WHY do you/don't you believe in GOD?

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Message 999655 - Posted: 31 May 2010, 7:37:10 UTC

From the words of the man...

George Carlin - Religion is Bullshit
- Luke.
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Message 999686 - Posted: 31 May 2010, 12:19:24 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2010, 12:23:43 UTC

I read Chariots of the Gods quite a few years ago, well, over a decade. Recalling what i remember + a quick webernet refresher course, i must say i find it about as compelling and evidential as the old testament.

Alien civ's visiting at various times throughout history all in the guise of human form. About as much physical evidence as there is of Atlantis. There's a lot of coincidentals, and much inferring, but not many hard facts.

Edit.. In essence, it suggests the human race was too stupid to discover what we have, and alien influence was needed to get us on the road to science, mathematics, astronomy etc.
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Message 999694 - Posted: 31 May 2010, 13:10:11 UTC

I agree, there's somethings we just don't understand about the past. But i'll not subscribe to a supernatural theory, aka mysteries of God, or an alien influence to explain things science and/or archaeology have yet to uncover.
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Message 999755 - Posted: 31 May 2010, 21:47:35 UTC - in response to Message 999646.  

Everyone knows Redd Foxx.

As to compassion, what do you expect from a single parent who sends his son to earth on a suicide mission?

I'm a friendly person. And I know that this is only a forum. I'm a relaxed person.
In real life you would take care about what you say.
Because other persons are not so friendly than I and it could be dangerous for you..

My friend, I give you a few tips with on your life way..

I guess you wasn't attentive in the school, or you didn't read the bible.
Jesus parents on the world were Maria and Joseph.

If you would look little bit left or right in this forum, you would see that I live in Germany.
Maybe Redd Foxx isn't known in Germany?

If you would look sometimes in the NC subforum, you would know that there are optimized applications available for to double your RAC.
The project would be happy about, which forum you use.

If I look to your messages, it's look like you are a "Troll".
I would take care, I don't know how long the forum Mods or project Admins will tolerate this.

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Matt Giwer

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Message 999780 - Posted: 1 Jun 2010, 2:35:13 UTC - in response to Message 999676.  

I defy anyone to read Von Danikens books without slightly modifying their stance, but that is for another thread.

If everyone is in a defying mood I feel like defying anyone who has read those books to find an accurate depiction of the things for which he offers incredible explanations.

So as to avoid to many posts let us consider Baalbek and Nazca.

For Baalbek we know who built it and when. It is difficult to explain why the Romans who built it did not mention the assistance they received.

Nazca starts with the "reasoning" as follows. No humans would or could have build on their own. It concludes with alien involvement. What is amusing to the point of bringing into question the mental faculties of believers is the "may/could/might/maybe" landing strips. Compare this to similar descriptions of UFOs which hover, land and take off vertically.

It is not too much to expect a single coherent explanation as to the actions, behavior and methods of these ancient aliens. The aliens do whatever is required to fit the thing for which one wants a fantastical explanation does not differ from making it up as one goes along.

Jerusalem Post
The origin of the Yahweh Cult
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Matt Giwer

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Message 999877 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 6:17:19 UTC - in response to Message 999755.  

Everyone knows Redd Foxx.

As to compassion, what do you expect from a single parent who sends his son to earth on a suicide mission?

I'm a friendly person. And I know that this is only a forum. I'm a relaxed person. In real life you would take care about what you say.
Because other persons are not so friendly than I and it could be dangerous for you..

My friend, I give you a few tips with on your life way..

I guess you wasn't attentive in the school, or you didn't read the bible.
Jesus parents on the world were Maria and Joseph.

For those who have read it the better transliterations are Miriam and Yosef. Of course the use of the word parents opens up an Inquisition's worth of questions. Not a single one of the stacks up against elementary biology. That said There is no physical evidence of any person named Jesus who matches the description in the gospels. Without physical evidence no rational person accepts anything.

That said from the books of Maccabe we know who founded Judea and roughly when and that he established a fundamentalist form of Yahweh cult. From Flavius Josephus we know his son and grandson conquered Iodumea, Samaria and Galilee and impose circumcision and the Judean Yahweh cult practices on them. So if there was a Jesus we know his ancestors were conquered and forced to the Yahweh cult. That perhaps explains the subthread of his rants against the priests of the Yahweh cult. Everyone knows the geneologies were added later and since they differ at least one of them is a lie.

One always needs to keep in mind the religion of the priests is not the religion of the people and in the real world the religion of the people rules. The priests have only force to impose their religion and those of the Yahweh cult founded by Judah Maccabe certainly did.

If you would look little bit left or right in this forum, you would see that I live in Germany. Maybe Redd Foxx isn't known in Germany?

