Unhappy kitties......

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Message 981731 - Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 18:20:53 UTC - in response to Message 981721.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2010, 18:21:31 UTC

Word to all........

The kitties are all OK.........
The flames have been put out.
Daily driver is back online.

But that's all.

Gawd, it's quiet in here............

When my Quaddies were on line I had a similar problem. I was running them all in the garage which only had a 20A feed with no reasonably priced way of getting more power to the garage due to it's distance from the house. The cable to the garage would run warm all the time...it was only a question of time!

Glad you have suffered no long term damage Mark. Now time for a rethink on your wiring...

I use as big a gauge as can be had to link the home to the stub, Thankfully It can take It, Maybe Your cable needs to be bigger, Like somewhere between a 2 gauge and an 8 gauge cable as It sounds like It might be too small.

Uhhhh, you don't up the wire, you add more circuits....if you want to be safe and not meet new friends, like Firemen. Unless you are wiring a Subpanel.
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Message 981738 - Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 18:37:51 UTC - in response to Message 981728.  

The chiller???

He pretends it's to cool one of his PC's, but really it's to keep the beer in ;)

I've got a refrige for that, I don't need something like that, No matter how cool It might be, But to each their own. :D

There is nothing wrong with having your computer dispense cold beer.
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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 981751 - Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 19:35:17 UTC - in response to Message 981731.  

Uhhhh, you don't up the wire, you add more circuits....if you want to be safe and not meet new friends, like Firemen. Unless you are wiring a Subpanel.

What? You mean you can't just run a 4 AWG wire with 60-75 amp breaker, and string together 10-15 outlets off of it? Aww, come on, what fun is it running all those wires/using all those breakers, when just one will do? I mean, how often does a PS short out? ;) Besides, Firemen are the nicest people - I know one intimately!

(j/k, of course.. I wired mine myself, and if I can, most anyone could)

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 981824 - Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 23:13:32 UTC
Last modified: 20 Mar 2010, 23:14:08 UTC

Next week's project, I guess.

Tore out about all the extension cords I have.
Made countless sorties down to the main panel in the basement.
Still don't have it sorted.
And now I have to work out the bundle of wires going into the 8 port switch.

When you add them one at a time, it's not so bad.

F one up, and you got a jungle to tuggle.

This is the only rig up for now.

The smoke has cleared.
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Message 981882 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 0:32:31 UTC

Best of luck on the final problem sort.

My oldest quad (a 65nm Core 2 QX6700) kept burning out PSUs - 1st was a 450W; 2nd was a 550W; 3rd was a 650W; then a 450W test one in the workshop. Found the system was shorting to the side mounting the MoBo via the Tuniq Tower MoBo through bolts. The inside of the case was insulted, a new 750W PSU installed and it has run OK for 2 months continuously now.
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Message 982014 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 9:35:33 UTC - in response to Message 981824.  

Next week's project, I guess.

Tore out about all the extension cords I have.

Wow, I sure hope you got rid of all of them and do some real wiring....sounds like you are lucky the Fire Dept didn't come.
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Message 982062 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 12:56:09 UTC - in response to Message 982014.  

Next week's project, I guess.

Tore out about all the extension cords I have.

Wow, I sure hope you got rid of all of them and do some real wiring....sounds like you are lucky the Fire Dept didn't come.

Lucky Mark was around to catch it happening. Otherwise it could have been a very different story!
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Message 982278 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 20:19:09 UTC - in response to Message 982261.  

No, irony would be one of the trucks he made catching fire on the way to his house! :-)

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 982292 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 20:44:01 UTC

It will probably be next weekend before I have the time to sort this all out.
I'm gonna have to run a feeder circuit through the basement to the living room and put together some kind of small sub panel to split it up for the rigs. All properly circuit breaker protected, of course.

I might be able to get one or two more restarted in the meantime, but am not going to try to risk restarting the whole farm on the capacity I currently have available. It's just not worth it.

And I'm not yet sure if the 920 rig which was on the first power strip that melted down caused the situation and is toast, or if it just went down as a result of the strip itself failing.

I guess my 'higher power' was looking out for the kitties on this one.

And a lesson for all you Seti farmers out there. Keep it safe.
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Message 982296 - Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 20:50:23 UTC - in response to Message 982292.  

It will probably be next weekend before I have the time to sort this all out.
I'm gonna have to run a feeder circuit through the basement to the living room and put together some kind of small sub panel to split it up for the rigs. All properly circuit breaker protected, of course.

I might be able to get one or two more restarted in the meantime, but am not going to try to risk restarting the whole farm on the capacity I currently have available. It's just not worth it.

And I'm not yet sure if the 920 rig which was on the first power strip that melted down caused the situation and is toast, or if it just went down as a result of the strip itself failing.

I guess my 'higher power' was looking out for the kitties on this one.

And a lesson for all you Seti farmers out there. Keep it safe.

