Don't Buy British Petroleum (BP)

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1004155 - Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 20:29:40 UTC - in response to Message 1004083.  

Actually, something like Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection today would be in the public's interest. This would allow the courts to control how BP spends the money in the bank, and how they shuffle other assets to avoid liability

Seeing as how Barack Petroleum isn't a US company, I don't think US Bankruptcy laws apply to it. From what I know and that isn't much, British re-organization and bankruptcy laws are radically different than the USA's. No chapter 11.

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Message 1004236 - Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 23:13:09 UTC

Anyone seen what BP are doing to Google?!

BP's Disaster Containment Plan: Throw Plenty of Money at Google

When it comes to containing the damage from the worst oil spill in history, BP will spare no expense --- on public relations, that is. Its latest move: Throw as much money as possible to buy up Google ads, as a way to route people to a Web site that is long on deception and spin, and short on the truth. ...

... So, why still hasn't BP got the tankers in place yet to catch all the gushing oil rather than just a poor 10% or so?...

That is already a very bad mess for a long time to come...


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Message 1004253 - Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 23:52:11 UTC - in response to Message 1004236.  

Anyone seen what BP are doing to Google?!

BP's Disaster Containment Plan: Throw Plenty of Money at Google

When it comes to containing the damage from the worst oil spill in history, BP will spare no expense --- on public relations, that is. Its latest move: Throw as much money as possible to buy up Google ads, as a way to route people to a Web site that is long on deception and spin, and short on the truth. ...

... So, why still hasn't BP got the tankers in place yet to catch all the gushing oil rather than just a poor 10% or so?...

That is already a very bad mess for a long time to come...


Yeah, Saw It, Wish I hadn't, I've seen My fill of oily Pelicans, I just wish this was over.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1005208 - Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 12:13:55 UTC - in response to Message 1002172.  
Last modified: 17 Jun 2010, 12:14:24 UTC

Amazing, disgusting, and widely damaging all round that the oil is still gushing out after so long!

Oil spill: Barack Obama criticises BP boss Tony Hayward

One 'killer' comment in there is:

... He said that while BP had nearly doubled the amount of oil being funnelled from the leaking wellhead since Friday, it was now "trying to increase that production rate, close the venting valves and move to a greater capacity". ...

My interpretation of that is that BP considers it cheaper to let the oil leak out than to get more tankers there to collect it for processing or disposal.

That does indeed appear to be the case:

BP will pay 'many billions of dollars in fines' for oil spill, White House warns

... the effort cannot be expanded because the company does not yet have vessels big enough to capture more of the oil...

... So it must be considered cheaper to destroy the Gulf rather than hire more oil tankers.

And there's oil tankers to spare in the Caribbean:

Mixed Signals for Oil Tanker Market in April

... In the Caribbean market, rates were hit by ample tonnage availability...

So why STILL no greater proportion of collection or even 100% recovery of the gushing oil?!

BP bosses arrive for Obama crisis talks

... Estimates of how much oil is gushing out of the well have again risen dramatically.

A government panel of scientists now believes 35,000-60,000 barrels are leaking each day, up from its estimate last week of 20,000-40,000.

BP managed to place a cap over the leaking oil pipe earlier this month, and is now collecting some of the oil.

It has now begun burning some of the oil brought to the surface in an effort to increase the amount of oil that can be dealt with each day. ...

I think we can be very sure that the volume of gushing oil has been greatly underestimated all along.

And many species depend upon that area for spawning and for their continued existence.

Who knows what next?

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Message 1005214 - Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 12:18:40 UTC

Just one very small part:

Delicate patterns in the sea breaking on Orange Beach, Alabama, more than 90 miles from the BP oil spill, cannot distract from the mess four to six inches deep on parts of the shore

And a further expansion of the mess:

Cuba braces to contend with BP oil spill

... A relative lack of economic development has kept the north Cuban coast – just 90 miles from Florida – a haven for manatees, migratory sea turtles and sharks. White sand beaches are an important draw for tourists who provide an economic lifeline to the communist state.

Ramon Pardo, head of Cuban civil defence, said Havana was taking all precautions. "The preparation of the coast, vigilance, creating all necessary conditions, preparing the people who live on the coasts that could be impacted."...

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Message 1010135 - Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 22:56:47 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jun 2010, 23:47:39 UTC

In painful brief:

What a deadly mess!

What will get sick from the slick?

