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Message 1057073 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:24:30 UTC - in response to Message 1056883.  

So who do you want to alienate? A lot of small crunchers and let the large crunchers hog the bandwidth/time slots, or a few big crunchers by letting everybody have an equal chunk of bandwidth/time slots.

Edited (note to self, don't forget to proof read before posting)

I suppose you are talking to me? I didn't know I had implied alienating anyone. I think the time and bandwidth would be best served by equal bandwidth and time more than letting one 'class' dominate the connections.

Well, you or anyone else with a "fix" for a finite resource, bandwidth.
You had said" ...the number of users fighting over spots makes it more of less a dog fight for the first position that opens up." I agree.

I think this is going to be true at any percentage of bandwidth or practical amount of bandwidth and judging from previous posts any limit artificially imposed by the S@H staff is going to alienate somebody.

So, does the staff lean towards the big crunchers (more efficient use of band width/less overhead with fewer connections doing larger downloads) or the smaller crunchers (everybody gets a little bit but with less efficient use of
bandwidth), or just let the dogfight continue?
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Message 1057080 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:37:38 UTC - in response to Message 1056883.  

"I think the time and bandwidth would be best served by equal bandwidth and time more than letting one 'class' dominate the connections." BeNt

This favors the "small" cruncher over the "large cruncher", but there are people that could say I'm on the little end of the large crunchers. We haven't defined which is which yet. Now, I consider myself a small cruncher, but any fix the staff comes up with is OK with me because the project is more important than the individual cruncher.

That said, logically I'd go for the large cruncher resolution; best return on resources for the project.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1057083 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:39:31 UTC
Last modified: 17 Dec 2010, 17:43:41 UTC

The dogfight (kittyfight) continues.

I, as a big cruncher.....or a donator....or a memeber of the clan of the green star......gets no more consideration by the scheduler when I make contact.

Other than by the fact that I have 8 rigs running Seti against some that have only 1.

So, there is nothing to support the supposition that anybody is getting preference here. They are not. Every work request is handled the same way, depending on the information Boinc passes on to the scheduler.

I once postured that those with green stars should get a special pass at the gate when making requests for work.

I am actually at a disadvantage right now against the little crunchers.......
Because my rigs can process so much work, and sometimes it is not available, I can't keep them running as well as a dude that has an MMX235 and only wants one WU a day to keep his RAC up.

I have since rescinded that comment, as I realized it was not 'in the Seti way'.
Although it might be an interesting thought.
And might prod some to donate at least $10.00 a year.
But I would NEVER want to see a 'pay to play' system in place here.
That is against the principals of Boinc. Anybody gets to play. You pay with your participation. Enough said on THAT topic. Hope I have made myself clear.

Any and everybody has as much chance to get work as I do....and that's the way it should be.
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Message 1057087 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:48:27 UTC - in response to Message 1056886.  

equal pay for everyone!!!

Cool, I'll be waiting at the mailbox for the check. :)
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1057089 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:51:28 UTC - in response to Message 1057087.  

equal pay for everyone!!!

Cool, I'll be waiting at the mailbox for the check. :)

I have been waiting for a looooooooooooong time.

But, I do get 'thank you' mailing from Berkeley for the donations.
No checks though.
I had a czech try to get through once......but she would not fit in the mailbox.
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Message 1057094 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 17:57:52 UTC - in response to Message 1056966.  

equal pay for everyone!!!

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. Isn't that the American way?

That's cool too. Since I have little ability and a bunch of need {8+ "procedures at last count), I'll be waiting at the mailbox.

Send American Eagles or stem cells. Preferably both. :)
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Message 1057098 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:03:59 UTC - in response to Message 1057094.  

equal pay for everyone!!!

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. Isn't that the American way?

That's cool too. Since I have little ability and a bunch of need {8+ "procedures at last count), I'll be waiting at the mailbox.

Send American Eagles or stem cells. Preferably both. :)

If payment were made in stem cells....I think I could have both been repaired as an 18 yo and then cloned.

Be careful what you wish for......LOL..

If you think I am bad now........I was virtually hell on wheels back then.
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Message 1057099 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:05:32 UTC - in response to Message 1057065.  
Last modified: 17 Dec 2010, 18:09:24 UTC

In most English speaking countries a "result" is indeed what comes after something. At Berkeley a result in a duplicate of a work unit, and it is called a result before it is sent, while it is out in the field, and after it comes home.

So a "result" is a outcome of the work of splitter process - raw chunks of telescope data?? - not even assigned to particular machine/user ?? - ufff what a mind job...

OK - I need to consult some geographer and linguist specialist, because I thought that Berkeley is in the US, and US is a English speaking country (vast majority)

Thanks guys for so swift replies.



p.s. I understand of course result state - a "ready to send" state of the "result" is not very intuitive (at least for me)- however it may be caused by DB data flow or sth like that...
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Message 1057101 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:08:34 UTC - in response to Message 1056978.  

... This will be enacted next week during the return of the 3-day weekly outage. It's unclear how regular these extended weekly outages will be - we'll figure that all out in the new year.
- Matt


That means nothing has changed for us, the Cruncher, and we are at the
same Point as before the big Outage? Overloaded internet connection, a
3-Day Outage and babysitting our Rigs...

I had hoped for more (because of our generous donation)… :-(


We could always wait until after all the new kit has been sorted before making such a judgment.

