All dogs are not created equal...

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Message 966654 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 14:36:17 UTC

I have 3 dogs and it is amazing how different they are. 2 are shelties with same mother and one is a huge Yorkie. We had Princess (my sheltie) and Max (Big Yorkie) in California for a couple years living in a RV park just outside LA. We had skunks and raccoons and coyotes and lots of other wild life. The Yorkie got sprayed 3 times by skunks and yet Princess was with him each time and stopped before getting sprayed, it was like she knew...She can go all day without an accident and understands many phrases. You can see the intelligence in her eyes. Her sister is just a dog...sad to say as she is cool but no where near as smart. She is always under feet and keeps getting stepped on she can do some dog tricks but not like her sister. The Yorkie, he is dumb as a rock and Sue has never even been able to get him to sit very often. He knows if you fear dogs, if not he is gentle and usually walks off. If you show that instant of fear when you meet him he is all over you. The Shelties are in my Store everyday but the Yorkie can only be there if watched closely.
Princess watched us stop the Grandbaby from going into the kitchen a few times then started blocking his way. Now that he is three I think they are at the same level. They are quite the pair trying to one up each other all the time. She will bark at him for something and he barks back at her and it is so funny to watch.
Anyone have a good dog story?
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Message 966657 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 14:43:50 UTC

I suspect there are not as many good dog stories as there are kitty stories......
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Message 966659 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 14:45:16 UTC - in response to Message 966657.  

I suspect there are not as many good dog stories as there are kitty stories......

I have 4 cats and my dogs have many many more stories to tell....
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Message 966684 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 16:12:10 UTC - in response to Message 966659.  

I suspect there are not as many good dog stories as there are kitty stories......

I have 4 cats and my dogs have many many more stories to tell....

But nobody wants to listen to a dog......

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 966688 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 16:25:34 UTC - in response to Message 966684.  

I suspect there are not as many good dog stories as there are kitty stories......

I have 4 cats and my dogs have many many more stories to tell....

But nobody wants to listen to a dog......


Too Funny and probably true....ROFL
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Message 966693 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 16:58:59 UTC - in response to Message 966688.  

I suspect there are not as many good dog stories as there are kitty stories......

I have 4 cats and my dogs have many many more stories to tell....

But nobody wants to listen to a dog......


Too Funny and probably true....ROFL

Problem is dogs need to be trained to give alerts(barking) to strangers, But most of the time they aren't trained any outside of potty training and barely at that, Me I've never had a Dog of My own, Here I can't in any case, But I have played with My nephews Dog Thelma(She's a pitbull mix and of medium size), Really friendly dog, She does like to play and I mean seriously play, teaching Her to play ball was fun, As She'd at first go and get the ball and not return It, Total tease that dog, My Nephew said Thelma was so friendly that when a house He was in was burglarized and His tools were stolen, the crooks left Her behind, Guess they thought She wasn't worth anything. Still She played a mean game of tug o war. :D

Oh and cats can be trained to play fetch, You just have to start early and make It seem like they want to do It.
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Message 966702 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 17:35:05 UTC - in response to Message 966693.  

At the risk of thread creep...

My son's elementary school had a pet rat that had been trained to play fetch. We "rat sat" over one summer vacation, and it would roll its little ball up to your feet, and then sit there staring at you until you threw it. It was kind of creepy at first, but we got used to it. I was almost fond of the little critter by the end of summer.

Which reminds me of a real dog story. Our current Cocker would love to play fetch in the house when it was younger, but would never follow the ball if you threw it outside. It was several years later that we learned the dog had been born with poor eye sight. Probably couldn't see the ball when we threw it outside.

By the way, bad eyesight is just one of about a dozen conditions that various vets have informed us that "Cockers are prone to" over the last 14 years. Never mind health care for people, we need health care for Cockers.

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Message 966708 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 18:04:21 UTC - in response to Message 966702.  
Last modified: 29 Jan 2010, 18:06:30 UTC

By the way, bad eyesight is just one of about a dozen conditions that various vets have informed us that "Cockers are prone to" over the last 14 years. Never mind health care for people, we need health care for Cockers.

Hmm.....blind in one eye, and can't see a thing outta the other.......

Must be a cocker......

Or would that be JOE Cocker....and a young pup at that..... with a little help from his friends.....woof.
Kinda the first seconds of the clip, there are actually a couple of dogs barking in the background...LOL.
An excellent bit of musical history.... Woodstock, doncha know....
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 966711 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 18:27:30 UTC - in response to Message 966708.  

By the way, bad eyesight is just one of about a dozen conditions that various vets have informed us that "Cockers are prone to" over the last 14 years. Never mind health care for people, we need health care for Cockers.

Hmm.....blind in one eye, and can't see a thing outta the other.......

Must be a cocker......

Or would that be JOE Cocker....and a young pup at that..... with a little help from his friends.....woof.
Kinda the first seconds of the clip, there are actually a couple of dogs barking in the background...LOL.
An excellent bit of musical history.... Woodstock, doncha know....

