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Message 1009477 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 19:34:55 UTC - in response to Message 1009440.  
Last modified: 28 Jun 2010, 19:45:52 UTC

Soon I'll have a 2nd GTX295, I could buy a 3rd, But I was convinced to get the Cars A/C done instead and I think the New Cat would like being transported home in comfort. Now what do I do with 3 other XP x64 OS CD's complete with Keys?

Of course I'd have to find them first most likely.

Yeah, the A/C is certainly more important than a new card. Especially in your area.

I personally would sell the OP CD's. If you don't need em, why not make some money on em..

How? FleaBay last I looked, doesn't allow It I think, They do take downs, regardless If their phony or legit. So since I traded one already(I used to have 4 extra instead of 3), Maybe the opportunity would arise again, maybe.

I didn't know that about ebay.. Gave up selling there years ago when they raised fee's so high I could barely make a profit. That and getting ripped-off by people.

You could always start a thread here (Ask to have it made sticky) to sell and or exchange parts and software.

Edit: You would have to put a paragraph or two in the first post so Berkeley couldn't be held responsible for any problems with sales or trades.
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Message 1009887 - Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 5:01:02 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jun 2010, 5:01:51 UTC

Also today I paid for another one of these pci-e x1 cards on ebay:

To go with this mini pci-e card here(for My P5K Deluxe):

Well I tried out both of the above cards today and I have some Good news and some Bad news...

The Bad news is that the two little AR5BXB61 pci-e cards are both only 54G and not SuperG(108G), But I can fix that.

And the Good News is that the 1x adapter cards work real well, Plus I'm going to an Asus P7P55 WS SuperComputer(200) motherboard, Why? Lets see My current wireless card is pci based and the EVGA Classified 200 does not have any pci slot, Plus I can save about $100.00 or so in the bargain and that gets Me closer to operational status on this build.

Oh and the 2nd 295? It's here...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1016250 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 15:37:55 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jul 2010, 15:38:34 UTC

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1016262 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 15:48:58 UTC - in response to Message 1016250.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.
ID: 1016262 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016265 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 15:52:01 UTC - in response to Message 1016262.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.

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Message 1016279 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:11:08 UTC - in response to Message 1016265.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


Yeah well that's one thing I can't do(get a newer used car and I'd love to, fact there's one that Carmax has that I like[see pictured link below), But who will finance someone with only $845 a month of income? Nobody.), As to TV I get Mine for Free now as I cut out satellite TV, As I'm now getting TV OTA with a Digital TV antenna which picks up analog TV signals too, Now here's some irony for You, the analog signals I receive from the TV Translator? Their from Dish Network and I used to pay $5.99 a month just for the local channels, So I'm saving just over $50 a month now.

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1016284 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:19:24 UTC - in response to Message 1016265.  

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


I had a new vehicle once in Decided after that it was better to buy a vehicle with a few years on it while there still in good shape and a lot less expensive.

My oldest sister on the other hand buys a new car practically every year. She can afford it and all repairs are paid for under warranties. Most dealers will even tune them up and change oil for free the first couple of years. Good deal if you can afford it and if you can't do repairs on your own.
ID: 1016284 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016289 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:24:04 UTC - in response to Message 1016262.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

Well It does simplify things at the very least for Me, But yeah It does stretch the income some, Mine won't go up until there's a cola(Cost Of Living Adjustment) from the Feds and even then It won't be enough, Its like they don't care, they say the program was never meant to support a person, Yet when asked about reforming the program to better meet the needs of the people using It, They say It's complicated(talk down to You) as there are those that say raising the income of these people or their resource limit will only attract more people to the program, When they'd come anyway after getting all their ducks lined up in a row as I had, So the nay sayers will vote no on this, But will vote Yes on huge budget items like fancy new jets for the military, Even If the military doesn't want them. I mean what's a few billions between Congress and the Military Contractors...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1016289 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016294 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:26:24 UTC - in response to Message 1016279.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


Yeah well that's one thing I can't do(get a newer used car and I'd love to, fact there's one that Carmax has that I like[see pictured link below), But who will finance someone with only $845 a month of income? Nobody.), As to TV I get Mine for Free now as I cut out satellite TV, As I'm now getting TV OTA with a Digital TV antenna which picks up analog TV signals too, Now here's some irony for You, the analog signals I receive from the TV Translator? Their from Dish Network and I used to pay $5.99 a month just for the local channels, So I'm saving just over $50 a month now.

