Time has come 2 this

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1056907 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 8:46:05 UTC

You know, if we run out of work because the lab.. well actually ran out of work for us... I kind of get some satisfaction from that!! Computer crunching or not, we did what we are here for. I know more is coming, and we can do that part too!!

Receivers break, a jeep breaks an axle with the data on it, things happen. And more may be coming, and we will be here to sort through those piles too.

But out of work because they are out of work?? AWESOME!!!
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1056909 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 8:52:45 UTC - in response to Message 1056907.  

You know, if we run out of work because the lab.. well actually ran out of work for us... I kind of get some satisfaction from that!! Computer crunching or not, we did what we are here for. I know more is coming, and we can do that part too!!

Receivers break, a jeep breaks an axle with the data on it, things happen. And more may be coming, and we will be here to sort through those piles too.

But out of work because they are out of work?? AWESOME!!!

I am guessing that we shall not run out of work because we have run out of work......
That is to say, I suspect that data storage from Arecibo continued during the monthlong Seti outage. So, I would hope that the actual data available to process it not the problem.

The problem seems to be with the radar blanking pre-processing needed before splitting and sending it to us.

So why not let Oscar handle that too? LOL.

He seems to be able to do it all. Meow, Oscar...my man.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1056944 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 11:47:22 UTC - in response to Message 1056909.  
Last modified: 17 Dec 2010, 11:49:18 UTC

Just remember that not everyone is back requesting work yet, mainly just the seti only diehards, but each day brings more back which is why my 3 pc's will wait until the the new year before they start requesting work again (they're happy doing other projects atm) as that way those requesting now should have their caches full again and hopefully I can have a painless come back to the fold. ;).

As for the radar blanking, why not let the other new server that is due soon take that part (don't get greedy now or you may break something). :)

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Profile Bill Walker

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Message 1056972 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 13:53:10 UTC - in response to Message 1056907.  

But out of work because they are out of work?? AWESOME!!!

I second that, and remind people there are other projects to warm yourself with while waiting for the next batch of S@H work.

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Profile Bill Walker

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Message 1056975 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 13:57:39 UTC - in response to Message 1056944.  

Just remember that not everyone is back requesting work yet, mainly just the seti only diehards, ...

I would have thought that only a few die hards (who read these threads and care about what is going on) are NOT requesting work. The majority of the set-and-forget crowd don't even know what has gone on in the last few weeks.

Case in point: I added a GPU machine during the Great Outage, and my RAC is soaring through the roof (for me anyway). Yet I am falling in my country and team rankings. I think this means a whole *load of people are started back into crunching S@H as fast as the WUs come out.

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Message 1056979 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 14:04:37 UTC - in response to Message 1056944.  

It isn't that the older server can't do the blanking fast enough, it was that the guys didn't anticipate running out so many work units. They were caught flat footed and had to rush to get more tapes blanked and ready to send. :-)

We were just too fast for them!

ID: 1056979 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1056985 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 14:21:02 UTC - in response to Message 1056944.  

Just remember that not everyone is back requesting work yet, mainly just the seti only diehards, but each day brings more back which is why my 3 pc's will wait until the the new year before they start requesting work again (they're happy doing other projects atm) as that way those requesting now should have their caches full again and hopefully I can have a painless come back to the fold. ;).

As for the radar blanking, why not let the other new server that is due soon take that part (don't get greedy now or you may break something). :)

I son't want to braak Oscar's back.....

But.....you don't know what you got until it fails.

I luv Oscar.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Fred J. Verster
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Message 1057024 - Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 16:11:58 UTC - in response to Message 1056985.  

Well responding to the title of this forum: Time has come 2 this, I can only conclude, that workflow is a lot better with the new servers in place.

I've more (CUDA) work, then long time ago, well 2 months, or so :)

It would be nice to know, how many % of the people crunching for SETI, are using optimized MB, SSE3;SSSE3x;SSE4.1 or/and CUDA, CUDA-FERMI or ATI .

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W5DMG - Dave

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Message 1057984 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 1:45:26 UTC - in response to Message 1057024.  

It would be nice to know, how many % of the people crunching for SETI, are using optimized MB, SSE3;SSSE3x;SSE4.1 or/and CUDA, CUDA-FERMI or ATI .