Far from the tar-coated beaches and clean-up crews seen on nightly news programmes, the Deepwater Horizon disaster is exacting an ongoing and largely unknown toll. In the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico, floating oil slicks and subsurface plumes threaten a highly diverse ecosystem. According to a 2009 inventory by the Harte Research Institute (HRI) for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, the area around the ill-fated rig hosts 1,728 species, among them whale sharks, tarpon, tuna, sea turtles and sperm whales. With no end in sight for the spill, researchers are now struggling to understand the scope and nature of the damage to deep-ocean ecosystems through some of the Gulf's largest residents. ...


Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil spill in Gulf

Methane at 100,000 times normal levels have been creating oxygen-depleted areas devoid of life near BP's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to two independent scientists


Feelings and exasperation run too high to comment...

The executives certainly need pulling down to earth and stripped of all their earthly worth, at the very least...

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Message 1010892 - Posted: 2 Jul 2010, 17:45:39 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jul 2010, 18:18:18 UTC

The Gulf Disaster
Day 882

UN scientist are now considering the use of liquid nitrogen as a 'fix' to the now 'bankrupt' BP's well leaks. BP colapsed after their stock prices crashed, their products where boycotted and the company's 49.8 billion paid out in fighting the spills and damage claims.
The 'plan' is to pump liquid nitrogen in to the first well from a secondary well drilled to intersect 2,000 feet below the ocean floor.
Scientist are hoping this will 'freeze' the oil and make it possible to contain the spill. A spokesman stated that this will take at least 5 months to
accomplish due to the lack of breathable air in the region. Works will be required to wear full hazardous waste protection while working, greatly reducing their efficiency.
If this works, they are hoping it will stop the second leak created when Atlantic Explorer exploded and sank in September of 2010.
The US Republican's continue blaming the courts for overturning former US president Obama's executive order to stop the drilling of the 33 exploratory wells in the Gulf, even though the republican party originally fought to get the drilling moratorium lifted.

The UN is hoping to conclude the debate on if the 'Atlantic's lost' by the end of next month and weather or not to move the effort to aid the Pacific war.
The battle to save Hawaii's beaches continues despite the lack of adequate funding and resources. The UN's up-coming decision may be the regions last chance at being saved.
Meanwhile, Australia's and other nation's battles continue. New help may be coming to those regions as well if the Atlantic battle is deemed a 'lost cause'.
Currently, there is a 5 mile 'keep out' band around all shores of the Atlantic ocean because of heath hazards. Governments of all Atlantic bordering nations
are urging any remaining people with in, what is now being called 'The 5 mile Dead Zone' to get out now. This 'border' may be moved even more inland if
the air quality continues to degrade, a UN spokesperson stated. There is 'talk' of imposing this safety measure on all nations that boarder the Indian and Southern oceans later next week.
The UN has not made any comment on a plan is to deal with the millions of dead life forms washing up on the shores around the Atlantic and other oceans. NOAA
has set the estimated death of Atlantic life forms at around 86% and that 100% is inevitable even if the two spills are contained.

Temperatures continue to 'sore' as more Hydro Carbons enter the atmosphere caused by the evaporation of the oil on the Seas. The UN's appointed science chairman declared yesterday, "We have still not found a viable method to capture these gases at any significant rate that will abed the global temperature increases". She also stated the science committee are "Continuing the research on all realist ideas to capture the gas".

Gas Prices are unsurprisingly, up 2% more today. With an average cost of $17.12 per gallon in the USA, motorist in that nation are not driving unless required.

Food prices are expected to hit record highs as the price of transportation sky rockets. Some foods are expected to increase by 600 to 800% as the land they are grown on becomes to warm to sustain the crops.
Some even fear that certain foods will disappear because of the 'fussy' temperatures required to grow these food products.

The relocation of the financial giants of New York city to Bolder Colorado is almost complete. Other Nations financial districts are moving far inland as well as the 'dead zone' encroaches.
The UN sited this as a 'good move' because even if the air was breathable, the rising sea levels will soon place many of the streets in costal areas under one to three feet of salt water with in a few years.
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Message 1015325 - Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 13:01:27 UTC - in response to Message 1010892.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2010, 13:01:43 UTC

The Gulf Disaster
Day 882

UN scientist are now considering the use of liquid nitrogen as a 'fix' to the now 'bankrupt' BP's well leaks. BP colapsed after their stock prices crashed, their products where boycotted and the company's 49.8 billion paid out in fighting the spills and damage claims.
The 'plan' is to pump liquid nitrogen in to the first well from a secondary well drilled to intersect 2,000 feet below the ocean floor. ...


The relocation of the financial giants of New York city to Bolder Colorado is almost complete. Other Nations financial districts are moving far inland as well as the 'dead zone' encroaches.
The UN sited this as a 'good move' because even if the air was breathable, the rising sea levels will soon place many of the streets in costal areas under one to three feet of salt water with in a few years.