My dogs love Pink Floyd "Dogs" princess sings along...
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Message 966714 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 18:31:22 UTC - in response to Message 966711.  
Last modified: 29 Jan 2010, 18:34:03 UTC

By the way, bad eyesight is just one of about a dozen conditions that various vets have informed us that "Cockers are prone to" over the last 14 years. Never mind health care for people, we need health care for Cockers.

Hmm.....blind in one eye, and can't see a thing outta the other.......

Must be a cocker......

Or would that be JOE Cocker....and a young pup at that..... with a little help from his friends.....woof.
Kinda the first seconds of the clip, there are actually a couple of dogs barking in the background...LOL.
An excellent bit of musical history.... Woodstock, doncha know....

My dogs love Pink Floyd "Dogs" princess sings along...

Would that be Seamus.....the old hound doggy song?
Bet nobody ever saw THIS version.....LOL.

THIS is what finally ended up on the album.....

A little bit of kitty history for the doggins..........
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 966720 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 18:59:30 UTC

Nope they like "dogs" off the animals album but they also like Roger Waters Version...

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Message 966722 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 19:10:12 UTC

When my sister Andrea used to sing Silent Night, badly, in Spanish, our dog Tessie (half Springer Spaniel - half opportunistic fence jumping purebred American mutt) used to "sing" along. Tessie only did it to that badly sung song. Not sure if Tessie was complaining about Andrea's singing or just doing a stupid pet trick. We also taught Tessie to jump through hula-hoops placed at various heights. She was a good family dog.
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Message 966724 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 19:15:16 UTC - in response to Message 966722.  
Last modified: 29 Jan 2010, 19:17:35 UTC

When my sister Andrea used to sing Silent Night, badly, in Spanish, our dog Tessie (half Springer Spaniel - half opportunistic fence jumping purebred American mutt) used to "sing" along. Tessie only did it to that badly sung song. Not sure if Tessie was complaining about Andrea's singing or just doing a stupid pet trick. We also taught Tessie to jump through hula-hoops placed at various heights. She was a good family dog.

But could Tessie do THIS??
The Moscow Cat Theater....
If you know much about cats........seeing a cat backing down a wire is quite something......wayyyyyy beyond their nature.
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Message 966744 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 21:30:56 UTC

Eric and I saw that show when it came to town. It is fun, but the kitties do not always perform on cue. The clown acts are necessary to make the moments of kitty non-compliance funny.
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Message 966745 - Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 21:36:24 UTC - in response to Message 966744.  

Eric and I saw that show when it came to town. It is fun, but the kitties do not always perform on cue. The clown acts are necessary to make the moments of kitty non-compliance funny.

Of course.......kittiea are not OSHA compliant.....
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Message 966763 - Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 0:29:07 UTC

4 reasons my older pup is definitely a princess:

1. She will not go out in the rain... if I force her to go down the ramp onto the grass... she lifts her paws if to say" I do not want mud on my paws" and gives us the death glare.

2. After she has had her dinner (Suz feeds them)... she will bark beside the water dish.. Mommy must throw out what is in there and put new cold fresh water from the fridge dispenser. She will not stop until it is done.

3. She does not like the dark. If she wants in or out of the bed.. she does her soft woof and increases volume until you get up and turn on the lights.

4. She has her own chair.. it is gold colored (of course for royality)... if any human sits in it.. she will bark at you until you get out of her chair !!!

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Message 966767 - Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 0:45:57 UTC - in response to Message 966763.  

4 reasons my older pup is definitely a princess:

1. She will not go out in the rain... if I force her to go down the ramp onto the grass... she lifts her paws if to say" I do not want mud on my paws" and gives us the death glare.

2. After she has had her dinner (Suz feeds them)... she will bark beside the water dish.. Mommy must throw out what is in there and put new cold fresh water from the fridge dispenser. She will not stop until it is done.

3. She does not like the dark. If she wants in or out of the bed.. she does her soft woof and increases volume until you get up and turn on the lights.

4. She has her own chair.. it is gold colored (of course for royality)... if any human sits in it.. she will bark at you until you get out of her chair !!!

OMG...get offa that chair!!!
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Message 966771 - Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 1:08:00 UTC - in response to Message 966763.  

4 reasons my older pup is definitely a princess:

1. She will not go out in the rain... if I force her to go down the ramp onto the grass... she lifts her paws if to say" I do not want mud on my paws" and gives us the death glare.

2. After she has had her dinner (Suz feeds them)... she will bark beside the water dish.. Mommy must throw out what is in there and put new cold fresh water from the fridge dispenser. She will not stop until it is done.

3. She does not like the dark. If she wants in or out of the bed.. she does her soft woof and increases volume until you get up and turn on the lights.

4. She has her own chair.. it is gold colored (of course for royality)... if any human sits in it.. she will bark at you until you get out of her chair !!!

I think Roman Emperors used Purple and maybe Gold...
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Message 966778 - Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 1:44:51 UTC

I am a cat owner more than a dog owner, but...

- Luke.
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Message 966851 - Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 5:42:31 UTC

Our neighbors had a couple of Great Danes. One of them was about as smart as a fence post. He loved jumping over things. The day the sewer lines were dug into the street in the neighborhood, the dog jumped over the pile of dirt and discovered the hole on the way down into it. We found a ladder, and carried him up the ladder out of the hole. 2 hours later he did it again...

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