Merge and Purge (Dec 27 2010)

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Profile eaglescouter

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Message 1061013 - Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 20:16:29 UTC

Stats have been dead since Dec 25 according to:
It's not too many computers, it's a lack of circuit breakers for this room. But we can fix it :)
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Kevin Olley

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Message 1061017 - Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 20:25:47 UTC - in response to Message 1061013.  

Stats have been dead since Dec 25 according to:

Opps, I meant Tasks, was in to much of a hurry to get back playing with new cards.


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Message 1061085 - Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 22:11:10 UTC - in response to Message 1060886.  

Today, within the limitations of time, I hope to put the final wraps on the server and prep it for drop off at FedEx. The weight of the server is close to the limit that UPS has at 70lbs per package so I elected to ship with a better carrier.

It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.


I've seen a comparison test for shipping done with accelerometers, etc, comparing UPS, Fedex, and the USPS. To make a long story short, insure the package for it's real value, and send it USPS if they will take it.

Page 60, Popular Mechanics, December 2010

It's not a vast experiment with scientifically reliable results, but it seems to indicate that the big three package carriers in the US are similar in how they process packages.
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Message 1061149 - Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 0:50:34 UTC - in response to Message 1061085.  

Today, within the limitations of time, I hope to put the final wraps on the server and prep it for drop off at FedEx. The weight of the server is close to the limit that UPS has at 70lbs per package so I elected to ship with a better carrier.

It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.


I've seen a comparison test for shipping done with accelerometers, etc, comparing UPS, Fedex, and the USPS. To make a long story short, insure the package for it's real value, and send it USPS if they will take it.

Page 60, Popular Mechanics, December 2010

It's not a vast experiment with scientifically reliable results, but it seems to indicate that the big three package carriers in the US are similar in how they process packages.

LOL...I was gonna post that clip of the box rolling over and over on the conveyor belt, but I can't seem to find it right now.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile APCyberax
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Message 1061525 - Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 17:37:16 UTC - in response to Message 1061149.  

Today, within the limitations of time, I hope to put the final wraps on the server and prep it for drop off at FedEx. The weight of the server is close to the limit that UPS has at 70lbs per package so I elected to ship with a better carrier.

It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.


I've seen a comparison test for shipping done with accelerometers, etc, comparing UPS, Fedex, and the USPS. To make a long story short, insure the package for it's real value, and send it USPS if they will take it.

Page 60, Popular Mechanics, December 2010

It's not a vast experiment with scientifically reliable results, but it seems to indicate that the big three package carriers in the US are similar in how they process packages.

LOL...I was gonna post that clip of the box rolling over and over on the conveyor belt, but I can't seem to find it right now.

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J. Mileski
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Message 1061581 - Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 20:15:27 UTC - in response to Message 1061525.  

Today, within the limitations of time, I hope to put the final wraps on the server and prep it for drop off at FedEx. The weight of the server is close to the limit that UPS has at 70lbs per package so I elected to ship with a better carrier.

It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.


I've seen a comparison test for shipping done with accelerometers, etc, comparing UPS, Fedex, and the USPS. To make a long story short, insure the package for it's real value, and send it USPS if they will take it.

Page 60, Popular Mechanics, December 2010

It's not a vast experiment with scientifically reliable results, but it seems to indicate that the big three package carriers in the US are similar in how they process packages.

LOL...I was gonna post that clip of the box rolling over and over on the conveyor belt, but I can't seem to find it right now.

Clickable now
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Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 1062457 - Posted: 1 Jan 2011, 19:35:34 UTC - in response to Message 1060886.  

It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.

Quite the opposite experience I've had. Granted it's been many years, but I've had numerous packages delivered by FedEx where part of the box was crushed/busted in (thankfully they all had enough inner packing that none of the contents were damaged). Never had any issues with the packages I've gotten from UPS. You want bad, let's talk about Airborne Express, before they merged with DHL. There were several times where I saw them literally earn their name (driver roll down the van window and toss the bubble mailer up on to our front porch steps; probably a good 15 feet or so).

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Message 1062523 - Posted: 1 Jan 2011, 22:35:51 UTC - in response to Message 1062457.  

any packaging can get damaged in transport.

Let us face it, the people that most often do most of the lifting work are semi-evolved knuckle dragging sorts that are really not very concerned with the condition of things. They are interested in getting as much moved as quickly as possible so they can take a break again.

And no, this is not meant as a slam to people working in that kind of job. Just a general look at how things are.

And if you REALLY want to get something busted up, mark it fragile! Makes a very tempting target.

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Message 1062541 - Posted: 1 Jan 2011, 23:08:44 UTC - in response to Message 1062457.  

Quite the opposite experience I've had. Granted it's been many years, but I've had numerous packages delivered by FedEx where part of the box was crushed/busted in (thankfully they all had enough inner packing that none of the contents were damaged). Never had any issues with the packages I've gotten from UPS. You want bad, let's talk about Airborne Express, before they merged with DHL. There were several times where I saw them literally earn their name (driver roll down the van window and toss the bubble mailer up on to our front porch steps; probably a good 15 feet or so).


Oh how I hate DHL. Those moron's leave packages just sit in your yard, without knocking. I've been tempted to file a loss claim with them, just to do it. And they definitely don't handle packages well at all. I've never had any problems with UPS or FedEx.
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John McLeod VII
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Message 1062582 - Posted: 2 Jan 2011, 0:50:26 UTC

I have had one UPS package delivered with the box in shreds. However, the contents were indestructible, and I am not certain that the box started in good shape.

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Profile KWSN THE Holy Hand Grenade!
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Message 1062790 - Posted: 2 Jan 2011, 17:40:01 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jan 2011, 17:44:42 UTC

...For 2 examples that I've received from UPS, see


Fortunately, neither item was damaged... (although the box with a crushed corner had a hard drive in it!)

Speaking as a former UPS employee, you can't really blame the employees for everything... in many cases, UPS management is to blame, either for not having enuf employees for the job, or for speeding up the ones that they have beyond their ability to handle the packages carefully...

Hello, from Albany, CA!...
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Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1063056 - Posted: 3 Jan 2011, 15:27:00 UTC

My company has shipped thousands of units and we use Fed Ex because we have seen only a few damaged units and the units get there on time. We allow customer to return the units to us by UPS because return time is not critical and if the unit is damaged, we can fix it ( after all, the reason most units are returned to us is because they already failed in the field). We also like the tracking because several times the unit was setting at the customers location and they couldn't find it till we told them who signed for it.
We often recycle the shipping box several times and only retire it when the outside of the box picks up so much dirt that we are ashamed to ship it to a customer.
When a customer ask for another shipper, we try to talk them out of it and there have been cases where we shipped the way the customer wanted and sent a second unit Fed Ex. The customers shipper lost the unit and the Fed Ex unit arrived first.
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Profile BANZAI56
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Message 1063327 - Posted: 4 Jan 2011, 4:21:02 UTC - in response to Message 1062790.  

Speaking as a former UPS employee, you can't really blame the employees for everything... in many cases, UPS management is to blame,

They're a union shop, so of course management is to blame... ;)

I have suppliers that ship items to clients using all the various shippers. While in the field, I generally get to see the end result of those shipments. FedEx shipped items normally show less damage. A close second would be USPS, but sometimes they shread the simplest of container.

We don't even want to talk about damage to high-cube items and those 'drop-it-off-the-dock' shippers. Ugh...
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