Don't Buy British Petroleum (BP)

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Message 993069 - Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 22:28:34 UTC

F***'n multinatiional big oil corporations...

Exxon Valdez, Ixtoc, Atlantic Empress and now Deepwater Horizon.

For Fisherman, Spill Closes Door and Opens another.

I, for one, am looking forward to Peak Oil. And as soon as it becomes viable, I'm converting my car to solar.

Don't buy British Petroleum. They're always the first to raise the prices as the pump here.

I want to see big oil suffer.
- Luke.
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Message 993179 - Posted: 1 May 2010, 6:47:29 UTC

I believe that it would plainly be forbidden to prelever whatever it is in the sea except the fish, the sea is something too important for the earth and for the man for whom it was expressly created. It is necessary to impose enormous almonds for whom makes catastrophic smudges (500 million dollars).
It will dissuade those who do not have broad shoulders(a strong back) has to invest little which it have to make what? Gain(win) a little money.
The rich will never enter the Paradise.
" All The Universe sings the Praises Of Your Lord, but you do not understand its singing(song) ".
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Message 993359 - Posted: 1 May 2010, 22:03:13 UTC - in response to Message 993069.  
Last modified: 1 May 2010, 22:08:02 UTC

Don't buy British Petroleum.

I blame Halliburton--
and GoldmanSucks...
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Message 993806 - Posted: 3 May 2010, 16:33:58 UTC

hello it is momo19

Jesus said: " And these magnificent vessels which spin on all the seas thanks to the vapor... "

Thus if God buried very deep radioactivity, oil, mercury, and other it ' is for our good(property)

" All The Universe sings the Praises Of Your Lord, but you do not understand its singing(song) ".
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Message 993853 - Posted: 3 May 2010, 19:12:50 UTC - in response to Message 993806.  

I agree their are reasons that toxic things are usually not readily available to all of us

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 995886 - Posted: 12 May 2010, 22:40:24 UTC

... And it all could have been avoided.

There were prior warnings and yet the oil companies got off far far too lightly from a semi-corrupt and ineffective regulator authority...

It Could Have Been Avoided - BP – “Beyond Prosecution”

The recent devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could have been avoided if one former Federal EPA agent had been allowed to do his job. ...

Slick Operator

How British oil giant BP used all the political muscle money can buy to fend off regulators and influence investigations into corporate neglect.

All very silly... As these sort of things always are...

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Message 995947 - Posted: 13 May 2010, 9:47:48 UTC - in response to Message 995886.  

Another aspect is nicely commented on here:

We Have The Technologies To Deal With Oil Spills, Why Don’t We Use Them?

... It is a certainty that somewhere in the world we will have another oil spill. What is less certain that by then we will have developed the technologies to stop an accident becoming a catastrophe.

... And it all could have been avoided.

There were prior warnings and yet the oil companies got off far far too lightly from a semi-corrupt and ineffective regulator authority...

It Could Have Been Avoided - BP – “Beyond Prosecution”

The recent devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could have been avoided if one former Federal EPA agent had been allowed to do his job. ...

Slick Operator

How British oil giant BP used all the political muscle money can buy to fend off regulators and influence investigations into corporate neglect.

All very silly... As these sort of things always are...

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Message 995953 - Posted: 13 May 2010, 10:28:17 UTC - in response to Message 995947.  
Last modified: 13 May 2010, 10:28:35 UTC

As the information leaks out, it gets worse...

Gulf oil spill: firms ignored warning signs before blast, inquiry hears

... The committee heard testimony from oil executives suggesting multiple failures of safety systems that should have given advance warning of a blowout, or should have promptly cut off the flow of oil.

The failures included a dead battery in the blowout preventer, suggestions of a breach in the well casing, and failure in the shear ram, a device of last resort that was supposed to cut through and seal the drill pipe in the event of a blowout.

"Already we have uncovered at least four significant problems with the blowout preventer used on the Deepwater Horizon drill rig,"...

Another aspect is nicely commented on here:

We Have The Technologies To Deal With Oil Spills, Why Don’t We Use Them?

... It is a certainty that somewhere in the world we will have another oil spill. What is less certain that by then we will have developed the technologies to stop an accident becoming a catastrophe.