$845 a month? My God, I couldn't survive on that especially the way my son eats. That's what scares me about retirement or going on disability, I would have to go and live with someone in my family (If they would let me).

My rent is almost that much a month.
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Message 1016305 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:35:35 UTC - in response to Message 1016294.  
Last modified: 16 Jul 2010, 16:42:42 UTC

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


Yeah well that's one thing I can't do(get a newer used car and I'd love to, fact there's one that Carmax has that I like[see pictured link below), But who will finance someone with only $845 a month of income? Nobody.), As to TV I get Mine for Free now as I cut out satellite TV, As I'm now getting TV OTA with a Digital TV antenna which picks up analog TV signals too, Now here's some irony for You, the analog signals I receive from the TV Translator? Their from Dish Network and I used to pay $5.99 a month just for the local channels, So I'm saving just over $50 a month now.

$845 a month? My God, I couldn't survive on that especially the way my son eats. That's what scares me about retirement or going on disability, I would have to go and live with someone in my family (If they would let me).

My rent is almost that much a month.

$215 a month for Rent here, But I own the Mobilehome, So I'm just paying for the space and free trash pickup too.

328.11 Rent(215), Water Pumping Charge(10), Utils(Elec $93.01; Gas $10.10)
 13.66 Verizon[Local-Phone]
 13.54 PowerNetGobal Communications[Long Distance]
 17.83 DSL Extreme ISP
 15.50 Gas 5.00 gallons @ $2.999 a gallon
172.97 Food
 18.16 GMAC Car Insurance
 88.19 Save (100[property taxes/paid] Dec10th2009 & Apr10th2010)
  0.00 Extra(25.97=[Hemp(11.49)+Metal(14.48) Basket Coffee Filter/Oct?/am])
279.65 spend(194.62 maximum/usually)
947.61(minimum is $830.00 in August 2010?, normally $845.00 a month)

I'm closing My BofA account in August and I'm opening up a Chase account as they made Me an offer of $100 recently in the mail(still haven't acted on It yet) If I moved My account to them(after 10 business days I get the $100 with a minimum $100 deposit, but the catch is I have to keep the account open for at least 6 months or they take back the $100).
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1016319 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 16:52:33 UTC - in response to Message 1016305.  

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


Yeah well that's one thing I can't do(get a newer used car and I'd love to, fact there's one that Carmax has that I like[see pictured link below), But who will finance someone with only $845 a month of income? Nobody.), As to TV I get Mine for Free now as I cut out satellite TV, As I'm now getting TV OTA with a Digital TV antenna which picks up analog TV signals too, Now here's some irony for You, the analog signals I receive from the TV Translator? Their from Dish Network and I used to pay $5.99 a month just for the local channels, So I'm saving just over $50 a month now.

$845 a month? My God, I couldn't survive on that especially the way my son eats. That's what scares me about retirement or going on disability, I would have to go and live with someone in my family (If they would let me).

My rent is almost that much a month.

$215 a month for Rent here, But I own the Mobilehome, So I'm just paying for the space and free trash pickup too.

328.11 Rent(215), Water Pumping Charge(10), Utils(Elec $93.01; Gas $10.10)
 13.66 Verizon[Local-Phone]
 13.54 PowerNetGobal Communications[Long Distance]
 17.83 DSL Extreme ISP
 15.50 Gas 5.00 gallons @ $2.999 a gallon
172.97 Food
 18.16 GMAC Car Insurance
 88.19 Save (100[property taxes/paid] Dec10th2009 & Apr10th2010)
  0.00 Extra(25.97=[Hemp(11.49)+Metal(14.48) Basket Coffee Filter/Oct?/am])
279.65 spend(194.62 maximum/usually)
947.61(minimum is $830.00 in August 2010?, normally $845.00 a month)

I'm closing My BofA account in August and I'm opening up a Chase account as they made Me an offer of $100 recently in the mail(still haven't acted on It yet) If I moved My account to them(after 10 business days I get the $100 with a minimum $100 deposit, but the catch is I have to keep the account open for at least 6 months or they take back the $100).

At least your good at budgeting, I guess you would have to be.

I really suck at budgets, always have something odd come up to throw it off kilter.
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Message 1016330 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 17:02:58 UTC - in response to Message 1016319.  
Last modified: 16 Jul 2010, 17:03:35 UTC

I just decided to scale back My next PC build to use what I already have as a base, As 5 GTX295 cards can run just as well in two cases as in One case, Why am I doing this? Cost, I've decided to just abandon any effort to get the EVGA Classified 200 or the Asus P7P55 WS SC motherboard, As I just don't think I can do It, Water cooling what I have and building It will have to be good enough. So the Asus P7P55D Pro that I have is It...