My understanding was that there is at least a new hard drive, gigabit switch, and another server to be installed. Then the ensuing tweaking for efficiency.

Lets give the staff until the beginning if February before we get testy.

Barring any other emergencies, of course.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1057107 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:18:25 UTC - in response to Message 1057101.  

... This will be enacted next week during the return of the 3-day weekly outage. It's unclear how regular these extended weekly outages will be - we'll figure that all out in the new year.
- Matt


That means nothing has changed for us, the Cruncher, and we are at the
same Point as before the big Outage? Overloaded internet connection, a
3-Day Outage and babysitting our Rigs...

I had hoped for more (because of our generous donation)… :-(


We could always wait until after all the new kit has been sorted before making such a judgment.

My understanding was that there is at least a new hard drive, gigabit switch, and another server to be installed. Then the ensuing tweaking for efficiency.

Lets give the staff until the beginning if February before we get testy.

Barring any other emergencies, of course.

I'll give them exactly until hell freezes over.
Barring any other emergencies, of course.
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Message 1057108 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:18:54 UTC - in response to Message 1057101.  

No doubt, we are waiting - as always. ;-)

Let's hope we can go back to a "normal", outage less, Situation soon - maybe next Year? :D

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
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Message 1057113 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:26:10 UTC - in response to Message 1057083.  

The dogfight (kittyfight) continues.

I, as a big cruncher.....or a donator....or a memeber of the clan of the green star......gets no more consideration by the scheduler when I make contact.

Other than by the fact that I have 8 rigs running Seti against some that have only 1.

So, there is nothing to support the supposition that anybody is getting preference here. (rest snipped)

I hadn't seen anybody say that anybody was getting preferential treatment. I thought we were discussing ways to maximize the throughput on the maxed out bandwidth.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1057117 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:31:31 UTC - in response to Message 1057113.  

The dogfight (kittyfight) continues.

I, as a big cruncher.....or a donator....or a memeber of the clan of the green star......gets no more consideration by the scheduler when I make contact.

Other than by the fact that I have 8 rigs running Seti against some that have only 1.

So, there is nothing to support the supposition that anybody is getting preference here. (rest snipped)

I hadn't seen anybody say that anybody was getting preferential treatment. I thought we were discussing ways to maximize the throughput on the maxed out bandwidth.

Possibly importing thoughts from other threads.......I read so many.

This thread might be more, shall we say, productive than some otherwheres.

No matter. The sentiment remains the same......
No pay for preferences.
All are equal in the scheduler's eyes.

One request, one response. Same for all.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1057120 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:35:01 UTC - in response to Message 1057098.  


If you think I am bad now........I was virtually hell on wheels back then.[/quote]

Just thinking about "Hell on wheels" Sattler makes me smile, Mark. I am just glad I didn't have to deal with it.

Got any new Kitty images? My wife keeps asking where the Kittyman's latest batch are.

Like you, I am just pleased that we are back up and running, even if not fully out of the woods - Keep crunching

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Message 1057123 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:43:36 UTC - in response to Message 1057107.  


I'll give them exactly until hell freezes over.
Barring any other emergencies, of course.

I used to have a T-shirt that said "I was there when Hell froze over,
and had forgotten my ice skates."

I think my wife threw it out with the "It's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a s** machine" one. She hates T-shirts with rotted out armpits, whereas I think I've just got them broken in.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1057124 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:47:21 UTC - in response to Message 1057120.  
Last modified: 17 Dec 2010, 18:50:22 UTC

If you think I am bad now........I was virtually hell on wheels back then.

Just thinking about "Hell on wheels" Sattler makes me smile, Mark. I am just glad I didn't have to deal with it.
Got any new Kitty images? My wife keeps asking where the Kittyman's latest batch are.

Like you, I am just pleased that we are back up and running, even if not fully out of the woods - Keep crunching

I will work on it.......

Lori's new Maine Coon brothers have become a couple of big boyz.
They are now less than a year old, and I bet they both go over 15 lbs.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1057126 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:48:43 UTC - in response to Message 1057108.  

No doubt, we are waiting - as always. ;-)

Let's hope we can go back to a "normal", outage less, Situation soon - maybe next Year? :D


That would be pleasant. Maybe we could come up with a new catch phrase,
"Next year, in Berkeley."
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Message 1057130 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 18:55:27 UTC - in response to Message 1057117.  


No matter. The sentiment remains the same......
No pay for preferences.
All are equal in the scheduler's eyes.

One request, one response. Same for all.

Oh, I wouldn't be against 2 gigabit pipes. One with general access and one you could subscribe to, the more you used it the more you paid, say a penny a gigabit of download, uploads free.
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Message 1057238 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 22:04:12 UTC

The extended outages are not just server related but sanity related. It's nice to have several days a week where it doesn't matter what the systems are doing and we can get other work done. That said, I think if things are turning out well we can certainly reduce our regular outages.

- Matt
-- BOINC/SETI@home network/web/science/development person
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Message 1057267 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 23:24:58 UTC - in response to Message 1057238.  

The extended outages are not just server related but sanity related. It's nice to have several days a week where it doesn't matter what the systems are doing and we can get other work done. That said, I think if things are turning out well we can certainly reduce our regular outages.

- Matt

But Matt sanity is so over rated. Take the time if needed I at least will still be here. May I suggest a 2 day outage instead of three if longer ones are still needed. Or have a three day outages every 2nd and 4th tuesday of the month?
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