... And it all could have been avoided.

There were prior warnings and yet the oil companies got off far far too lightly from a semi-corrupt and ineffective regulator authority...

It Could Have Been Avoided - BP – “Beyond Prosecution”

The recent devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could have been avoided if one former Federal EPA agent had been allowed to do his job. ...

Slick Operator

How British oil giant BP used all the political muscle money can buy to fend off regulators and influence investigations into corporate neglect.

All very silly... As these sort of things always are...

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Message 995965 - Posted: 13 May 2010, 12:13:27 UTC - in response to Message 995953.  

What's even more scary is the thought of W wanting even more of these things out there. Lets not forget that conservatives are still pushing for more off shore rigs to this day

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 996550 - Posted: 15 May 2010, 23:48:31 UTC - in response to Message 995965.  

What's even more scary is the thought of W wanting even more of these things out there. Lets not forget that conservatives are still pushing for more off shore rigs to this day

There is no "W" in Obama. President Obama recently proposed "even more of these things out there". Get our head out of the past, man.
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Message 996596 - Posted: 17 May 2010, 5:42:49 UTC - in response to Message 996573.  
Last modified: 17 May 2010, 5:44:14 UTC

60 Minutes was on CBS TV today, It seems BP doesn't care for safety very much, But they sure do like to run things(BP overruled Transocean on the drilling rig and on capping the well with concrete plugs all in the name of getting the work done FASTER and so 11 people have died and there is oil all over the place, Both on the surface and about 100' or so below the surface is a slick about 10 miles long and It's come to light that BP has a well called Atlantis that could be much, much worse), It seems BP caused the accident in part and part of It was a lack of automatic safety measures like the joystick for the drill pipe, which was moved allowing the drill pipe to move 15' of pipe up and down while the big rubber gasket on the blowout preventer was constricted, What did BP execs say when there was lots of rubber in the drilling mud? Oh that's no big deal. As they wanted the the work done fast, Not safely(rubber should not be in the drilling mud, Hence the explosion, 11 human lives lost and environmental damage and does BP care? I really doubt It and Congress in both parties are livid, BP made $6 Billion in Profits, I think $5 Billion should be seized), AM/PM stores out here as well as any surviving ARCO gas stations use gasoline/diesel fuel from BP. No I can't stop buying gas for the car, I will not buy anymore BP though, Flying J or Pilot, Sure, or even from the local Truck Stop or someone else as none of them are BP. I wonder how many animals will die cause of BP playing fast and loose with Safety.

I happened to catch that bit on 60 minutes........
And I think there are many parties to blame.
But it was all under BP's watch, and I think their ultimate concern was for profit, and the devil take the hindmost. Well...the devil has had his due now, hasn't he?

I did not know that this was the second well that was being drilled into that deposit of oil. The first one was scuttled because BP tried to force the drilling to be done at an accelerated pace, which screwed the well up so much they had to abandon it and start over. So, when the second well was completed, and was in the final stages of capping it, BP tried to take a shortcut again, which literally blew up in their faces.

Every single party that made every single decision in this disaster should be held accountable.

The only sad part is, my friends, is that it's you and I that are gonna pay for it all in the long run........and every other living creature on this planet as well. You and I will pay from our pocketbooks....where do you think BP will get every nickle that they will have to pay out? The other living creatures...they, I am afraid, will have to pay with their existence.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 996650 - Posted: 17 May 2010, 12:09:11 UTC - in response to Message 996550.  

What's even more scary is the thought of W wanting even more of these things out there. Lets not forget that conservatives are still pushing for more off shore rigs to this day

There is no "W" in Obama. President Obama recently proposed "even more of these things out there". Get our head out of the past, man.

yes he did and from what he was quoted as say is take it slow make sure things dont get out of hand. and Lets make sure we dont have a repeat performance of this last disaster

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 996655 - Posted: 17 May 2010, 12:49:48 UTC - in response to Message 996573.  
Last modified: 17 May 2010, 12:51:18 UTC

60 Minutes was on CBS TV today, It seems BP doesn't care for safety very much, ... I wonder how many animals will die cause of BP playing fast and loose with Safety.

