Donation Site Problems

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Profile JoshStrobl

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Message 1112121 - Posted: 1 Jun 2011, 18:42:03 UTC

On the How To Donate section, it says "PayPal Users:" however nothing is below that. I take it there is no paypal option to donate?
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Profile Slavac
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Message 1112201 - Posted: 1 Jun 2011, 23:02:24 UTC - in response to Message 1112121.  

On the How To Donate section, it says "PayPal Users:" however nothing is below that. I take it there is no paypal option to donate?

They've been down for some time now unfortunately.

Executive Director GPU Users Group Inc. -
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Profile M5WJF

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Message 1122473 - Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 15:15:25 UTC

Here's the deal, if SETI@home actually make a commitment to start claiming the 25% Basic Rate Tax that every UK SETI@home Tax Payer have already paid to the UK Government from their earnings, and that we will never see again, as a claim by SETI@home for Gift Aid from the UK Inland Revenue; then I'll make a charitable donation.

It's a nice carrot, a powerful incentive, free money, I can't say fairer than that, can I?

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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1122546 - Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 23:57:46 UTC - in response to Message 1122473.  

Here's the deal, if SETI@home actually make a commitment to start claiming the 25% Basic Rate Tax that every UK SETI@home Tax Payer have already paid to the UK Government from their earnings, and that we will never see again, as a claim by SETI@home for Gift Aid from the UK Inland Revenue; then I'll make a charitable donation.

It's a nice carrot, a powerful incentive, free money, I can't say fairer than that, can I?

Can you please explain what steps are necessary to make such a claim to the UK government?

Or is that like telling SETI@Home to try making a claim to the US Federal Government for some of our tax dollars that we US citizens already pay?

If so, they already write requests for grants from various sources with little success, and I fail to see the generosity in your "deal".
ID: 1122546 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1122558 - Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 1:03:19 UTC - in response to Message 1122546.  

Here's the deal, if SETI@home actually make a commitment to start claiming the 25% Basic Rate Tax that every UK SETI@home Tax Payer have already paid to the UK Government from their earnings, and that we will never see again, as a claim by SETI@home for Gift Aid from the UK Inland Revenue; then I'll make a charitable donation.

It's a nice carrot, a powerful incentive, free money, I can't say fairer than that, can I?

Can you please explain what steps are necessary to make such a claim to the UK government?

Or is that like telling SETI@Home to try making a claim to the US Federal Government for some of our tax dollars that we US citizens already pay?

If so, they already write requests for grants from various sources with little success, and I fail to see the generosity in your "deal".

Ozzfan: Check out this thread.
ID: 1122558 · Report as offensive
Profile M5WJF

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Message 1122562 - Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 1:18:09 UTC - in response to Message 1122546.  

Can you please explain what steps are necessary to make such a claim to the UK government?

SETI@home would have to register itself as an Overseas Charity with the UK Inland Revenue, this is not difficult, the forms are available on the Internet.

Or is that like telling SETI@Home to try making a claim to the US Federal Government for some of our tax dollars that we US citizens already pay?

SETI@home would need to give each UK Tax Payer that has made a charitable donation to SETI@home a form to complete (this can be done electronically), to enable SETI@home to claim Gift Aid from the UK Inland Revenue. If a UK Tax Payer donates £1000 to SETI@home, then SETI@home can claim another 25% of this figure from the UK Inland Revenue, since the Basic Rate of Income Tax in the UK is 25%, and the UK Government allows charities to claim the Tax Paid on Donations. SETI@home would gain another £250 from the UK Inland Revenue for every £1000 donated by the UK Tax Payer making the Donation.

The only downside is that a form either needs to be completed each year or at least every seven years (I think), to be able to claim backdated Gift Aid. So the first time that SETI@home makes such a claim, I suggest they claim for all donations made by UK Tax Payers in the last seven years.

If so, they already write requests for grants from various sources with little success, and I fail to see the generosity in your "deal".

I am not certain how your Tax Deductable system works in the US, or whether it is restricted to personal or company donations.

In the UK we have a personal allowance of earnings on which we aren't taxed, which is currently about £7.5k, rising (I think) to £8.5k per annum this year, all earnings above that figure are taxed at a basic rate of 25%, and somewhere between £30k and £40k the tax rate increases to 40% on earnings above that figure.

With Gift Aid, the UK Inland Revenue writes a cheque representing the 25% Basic Rate of Income Tax that has been paid by the person making a donation, that cheque is made out to the same charity to which the donation was originally made.

Maybe you can see the generosity when SETI@home gets a cheque equivalent to 25% of all donations made from the UK within the last seven years? For an exercise in paperwork or electronic media, the free money here would seem a reasonable incentive.

Perhaps your Tax Deductable system is more generous than UK Gift Aid, I really wouldn't know.

I don't know whether Gift Aid is applicable to donations from UK Registered Companies, but maybe its worth SETI@home finding out?

ID: 1122562 · Report as offensive
Brian Bern

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Message 1204203 - Posted: 9 Mar 2012, 17:22:25 UTC

hi I am new to seti and have read posts where individuals are asking if their results are significant and understand that things have to be double checked etc but what does the pulse/ triple and Gaussian count have to be or what info will confirm that et is out there
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David S
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Message 1204222 - Posted: 9 Mar 2012, 17:53:34 UTC - in response to Message 1204203.  

hi I am new to seti and have read posts where individuals are asking if their results are significant and understand that things have to be double checked etc but what does the pulse/ triple and Gaussian count have to be or what info will confirm that et is out there

You probably want to read the Seti@Home Science forum. If you don't find and answer there, ask this same question there.

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Waiting for a message from a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.

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Message 1204472 - Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 5:46:47 UTC - in response to Message 1204222.  

Thanks David
Will do.
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Message 1204553 - Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 13:40:42 UTC

Can you tell me more about this project?
I come from China,a senior student,and want to know more.
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Message 1204581 - Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 14:38:54 UTC - in response to Message 1204553.  

Can you tell me more about this project?
I come from China,a senior student,and want to know more.

About SETI@home

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Message 1204820 - Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 4:21:23 UTC - in response to Message 1204581.  

Thank you.I think I will enjoy this project.
ID: 1204820 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : News : Donation Site Problems

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