That's a shame. We do what we have to do these days. Times are hard.

Same reason I've put off upgrading my PC. No money, no can do.

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


Yeah well that's one thing I can't do(get a newer used car and I'd love to, fact there's one that Carmax has that I like[see pictured link below), But who will finance someone with only $845 a month of income? Nobody.), As to TV I get Mine for Free now as I cut out satellite TV, As I'm now getting TV OTA with a Digital TV antenna which picks up analog TV signals too, Now here's some irony for You, the analog signals I receive from the TV Translator? Their from Dish Network and I used to pay $5.99 a month just for the local channels, So I'm saving just over $50 a month now.

$845 a month? My God, I couldn't survive on that especially the way my son eats. That's what scares me about retirement or going on disability, I would have to go and live with someone in my family (If they would let me).

My rent is almost that much a month.

$215 a month for Rent here, But I own the Mobilehome, So I'm just paying for the space and free trash pickup too.

328.11 Rent(215), Water Pumping Charge(10), Utils(Elec $93.01; Gas $10.10)
 13.66 Verizon[Local-Phone]
 13.54 PowerNetGobal Communications[Long Distance]
 17.83 DSL Extreme ISP
 15.50 Gas 5.00 gallons @ $2.999 a gallon
172.97 Food
 18.16 GMAC Car Insurance
 88.19 Save (100[property taxes/paid] Dec10th2009 & Apr10th2010)
  0.00 Extra(25.97=[Hemp(11.49)+Metal(14.48) Basket Coffee Filter/Oct?/am])
279.65 spend(194.62 maximum/usually)
947.61(minimum is $830.00 in August 2010?, normally $845.00 a month)

I'm closing My BofA account in August and I'm opening up a Chase account as they made Me an offer of $100 recently in the mail(still haven't acted on It yet) If I moved My account to them(after 10 business days I get the $100 with a minimum $100 deposit, but the catch is I have to keep the account open for at least 6 months or they take back the $100).

At least your good at budgeting, I guess you would have to be.
I really suck at budgets, always have something odd come up to throw it off kilter.

Yeah, Much to BofAs($35 overdrafts) or Chases($34 overdrafts) disapproval I think, Oh do I know what You mean there, A few months back I had to pay for repairs to the house from wind damage, I had to pay about $350 in two installments. But at least I can get the 1st of 5 GTX295 water blocks in December instead of in June now for the BFG, the other 4 are the single pcb type and will wait until June and July.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1016330 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016337 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 17:34:24 UTC - in response to Message 1016284.  

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


I had a new vehicle once in Decided after that it was better to buy a vehicle with a few years on it while there still in good shape and a lot less expensive.

My oldest sister on the other hand buys a new car practically every year. She can afford it and all repairs are paid for under warranties. Most dealers will even tune them up and change oil for free the first couple of years. Good deal if you can afford it and if you can't do repairs on your own.

I have gone the last 7 or 8 years without a car payment. I was driving a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport with 250,000 miles on it. There were hu=ge holes in it, and it was more like a Flintstone car. The salesman told we spend over $18,000 in repairs, so there was no choice. We ended up with a 2008 Jeep Liberty with 18,000 miles on it. It's actually very nice, and we got it at 5.6% for 6 years, 3 months. The payment is $384 a month, but I'm going to try to swing $400. I had to lower my credit card payments, and cut...cut...cut in order to do it. I work 36 miles away, so I had to have a reliable vehicle with 4 wheele drive because the winters can get quite harsh in New Hampshire.

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Message 1016343 - Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 17:49:34 UTC - in response to Message 1016337.  

I just had to buy a new vehicle, and I had to reduce my credit card payments, and cut out the movie channels on TV to do it. I too am now on a bare bones budget. I'm glad that Piggy is already built and running. The only remaining cost is electricity.


I had a new vehicle once in Decided after that it was better to buy a vehicle with a few years on it while there still in good shape and a lot less expensive.

My oldest sister on the other hand buys a new car practically every year. She can afford it and all repairs are paid for under warranties. Most dealers will even tune them up and change oil for free the first couple of years. Good deal if you can afford it and if you can't do repairs on your own.

