Don't Buy British Petroleum (BP)

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Message 1065703 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 21:51:58 UTC - in response to Message 1064018.  

... after a stunt like BP is pulling, they should have all permits to conduct business in the united states REVOKED. Period. Shut them down. ...

News of their practices say one thing... Politics appears to something along the lines of "be damned"!

Just see the latest news:

BP shuts Alaska pipeline after leak

• BP shares fall 2.5% and oil prices rise on news
• Pipe carries 12% of America's oil output
• Leak could push up petrol prices for motorists

BP Gulf oil spill final report backs British safety model

... Under the UK's 'safety case' model which the commission has endorsed in previous hearings, companies are required to separately assess the risk for each operation and show how they would mitigate this. Experts believe this system, which is audited by independent consultants, results in fewer accidents because companies have to proactively demonstrate safe operations in each instance.

The analysts also doubt that production in the Gulf of Mexico will ever recover to pre-spill levels. Tighter drilling regulations will mean that "permitting will forever be more deliberate and constrained" they said.

In 2006, BP was responsible for the largest ever oil spill on Alaska's North Slope when a pipeline at its Prudhoe Bay field leaked an estimated 5,000 barrels.

BP's Alaska operations have also been the subject of numerous 'whistleblowing' safety concerns being raised by the ombudsman the company set up in 2006. Of the 252 known concerns received since 2006, 148 relate to BP's Alaska operations, including 50 specific safety-related concerns at the North Slope operations. ...

BP oil spill: Colombian farmers sue for negligence

Farmers claim BP breached a duty of care which lead to poisoned water, caused crops to fail and livestock to die

Offshore oil industry needs sweeping overhaul – White House commission

... But a number of legal experts have warned in the past few days that the current political atmosphere, with oil prices rising and a conservative Republican hold on Congress, would work against any overhaul of the industry.

In its recommendations, the commission has looked beyond the Gulf to Alaska, now being opened up for exploration, and recommended further research on the effects of a spill in the harsh and remote environment.

The commission is also expected to recommend reducing the size of lease sales to allow for better environmental oversight.

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Message 1065900 - Posted: 12 Jan 2011, 15:26:35 UTC - in response to Message 1065874.  

Yep, it's BP bashing time, only to be expected....

Except that the 'bashing' is being very carefully orchestrated to keep the oil flowing...

What was that mantra phrase from James Herbert's Dune series?

The Spice must flow!

I just hope the transformation of our planet is nothing like as drastic as happened to Arrakis! Stories and cinema are one thing. The real world has to be lived in!

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Message 1073804 - Posted: 3 Feb 2011, 14:50:45 UTC
Last modified: 3 Feb 2011, 14:51:23 UTC

Only "delayed"?...

Shell Delays Alaska Exploration After Oil Spill in U.S. Gulf

Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s largest oil company, will delay its drilling campaign in Alaska after the worst U.S. oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year.

Shell hasn’t received full clearance to start drilling off the coast of Alaska, according to Chief Executive Officer Peter Voser. The company decided to postpone its plans to spend as much as $150 million in the region until 2012. ...

So... What would happen with a gulf-like-scale blowout unleashed to spoil the Arctic?

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Message 1073806 - Posted: 3 Feb 2011, 14:54:36 UTC - in response to Message 1073804.  
Last modified: 3 Feb 2011, 15:39:51 UTC

Only "delayed"?...

Shell Delays Alaska Exploration After Oil Spill in U.S. Gulf

Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s largest oil company, will delay its drilling campaign in Alaska after the worst U.S. oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year.

Shell hasn’t received full clearance to start drilling off the coast of Alaska, according to Chief Executive Officer Peter Voser. The company decided to postpone its plans to spend as much as $150 million in the region until 2012. ...

So... What would happen with a gulf-like-scale blowout unleashed to spoil the Arctic?

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What will happen? 
I will tell you: Same xxxxxx, different temperatures!!

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Message 1073904 - Posted: 3 Feb 2011, 20:50:04 UTC - in response to Message 1073804.  

With the lack of surface ice, the arctic currents have not yet been calculated and/or mapped. It will be possible to share the mess with not only the alaskan coast, but the entire pacific and atlantic as well as the arctic oceans.
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Message 1077893 - Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 14:17:54 UTC - in response to Message 1073904.  

With the lack of surface ice, the arctic currents have not yet been calculated and/or mapped. It will be possible to share the mess with not only the alaskan coast, but the entire pacific and atlantic as well as the arctic oceans.

By the example of this ongoing mess, looks like the BP Gulf mess will be dragging on for a very long time yet...

Amazon pollution: Chevron hits back in row with Ecuador

... The legal wrangle has been going on for almost two decades, and has spawned lawsuits in the US and Ecuador.

Analysts say further appeals are likely to drag on for years.

