Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 1041659 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 7:36:12 UTC - in response to Message 1041457.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2010, 7:38:12 UTC

Updated list before I have to go to work in an hour:

$55 msattler
$420 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$605 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$58 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR

My calculations (well, actually, Excel's Autosum feature) shows a total of $11,140. Running total from Oct. 6th on the donations page is $13,322, for a difference of $2,182. Even more people donating without posting. Awesome job everyone, let's keep them coming.

I want to give a big thanks to Mark for starting this drive and to everyone who has donated. It is all very appreciated. Has anyone found out the staff's reaction to this latest drive yet?

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Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 1041713 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 13:53:43 UTC - in response to Message 1041659.  

Lets see I think they might be one of these: Giddy, Delirious, Tickled Pink, Kid awaiting Christmas Day to open their present, etc, etc.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1041722 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 14:16:31 UTC

Before i buy useless things...

Thank you for your gift of $80.00 via Visa on 10/13/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $80.00

Your confirmation number is:


A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1041751 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 15:48:07 UTC

Thank you all times 11,000. This really helps. We'll be able to use this to either fix mork or (more likely) replace it with something reliable.

Thanks you all who donated, and to Mark who started this and the prior drive.

If you haven't donated, don't let this message convince you we have everything we need. Ptolemy (our main file server) crashed Monday, and thumper (which would be its replacement) might not be as stable as we thought it was.

On a related note, I'm off to write a proposal in hopes of getting some of your tax dollars. Not entirely optimistic about that, but if we don't try we'll never know.

@SETIEric@qoto.org (Mastodon)

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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1041755 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 15:53:20 UTC

Thanks Eric. In all the ways our tax money is wasted,this is one instance Where I would totally agree to have a half a million given to SETI@ Home. O heck ten Million:)

Old James
ID: 1041755 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1041761 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 16:01:37 UTC - in response to Message 1041751.  

thank you Eric ... for this update.

Best Wishes
ID: 1041761 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1041763 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 16:10:35 UTC

Thank you, Eric. And you're quite welcome.
I am sure you guys will figure out where to put the funds to best use.
Hope that soon we shall see a new server or two online. Or new bits installed in the older ones if that will do the trick.

And best of luck with the grant proposal.

Meow meow.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

ID: 1041763 · Report as offensive
Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1041764 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 16:10:37 UTC - in response to Message 1041751.  

Thank you for your Visit in our little Fund Drive.

We stand in the starting holes for a future Donation Call from Mark. ;-)

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
ID: 1041764 · Report as offensive
Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 1041822 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 19:27:07 UTC - in response to Message 1041751.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2010, 19:29:25 UTC

Thanks Eric, and you're welcome. As frustrating as it is to some people when you guys don't post very often, if it takes away from your time keeping the project running, I'll take the few posts.

I think some of the biggest thanks go to Mark for starting this drive and to everyone who donated, both big and small. Every little bit counts. In hindsight though, it's kinda sad that these large number of donations only seem to happen when a server seems to need replacing. I'm just as guilty as everyone else, but it would be great to see at least 75-100 donations every month. Not counting the 5 months where the number of donations have topped 100, Seti is getting an average of only 40 donations a month (add those 5 months in and the avg is skewed to almost 129).

I'm bad with New Year's resolutions, but I'm going to make an early one starting today. I am going to make at least one donation every month from now until at least the end of 2011. Some months it may only be $10, but I'm sure the Seti guys can put it to better use than me putting it towards another bottle of single-malt scotch. And I'm not going to count this drive for this month, so I'll be donating again after my next paycheck.

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1041832 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 19:42:16 UTC - in response to Message 1041822.  

Justin, it would be wonderful if we could do this every month. But to be honest I and many others have stretched ourselves really thin to do what we have done(and are still doing.. Keep those donations raining in if you can).
This is not a "that is all you get" but rather.. we need to catch our breaths,
figure out how we are going to pay some bills, re organize, and try to move forward from there. Some may be able to do it again soon, some it may be a long while before they can help again.

There is an obvious need here, and we are scrambling to try and meet it. It is time for the staff to see what they can accomplish with it, put some of it to work and see where we stand. There are a lot of questions on how best to proceed that the lab folks have the answers for. We have tons of questions/ideas/suggestions, some of which will invoke thought/discussion from the lab, some of which might even be an "ah ha!" moment and helpful, and a great many which will likely be "oh dear here we go again" complete pain. At the end of the day, only the folks in the lab can make that determination.

But it should be obvious... we do care, we will try to help, and we can be called upon again(does not have to be Mark. But he did good.)
But we are reaching a temporary limit of what we can do. This kind of out pouring, I doubt you can get on a monthly basis. There were some jaw dropping donations. And a lot of help from the smaller ones that people really could not spare, but did anyway.

My fellow Setizens.. Salute!!
ID: 1041832 · Report as offensive
Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 1041851 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 20:18:59 UTC - in response to Message 1041832.  

I understand that some people are tapped out for now, but it doesn't just have to be those of us that read the forums that donate (though I'm guessing the majority of donators do visit the forums). As of 2.5 weeks ago, there were 139,659 active users according to BOINCstats. If only 75 of them donated something, that works out to 0.000537% of active users.

