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Message 1003800 - Posted: 13 Jun 2010, 21:03:30 UTC - in response to Message 1003792.  

Now that's a cool radiator! I checked out the EVGA Classified before I settled on the Rampage 2 Extreme. The only thing that stopped me was it wouldn't fit in the case I had. Since I had just bought the case, with the computer last August, I opted to use something that wouldn't look like I just threw out a whole bunch of money for nothing.

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Message 1004046 - Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 15:15:21 UTC - in response to Message 1003792.  

You may have already seen this, But... I'm looking at a motherboard that has lots of pci-e slots from EVGA, Technically EVGA says It's Classified, But Here's a picture anyway:

Just imagine 6 water cooled GTX470 cards(25A*6=150A), The 200 motherboard has a 1-1x slot, 1-4x slot(physically looks 16x) and 5-16x slots, Problem is, I'm thinking I'd have to use a case that can hold two psus and the Corsair Obsidian 700D/800D does not do this, So far only the HAF-932 that I have does this and only barely... I have the cash to spend(Just not right now, too many other important things to get done It seems, sigh), Besides the case needs modifying so that I can have 4 hoses exit the case. The two psu? Lets see either a 1600w or a 1500w for the main one and a 950w Corsair psu, Thankfully I've got a good enough case, It's too bad that the Corsair cases can't do what I need It to do and Corsair may not care for two psus in a case, So I have to put up with a cheaper imitation of the 700D/800D, The HAF-932.

Also I found this just for You and maybe Me, Who knows, It's a MagiCool XTREME NOVA 1080 Radiator and It uses 9 120mm fans.

Oh and the Rad above only costs $150 before shipping.

You know once you get to the radiator that size you might just as well think about getting one from a motorcycle or something. It might be cheaper. lol
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Message 1004053 - Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 15:39:23 UTC - in response to Message 1004046.  

Well, I should find me a Sponsor, if I want to expand, by putting two Water-Cooled I7 + CUDA/CAL cards and MoBo, ofcoarse......

Still trying to sell a (family house €260,000.00) for 2 1/2 years, so much for Dutch economy!?...What a bummer....

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Message 1005992 - Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 1:06:56 UTC - in response to Message 1005988.  
Last modified: 19 Jun 2010, 1:13:36 UTC

I figured out I need to get a 7/8" Bi-metal hole saw to relocate the water cooling tubing exits while using two psus and a water cooled EVGA Classified 200 motherboard, But their not too expensive. Of course now there are 3 areas where I could drill 4 holes, two areas are next to the psus and one area is above the card slots on the motherboard, Hey Steve what do You think?

Of course getting a pair of rubber Cooler Master Grommets is not a problem either, Just about $19 before shipping as they come with a motherboard tray for an 830 case. :(

I just cut out everything I could. Your case is designed a bit differently. I used heavy wire cutters, and removed the grills on the back. I then had to file down the sharp edges, and even covered some with duck tape. Since it was the back of the case, I was more worried about functionality then asthetics. The original case had two grommets in it, but I found it impossible to keeep them in the case once I inserted the hoses. I guess it's do what ever works with your case, and can be accomplished easily.


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Message 1005996 - Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 1:16:04 UTC

I found it easier to remore whole sections rather than cut individual holes, The way I saw it, the more material I removed, the more air flow I had, plus, the less confined the tubes were. This helps if you have to remove your cards for any reason with the tubes still attached.

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Message 1006009 - Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 1:41:10 UTC

I just recently had to buy a new sound card. It was a PCIe one, but when I got it, it wouldn't fit where the old one was because of a mother board heat sink. I had to relocate it in the third PCIe slot under the two hosed GTX 480's. In order to do that I had to remove both cards with the water blocks still attached. I was greatful for two things. First, that I had a wide aperture for the hoses, and second that it discouraged me from buying another 480 to fill that slot as I was thinking of prior to that. I have to stop some where before I run out of credit.

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Message 1006179 - Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 13:07:21 UTC - in response to Message 1006079.  

That is exactly how mine is. I too suffered a sharp stab or two, but I got the job done. It gives you plenty of room, and it works great as long as you don't care about a case warranty... :-)

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Message 1009267 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 14:54:52 UTC
Last modified: 28 Jun 2010, 14:56:38 UTC

The Problem is not to build a Hells Cruncher - with a EVGA SR-2, 7 GTX 295 and 2 6-Core Xeons
there will be a RAC of 200k possibile. But that means, that the BOINC Manager have - assumed
you choose a three Day Cache - to handle 5000-6000 Workunits! That high amount of Data
will slow down this Rig like Hell and make it unstable!
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Message 1009270 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 14:58:05 UTC - in response to Message 1009267.  