The oil firm Texaco, which merged with Chevron in 2001, is accused of dumping billions of gallons of toxic waste into unlined pits and Amazon rivers between 1972 and 1992.

Campaigners say crops were damaged and farm animals killed, and that local cancer rates increased. ...

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Message 1078373 - Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 18:07:55 UTC

So... How come this Michigan big mess has only just hit the news over here?

Tar sands pipeline poses health risks, campaigners claim

Just after dawn on July 26, 2010, homeowners along Talmadge Creek near Marshall, Michigan, awoke to the chemical stench of raw fuel. Several bolted outside and followed the sickening stink to the creek's wooded banks and found its source: a torrent of black goo, unlike anything ever experienced in Michigan or anywhere else in the upper Midwest, heading downstream to the Kalamazoo River.

The black goo originated some 2,000 miles away, in the tar sands fields of Alberta, Canada. ...

... In Michigan, meanwhile, people are still contending with the consequences of last summer's spill. ... A class-action lawsuit is in development. Enbridge said its cleanup costs could reach $550 million, according to Canadian press reports. All but $35 million to $45 million will be paid by its insurers. Cleanup work is continuing and, the company has bought out 71 homeowners whose property was affected.

The company, meanwhile, repaired the rupture and reopened the pipeline in September. The Suncor refinery in Sarnia, Canada, and the BP refinery in Whiting, Indiana, have resumed processing DilBit [dilute bitumen] into fuel.

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Message 1078615 - Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 2:13:36 UTC - in response to Message 1078373.  

Awww darnit! I just filled up with BP. Wish I'd have gotten the memo earlier!
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Message 1078766 - Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 13:40:51 UTC - in response to Message 1078615.  

Awww darnit! I just filled up with BP. Wish I'd have gotten the memo earlier!

That will be 15 barrels of unrefined bitumen tar (dangerously smelly) on your front porch then... Or were you one of the (un)lucky ones to get your home bought out from you?

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Message 1082715 - Posted: 1 Mar 2011, 15:32:39 UTC

Not sure if this isn't more appropriate for the "Stupid" thread:

Indonesian mud volcano flow 'to last 26 years'

The world's largest mud volcano, which left 13,000 families homeless, is likely to continue erupting for another 26 years, researchers have estimated.


The volcano, in East Java, Indonesia, has buried homes, schools and farmlands over seven square kilometres. ...

Professor Davies supported the drilling hypothesis: "There is a lot of evidence now that shows it was caused by drilling - there was a blowout that was not controlled."

In 2008, the company that was drilling in the area and blamed for triggering the volcano agreed to pay compensation to the 50,000 displaced people. However, it did not say the drilling activities were the sole cause of the volcano. ...

He explained that the volcano was driven by carbonated water in an aquifer, estimated to be about 2.5-3.5km beneath the surface, that travelled up through the drilled borehole and passed through a layer of muddy material (known as the Upper Kalibeng) before erupting on the surface via a 50-metre central vent. ...

The team worked on the assumption that the aquifer was not being recharged from another source, so there was no way for pressure to return once it had been discharged.

"If there is recharge taking place then the 26-year estimate will be too short," he conceded. "Basically, does Lusi have any surprises left for us."

US Greenlights Gulf's 1st Deepwater Well Since Spill

With oil prices again spiking above $100 a barrel, the US issued its first deepwater drilling permit in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon made ocean-disaster history in the region. Noble Energy got the go-ahead to continue work on its Santiago well... At 6,500 feet below the surface, Noble's well is deeper than BP's blown out Macondo well, reports the AP.

In Noble's worst-case scenario, the well could spill 3 million gallons a day—topping BP's 2.6 million gallons at its peak. "We expect further deepwater permits to be approved in coming weeks and months...

So... It looks like business as usual...

Consequences be damned?

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Message 1082774 - Posted: 1 Mar 2011, 23:27:46 UTC

No surprise on this one:

BP fund lawyer to refuse 100,000 Gulf spill disaster claims

Vast majority of 130,000 unsettled claims do not have adequate documentation, says Ken Feinberg

... The state governments of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida accuse Feinberg of stalling claims, causing hardship to local businesses. They also accuse Feinberg of under-estimating losses to local businesses. They have asked the courts to order emergency payments.

Earlier this month, a New Orleans judge ordered Feinberg to stop calling himself an independent operator, as BP pays his law firm $850,000 a month to oversee the compensation fund.

BP meanwhile said Feinberg has been overly generous. Feinberg, on the defensive, told reporters that most of his estimates were based on the assumption that the Gulf would make a full recovery by the end of next year .

However, the fishing and tourist industries, which were badly damaged by the spill, claim it will take much longer to recover.

I would expect nothing less from any big energy company regardless of their name. Is there an Erin Brockovich still in business to take up the challenge for the rest of the people?...

