultured have similar stories at the time these races of people had NO contact with each other. But the stories are the same.Strange. Tewatican in peru are very ancient with 600 ton stones pertfectly aligned and so precise a knife blade can be inserted between them.This stone is so hard that only diamonds are tougher. Pyarimids are found all over the world how did this idea originate amonst people that couldnt possibly interacted. The races of the earth are mostly in 5 distinct races that share the sames genes but bone structure and skin color are different. Point to ponder: There isnt any good explaination of mans races are different but all similar genectically. Could earth been visited many times. Who Knows. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Point to ponder: There isnt any good explaination of mans races are different but all similar genectically. Could earth been visited many times. Who Knows. We know today that all humans from all races, if they are put in the right environment from childhood, and given first world education, we all have the same brain power. Different cultures look a bit different, but we are all the same. Michael Jackson was right, it don't matter if your black or white! Countries like the USA and the UK are proof of this with many cultures living together equally. Maybe the original human settlers came here from different planets that all share there scientific knowledge, making all the different races equal, or being capable of being equal if given the chance. John. |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Each ancient civilization had diferent perspectives of the universe, they used the universe according to their view. Theories that aliens built monuments, are theories with no concrete fondations, humans built those monuments not aliens. Highly unlikely living tissue can survive in a spacship ligth years if they were in quest to come to Earth. |
tekal Send message Joined: 13 Aug 04 Posts: 4 Credit: 5,962 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I guess everyone agrees a 100% with me on this: If an Alien race took over our sattelites and streamed messages all day long, everybody would be convinced. If they are that technically advanced (travelling space distances with ships), it should be a breeze! Thats why its hard to believe all those theories! Why aren't they doing it? |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
Tekal; Welcome to the forum. You raise an interesting question: Why, if extraterrestrials can, and do travel to Earth, don't they reveal themselves openly? They might think it necessary to prepare us gradually for such a meeting. This may be what is happening right now. If they were to introduce themselves to us too suddenly, it could have a very disruptive effect on our cultures. Humans have already come to understand this in a limited way. Those who wish to study primates in their natural milieu, like Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey, take great pains to introduce themselves very gradually to primate communities. First, they camp a ways off, and allow themselves to be noticed. After a while they move a bit closer, and determine that this does not cause alarm. Then a bit closer, still, and so on, until they are in the midst of the community, and more or less taken for granted. Michael |
tekal Send message Joined: 13 Aug 04 Posts: 4 Credit: 5,962 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Tekal; Welcome to the forum. You raise an interesting question: Why, if extraterrestrials can, and do travel to Earth, don't they reveal themselves openly? They might think it necessary to prepare us gradually for such a meeting. This may be what is happening right now. If they were to introduce themselves to us too suddenly, it could have a very disruptive effect on our cultures. Humans have already come to understand this in a limited way. Those who wish to study primates in their natural milieu, like Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey, take great pains to introduce themselves very gradually to primate communities. First, they camp a ways off, and allow themselves to be noticed. After a while they move a bit closer, and determine that this does not cause alarm. Then a bit closer, still, and so on, until they are in the midst of the community, and more or less taken for granted. Michael So you would rather give us the status of the primates? You're probably right about this! I mean those theories, which state that some reptile-like race has gathered with high-ranking officials of the US-government and some rich people to enslave mankind! I can't believe such a thing, because if an alien race really wanted to enslave us and made it to our planet in space ships, they wouldn't need neither the government nor the rich. What do you think? |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
We are, of course, primates, with clear biological links to chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas. This doesn't diminish us, but perhaps it should increase our respect for these 'near relations'. I don't put much credence in tales of 'deals' or conspiracies between various Earth governments and extraterrestrials, reptilian, or otherwise. I agree that any species accomplished enough to travel the stars would not need our cooperation to effect a military or political objective on this planet. Fortunately, it does not appear that anyone from 'out there' has such designs on Earth. Michael |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Sounds like " V " for Visitors |