The Problem is not to build a Hells Cruncher - with a EVGA SR-2, 7 GTX 295 and 2 6-Core Xeons
there will be a RAC of 200k possibile. But that means, that the BOINC Manager have - assumed
you choose a three Day Cache - to handle 5000-6000 Workunits! That high amount of Data
will slow down this Rig like Hell and make it unstable!

I hadn't seen that problem in months, I thought it was fixed. Have had up to 6000 units and no problems here. Used to get the Boinc Communicating message don't think I have seen it since the .28 release.
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Message 1009271 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:05:35 UTC - in response to Message 1009270.  

Really? Sounds good. I don't remember exactly when it was - last Year or so. With a missconfigured
app_info BOINC downloaded 3500 Workunits over Night. I was unable to move the Mouse or open
an Application or Explorer Window. :D
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Message 1009273 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:16:04 UTC - in response to Message 1009271.  

Really? Sounds good. I don't remember exactly when it was - last Year or so. With a missconfigured
app_info BOINC downloaded 3500 Workunits over Night. I was unable to move the Mouse or open
an Application or Explorer Window. :D

I used to complain about that all the time, seems it was around Feb that I quit noticing the problem. Have had a 7 day cache since then and went 10 day last month.
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Message 1009277 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:22:29 UTC - in response to Message 1009272.  

The Problem is not to build a Hells Cruncher - with a EVGA SR-2, 7 GTX 295 and 2 6-Core Xeons
there will be a RAC of 200k possibile. But that means, that the BOINC Manager have - assumed
you choose a three Day Cache - to handle 5000-6000 Workunits! That high amount of Data
will slow down this Rig like Hell and make it unstable!

The one I'm building is not an SR-2, It's a Classified 200, There is a difference.

I only wanted to notice the hugh amount of data this (your) Rig have to handle... ;)
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Message 1009278 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:22:30 UTC - in response to Message 1009272.  

The Problem is not to build a Hells Cruncher - with a EVGA SR-2, 7 GTX 295 and 2 6-Core Xeons
there will be a RAC of 200k possibile. But that means, that the BOINC Manager have - assumed
you choose a three Day Cache - to handle 5000-6000 Workunits! That high amount of Data
will slow down this Rig like Hell and make it unstable!

The one I'm building is not an SR-2, It's a Classified 200, There is a difference.

Sure looks like it will be one heck of a lot of fun to build....
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Message 1009298 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:44:38 UTC - in response to Message 1009282.  

Well, however - i wish you luck if you ever build you Dream Cruncher. ;)
But one word to say - two Magicool NOVA 1080 and five Graphic Cards and then this
weak Eheim. I don't think the pressure of this pump is enough.
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Message 1009310 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 15:58:35 UTC - in response to Message 1009298.  

Well, however - i wish you luck if you ever build you Dream Cruncher. ;)
But one word to say - two Magicool NOVA 1080 and five Graphic Cards and then this
weak Eheim. I don't think the pressure of this pump is enough.

I used a pond pump from Home Depot when I ran mine...
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Message 1009322 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:11:50 UTC - in response to Message 1009312.  
Last modified: 28 Jun 2010, 16:12:12 UTC

Well, however - i wish you luck if you ever build you Dream Cruncher. ;)
But one word to say - two Magicool NOVA 1080 and five Graphic Cards and then this
weak Eheim. I don't think the pressure of this pump is enough.

Are You and I talking about the same version? I'm talking about the red version:

Frozencpu wrote:
* Extreme Power - Very high performance pumps with enough pressure even with very large circulations
* Extremely low power consumption (6W)
* Low start-up current (<1A)
* Quick Start functionality
* Adapted Impeller
* 12 V operating voltage

Name:  	Eheim HPPS 12V Pump
Voltage: 	12V
Nominal Power: 	6W
Maximum Head: 	3.10m(10' 2-1/16")
Maximum Discharge: 	 
Connectors: 	(1) screw-in 8mm ID tubing compression fitting
Dimensions (L x W x H): 	130 x 55 x 65 mm (without foot plate)
Weight: 	500g

Besides I'm not after massive flow, just good cooling, Which means heating the water a bit and then letting the rads do the rest.