I have gone the last 7 or 8 years without a car payment. I was driving a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport with 250,000 miles on it. There were huge holes in it, and it was more like a Flintstone car. The salesman told we spend over $18,000 in repairs, so there was no choice. We ended up with a 2008 Jeep Liberty with 18,000 miles on it. It's actually very nice, and we got it at 5.6% for 6 years, 3 months. The payment is $384 a month, but I'm going to try to swing $400. I had to lower my credit card payments, and cut...cut...cut in order to do it. I work 36 miles away, so I had to have a reliable vehicle with 4 wheel drive because the winters can get quite harsh in New Hampshire.


I'm doing repairs to Mine, Just the A/C, brakes, tires, oil change, the normal stuff, As Sciurus Vulgaris said I know how to budget, parts first then pay for labor(paying for important stuff 1st is a priority and It's hard to do), then I can turn My attention back to the fun stuff before they disappear forever... Which is one of My fears.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1016552 - Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 2:38:52 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jul 2010, 2:52:30 UTC

Ok guys On second thought, I'm now confused as to what to do, I'd rather have all 5 GTX295 cards in one case and have only 1 active PC, As two PCs would require a 1250w Enermax psu[284.00](nearly unavailable) or an easier to get Corsair AX 1200w psu[290.00] and a new HAF-922 case[89.00] for the pc I'm using now, plus 2 sets of filters[150.00], Yet having all 5 in one PC would mean I'd only have to buy a 950w Corsair TX psu[140.00], 2 sets of filters[138.00](Which I was going to get anyway), a dual psu adapter cable[20.00] to the main power cable going to the motherboard with the 1050w Enermax psu[0.00] being the main psu, I'd still have to get the motherboard, I could get the EVGA Classified 200 for about [260.00] or so or I could go cheap and get the Asus P7P55 WS SC[190.00], What do You think I should do?

Corsair TX 950w psu    [140.00]
2 sets of filters      [138.00]
a dual psu adapter cable[20.00]
1050w Enermax psu        [0.00]
Asus P7P55 WS SC       [190.00]
[5 pcie 16x only]
upgrade to existing setup only
1250w Enermax psu      [284.00]
HAF-922 case            [89.00]
2 sets of filters      [150.00]
[5 pcie 16x only]
upgrade to existing setup only
Corsair AX 1200w psu   [290.00]
HAF-922 case            [89.00]
2 sets of filters      [150.00]
[5 pcie 16x only]
Corsair TX 950w psu    [140.00]
2 sets of filters      [138.00]
a dual psu adapter cable[20.00]
1050w Enermax psu        [0.00]
EVGA Classified 200    [260.00]
[6 pcie 16x only]

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1016552 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016590 - Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 3:28:27 UTC - in response to Message 1016552.  
Last modified: 17 Jul 2010, 3:36:14 UTC

option 4... that way you can stay on top, grrrr.

don't get the TX, it is less efficient; get the HX. TX is fine for the casual user/gamer who only has their pc on for a few or more hours a day. you will be running it at near capacity. don't know about your other pick. the SR-2 can do 4-way sli, as well as the x-58 classified 4 way. do you plan on using pci-e extender cables to run five gtx-295 cards? ok, i see the single pcb version on water.
ID: 1016590 · Report as offensive
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Message 1016614 - Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 4:03:20 UTC - in response to Message 1016590.  
Last modified: 17 Jul 2010, 4:11:34 UTC

option 4... that way you can stay on top, grrrr.

don't get the TX, it is less efficient; get the HX. TX is fine for the casual user/gamer who only has their pc on for a few or more hours a day. you will be running it at near capacity. don't know about your other pick. the SR-2 can do 4-way sli, as well as the x-58 classified 4 way. do you plan on using pci-e extender cables to run five gtx-295 cards? ok, i see the single pcb version on water.

Problem is there is no such thing as a 950w Corsair HX, Just a TX.

psu extender cables? No.

sli? Why? I'm no gamer...

sr-2? No dual cpu motherboard for Me, Not worth It.

All will be on Water, 1 dual pcb 295 and 4 single pcb 295 cards using Danger Den water blocks as their still available.

Like so using two power supplies in a HAF-932 case, Not one.

Top psu 1 [Enermax 1050w psu]2-GTX295 cards, Motherboard, etc
motherboard[EVGA or Asus]
Bottom psu 2 [Corsair 950w psu] 3-GTX295 video cards only.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1016614 · Report as offensive
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