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Message 997592 - Posted: 21 May 2010, 17:41:39 UTC - in response to Message 990968.  
Last modified: 21 May 2010, 17:42:32 UTC

By hook, crook, bribery, and other means of 'coercion', there's a very dubious and disgusting proposal being pushed to 'legalise' whaling.

Note that there is still a world-wide ban on whaling because all whale species are still at a small fraction of their numbers from before industrialised whaling.


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If we can't stop the unnecessary extinction of such a large species such as whales, perhaps we all should just simply all roll over and die.

It is all very dubious indeed:

The Whaling Deal: It's All in the Numbers

... With less than a month to go until the International Whaling Commission holds what could be its final annual meeting in Agadir, Morocco, the authors of a proposed "compromise" deal -- that would in essence allow Japan, Norway, and Iceland to continue whaling for ten years at arbitrarily set quotas...

... The disingenuous elements of the proposed "deal" don't end there. The aforementioned press release claimed that, based on the whalers' self-assigned catch limits for 2009, the deal would result in 14,000 fewer whales being killed over the next ten years. But, as IFAW's Vasilli Papastravrou pointed out recently, that doesn't exactly tell the whole story. Papastavrou, speaking at a briefing at the Dirksen Senate Office Building alongside actors Joely Fisher (from 'Til Death) and Goran Visnjic of E.R., pointed out that while catch limits have continued to climb, catches themselves have not.

For a likely variety of reasons, not least the attentions of Sea Shepherd, Japan is becoming less successful at reaching its quota in the Antarctic; Norway habitually abandons its hunt halfway through the season because the whale meat market there is saturated; and Iceland's "whaling industry" is essentially one obsessive man. ...

... So, in a month's time, the IWC seems likely to accept a proposal to grant legitimacy to an industry that has been defying an international ban for a quarter century, that would use arbitrary catch limits to save the lives of whales that wouldn't be killed anyway ...

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Message 998773 - Posted: 25 May 2010, 16:00:40 UTC - in response to Message 990968.  

Hi Martin,

There is a very easy solution to this. Just wondering - how many products do you own that are made by Japanese companies?

The list of companies is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_of_Japan

Boycott them - talk, my friend, does NOTHING! Rather than complaining here - write these companies and TELL them why you refuse to buy their products.

This is just my opinion, Whales Under Threat does very little. Actually it does nothing. The movie The Cove worked for only 1 season and now the bastages are back at it as of March 2010. The Japanese Government said in a press release:
The dolphin hunting is a part of traditional fishery of this country and it has been lawfully carried out.

We have to hurt them where it matters; quit buying their products and TELL THEM WHY!

But this won't happen because most Sheeple simply don't care - sad, but true. 99.9% of humankind Talks the Talk, but very few of us Walk the Talk...
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Message 1002174 - Posted: 9 Jun 2010, 18:06:36 UTC

'Unfortunate' moves in Japan:

Japanese cinemas drop dolphin slaughter film

... Unplugged, the Japanese distributor of The Cove, said three cinemas had cancelled screenings amid fears they would be disrupted by ultra-nationalists, who have denounced the film as "anti-Japanese".

Named best documentary feature at this year's Oscars, The Cove struggled to find a distributor in Japan following protests by Taiji fishermen, who complained that it contained inaccuracies and that they had been filmed without permission.

In an attempt to placate opponents, Unplugged blurred the faces of dolphin hunters in the Japanese version, which is due for domestic release on 26 June.

But threats of noisy street protests and unspecified "acts of sabotage" prompted two cinemas in Tokyo and one in Osaka to cancel the screenings. ...

Are the Japanese trying to make up for their 'difficulties' in the Antarctic whale sanctuary?

Japan fleet set sail on Pacific whaling trip

TOKYO — Japan launched a summer whaling mission Wednesday, with the target of killing 260 of the giant sea mammals in the Northwest Pacific waters despite legal action by Australia.

Three harpoon and two research ships set sail from three separate ports in Japan with more than 200 crew to hunt whales in the Pacific waters, said the Institute of Cetacean Research, which sends the state-backed whaling fleet. ...



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Message 1004609 - Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 11:22:07 UTC - in response to Message 990968.  

By hook, crook, bribery, and other means of 'coercion', there's a very dubious and disgusting proposal being pushed to 'legalise' whaling.

Note that there is still a world-wide ban on whaling because all whale species are still at a small fraction of their numbers from before industrialised whaling.


One click is all that is needed to see and to make a small difference.