Scarily, that is one of a number of plausible scenarios...

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Message 1015327 - Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 13:10:04 UTC
Last modified: 13 Jul 2010, 13:17:17 UTC

Tangible progress at last?

BP installs new sealing cap on leaking Gulf oil well

BP has successfully installed a new sealing cap on the leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well, company officials say.

It is hoped the new cap will stop the leak and help capture all the oil before it can pour into the sea. ...


And they've only just now put the surface ships in place to be able to take all the oil that is captured.

A good improvement but still an awful mess.

Obviously it is considered better business sense to pollute the ocean hoping that the vast quantities of oil remain hidden from view than to expedite fixing the source mess that was created in the first place.

How much wildlife and how much human livelihoods destroyed?

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Message 1017931 - Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 14:11:17 UTC

i think petroleum has no countries or origin

Koran: " even though will go they to hide among stars, but they will make it only when ' they will discover a source of energy, inexhaustible (unlimited), and God will strike the Men(People) there or they will be ".

Thus we have to wait to have another type of energy, unlimited, perhaps fusion???

Purpose i insist that Jesus-Christ has shown the " vapor ". Because water, changes from ice to vapor, drank it always return to water and gift produce any bad or cancerigene material.

Radioactivity, petroleum, and all about inside the Earth is very bad for men, has kind of Zakkoum. drank what can we doh?

Yew we kill BP, another wil take its place and perhaps make something worse
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Message 1018633 - Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 10:25:11 UTC

Looks like they have been damnably lucky with their timing and weather:

Ships evacuated from Gulf as tropical storm advances

Earlier storms would have left them with a completely unrestricted gusher.

Still a big mess yet to clean up... And make safe...

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Message 1019324 - Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 23:00:54 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jul 2010, 23:01:12 UTC

I very much hope BP has a vastly improved and effective safety ethos for this:

BP set to begin oil drilling off Libya

... BP spokesman David Nicholas told AFP news agency on Saturday: "We expect to begin the first well in the next few weeks", adding that the wells "can take six months or more to drill".

The Libyan well is deeper than the well that ruptured under the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon blew up on 20 April, killing 11 workers.

Mr Nicholas said: "If there are any lessons obviously that come out of the investigation into what happened on the Deepwater Horizon, we will apply those to our drillings across the world." ...

The Gulf of Mexico is the one area where one species of tuna spawns.

The Gulf of Sirte is where the second species of tuna spawns...

I hope we don't drive all tuna to extinction!

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Message 1019783 - Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 19:53:01 UTC - in response to Message 1019324.  
Last modified: 26 Jul 2010, 19:53:25 UTC

Can there be a "safe" ethos when such as this is accepted as normal practice?:

Tech Worker Testifies of 'Blue Screen of Death' on Oil Rig's Computer

... The machine had been locking up for months, Williams said, producing what he and others on the crew called a "blue screen of death." "It would just turn blue. You'd have no data coming through," Williams said today, according to the New York Times' story.

With the computer frozen, the driller would not have access to crucial data about what was going on in the well. ...

I very much hope BP has a vastly improved and effective safety ethos for this:

BP set to begin oil drilling off Libya

... BP spokesman David Nicholas told AFP news agency on Saturday: "We expect to begin the first well in the next few weeks", adding that the wells "can take six months or more to drill".

The Libyan well is deeper than the well that ruptured under the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon blew up on 20 April, killing 11 workers.

Mr Nicholas said: "If there are any lessons obviously that come out of the investigation into what happened on the Deepwater Horizon, we will apply those to our drillings across the world." ...

The Gulf of Mexico is the one area where one species of tuna spawns.

The Gulf of Sirte is where the second species of tuna spawns...

I hope we don't drive all tuna to extinction!

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Message 1019788 - Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 20:28:43 UTC

"In his testimony Friday, Michael Williams, the chief electronics technician aboard the Transocean-owned Deepwater Horizon, said that the rig's safety alarm had been habitually switched to a bypass mode to avoid waking up the crew with middle-of-the-night warnings."

this is the reason, everything else is just trying to hide what they have done(or actually, not done)
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Message 1019803 - Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 21:06:28 UTC - in response to Message 1019788.  

an interesting note that seems to have slipped by everyone.

I heard on NPR about testimony that indicated that the BP folks turned off the Methane detectors on the rig because of the false positives. They didnt like how it disrupted work and workers sleep. I'm sure the dead and injured can rest easy on that note

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1019921 - Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 1:48:20 UTC - in response to Message 1019803.  

an interesting note that seems to have slipped by everyone.

