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Message 1024699 - Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 23:56:05 UTC - in response to Message 1024689.  

Is there any mixed drink you can make with moonshine.

I had about 2 shots last night, and WOW! What a kick! But if you wanted to make a drink from it what do you do? Mix it with Coke?

See "Planters Punch" earlier in this thread. On a small scale, fruit juices(include some lime in there) should disguise the burn.

overview of the punch: "2 of sour, 1 of sweet, 3 of stong 4 of weak".
so lime, sugar syrup or grenadine, hooch, and a lighter juice/champagne/sprite/etc.

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Message 1031049 - Posted: 5 Sep 2010, 2:04:32 UTC

By special request:

1 1/2 oz light rum
1 tbsp triple sec
1 banana
1 1/2 oz lime juice
1 tsp sugar
1 cherry

Combine all ingredients (except for the cherry) with 1 cup crushed ice in an electric blender. Blend at a low speed for five seconds, then blend at a high speed until firm. Pour contents into a champagne flute, top with the cherry, and serve.

Notes: . Strawberries( a handful) or other various fruits can be substituted. A more conventional wine glass(wider top) can be rimmed with sugar (rub the rim with a piece of lime, dip in sugar, add the lime as additional garnish) and garnish with an additional piece of fruit if desired.

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Profile Uli
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Message 1031071 - Posted: 5 Sep 2010, 3:03:26 UTC

Dang, can't get around the Lime Juice. Forgot about the Triple Sec too.
Thanks Janice, I will give it a go.
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Message 1031076 - Posted: 5 Sep 2010, 3:20:49 UTC - in response to Message 1031071.  

a fast and easy is substitute sweet and sour mix for the lime and sugar..
or daquiri mix, or margarita mix.. (basically the same thing)
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Dena Wiltsie
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Message 1031246 - Posted: 5 Sep 2010, 23:09:23 UTC

As the topic got around to moonshine, some might be interested in this link so they can experiment on their own.
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Message 1033913 - Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 4:05:24 UTC

Inspired by Uli's facial expression..

This simple and easy flaming drink is sweet and powerful.

1 shot glass..
layer in order..

1/3 oz kahlua
1/3 oz tequila
1/3 oz 151 rum (bacardi is fine for this one.. no need to waste the god stuff)

light on fire. let burn approx 15 seconds. Blow out. shoot.

If you burn it too long, 151 kick will be gone. Burn it just a little bit.. the warming of it intensifies the alcohol effect.

I first met this jewel as a "Filthy McNasty Special".. also known as a harbor light.

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Message 1033921 - Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 4:38:17 UTC

Janice, the recommendation was to put a plate on it to stiffle the flames. And yes, that drink had a kick for sure.
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Message 1033927 - Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 5:17:17 UTC - in response to Message 1033921.  

Janice, the recommendation was to put a plate on it to stiffle the flames. And yes, that drink had a kick for sure.

With the width of that mug and accordingly the size of that inferno.. it was probably a good recommendation. The shots listed above, blow out just fine.
any form of snuffing them out other than throwing them through the air is fine.
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Message 1033930 - Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 5:34:36 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2010, 5:36:04 UTC

Dunno if this qualifies as mixology, but the buds and I used to do something called a 'Flaming Guinness'.
(I know, terrible waste of a good stout....)

Anyways, we would have the barkeep tap a nice mug of Guinness, leaving it a bit short. Then, carefully and slowly float several shots of Wild Turkey 101 over the lot by pouring it over a spoon to bring it to the top.

Usually takes a bit of coaxing with a lighter from one edge of the mug to get it to light off, due to the chilling effect of the Guinness below on the Wild Turkey above, but it will light with a beautiful blue flame.

Enjoy the flame for just a few moments, lest the rim of the mug get too hot, and quaff the lot in one toss. If you get the Wild Turkey in the first mouthful and don't spill it all over your silly face, you don't get burnt....

Hence the reason for a limit of about 4 of these in one sitting.....with a cabbie waiting to take one home. Preferably one who already knows where you live.

One evening a young college pup witnessed the downing of our first, and took quite an interest. Wanting to prove his manhood, he asked to join us. We did 2, 3, and 4 as he did his first, second, and third.

Shortly thereafter he bolted for the loo.

So much for his manhood....LOL.
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Message 1051268 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 4:33:50 UTC

Irish Coffee(no Baileys BLEH!!)

Prepare a pot of coffee, with a sprinkle of cinnamon over the grounds.

1 shot irish whisky(Jameson works, Old Bushmills has a bite but beats going thirsty)
1 tsp sugar
Fill mug with Cinnamon coffee
Top with Whipped Cream(Sorry for the animal cruelty)

Best consumed in front of a fire on the coldest days, with a down comforter over your legs.
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Message 1051271 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 4:36:35 UTC - in response to Message 1051268.  