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Message 1099093 - Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 12:26:54 UTC

One year on and this is just one very small example:

Video news report: Where has the BP Deepwater Horizon oil gone?

... Andy Gallacher reports on the environmental damage and tries to answer the question about where the oil is now.

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Message 1099280 - Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 23:41:12 UTC

Looks like the one-year-anniversary is a good excuse for a few follow-up stories:

BP spill: Life in Gulf of Mexico one year on

... "I wanna get physical, I wanna beat the hell out of somebody," he continues, slamming his large hand down to make a point.

"You know you done said everything you can say, you done everything you can do, next thing there's the fight. But who you gonna fight when the federal government allows this company [BP] to come in and do this to us?"

Mr Wright's frustrations are echoed across this small fishing village, from the picturesque docks where the fishermen put white shrimp on ice, across to one of several seafood processing plants that are based here.

'Universally despised' ...

So... What do we do about it?!

To use a "Gary" quote: NUKE THE BP BASTARDS?!


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Message 1099500 - Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 20:26:08 UTC

And so the recriminations begin:

BP sues Deepwater Horizon partners for £24bn

... BP said it had filed the lawsuits "to ensure that all parties involved in the Macondo well are appropriately held accountable for their roles in contributing to the Deepwater Horizon accident". Of the three lawsuits, only the Transocean filing cites a specific compensation figure of "at least $40bn".

Transocean has filed a countersuit against BP ...

Halliburton said it would "vigorously defend" the allegations, which were lodged on the deadline for parties involved in the spill to file claims against each other. Cameron said it had filed counterclaims and it was "not surprising" to see a flurry of legal activity on the claims deadline. ...

And yet more drilling of the same type continues. That is a disaster that will happen again.

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Message 1099793 - Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 21:18:39 UTC

And to add insult to injury......
BP Cut Tax Bill by $13B Due to Losses From Spill.

From CNN.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1100088 - Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 20:29:20 UTC - in response to Message 1099793.  
Last modified: 23 Apr 2011, 20:29:44 UTC

Well, looks like El Presidente just bought 53,000 gallons from them. Great way to end Earth Day, huh?

Hope & Change !!!
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Message 1117276 - Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 11:48:00 UTC

Is this where BP tries to paint over its operations?...

Climate activists target BP Portrait Award

Protesters displayed a collection of portraits outside the gallery showing the impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Climate activists on Tuesday night targeted the BP Portrait Award ceremony in protest against sponsorship from the oil giant.

Demonstrators claimed BP was using the arts in an attempt to divert attention away from its impact on the environment. ...

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Message 1142263 - Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 20:18:37 UTC

There's also others in the oil industry trying to paint an unrealistically clean picture:

Oil spill exposes Shell's ticking timebomb

The Gannet Alpha spill in the North Sea is a stark reminder of the dangers of ageing rigs and oil company PR

For Shell, the timing of a spill at its Gannet A facility in the UK North Sea couldn't have been worse. For months, it has been selling its reputation as a responsible and cutting-edge oil company in its bid to [b]drill in the Beaufort Sea in the US Arctic[.b] – and it recently won approval. ...

... undermining Shell's PR strategy. The company has been castigated over its lack of transparency in reporting the leak and for downplaying its magnitude and potential impacts. We now know that the spill is the single largest in UK waters in the last 10 years. While the spill is unlikely to approach the devastating impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, its significance lies in the fact that it took place under the much vaunted "gold standard" regulatory regime of the UK and by a company that has been trading on its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

Gannet A should serve as a wake-up call to a government that has for too long relied on industry assurances ...

Sounds very familiar?...

And they are moving into the Arctic?!

All without a care in the world? (Or of the world?...)

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Message 1144252 - Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 10:36:08 UTC - in response to Message 1142263.  

... Gannet A should serve as a wake-up call to a government that has for too long relied on industry assurances ...[/i]

Sounds very familiar?...

And they are moving into the Arctic?!

All without a care in the world? (Or of the world?...)

Shell defends safety after North Sea oil leak

... The company has been tackling the release of more than 200 tonnes of oil near the Gannet Alpha platform. ...

... The oil giant said oil had been seeping from the valve at a rate of less than one barrel a day before it was closed.

The situation will continue to be monitored.

The leak - about 300ft (91m) below the surface - had been discovered earlier this month.

The Gannet Alpha oil platform is 113 miles (180km) off Aberdeen.

Sounds like that had been leaking unnoticed at a low level for an awful long time before it finally blew to dump a few hundred tons in one gulp...

From this example and others, looks like the oil industry is guaranteed to spoil any area they operate in, especially so in the Arctic where oil spills will linger for a very long time. One small example is the non-recovery from the Exxon Valdez spill many years ago...

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Message 1144321 - Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 15:12:28 UTC

Why is this thread titled British Petroleum when it has not been called that tof more than 25 years?

Catch up and be correct.
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