Larry Monske Send message Joined: 17 Sep 05 Posts: 281 Credit: 554,328 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Ok we are close to being chimpanse chimps are chimps and have not evolved from that stage in 100 million years. Their genics is 95% percent compared to ours. But all these ancient races all devrloped at the same time everywhere on earth no matter the race or location. How can that be the most distant races that couldve never interacted all had the same ideas at the same time. It is not possible these people had no contact with other continents at the same time.It is too quick for evolution to have presented homo sapians to the world. I belive the dark skinned people of the world are the oldest race with asian races a close second. |
tekal Send message Joined: 13 Aug 04 Posts: 4 Credit: 5,962 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Michael wrote: Fortunately, it does not appear that anyone from 'out there' has such designs on Earth. Michael Do you know the "Kryon" channel Lee Carol? He channels that there IS indeed some involvement of an NOT friendly alien race! (Again, I believe in alien races, but not in that reptile-type, and IF the US government is involved they are indeed, extremly efficient in Information Hiding) Larry Watson wrote: It is too quick for evolution to have presented homo sapians to the world. I belive the dark skinned people of the world are the oldest race with asian races a close second. Larry i guess you don't imply other things with "the oldest race"? I know that these reptile theories are quite controversial, as the father of this theory "David Icke" had been forced to testify that he really means "reptiles" not a specific human religious group. (whose description i hereby omit, you should know which group i mean) |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
Earth was indeed visited by ancient aliens. They were molecules of primitive amino acids, ammonia, acetone etc that rode in on meteorites and comets. The facts and know-how of alignment, transportation, and precise cutting of very heavy stones was well known to the ancients and they had the tools to accomplish all of this. George Noury is the radio host of "Coast to Coast' where an average night's show might be to have some whacko on to discuss his abduction by aliens in the most sincere detail. A more likely theory is that technology traveled as people themselves traveled. Ships were not invented only at the time of Columbus. Sailors plied the Mediterranean thousands of years prior. Perhaps the Incas and Aztecs were migrant Egyptians or were trained by Egyptians. For instance: Western Europe brought sophisticated mathematics from the Middle East back into Europe around 1200 BC--long before the Renaissance. This was due to travel by interested parties who had ready access to ancient scholars. Alexandria, Egypt was home to many great ancient scientists and mathematicians from all over, Greece, Rome etc.. |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
Tekal; Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with the 'Kryon' channeler, Lee Carol. I've heard many channelers claim many things over the years. I'm afraid I don't consider them very reliable sources of information. A prime example of this is Blossom Goodchild. She claimed to be in touch with 'The Galactic Federation'; predicted a date on which they would appear on Earth, without fail, and en masse. When this didn't happen, her story became more and more complex with evasions and rationalizations. While she was still making her predictions, other channelers were weighing in, some supporting her claims with their channelings, others claiming to be in touch with the same 'Galactic Federation' and contradicting her. &&& Governments can undoubtedly keep secrets. In the matter of UFOs, the situation is rather complex. Some general statements about the reality of extraterrestrial UFOs have been let out, but details have been lacking. Perhaps the greatest secret is that governments have no control over the phenomenon. Michael |
tekal Send message Joined: 13 Aug 04 Posts: 4 Credit: 5,962 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Tekal; Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with the 'Kryon' channeler, Lee Carol. I've heard many channelers claim many things over the years. I'm afraid I don't consider them very reliable sources of information. A prime example of this is Blossom Goodchild. She claimed to be in touch with 'The Galactic Federation'; predicted a date on which they would appear on Earth, without fail, and en masse. When this didn't happen, her story became more and more complex with evasions and rationalizations. While she was still making her predictions, other channelers were weighing in, some supporting her claims with their channelings, others claiming to be in touch with the same 'Galactic Federation' and contradicting her. &&& Governments can undoubtedly keep secrets. In the matter of UFOs, the situation is rather complex. Some general statements about the reality of extraterrestrial UFOs have been let out, but details have been lacking. Perhaps the greatest secret is that governments have no control over the phenomenon. Michael Indeed! UFO cases are for sure handled on a high secrecy level PLUS are also covered by a strict "need to know basis". No doubt that "the government" per se can't be in full control over this. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