For some reason I have yet to jump over to the optimized apps.
Guessing I am not too sure at what major improvement I will see.
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Message 1058008 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 4:48:52 UTC - in response to Message 1057984.  

It would be nice to know, how many % of the people crunching for SETI, are using optimized MB, SSE3;SSSE3x;SSE4.1 or/and CUDA, CUDA-FERMI or ATI .

For some reason I have yet to jump over to the optimized apps.
Guessing I am not too sure at what major improvement I will see.

I am more of a set and forget type user. I don't want to be responsible for the updating of science apps. I keep looking at it and it still is to much of a bother for non Windows systems the last time I looked.
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Terror Australis
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Message 1058034 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 8:54:44 UTC - in response to Message 1058008.  

I am more of a set and forget type user. I don't want to be responsible for the updating of science apps. I keep looking at it and it still is to much of a bother for non Windows systems the last time I looked.

It's really not that big a hassle. The optimised apps are quite suitable for the "Set and Forgetters". The optimised CPU apps have been stable for 2 or 3 years with only one minor upgrade from ak-V8 to ak-V8b. I still run the original V8 on 2 computers and on Linux.

They were originally written for Macs and the improvement in crunching times make them well worthwhile and they only take a few minutes to install.

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Profile platium

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Message 1058050 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 11:22:34 UTC

I optimized for my ati hd5550 its a worth while thing.
i have very little knowlege of pc's i started less than i year ago with this pc
your can see how long i have been crunching not long but i found the app was very easy to set up and run.
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Message 1058052 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 11:39:26 UTC - in response to Message 1058050.  

I optimized for my ati hd5550 its a worth while thing.
i have very little knowlege of pc's i started less than i year ago with this pc
your can see how long i have been crunching not long but i found the app was very easy to set up and run.

I haven't seen any evidence that eithier of your PC's are optimised, both returned results with the Stock MB app today, and one returned a result with the Stock AP app,

ID: 1058052 · Report as offensive
Kevin Olley

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Message 1058057 - Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 12:19:25 UTC - in response to Message 1058052.  

I optimized for my ati hd5550 its a worth while thing.
i have very little knowlege of pc's i started less than i year ago with this pc
your can see how long i have been crunching not long but i found the app was very easy to set up and run.

I haven't seen any evidence that eithier of your PC's are optimised, both returned results with the Stock MB app today, and one returned a result with the Stock AP app,


I see what you mean, but I also spotted this.

SETI@home Enhanced (anonymous platform, CPU)
Number of tasks completed 385
Max tasks per day 485
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 385
Average processing rate 19.485282171741
Average turnaround time 2.32 days

Perhaps the application label is set when the task is sent rather than when it is recieved finished back at SETI.


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KWSN-GMC-Peeper of the Castle Anthrax

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Message 1058242 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 1:04:28 UTC - in response to Message 1056720.  
Last modified: 21 Dec 2010, 1:05:55 UTC


4. We didn't ditch any science from SETI@home classic. Yeah, a lot of people were angry about various aspects of the painful transition, and so we lost a number of old participants. But we still have the results they processed. (more snippage)

- Matt

Thank you Matt. It surprising how often "Ya, S@H dumped a bunch of the the classic data yadda yadda yadda you see here and in other forums. Nice to see thy're mistaken.

Now, if we could just pry some hardware info out of you guys, like details on what's needed and where it should be delivered, Christmas might come several times a year. Especially for lower ticket items like hard drives and switches.

I WAS just gonna let it go, but... You have seriously misunderstood my meaning. I meant dumped the credits, the time in program, not any useful data that might have been generated. I have no doubt that if there WAS any, it was not just shredded. I ASS U MEd from the context the meaning was clear. oh well.
You can see from my closing comments, my (and just about every other informed persons) opinion on getting any actual, useful SETI data with the receivers we have at the bottom of the atmosphere.
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KWSN-GMC-Peeper of the Castle Anthrax

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Message 1058243 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 1:11:08 UTC - in response to Message 1056868.  
Last modified: 21 Dec 2010, 1:23:45 UTC

There are some projects running BOINC that are commercial entities. As I do not recall of the top of my head which ones I will say nothing more other than Seti is not one of them.

