Out of the fire and into the pit of sulfuric acid. (Feb 19, 2010)

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Profile RottenMutt

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Message 972870 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 18:49:29 UTC

people are upset because, by nature, we are competitive. if they want to stop the complaining about down time, then remove the WHOLE CREDIT SYSTEM completely. until then they have to listen to it.
ID: 972870 · Report as offensive
Profile RFP

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Message 972871 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 18:50:09 UTC

Humm I find this interesting I believe that UCB is suspose to have some of the best computer hardware and software personel available. I guess not.
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Message 972872 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 18:57:13 UTC - in response to Message 972871.  

haahaa, i guess it is like the rest of california, they are broke!!! and think the rest of the nation should pay for their over spending, or lack of taxation; how ever you wish to look at it.
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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 972873 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 19:00:06 UTC
Last modified: 21 Feb 2010, 19:09:01 UTC

Only for info..

I can not UL and not report/request new work.
PCs idle since days.
Since two days switched off, ~ 400 W for to let run two PCs only idle is too much..

I made the ping and couldn't reach the UL server well.
At point 4 (IIRC) I had 100 % loss and the last two each ~ 3 - 7 % loss.

I hope very soon the connection prob will be solved, before we loose too much members.

Patience is the key.
Have a break, a cup of coffee or tea (or whatever, no alcohol stuff ;-) and let BOINC do his job automatically.

The SETI@home crew do his best to solve the prob. (I hope.. ;-)

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Message 972874 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 19:00:28 UTC - in response to Message 972868.  

Here's the rub - if everyone participating in SETI donated a paltry $20 per year... SETI could be flying high on top-notch equipment, with truely redundant servers. And they could hire more staff to have 24-7-365 on-site computer whizzes monitoring the equipment. Now isn’t that a novel thought.

No thank you, i already donate at least $6,ooo.oo a year in cpu time. they need to find appropriate funding, or just fold (pun intended). either i'm fine with, put just don't continue the way they are.

I'm not disagreeing, or saying that donations should be mandatory.

It's just that the $6k donation, while significant, isn't something that SETI can spend on better "stuff."

I have a green star because I don't choose to spend $6k in electricity.
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Message 972875 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 19:00:53 UTC - in response to Message 972871.  

SETI really isn't a UCB thing. It's just housed in an old closet at UCB and the support volunteers are generally UCB students. UCB does not provide anything other than some network bandwidth, power and whatever cooling happens to be available in that closet. If SETI is lucky they may get someone's old castoff hardware that may still be marginally functional. These volunteers do a wonderful job with what they have to work with. We should be thanking them for their efforts and personally I do thank them.
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Profile Frizz
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Message 972877 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 19:09:45 UTC - in response to Message 972875.  

The recent problems made it more than obvious that the projects needs some serious funding.

Instead of complaining how about you people donate some money to the project? Just a few bucks each.

Taking into consideration how much money each individual here spends on high end GPUs, quad cores CPUs, power bill, etc. 5$ won't hurt anybody.
ID: 972877 · Report as offensive
The Jedi Alliance - Ranger

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Message 972899 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 19:47:28 UTC - in response to Message 972868.  

No thank you, i already donate at least $6,ooo.oo a year in cpu time. they need to find appropriate funding, or just fold (pun intended). either i'm fine with, put just don't continue the way they are.

You must have terrible utility rates. I have double the number of computers running BOINC as you show, some at home and some at the office, and my combined utility expense, which includes non-BOINC things such as lights, TV, pool pump and refridgerator, barely tops $6,000 a year.

ID: 972899 · Report as offensive
Profile RottenMutt

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Message 972918 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 20:44:58 UTC - in response to Message 972870.  

people are upset because, by nature, we are competitive. if they want to stop the complaining about down time, then remove the WHOLE CREDIT SYSTEM completely. until then they have to listen to it.

i've made my position clear, no money. next you guys will be suggesting that you have to pay to crunch work. you all are starting to sound like progressives.
ID: 972918 · Report as offensive
Profile Frizz
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Message 972929 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 21:13:06 UTC - in response to Message 972918.  

i've made my position clear, no money. next you guys will be suggesting that you have to pay to crunch work. you all are starting to sound like progressives.

In fact that's what many of us already do. When we pay our utility bills for our 100-300 watt graphic cards. So why not spend 5 bucks more and donate?
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Message 972930 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 21:13:41 UTC

I live in a pseudo dorm, so no electric bill for me. Muhahahaha. Just kidding all I have is the one computer anyway :^) Here is the trace from Lowell, MA USA.

C:\Windows\system32>pathping boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu

Tracing route to boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 Aristotelis-PC.hsd1.ma.comcast.net. []
4 be-21-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net []
5 pos-2-5-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net []
7 Hurrican-Electric-LLC.TenGigabitEthernet1-4.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
8 10gigabitethernet3-2.core1.pao1.he.net []
11 boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu []

Computing statistics for 275 seconds...
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 Aristotelis-PC.hsd1.ma.comcast.net. []
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 9ms 1/ 100 = 1% 1/ 100 = 1%
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 9ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 10ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% be-21-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net []
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 17ms 1/ 100 = 1% 1/ 100 = 1% pos-2-5-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net []
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 37ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 105ms 2/ 100 = 2% 2/ 100 = 2% Hurrican-Electric-LLC.TenGigabitEthernet1-4.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
0/ 100 = 0% |
8 111ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 10gigabitethernet3-2.core1.pao1.he.net []
0/ 100 = 0% |
9 109ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
3/ 100 = 3% |
10 110ms 4/ 100 = 4% 1/ 100 = 1%
0/ 100 = 0% |
11 110ms 3/ 100 = 3% 0/ 100 = 0% boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu []

Trace complete.
ID: 972930 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 972941 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 21:30:15 UTC - in response to Message 972918.  

people are upset because, by nature, we are competitive. if they want to stop the complaining about down time, then remove the WHOLE CREDIT SYSTEM completely. until then they have to listen to it.

i've made my position clear, no money. next you guys will be suggesting that you have to pay to crunch work. you all are starting to sound like progressives.