And the story rolls on... The IWC meets in the coming week...

Sea Shepherd Dismisses the IWC as Corrupt and Irrelevant

... “It has become increasingly clear that Japan has been bullying, buying, and threatening nations to vote in favor of ending the global moratorium on whaling,” said Captain Paul Watson, founder and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. “The IWC no longer has any credibility, it is an irrelevant organization. Many of the nations voting for Japan have zero interest in the issue of whaling. They vote the way they are paid to vote.”...

Japan Threatens to Go Renegade!

... Stung in recent days by revelations of vote buying, Japan has now resorted to threats to leave the IWC and take whatever whales it wants, wherever it wants, whenever it wants. ...

This is not the first time that Japan has threatened to withdraw from the IWC and they are at it again. It is a “give us what we want or we will leave” attitude and some nations are willing to kiss Japan’s ass to do just that. ...

25-Year Whaling Ban at Risk After Japan Warning

Japan Warns It May Quit Whaling Commission If No Progress Made In Easing Of Ban

If we can't stop the unnecessary extinction of such a large species such as whales, perhaps we all should just simply all roll over and die.


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Message 1005219 - Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 12:30:33 UTC

An interesting turn of events:

Germany Delivers an Ultimatum to Iceland on Whaling

The German parliament today declared to Iceland that in order to be granted EU membership, Iceland must stop whaling.

...According to the Icelandic Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Jón Bjarnason, the Icelandic government is willing to participate in a group working towards reaching a compromise regarding whaling. ...

Meanwhile, the Japanese are being very Japanese about all and anything they might see as 'criticism':

Japan distributor to show 'The Cove' free online

Unplugged Inc. this month scrapped screenings that had been due to start June 26 at a Tokyo theatre after right-wing protesters -- known for their ear-splitting street demonstrations using megaphones -- targeted the cinema.

The distributor later confirmed that two more theatres, one in Tokyo and the other in Osaka, had also cancelled screenings, meaning that no theatre in the capital will now show the film about Japan's annual dolphin hunts. ...

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Message 1009561 - Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 0:55:30 UTC

Dear friends,


We did it! The proposal to legalise whale killing went down in flames in Morocco -- and our campaign helped to tip the balance.

In a few short weeks, we built the biggest whale-saving petition in history, signed by an extraordinary 1.2 million of us worldwide, and delivered it directly to key delegates at the International Whaling Commission meeting. In the end, the 24 year old whaling ban was upheld.

The pro-whaling lobby tried to use political favours to win a so called 'compromise' that amounts to a quota for hunting whales, but as tension grew in the closed-door talks, our massive petition became a top story on the BBC’s world news, and we worked with friendly negotiators and other allies to put pressure where it was most needed and draw greater global attention.

The Australian environment minister Peter Garrett received our petition for like-minded governments in front of the world's media and said “Thank you very much Avaaz. It is a great pleasure to be here and accept this petition ... I believe the people of the world’s voices need to be heard. I certainly hear them today."

The US delegation greeted us saying -- “Avaaz! We saw your billboard at the airport!” and delegates were overheard excitedly discussing our giant real-time petition counter outside the meeting as it blew far past the million mark.

After the meeting, one European negotiator told us: "We've managed to keep the ban in place...I've been checking the petition on line. I was very impressed by how fast the numbers are rising and seeing people signing from across the world.”

This is an important victory for whales -- and for global people power -- together we demonstrated that international decisions can be shifted by a little bit of well-placed effort from a lot of people everywhere.

Over its short lifespan, our movement has exploded through a simple democratic idea: that people power can stand up and win against powerful special interests. Whether it be protecting whales, countering corruption, supporting authentic democracy movements or fighting for a global climate deal, we are coming together to bridge the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.

Now, if enough of us chip in just a small amount for Avaaz’s member-funded campaigning, we’ll have the strength to win even more victories

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Message 1009740 - Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 13:59:51 UTC - in response to Message 1009561.  

Dear friends,


We did it! The proposal to legalise whale killing went down in flames in Morocco -- and our campaign helped to tip the balance.

In a few short weeks, we built the biggest whale-saving petition in history, signed by an extraordinary 1.2 million of us worldwide, and delivered it directly to key delegates at the International Whaling Commission meeting. In the end, the 24 year old whaling ban was upheld.


Avaaz (whales report back)

Thanks for that.



Perhaps there is hope yet...