I heard on NPR about testimony that indicated that the BP folks turned off the Methane detectors on the rig because of the false positives. They didnt like how it disrupted work and workers sleep. I'm sure the dead and injured can rest easy on that note

I think I said they operated the rig with the same skill and know how and attention to detail as the engineers did operating the Chernobyl power plant.

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Message 1020048 - Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 10:53:16 UTC - in response to Message 1020016.  
Last modified: 27 Jul 2010, 10:53:36 UTC

Greenpeace activists shut down London Gas stations

Quite a good one for a news splash!

Meanwhile, over in the Gulf:

BP oil spill: Vessels return to site after storm

... "We're going to be playing a cat-and-mouse game for the remainder of the hurricane season," he said. ...

BP to set aside $32.2bn to cover oil spill costs

BP says it has set aside $32.2bn (£20.8bn) to cover the costs linked to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

What isn't costed is the life painfully destroyed and contaminated across a vast area and volume of ocean... Or for how long the mess is going to persist.

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Message 1020088 - Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 13:19:32 UTC

When I ' was at the school, at the beginning of the 70s, my professor already said to us that most considered the sea as a trash can.
And what many people preferred to empty ferment them on the open sea, because the fine imposed in case of grip(taking) in offence, was lower than the cost of the cleaning of the tanks of boat, especially when ' he ' acted of product toxic. But I see that the USA are scandalized, only because them own coast(ribs) is made dirty, the USA it was has little against the measures of reduction of CO2 there????
And then I do not condemn BP because if the platform would still produce some oil, they would have it of the profit, it ' is thus that BP did not make it express. But the USA have they the quiet consciousness. When the USA waged war in Vietnam, have they not bombarded that - this with barrel(trunk) of poison and toxic product??? I saw it has the TV, but I do not know if it ' is true. But if it ' is the case this pollution was deliberately made, have it Because I am sure, me that BP never if it ' the case is this pollution was deliberately made, have they not blown up his(her,its) platform which brought back to(reported) him(her) millions. it ' is little as the children careless who are going to play on a piece of waste ground, and him(her,it) one of them, unlucky person, puts the foot on an appearance(mine), is it is killed or a leg, but men ' really care there they, since this do not arrive at their son.

Koran: roughly: " said God: oh Man, I declare you that I refrained myself from the injustice, and if you want to be my vicar, I declare you that I you the prohibition ".

Thus the cannibals who received nothing from the revelation of their Lord, are eatable some the others for centuries, but God does not punish them for what they make, because ' they have no Law which forbids it to them.
And it will be maybe they the future believers above all the others, but us who received law divine, we are sometimes punished, for a single word which is fate(spell) For a single word which went out of our mouth, or writes.
Ciao Momo

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Message 1020358 - Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 12:35:03 UTC - in response to Message 1020356.  

some yahoo ran into it. not like they were drilling and it exploded

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Message 1020784 - Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 14:48:48 UTC - in response to Message 1020048.  


BP to set aside $32.2bn to cover oil spill costs

BP says it has set aside $32.2bn (£20.8bn) to cover the costs linked to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

What isn't costed is the life painfully destroyed and contaminated across a vast area and volume of ocean... Or for how long the mess is going to persist.

An interesting perspective is given from these clips:

Reality Flyover at Macondo Wellhead: Oil Is Still There Folks

... This was 24 hours before the mainstream talking heads of all political stripes were declaring that only one barrel of oil had been skimmed from the Gulf on Tuesday, so it looked pretty much as if the crisis were over.

But is it?

The oil flowed mercilessly for 86 days until July 15, dumping 200 million gallons of Louisiana crude into the Gulf of Mexico. SkyTruth, the website that has accurately depicted the size and scope of the river of oil since the days when BP was maintaining a paltry 1000 barrels per day, has a nifty analysis and a couple of good caveats. ...

... All of those 200 million gallons did not vanish. How much oil can't be seen with satellite images? How much oil is buried in beach sands, embedded in marshes, is still dispersed in the water column or is lying on the sea floor? ...

Our featured pilot, Bonny Schumaker, took NBC up for a tour of the oiled waters yesterday. NBC is taking the lead now and stressing that the oil has not disappeared (News video)

... Over 1.8 MILLION GALLONS of [toxic] dispersant added to over 200 MILLION GALLONS of crude oil...

And for a glib news-clip summary:

"Oil is degrading" (News video)

"Oil really is degrading. How you take that depends on whether you want it to disappear or whether you may (or may not) profit by it."

There's going to be quite a mess there for some time yet. One question is: how much life has been wiped out? Tuna? Turtles?

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