Irish Coffee(no Baileys BLEH!!)

Prepare a pot of coffee, with a sprinkle of cinnamon over the grounds.

1 shot irish whisky(Jameson works, Old Bushmills has a bite but beats going thirsty)
1 tsp sugar
Fill mug with Cinnamon coffee
Top with Whipped Cream(Sorry for the animal cruelty)

Best consumed in front of a fire on the coldest days, with a down comforter over your legs.

I happen to like Baileys Janice.
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Message 1051274 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 4:39:39 UTC - in response to Message 1051271.  

I forgive you Uli. ;) In my opinion this makes a far superior Irish Coffee though.
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Message 1051276 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 4:41:35 UTC

Mulled Wine (stolen shamelessly from about.com)

When winter weather swirls in, nothing could be cozier than a toasty mug of mulled wine. Mulled wine, the vine’s version of a classic hot toddy, is a traditional holiday treat in many Old World countries. Mulled wines have been warming people for centuries, they are wines that have been sweetened, spiced and slightly heated - offering a delightful alternative to traditional coffees, ciders and toddy’s at holiday gatherings or just on a cold winter's night.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutesIngredients:
•One bottle (750 mL) of red wine (suggestions: Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Merlot)
•One peeled and sliced orange (keep peel to add zest to taste into cooking pot)
•1/4 cup of brandy
•8-10 cloves
•2/3 cup honey or sugar
•3 cinnamon sticks
•1 tsp fresh or 2 tsp ground ginger (allspice can be substituted)
•Serves 4-6
To make the perfect cup of mulled wine, combine all ingredients in either a large pot or a slow cooker. Gently warm the ingredients on low to medium heat (avoid boiling), for 20-25 minutes. Stir occasionally to make sure that the honey or sugar has completely dissolved. When the wine is steaming and the ingredients have been well blended it is ready to serve. Ladle the mulled wine into mugs (leave seasonings behind) and enjoy!

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Message 1051278 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 4:43:04 UTC - in response to Message 1051268.  

Irish Coffee(no Baileys BLEH!!)

Prepare a pot of coffee, with a sprinkle of cinnamon over the grounds.

1 shot irish whisky(Jameson works, Old Bushmills has a bite but beats going thirsty)
1 tsp sugar
Fill mug with Cinnamon coffee
Top with Whipped Cream(Sorry for the animal cruelty)

Except for the coffee, sugar, cinnamon and whipped cream, that's exactly how I make it.
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Profile Uli
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Message 1051295 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 6:34:43 UTC

I am coming over for coffee.
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Message 1051297 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 6:55:14 UTC - in response to Message 1051295.  

I am coming over for coffee.

Come on over, I'll put a bottle.....er.... pot on.
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Message 1051298 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 7:12:13 UTC - in response to Message 1051295.  

I am coming over for coffee.

Sorry out of umbrellas .......
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Message 1051312 - Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 10:25:12 UTC - in response to Message 1051298.  

I am coming over for coffee.

Sorry out of umbrellas .......

That is ok. Between the mulled wine and the coffee with Baileys from Scare, I will be warming up just fine.
Thank you my friends.
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Message 1057806 - Posted: 19 Dec 2010, 14:41:32 UTC

Wassail is a centuries old English ceremonial cider used as an apple tree spirit offering during the Yuletide season to bless orchards and increase their yields. The word Wassail is from the Saxon for "Good Health" and a traditional toast is to hold high a cup of Wassail while exclaiming "Waes Heal!" Making and serving Wassail has been one of my favorite Winter holiday traditions. Here is my recipe:

Pour a gallon of fresh or refrigerated cider into a cauldron or electric crockpot. Add three cinnamon sticks. Cover and cook over high heat for at least fifteen minutes until the cider becomes hot. Uncover and add one teaspoon each of powdered cinnamon, cloves, and all spice. With a wooden spoon, stir the spices into the cider until they dissolve. Then reduce the heat to medium and cook at least another fifteen minutes. Wash, quarter, and remove the stem and seeds of an apple. Add the apple quarters to the cider and stir. Serve, or reduce the heat to warm and cover until ready to serve.

Wassail is a great beverage for parties. For large gatherings, I use a three gallon electric crockpot and start off making two gallons of cider with triple the amount of powdered spices. Each time a quarter of the Wassail in the pot has been consumed, I stir in more cider and increase the heat for a few minutes. In order that party-goers of all ages can partake, I do not add alcohol to the Wassail I make. However, I have a selection of liquor available for adults to add who want this option. At party's end, any Wassail left over can be cooled and refrigerated. It will keep for several days and can be consumed cold or hot.

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