I am very sorry this happened to you. I only have one SETI rig, and this laptop for general use. As a result of your misfortune, I am going to go through my electrical system, and modify it as needed. That kilawatt meter you suggested a couple of months ago will come in very handy. I like your idea of building a sub panel. At some point I will split my chiller off to a different circuit, so only my UPS with rig, printer, modem etc is isolated from any other current draw.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 982361 - Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 1:10:04 UTC

A small ray of sunshine for the kitties.

Got up the nerve to hook power back up to the 920 rig, the one that was involved in the first meltdown before all heck broke loose.

It was NOT the culprit, but a victim. It fired back up and after sorting some cabling that got disturbed in the melee, it is back online.

Guess that's a kinda big ray of sunshine at this point.

The other 5 rigs are gonna stay down until I can get that rewiring project accomplished.
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Message 982370 - Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 17:57:06 UTC - in response to Message 982361.  

A small ray of sunshine for the kitties.

Got up the nerve to hook power back up to the 920 rig, the one that was involved in the first meltdown before all heck broke loose.

It was NOT the culprit, but a victim. It fired back up and after sorting some cabling that got disturbed in the melee, it is back online.

Guess that's a kinda big ray of sunshine at this point.

The other 5 rigs are gonna stay down until I can get that rewiring project accomplished.

COOL!!!!Glad to hear it Mark. All will be good and I will watch my back for you. LOL
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Message 983138 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:31:28 UTC

Just got back from a shopping trip to Meownard's.
Picking up supplies for the new service drop to the crunchers.
Sure I forgot something, but I'm not sure what.
About $230.00 later, I headed home with......

Square D 6 position breaker box
50' 6/3 w/ground NM cable to run from the main panel to the subfeed
1 50amp 2 pole breaker to install in the main panel to feed the subfeed
6 15amp 1 pole breakers for the subfeed, 1 for each branch
50' 12/2 w/ground NM cable to cut up into 6 pieces, 1 for each branch
6 metal handy boxes w/duplex outlet covers
6 P&S 15a duplex outlets
Misc. box connectors and staples
and a 7/8" bit to bore through the living room floor.

So, I'll end up with 50amps of 240v, split into 6 15amp 120v duplex outlets in metal boxes, each at the end of about 7' of 12/2 cable.
About 10,800 watts on tap to feed the crunchers. All properly circuit breaker protected and grounded.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Dena Wiltsie
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Message 983151 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:54:02 UTC

It cost you $230 for all the hardware? You should be able to save that much on your power bill while your getting this set up. I went over the list at it looks like you didn't forget anything and your selection of parts seems to all be on the conservative side.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 983152 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:54:25 UTC - in response to Message 983148.  

Just got back from a shopping trip to Meownard's.
Picking up supplies for the new service drop to the crunchers.
Sure I forgot something, but I'm not sure what.
About $230.00 later, I headed home with......

Square D 6 position breaker box
50' 6/3 w/ground NM cable to run from the main panel to the subfeed
1 50amp 2 pole breaker to install in the main panel to feed the subfeed
6 15amp 1 pole breakers for the subfeed, 1 for each branch
50' 12/2 w/ground NM cable to cut up into 6 pieces, 1 for each branch
6 metal handy boxes w/duplex outlet covers
6 P&S 15a duplex outlets
Misc. box connectors and staples
and a 7/8" bit to bore through the living room floor.

So, I'll end up with 50amps of 240v, split into 6 15amp 120v duplex outlets in metal boxes, each at the end of about 7' of 12/2 cable.
About 10,800 watts on tap to feed the crunchers. All properly circuit breaker protected and grounded.

15A on 12/2? Here I have 20A on 12/2(outlets and breakers), I'm looking at getting a 20A power strip(Tripp Lite TLM615NC20 6-Outlet Power Strip (15/20 Amp)). I was told by the electrical contractor that I paid, that 12/2 will handle a 20A circuit.

That is correct....14 gauge is adequate for a 15 amp circuit. And homes are normally wired with 12 gauge for 20 amp branch circuits.
I simply oversized it to keep voltage drop to a minimum. And for 50' of wire, the difference between 12 and 14 was not much.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Dena Wiltsie
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Message 983155 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:59:15 UTC - in response to Message 983148.  

Just got back from a shopping trip to Meownard's.
Picking up supplies for the new service drop to the crunchers.
Sure I forgot something, but I'm not sure what.
About $230.00 later, I headed home with......

Square D 6 position breaker box
50' 6/3 w/ground NM cable to run from the main panel to the subfeed
1 50amp 2 pole breaker to install in the main panel to feed the subfeed
6 15amp 1 pole breakers for the subfeed, 1 for each branch
50' 12/2 w/ground NM cable to cut up into 6 pieces, 1 for each branch
6 metal handy boxes w/duplex outlet covers
6 P&S 15a duplex outlets
Misc. box connectors and staples
and a 7/8" bit to bore through the living room floor.

So, I'll end up with 50amps of 240v, split into 6 15amp 120v duplex outlets in metal boxes, each at the end of about 7' of 12/2 cable.
About 10,800 watts on tap to feed the crunchers. All properly circuit breaker protected and grounded.