No one is perfect.

If you would look sometimes in the NC subforum, you would know that there are optimized applications available for to double your RAC.
The project would be happy about, which forum you use.

If I look to your messages, it's look like you are a "Troll". I would take care, I don't know how long the forum Mods or project Admins will tolerate this.

A troll is an ancient yuletide carol. I be not that.

Jerusalem Post
The origin of the Yahweh Cult
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Message 999922 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 11:28:25 UTC - in response to Message 999691.  
Last modified: 2 Jun 2010, 11:29:09 UTC

There's a lot of coincidentals, and much inferring, but not many hard facts.

Agreed, but there are some interesting things that haven't yet been explained.

(1) Baalbek Terrace Baalbek

It is said that the stones are so precisely cut and placed that, you can't even get a business card between the joints. Some of the largest construction companies in the world were asked to quote for building a replica, and they said that even with the worlds biggest cranes, ans 21st century technology it simply couldn't be done.

I doubt that... Sounds more like the sort of 'long tales of old' you get in an Irish public house...

Stonemasons are more skilled than people give them credit for. As for moving the stones, the Russian army of old moved a 1500 ton boulder a considerable distance with suitable determination. Even TV amateurs have dramatised some credible examples: Efforts to move and install stones. I'm sure that the Romans of the day knew about 'modern technology' such as ropes, pulleys and the use of cranes as used in their shipping and ports.

Don't be fooled by the amateur dramatics of NOVA TV for their grand spectacles of how to do things dramatically...

(2) Plain of Nazca Nazca

Heiroglyphs that can only be appreciated from the air, and parallel runways that are corrected for perspective when approaching from the air.

Sorry, nothing supernatural there either: Nazca Lines Construction

Dream on?

Keep searchin',
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Message 999931 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 12:24:40 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jun 2010, 12:26:27 UTC

Well, if you want to have a go at the Irish, wouldn't that be equivalent to stacking King Arthur against Cu Culhain?

It's just a shame the English don't have such a rich cultural past to draw upon as the Irish do.

Don't keep searching, keep dreaming.
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Message 1000045 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 17:09:37 UTC

I doubt that... Sounds more like the sort of 'long tales of old' you get in an Irish public house...

Well, there's your answer.

And it wasn't quoted by you. I was responding to ML1.

Why are you interdicting? Do you have an argumentative streak?

And about me? Well, i know my self, my limitations, and don't hide behind them.

Do you have an excuse for your interjecting, or do you just like insulting peoples' intelligence, or your lack of it?

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Message 1000050 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 17:18:08 UTC

I also withdraw my statements, as i took what was said by ML1 out of context. My apologies for that.
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Message 1000072 - Posted: 2 Jun 2010, 18:25:44 UTC - in response to Message 999952.  

Not really, no. ML1 wanted to make a comparison between Irish beliefs and fact. ...

Irish get to be proud of their ancestory. ...


I thought the Irish were very fond and very proud of their long and tall stories and even have contests to practice and perfect the art still further.

And I'm sure they are very proud of their ancestry and history although I would expect noone to be 'proud' of 'The Troubles'.

Can't guess where you're getting so unnecessarily sensitive from...

Just as the 'Brits' are famous for standing out in the midday sun (from old references of India for example)...

It's all a part of 'culture'.


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Message 1000228 - Posted: 3 Jun 2010, 5:44:03 UTC

I believe in the possibility of God. I personally believe that many religions I have encountered are an affront to the true beauty and wonder of our universe, with their doctrine of enforced ignorance and their narrow view of the world around us.

Here is my philosophy. Try to set aside preconcieved notions. See things for what they are, not for what you want them to be or for what someone else says they are. Use your own eyes, your own ears, own heart, own mind. Also be aware that your mind and senses can be fooled, and be aware of how and why they can be fooled. Use this knowledge to try and discern reality even out of your own flawed perceptions. And try to be open to all possibilities.

Easier said than done, I know. Unfortunately most people don't seem to think like this. What would the world be like, I wonder, if there were more open minded individuals, unbound by social expectations and preconceptions?
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Message 1000378 - Posted: 3 Jun 2010, 17:58:59 UTC - in response to Message 988518.  

I believe in my God. As each one has its own, each part of a whole, and we can not see why somo unable to see the whole. That believe it or not, never mind more than anything to make us different from each other, or so they think those who say their true God. Mine Mine says no ... and let there exist ... until you slice the neck ... je, je, je
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Message 1000383 - Posted: 3 Jun 2010, 18:28:24 UTC

Dear congeners (and I hold to be worthy of such title) have been pleased to think that all the current problems are because they offended God of the Underworld Pluto the planet into a second servant entitled to? Heh, heh, heh
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