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Message 1009964 - Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 13:09:19 UTC

A good summary is given in:

A win for the whales - despite huge corruption at whaling commission

... Everyone was very nervous and there was no clear indication of the fate of the whales, one way or the other. There were powerful forces at play, both good and evil.

Sex was one of the forces working against the whales. ...

After only two hours on Monday morning, the Chair stated, “We are now breaking into secret sessions to discuss the consensus proposal ...

Let’s make mankind an instrument for good. There was a real battle here, where profound changes took place within a reduced time frame. ...

Is there hope yet?


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Message 1019327 - Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 23:06:51 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jul 2010, 23:09:17 UTC

No comment needed for this one:

Faeroe Islands: Sea Shepherd Undercover Operation Exposes Cetacean Mass Slaughter

On July 19, 2010, a pod of 236 pilot whales was ruthlessly slaughtered in the town of Klaksvik in the Danish Faeroe Islands.


Note: No survivors were allowed. An entire pod of 236 + unborns wiped out. Entirely.

Pilot whales are classified as “strictly protected” under the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.

And all for what?

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Message 1020794 - Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 15:01:17 UTC

It's hit the main news over here (UK):

The Sun: Brutal Slaughter of Pilot Whales

THE disembowelled bodies of brutally slaughtered whales line a dockside just 230 miles from Britain - as families with children wander among them.

More than 200 protected pilot whales were hacked to death with knives and sharpened hooks by fishermen who trapped them in coves on the Faroe Islands.

Disturbing images show deep gouges where whalers hacked at the animals...

It will be interesting to see what happens next...


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Message 1021897 - Posted: 2 Aug 2010, 13:53:30 UTC - in response to Message 1020794.  

It's hit the main news over here (UK):

The Sun: Brutal Slaughter of Pilot Whales

THE disembowelled bodies of brutally slaughtered whales line a dockside just 230 miles from Britain - as families with children wander among them.

More than 200 protected pilot whales were hacked to death with knives and sharpened hooks by fishermen who trapped them in coves on the Faroe Islands.

Disturbing images show deep gouges where whalers hacked at the animals...

Peter Hammarstedt of Sea Shepherd has written a very thoughtful letter addressed to the Faroese people.

It will be interesting to see what happens next...


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Message 1028138 - Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 17:20:40 UTC

And so this has happened next:

64 Beached Pilot Whales Die In NZ - 700 Slaughtered In Faroe Islands

64 beached pilot whales died in New Zealand and animal rights activist saved the surviving 9 marine mammals. While in another part of the world, namely in the Faroe Islands hundreds of pilot whales are being brutally hunted and slaughtered.

The Faroese are following their own laws... Because there were not enough hunters available to participate in the killing, the fishermen had to halt the slaughter at night. To prevent the whales from escaping they tied the tail flukes of the remaining 24 whales to boats and then continued with the slaughter the following morning.

On hearing about this, the two German activists chartered a speedboat and sank...

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Message 1028891 - Posted: 27 Aug 2010, 13:24:11 UTC

No surprise that the Japanese from Taiji jump in to defend their slaughter of dolphins:

Hunting Dolphins Is OK Says Japanese Politician

... Mayor Kazutaka Sangen cited the same tired justification of "tradition" when he defended the practice of herding dolphins into the cove and killing them one by one. And like a true politician, he seems more concerned with "standing up to pressure from foreigners" than he is to taking a moral stand. ...

UTTERLY DISGUSTED with the Japanese whalers and the Japanese bureaucrats!

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Message 1030173 - Posted: 2 Sep 2010, 13:23:19 UTC - in response to Message 1028891.  

No surprise that the Japanese from Taiji jump in to defend their slaughter of dolphins:

Hunting Dolphins Is OK Says Japanese Politician

And so it goes again:

What Will End the Dolphin Slaughter?

Japan's Taiji says dolphin hunt will go ahead


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Message 1030192 - Posted: 2 Sep 2010, 15:09:14 UTC
Last modified: 2 Sep 2010, 16:07:02 UTC

As a conspiracy master CIA need to conspire with Al Qaida and terrorize Iceland, Denmark, Japan at same time for their monstrious acts:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrJfsH7wsFc - europeans too evil monsters!!!

Magnificent slaughtering of whales by supreme europeans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u-YF5epOnk

Modern day Nazi camp reinvented by EU member nation plus 7 year old cute girl touching dead dolphin insides!!!! exclusive edition!!! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlJIHkGgGx8

As some talks spread around forums that this whale and dolphine slaughtering is still practiced at some level in scandinavian countries namely Norway, Sweden, Finland.