It looks like it can run in High Power mode which increases the pump quite a bit but voids warrentee? Why have a setting they don't want you to use?
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Message 1009342 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:22:19 UTC - in response to Message 1009111.  
Last modified: 28 Jun 2010, 16:24:57 UTC

It seems My specs are changing a bit, But not too much, As of now their as follows:

Coolermaster HAF-932 Case
DEMCi-filters Dust HAF-932 filters(2 sets)
EVGA Classified 200 motherboard
Intel i5 750 cpu
4GB G.Skill DDR3-2000 Ripjaws ram
5-GTX295 cards(BFG, EVGA, etc for now)
Enermax 1050w Revolution85+ psu
Corsair 950w TX950W psu(for three 295 cards only)
Swiftech MCR-320 Radiator, 350pump & Reservoir(all in one, for cpu only)
Danger Den 1156 cpu water block(WBK-DN-TDX-1156)
1/2"ID Hoses(2 Loops) 20'?
2-Magicool NOVA 1080 Radiators(295 cards only, Same as 6-3x120 Radiators)
14-DEMCi-filters Dust(120x3) filters
4-Koolance quick disconnect hose couplers
Koolance Adjustable Radiator Mount(Swiftech only)
Inovatech/Eheim 12v Pump(red version, 295 cards only)
1-Watercool AB-K Reservoir for Ehiem 1046/1048 pumps(295 cards only)
21-Triebwerk 120x55mm 88cfm fans
1-GTX295 Danger Den v1 Water Block
5-GTX295 Danger Den v2 Water Blocks

Hows does this look?

Five GTX295 cards wont fit on a EVGA Classified 200 motherboard. Not if there doublewide cards like my GTX285. Only three will work on that motherboard.

Maybe I'm missing something here?

Edit: Am I looking at the wrong motherboard?
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Message 1009346 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:25:52 UTC - in response to Message 1009339.  

Not sure but this is in the specs....

The Innovatek HPPS Plus 12V pump (based on the Eheim) is the upgraded and improved flagship pump from Innovatek. It is an power boost and performance upgrade upon the design of the original HPPS 12V Pump that has been used and relied upon by the thousands. The 20% improvement in the pump's discharge head puts it at an impressive 2.05 meters (6.7 feet). Even with the power increase it still only consumes 3 Watts of power to operate.
This pump is designed for use with Innovatek cpu blocks and reservoirs. The Innovatek Plug-On Reservoirs are designed to mate with this pump with no extra parts.

Special Operating Modes:
The HPPS Plus has several operating modes for specialists and special applications besides the normal mode it is set to when the pump is delivered (6.7 foot discharge head).

NOTE: The normal mode is more than sufficient for 99% of the users. Innovatek added the other two special modes for advanced users with special applications.

Changing the modes will VOID THE WARRANTY. To change the mode - pull off the blue end cap, extract the control board and move the jumpers to the setting you want to use.

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Message 1009349 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:28:22 UTC

Never mind the one I was looking at was blue...
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Message 1009358 - Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 16:38:43 UTC - in response to Message 1009347.  

It seems My specs are changing a bit, But not too much, As of now their as follows:

Coolermaster HAF-932 Case
DEMCi-filters Dust HAF-932 filters(2 sets)
EVGA Classified 200 motherboard
Intel i5 750 cpu
4GB G.Skill DDR3-2000 Ripjaws ram
5-GTX295 cards(BFG, EVGA, etc for now)
Enermax 1050w Revolution85+ psu
Corsair 950w TX950W psu(for three 295 cards only)
Swiftech MCR-320 Radiator, 350pump & Reservoir(all in one, for cpu only)
Danger Den 1156 cpu water block(WBK-DN-TDX-1156)
1/2"ID Hoses(2 Loops) 20'?
2-Magicool NOVA 1080 Radiators(295 cards only, Same as 6-3x120 Radiators)
14-DEMCi-filters Dust(120x3) filters
4-Koolance quick disconnect hose couplers
Koolance Adjustable Radiator Mount(Swiftech only)
Inovatech/Eheim 12v Pump(red version, 295 cards only)
1-Watercool AB-K Reservoir for Ehiem 1046/1048 pumps(295 cards only)
21-Triebwerk 120x55mm 88cfm fans
1-GTX295 Danger Den v1 Water Block
5-GTX295 Danger Den v2 Water Blocks

Hows does this look?

Five GTX295 cards wont fit on a EVGA Classified 200 motherboard. Not if there doublewide cards like my GTX285. Only three will work on that motherboard.

Maybe I'm missing something here?

Edit: Am I looking at the wrong motherboard?

Lets see, Water cooling and 4 are Single PCB types... They'll fit fine. Thin enough?

Oh, Sweet!

An double, Oh! Just realized I could fit two more GPU's on my EVGA board with water cooling. Like I'll ever have the money for it though.. :/
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