Bret, we all have our own perspectives. Personally I find BOINC to be a limited success, potentially commercially viable, and of no further academic interest to me.

my one and only rule for attaching to projects is that it be 'pure' science and i'm not helping anybody to line their own pockets. So you're scaring me with that 'commercially viable' stuff.

Should Commercial Entities be allowed access to this resource at all? Personally I think not. At the very least they should be clearly marked as such.
You're supposed to risk your own resources to line your pockets. The open-source licence does not require they be included in the masterlist of projects. There is no requirement to HELP pirates.
There are approx. 2 million BOINC participants out of what's got to be close to a billion worldwide computer users with internet access..(am i low?) we are a limited and valuable resource.
Hm....THIS http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm place says almost 2 billion. Our value increases.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1058246 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 1:22:23 UTC - in response to Message 1058243.  

Should Commercial Entities be allowed access to this resource at all? Personally I think not. At the very least they should be clearly marked as such.
You're supposed to risk your own resources to line your pockets.

Now that's a good question, but...if I am correct, and I am not always....
The Boinc architecture is open to one and all?
Now that you bring it up, if that's the case, there certainly appears to be an avenue to abuse of it.

I would certainly hope that somewhere there are restrictions that would not allow an enterprising soul to do something like this, for example.

Start a Boinc project, that could give out meaningless tasks.....let's say...computing PI. But hidden within the in the project would be a means to take every hit and direct it to a google ad site which would generate revenue for the project owner.
IF there are no restrictions, this could happen.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1058271 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 2:27:42 UTC - in response to Message 1058243.  
Last modified: 21 Dec 2010, 2:30:06 UTC

Should Commercial Entities be allowed access to this resource at all? Personally I think not. At the very least they should be clearly marked as such.
You're supposed to risk your own resources to line your pockets. The open-source licence does not require they be included in the masterlist of projects. There is no requirement to HELP pirates.
There are approx. 2 million BOINC participants out of what's got to be close to a billion worldwide computer users with internet access..(am i low?) we are a limited and valuable resource.
Hm....THIS http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm place says almost 2 billion. Our value increases.

I think commercial entities should be able to the use of these resources if people decided to run their projects, but they would need to pay royalties to the various projects they are stealing time from, and this could be assigned via a Boinc site by the user running the commercial product. Could show to provide a valuable resource stream to various projects, and I would run commercial interest, say 10%, on my share if I knew seti would be getting $50 a year from it. With enough people doing that there wouldn't have to be a donation drive to pay for new servers etc. Could it be kept honest? Who knows, but one thing for sure there would be a lot of people out there who wouldn't do it for the simple fact it's a monetizing venture.

Now as far as users crunching away happily within Boinc. BoincStats is showing there are 2,091,166 accounts with 5,940,454 computers crunching away at Seti. What they don't say is how many of those are actually active and how many of those are counted in multiple projects. I would assume with the cross project numbering etc. nobody is counted more than once but who knows, not to mention some people who have accounts for home and then accounts for their machines at work etc. Either way that's a lot of combined crunching power, wish they would list how many Mflops or Pflops all those computer combined come out too! Would UC Berkley have that information? Would be interesting to know what type of super computer we all would be apart of!
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ID: 1058271 · Report as offensive
KWSN-GMC-Peeper of the Castle Anthrax

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Message 1058277 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 2:37:16 UTC - in response to Message 1058271.  

I like it. Access to the worlds largest supercomputer for a maximum of maybe a couple thousand a year, max.
You, Sir, may be On To Something.
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Message 1058284 - Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 2:45:23 UTC - in response to Message 1058277.  

I like it. Access to the worlds largest supercomputer for a maximum of maybe a couple thousand a year, max.
You, Sir, may be On To Something.

In another post here this link was provided that shows 146k active users with 227,312 computers crunching. We are putting the WU's away at a rate of 192,403.2 GigaFLOPS. That's quite a lot!

Now imagine a few commercial interest get in there with deep pockets that need the resource. You provide x amount of hours per month to them and they have a number amount per the amount of work you provide. IE your 'credit' with them. Seems pretty simple, after all the backend contract / programming etc is completed. The only major thing holding it back? Well all the deep pocket commercial interest spend their money on super computer time at various points around the globe. But this could be a way to steal that time and money from them!
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Message boards : Number crunching : Time has come 2 this

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