15A on 12/2? Here I have 20A on 12/2(outlets and breakers), I'm looking at getting a 20A power strip(Tripp Lite TLM615NC20 6-Outlet Power Strip (15/20 Amp)). I was told by the electrical contractor that I paid, that 12/2 will handle a 20A circuit.

With only a 50 amp feed he is keeping each leg to 45 amps total. He has to reduce the number of outlets or bump up the feed to the box. I am sure he knows what the drain is on all his systems so he is trading outlet power for more outlets. It appears his goal is to eliminate all power strips which was what got him into trouble in the first place.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 983156 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 17:59:44 UTC - in response to Message 983151.  

It cost you $230 for all the hardware? You should be able to save that much on your power bill while your getting this set up. I went over the list at it looks like you didn't forget anything and your selection of parts seems to all be on the conservative side.

Well, I certainly didn't want to set it up and be pushing things to the limit right away again....LOL.
Yeah, it was $230.00 for the materials. About half of that was for the copper. The rest of the bits really weren't all that bad.
My advantage is that I have done residential electrical work in the past and don't have to pay somebody to come and install it.
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Message 983158 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 18:05:16 UTC - in response to Message 983156.  

It cost you $230 for all the hardware? You should be able to save that much on your power bill while your getting this set up. I went over the list at it looks like you didn't forget anything and your selection of parts seems to all be on the conservative side.

Well, I certainly didn't want to set it up and be pushing things to the limit right away again....LOL.
Yeah, it was $230.00 for the materials. About half of that was for the copper. The rest of the bits really weren't all that bad.
My advantage is that I have done residential electrical work in the past and don't have to pay somebody to come and install it.

I think many who wish to be serious crunchers have electrical/electronic backgrounds. You are right that is can save a huge chunk of change, and you can custom design what you need. It sounds like you are going to put an end to your power problems once and for all.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 983159 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 18:06:09 UTC - in response to Message 983155.  
Last modified: 24 Mar 2010, 18:07:06 UTC

Just got back from a shopping trip to Meownard's.
Picking up supplies for the new service drop to the crunchers.
Sure I forgot something, but I'm not sure what.
About $230.00 later, I headed home with......

Square D 6 position breaker box
50' 6/3 w/ground NM cable to run from the main panel to the subfeed
1 50amp 2 pole breaker to install in the main panel to feed the subfeed
6 15amp 1 pole breakers for the subfeed, 1 for each branch
50' 12/2 w/ground NM cable to cut up into 6 pieces, 1 for each branch
6 metal handy boxes w/duplex outlet covers
6 P&S 15a duplex outlets
Misc. box connectors and staples
and a 7/8" bit to bore through the living room floor.

So, I'll end up with 50amps of 240v, split into 6 15amp 120v duplex outlets in metal boxes, each at the end of about 7' of 12/2 cable.
About 10,800 watts on tap to feed the crunchers. All properly circuit breaker protected and grounded.

15A on 12/2? Here I have 20A on 12/2(outlets and breakers), I'm looking at getting a 20A power strip(Tripp Lite TLM615NC20 6-Outlet Power Strip (15/20 Amp)). I was told by the electrical contractor that I paid, that 12/2 will handle a 20A circuit.

With only a 50 amp feed he is keeping each leg to 45 amps total. He has to reduce the number of outlets or bump up the feed to the box. I am sure he knows what the drain is on all his systems so he is trading outlet power for more outlets. It appears his goal is to eliminate all power strips which was what got him into trouble in the first place.

Correct....I have a little headroom on the feeder....which again, will keep the voltage drop down as well. All the rigs and the chiller will be able to plug into their own receptacle (9 out of the 12), and the power strips will only be used for the multiple wall worts powering video splitters, the modem, router, etc., and the monitor...low power devices with very light loading.

A few chosen rigs will first go through the 2 1500 watt UPS's that I have.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 983160 - Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 18:13:40 UTC - in response to Message 983158.  
Last modified: 24 Mar 2010, 18:14:23 UTC

It cost you $230 for all the hardware? You should be able to save that much on your power bill while your getting this set up. I went over the list at it looks like you didn't forget anything and your selection of parts seems to all be on the conservative side.

Well, I certainly didn't want to set it up and be pushing things to the limit right away again....LOL.
Yeah, it was $230.00 for the materials. About half of that was for the copper. The rest of the bits really weren't all that bad.
My advantage is that I have done residential electrical work in the past and don't have to pay somebody to come and install it.

I think many who wish to be serious crunchers have electrical/electronic backgrounds. You are right that is can save a huge chunk of change, and you can custom design what you need. It sounds like you are going to put an end to your power problems once and for all.

The main thing is being able to walk out of the house to go to work not having to worry if the kitties are safe. That last failure scared the heck out of me.
Power strips carry a 15 amp UL rating....but they will not carry that full load 24/7 without failing eventually.

The kitties must be safe.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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