It's not so much a desire to see the same people donate more, it's to see more people donate. If just 1% of the active users donated once per year, that averages out to 116 per month. I'm in no means suggesting a "pay-to-play," as I think that would do more harm than good. Keep in mind to that the minimum donation is only $10. I can guarantee there will be at least one or two months where that's all I can afford, but when I can give more, I will. I just have a feeling that there are many crunchers out there who feel they don't need to give the project any more money because they donate their CPU time and pay for the systems and power to run them. They're entitled to that opinion, however I don't agree with it.

ID: 1041851 · Report as offensive
Profile Zeus Fab3r

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Message 1041861 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 20:47:22 UTC

This is perhaps the first donation from Serbia...

    Thank you for your gift to the SETI@home.
    We received your gift of $10.00 via on 10/12/2010.

    Your confirmation number is 63603.

...even though I had to steal my wife's credit card.

[edit]Mine are withdrawn more than a year ago when I lost my job.[/edit]

Who the hell is General Failure and why is he reading my harddisk?¿
ID: 1041861 · Report as offensive
Doug vE

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Message 1041865 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 21:13:29 UTC

We received your gift of $100.00 via American Express on 10/09/2010.
Your confirmation number is 63514.

A small amount hope it can help. I also changed my settings to not fetch new work until the backlog jam clears up. This way I can keep crunching until all my Seti@Home is done. I am also crunching on einstein so that my cpu keep busy.
Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the progect to be up and running at full speed.

Seti@Home Classic Work Units 413
Seti@Home Classic CPU time 3,869 hours

ID: 1041865 · Report as offensive
Profile Tony Baczynski Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1041927 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 1:32:50 UTC - in response to Message 1041865.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2010, 1:42:56 UTC

How much more do you need?
ID: 1041927 · Report as offensive
Profile KWSN - eXferance
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Message 1041949 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 3:01:55 UTC

Its not much but it will add :) sorry its late. Haven't been on the forums for a while.


Thank you for your gift of $25.00 via Visa on 10/13/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $25.00

Your confirmation number is:
ID: 1041949 · Report as offensive
Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 1041950 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 3:05:04 UTC - in response to Message 1041927.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2010, 3:15:51 UTC

As much as you can and are willing to donate. From Jeff's recent post in the Tech News forum it sounds like they have enough to replace mork if necessary. If you donate and they don't need it for the server replacement, I'm sure they will put it to use for other needs (maintenance, staff salary, etc.).

Tonight's update:

$55 msattler
$500 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$605 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$58 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns

Total donations stated add up to $11,360. The donations page has not been updated since yesterday, so no new total there. There was at least one new donation in the other thread that didn't list an amount.

It's fantastic seeing all the new green stars. Keep up the great work guys and gals.

ID: 1041950 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 1041954 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 3:31:18 UTC - in response to Message 1041927.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2010, 3:32:24 UTC

Tony et al

How much more do you need?

If we really knew; then we could set some kind of marker (which has good and bad things about that process).
The first drive generated enough that carrying into the second month, where a machine could be spec'd out that would handle the primary role. The cash that has been donated thus far might put together a healthy machine for the support role. If funds keep coming in the there is hope that the first machines that Seti Owns (with warranty) may ease some of the issues.
IF I were to guess, I would say in the next week if another $5000 could be rasied then the first machine configuration would be safe. It has to be able to do the Science and not interfer with daily operations.

I have been fairly quiet as I have had some interaction with Eric and Seti (over the years). The simple fact from when Bruno was started (at a time such as this) from a Seti User offered a Server Board to get past hardware issues. Several weeks later (and Seti Users) Bruno was brought online. "WE" have been running since that time with small updates such as the Intel donated machines and Seti Users have been suffering in the "finest of fashion" that we (Seti Users) can live with.
The last note is that in a conversation with Eric; while it is easy for some rich person to stop in with a multi million dollar check (which results in photographs and big press and a building with their name) that YOU the Seti Users with $10, $20, $50, $100 and higher donations keep the department that handles the donations busy. YOU the Seti Users show UC Berkeley that Seti can do things. Each of you that wears the Green Star (or choose not to display it) have made some small impact on how the world views Seti. For that you should be proud.

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 1041954 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1041960 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 4:11:08 UTC

Thank you for your gift of $20.00 via Visa on 10/13/2010.

Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $20.00

Your confirmation number is: 63626
ID: 1041960 · Report as offensive
Profile ScarabDrowner
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Message 1041967 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 4:35:39 UTC

which would be preferable to the staff: donating $10 every month, or donating $120 in one lump once a year? The 11% off the top is the same in either case, so financially the two options are identical.
ID: 1041967 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 1041978 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 6:14:18 UTC - in response to Message 1041960.  


Thank You

I do have to note that my last email to you went unresponded (I was concened). Kate and I were in Vancouver a weekend ago and would love to have coffee or tea. I account that to you were in a period that you were busy or a bit disenhartend. Hope you are doing well

Regards Old Friend


Thank you for your gift of $20.00 via Visa on 10/13/2010.

Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $20.00

Your confirmation number is: 63626

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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