Well (very bad pun there :-( ), they also appear to be playing a game of hiding the details. See:

Scientists find vast unreported oil leak from Deepwater Horizon

A plume of oil 10 miles (16km) long, three miles wide and 300ft thick is pouring into the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon oil rig.

The plume is one of a number that scientists have found gushing into the sea a mile underwater, increasing concerns that the size of the spill could be thousands of times larger than has been previously calculated, according to The New York Times. ...

Also... The 'dispersants' that are being pumped underwater for the first time ever are in effect "deoderised kerosene"... Never before used like this and toxic to marine life from plankton all the way up to whales. They are also "bioconcentrated" by sea life...

The 'dispersants' do appear to be doing an effective job of stopping the oil from surfacing and so 'hiding' it under the surface. For the time being that is...

And it is all in a spawning ground for various species including the endangered tuna...

Quite a mess.

And a very slow response for doing anything about it. The same incompetent organisation that has caused the mess is being left to it's own priorities and devices to fluster onwards...

Are there any independent experts overseeing or directing the recovery effort?

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Message 996919 - Posted: 18 May 2010, 10:25:27 UTC

Sea Shepherd puts out it's first call to jump into the dirty fray:

Sea Shepherd announces campaign to save marine wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico

The British Petroleum (BP) deep-sea oil breach in the Gulf of Mexico is turning into the largest and most destructive oil spill in history. It is a priority emergency and a massive assault on a major marine ecosystem. While BP may be morally and legally responsible for causing this disaster, it is impractical and unwise to leave the rescue of all marine life in the Gulf to a private corporation. We all need to come together to address this, and we need to do it quickly.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is calling upon all able organizations to join us in sending vessels with trained crew to support large-scale efforts in the Gulf of Mexico...

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Message 997043 - Posted: 19 May 2010, 5:43:50 UTC - in response to Message 996650.  

What's even more scary is the thought of W wanting even more of these things out there. Lets not forget that conservatives are still pushing for more off shore rigs to this day

There is no "W" in Obama. President Obama recently proposed "even more of these things out there". Get our head out of the past, man.

yes he did and from what he was quoted as say is take it slow make sure things dont get out of hand. and Lets make sure we dont have a repeat performance of this last disaster

There will be a repeat of the disaster as long as we wish to be a technological society.

Transocean operated the rig, under orders from BP, with as much care as the engineers did operating the Chernobyl power plant. We know this is the cause, massive human failure caused by an artificial deadline. As soon as there is a deadline that has $$ attached, safety will be short cut to make the deadline. Human Nature. If you want to prevent these disasters in the future, work on the human nature of greed vs. safety.

In R&D, or any exploration of the unknown, there are three things. You can only know two of them. One, is what you will accomplish. Two, is how long it will take. Three, is how much is will cost.

NASA in the Apollo era understood this. They knew one and two. Get to the moon by 1969. Spend how ever much it takes.

NASA in the Shuttle era lost this understanding. All three were dictated to them. Two shuttles were lost because of this.

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Message 997374 - Posted: 20 May 2010, 16:20:34 UTC
Last modified: 20 May 2010, 16:27:34 UTC

The discovery of the underwater oil plume reads almost like a Clive Cussler "Dirk Pitt" novel:

Nature reports from the research ship Pelican as scientists map the hidden extent of the Deepwater disaster

... The researchers had originally been scheduled to map sea-floor formations in the Gulf of Mexico, just 15 kilometres from the Deepwater Horizon platform, and to survey historically significant shipwrecks using autonomous underwater vehicles launched from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium's 35-metre-long research vessel Pelican.

But when the oil-well blowout happened, just days before the ship was scheduled to depart, team leaders decided that the group should divert to oil studies and set about getting approval from NOAA, which is funding the expedition through a competitively awarded grant. "We felt that the mapping that we wanted to do could wait and that it would be an inappropriate use of this valuable ship time to do something that was not as urgent as the oil study," says NIUST oceanographer Vernon Asper.