Galactic federation? Are we sure someone didn't just rip off a Rush song. All planets of the Solar Federation All planets of the Solar Federation All planets of the Solar Federation... We have assumed control We have assumed control We have assumed control ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
![]() Send message Joined: 23 Jul 00 Posts: 67 Credit: 61,429,161 RAC: 27 ![]() ![]() |
Term: TIME Corrently accepted definition: A unit of measure devised by man for the purpose of determining the duration of an event. The Andromeda Galaxy is 26 light years away. If we had the ability to observe a planet with intelligent life on it in that galaxy with a telescope from earth. We would be observing that civilization as it was 26 years ago. If you were to then step through a wormhole and be transported to that planet instantly, you would arrive there now, which would be 26 years after what you saw in the telescope. You stay there observing earth for 26 years, and as you approach the 26 year point you would see yourself steping up to the wormhole to step through it. Weird huh? Time travel into the future is possible, and as best I can tell, it has been proven. But what about travel into the past? I believe time travel into the past is not possible now. But I also believe that a few thousand years from now it will be. With that, I think it's more realistic to believe that our so-called "extraterestrial visitors" aren't extraterestrial at all. I consider the possibility that these visitors are us, from our future. Why are they coming back to our time? I believe it's because of genetic engineering. In the future, we have messed up our own genetics so bad, and are making a last ditch attempt to undo the damage by getting untainted genes and DNA from the past. In doing this, they must be careful not to mess with anyone in the "here and now" that could have a negative impact on the future of humanity. I note that there have never been a reported abduction or contact with anyone of any high profile standing at any level. It's always some unknown "john doe" whose just living his life and minding his own business; at least until they are abducted or contacted. In a nut shell, I beieve that time travel into the past by our own future generations is a higher probability than any type of "alien" travel across the seemingly infinite vastness of our universe. I further believe that there are those in the here and now who have figured this out, or who are aware of this, and do not share this information so as to "protect" the timeline. |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
Time travel to the past may be considered possible in certain theories, but logic intrudes. If someone travels from the future to the past, and has an effect on it, they will alter the future. Suppose I went back a few hundred years and appeared suddenly, startling the horse of my great, great, great, grandfather The horse throws him and he is killed. If my ancestor never lived to send the family tree growing in my direction, I would not exist, and so could not have traveled into the past. It appears that time travel to the past produces paradoxes, indicating that it does not describe something that is possible in the real universe. On the other hand we have every reason to believe in an inhabited universe. We need only suppose a technology superior to our own, which enables travel to the stars. That is not so much to assume, considering the way our own technology has progressed in the past few centuries. Give other stellar civilizations a thousand or a million years head start on us, and they could probably manage it. Michael |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
replies to recent posts. Duration ? needs further definition as an explanation of Time Define it without using the term "Time" Also we are talking about the fact that causality appears to rule out travel into your own past from the current present time. |
![]() Send message Joined: 23 Jul 00 Posts: 67 Credit: 61,429,161 RAC: 27 ![]() ![]() |
Well, it is a paradox. For example, in my explanation above, the future must actually occur, before you can travel to it. So while one may be able to travel to the future, if they don't like it, they can't come back and change events to alter that future. |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
interesting, life is afterall based on carbon which is one of most common elements in the universe; and aminoacids, sugars, have been identified in nebulas. Other elements, like amonia, oxygen, hellium, etc, are all perversive in the universe; so inteligent life on another planet migh not look like humans facially, but that lifeform will be bipedal. |
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