A progressive would provide equal credit to everybody.
ID: 972941 · Report as offensive
Profile Mankka*

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Message 972958 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 22:26:38 UTC - in response to Message 972877.  

The recent problems made it more than obvious that the projects needs some serious funding.

Instead of complaining how about you people donate some money to the project? Just a few bucks each.

Taking into consideration how much money each individual here spends on high end GPUs, quad cores CPUs, power bill, etc. 5$ won't hurt anybody.

I agree, I'll donate 50 euros tomorrow and challenge all off you to do the same !
I just spent 1600 on some new components and I know I'm not the only one... so who will do the same and donate ?
ID: 972958 · Report as offensive
Profile FrostKing9

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Message 972963 - Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 22:42:40 UTC - in response to Message 972959.  
Last modified: 21 Feb 2010, 23:38:16 UTC

I just spent 1600 on some new components and I know I'm not the only one... so who will do the same and donate ?

Not me.... I just donated for February 2010.

I DONATE money to SETI@home.... DO YOU?

I'm just slowly BOINC'ing along.

Hey... ET... you have a sister who likes earthlings?
ID: 972963 · Report as offensive
The Jedi Alliance - Ranger

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Message 972997 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 0:45:38 UTC

It would appear that things are getting better. My computers are now uploading faster than they are completing and the pathping statistics for the past 36 hours show 50% fewer lost packets than the same period 24 hours ago. Things should be back to normal...just in time for Tuesday's scheduled outage.

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Profile Geek@Play
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Message 973001 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 0:51:56 UTC

Many have offered their own opinions as to why the project is down. I have not seen this possibility mentioned.

After 10 plus years of operating this project I am sure that Matt, Eric and all the rest of the project scientists know how to best operate the Berkeley servers to meet their requirements. They have been doing it for many years now.

I would maintain that the project is working at maximum throughput but as we have been told in the past excessive network activity can cause the database to start thrashing because of all the requests.

Perhaps this comment made by Matt on Feb 16 provides a little light as to what is actually happening at this time.

While we did finally get the science database back in working order, we were finding the server still didn't have enough resources to meet our demands. So a new plan is being put into action over the coming weeks: instead of having both SETI@home and Astropulse reside on one server (thumper) and both replicated to another (bambi) - we're going to have SETI@home live on thumper and Astropulse live on bambi, both without replication. This will keep painfully long Astropulse analysis queries from clobbering the SETI@home project (which has been happening a lot lately). We may implement some form of our own replication, but we do back up the database regularly (and store those backups off site), so the replica doesn't buy us that much, especially considering we could double our database power by converting it to another primary server.

I am suggesting that they are busy in the background, splitting the database up between Seti@Home and Astropulse. And this background activity is slowing all database activity and this will continue until the background operation is completed. Thus no response from Berkeley on the problem as there is little that can be done at this time until the operation completes.

This is of course IMHO.

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Message 973002 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 0:52:15 UTC

I would like to know why the project personnel is often referred to as volunteers by many posters ? If I remember right there was 180,000.00 in the last budget for "salaries". Even devided by 8 people that's more than I make.

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Profile TouchuvGrey
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Message 973015 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 1:19:28 UTC - in response to Message 973002.  

$180,000.00 divided by 8 is $22,500.00 per year. That's not
a living wage even down here in south Mississippi. i'm pretty
sure the cost of living in Berkley is considerably higher
than down here.

Because the universe is just too big for us to be alone in.
ID: 973015 · Report as offensive
Dena Wiltsie
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Message 973017 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 1:21:03 UTC - in response to Message 973002.  

I would like to know why the project personnel is often referred to as volunteers by many posters ? If I remember right there was 180,000.00 in the last budget for "salaries". Even devided by 8 people that's more than I make.

What you see in your pay envelop is only a small part of what most people are payed for their work. Sometimes the cost to a company to hire a new person is almost double what they pay the worker. Also, in California teachers and school workers are well payed because it is a costly place to live and unions have driven hard bargains. For 4 people that's $45,000 each for the payed people. Thats very little for someone to do what they do. I would expect cost to be between $60k and $90k each so I suspect some of the people are part time.
I do hope you can find a better job because unless you are sharing expenses with someone else, $23k is very little to live on.
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Message 973037 - Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 2:54:14 UTC

2/21/2010 9:39:47 PM Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
2/21/2010 9:41:38 PM Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
2/21/2010 9:41:37 PM SETI@home Temporarily failed upload of 28mr07ac.31632.17064.15.10.225_1_0: HTTP error

ok it wont upload got 24 units ready to upload and all i keep getting is this message. is it on my end or your end or both.. hate to bother you but its bugging me. I havent seen anyone else report it so after trying on my end to see if i could find anything I am now up the creek i guess. please tell me its just your end trying to get back to normal...
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Message boards : Technical News : Out of the fire and into the pit of sulfuric acid. (Feb 19, 2010)

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.