For the first week of the cruise, much of the NIUST work focused on taking samples of sediment cores throughout the region, to develop a reliable baseline for future studies of oil that may settle to the sea floor. After a week of establishing a series of study sites, the team returned to port briefly to take on additional equipment — and a Nature journalist.

On their fourth day back at sea, on 12 May, the scientists made an astonishing find. "You've got to see this," said Arne Diercks, rushing into the ship's main lab. As those aboard gathered in the control room where data from a lowered sampling system come through in real time, Diercks, NIUST's chief scientist for the cruise, pointed out the telltale instrument readings. At a depth of around 1,000 metres, the team seemed to have struck oil...

Sounds like it is a very serious mess.

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Message 997390 - Posted: 20 May 2010, 17:18:29 UTC - in response to Message 996596.  

60 Minutes was on CBS TV today, It seems BP doesn't care for safety very much, ...

I happened to catch that bit on 60 minutes........
And I think there are many parties to blame.
But it was all under BP's watch, ...

If you want someone to blame then people should be looking in a mirror. Where is the hue-and-cry to spend the money necessary to get us off oil?

Where is our government in the effort to develop solar generation plants and a new transmission grid that will be needed to support a society with much higher electrical demands?

Where is the hue-and-cry to prosecute these people in the MMS that sat on their hands and granted permits without following regulations? Why is there no investigation to find out why permits were issued without environmental studies? Why isn't there an investigation about the meetings that Cheney held behind closed doors with the oil companies?

Is BP at fault? YES! But lets also turn over the rocks to find out just how much the oil company's proxies, i.e., Bush/Cheney, encouraged this kind of benign neglect because of their bias towards oil companies.
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Message 997400 - Posted: 20 May 2010, 18:01:29 UTC - in response to Message 997390.  

... Is BP at fault? YES! But lets also turn over the rocks to find out just how much the oil company's proxies, i.e., Bush/Cheney, encouraged this kind of benign neglect because of their bias towards oil companies.

Very much so, and to such an extent that G W Bush had good financial and political reason to be a "Climate Denier" for all the wrong reasons.

Stupid stubbornness instead of investigating alternatives?

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Message 997402 - Posted: 20 May 2010, 18:04:37 UTC
Last modified: 20 May 2010, 18:05:11 UTC

Looks like complacency and haste blew the game for BP:

Did Deepwater methane hydrates cause the BP Gulf explosion?

... It recognizes that the cementing process releases heat which can destabilize methane hydrates, and presents something called Cement System 2 as a solution to the problem. One of the graphs shows that the system doesn't achieve gel strength for four hours.

Yet according to an eyewitness report broadcast on Sunday on 60 Minutes, BP managers made the decision to decrease pressure in the well column by removing drilling mud before the cement had solidified in three plugs Halliburton had poured.

When a surge of gas started shooting up the well, a crucial seal on the blowout preventer at the well head on the ocean floor failed. It had been damaged weeks before and neglected as inconsequential by Transocean managers, according to the CBS news broadcast, even after chunks of rubber emerged from the drilling column on the surface.

According to the Associated Press, the victims of the Deepwater Horizon explosion said the blast occurred right after workers "introduced heat to set the cement seal around the wellhead." ...

That looks to be all very destructively silly for the sake of ignorant haste.

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Message 997589 - Posted: 21 May 2010, 17:33:55 UTC
Last modified: 21 May 2010, 17:35:26 UTC

So... BP were claiming a mere 5000 barrels of oil a day... Yet they now admit that they are siphoning off a small fraction of the oil blowout and that they are collecting more than that each day already!

To me, that looks like BP are playing a very dirty PR exercise...

Also consider:

EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won’t Be Held Accountable"

... At a congressional hearing Wednesday, a professor at Purdue University told lawmakers that the oil spill may be nineteen times larger than BP’s estimate. Steve Wereley estimated the spill is leaking 95,000 barrels of oil, or four million gallons, a day. BP has put the spill at 5,000 barrels a day.

Also on Wednesday, a group of Democratic lawmakers called on the Interior Department to shut down the Atlantis, BP’s second-largest oil and gas rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantis operates in 7,000 feet of water, 2,000 feet deeper than the Deepwater Horizon. ...

There's going to be a very bad mess with all of this...

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