Why EU government and their Environmental protection authorities are silent about this crime inside the EU?!?! any idea?? not to mention the best news agencies silence on this one....
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Message 1030364 - Posted: 3 Sep 2010, 3:51:24 UTC

Yeah you the devilish scandinavians eat dolphins and whales along side with samurais. ;D
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Message 1030641 - Posted: 4 Sep 2010, 1:45:00 UTC - in response to Message 1030173.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2010, 1:45:26 UTC

No surprise that the Japanese from Taiji jump in to defend their slaughter of dolphins:

Hunting Dolphins Is OK Says Japanese Politician

And so it goes again:

What Will End the Dolphin Slaughter?

Japan's Taiji says dolphin hunt will go ahead

Is this an example where world opinion is having a positive effect?

No Dolphins Killed in Taiji This Week

... dolphins were herded into the now famous cove but none were killed. This may mean that the rounds and rounds of bad publicity brought on first by “The Cove” and then by Ric O’Barry’s television series are having an impact on the barbarous process. ...


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Message 1033373 - Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 23:46:58 UTC
Last modified: 16 Sep 2010, 23:49:31 UTC

More than enough frozen whale to poison the world!

Japan's mighty whale mountain

In terms of mercury, surplus is a healthy sign

It's enough to make members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society choke on their tofu burgers. Stocks of frozen whale meat in Japan have reached 4,000 tons — that's 4 million kg.

Let's assume that 100 grams is a reasonable meal-size portion. That means there are about 40 million portions of whale meat being expensively stored under refrigeration ready for eating.

But not enough people eat kujira (whale), and far from dwindling, Japan's whale mountain is growing. ...

...Japan's whaling operations — urgently needs to reduce the size of the mountain. It wants us to eat more whale, and it has targeted school children as important consumers. ...

Meanwhile, the games continue in the dolphin hunt in Taiji:

Report from Taiji: September 15

Today was another glorious day in Taiji. The dolphin hunters went out this morning upon a beautiful ocean and came back empty handed. I do not know why they were not successful. Perhaps they could not find any dolphins, perhaps they could not find ones suitable for the live trade, perhaps the weather is turning, perhaps there are no more dolphin in the sea.

The village of Taiji has “missed the boat.” ...

... And now the participants in the practice of selecting wild dolphins for the aquariums are equally ashamed — as they should be. They once conducted their activities in the public area of the cove, but now they too do their business hidden in the killing part of the cove.

Taiji is not the only town in Japan with a dirty secret. The town of Futo in Shizuok Prefecture...

For more information on what may be happening in Futo, see: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/886/322/136/...

There's also an amazing blog from a teenager's eyes: http://eloramalama.wordpress.com

Still UTTERLY DISGUSTED with some of the Japanese!

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Message 1033388 - Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 0:12:02 UTC

Amongst all the sad silliness in Taiji, some excellent first-hand comment:

That floppy hat…

At least she's now getting fed! And a policeman's lot is not a happy lot...

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Message 1035209 - Posted: 21 Sep 2010, 13:18:39 UTC

The first of the Taiji slaughter:

Report from Taiji: September 21

Approximately 15 pilot whales were killed in the cove this morning in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan

... The door quickly came down.

Why are these men taking such drastic precautions to hide their activities from us and therefore from the world? If they are proud of their profession and their so-called “culture” then why hide their acts? No, it is shameful what they do and they know it. They are visibly angry with us for exposing their lie. ...

Very first hand:

No red water… but red hands…

I’m having a really hard time trying to figure out what to say. But that’s usually my best writing. But still, forgive me if this sounds harsh, or scattered. I’m trying to rise above ignorance, but it’s about time I state what I think about this whole situation more in your face than I usually do. I’m very upset right now. I’m done with the ignorance that all these people in Taiji, in the Japanese government, and even some travelers from around Japan seem to be made up of. Why is the government and people allowing this small group of doltish and vile men to contol a huge section of the Japanese government? ...

And perhaps this is just one example of why the Japanese are so hardened against the bad sentiment against them:

Japan counsels against 'extreme nationalism' in row ...

Japan today warned that a deepening row over its detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain should not be allowed to fuel "extreme nationalism" on either side. ...

... Aside from the anti-Japanese vitriol flooding online forums, protests in China have been low-key. A strong police presence ensured that demonstrations in Beijing on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the start of Japan's occupation in 1931 passed off peacefully. ...

Disgusted with some of the Japanese!


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