Our database server hung and had to be forcibly terminated. It took several hours to check all the tables and indices. Then we ran into problems with our Network Attached Storage device, which we rebooted for the first tim

Message boards : News : Our database server hung and had to be forcibly terminated. It took several hours to check all the tables and indices. Then we ran into problems with our Network Attached Storage device, which we rebooted for the first tim
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Message 956446 - Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 0:00:00 UTC

Our database server hung and had to be forcibly terminated.
It took several hours to check all the tables and indices.
Then we ran into problems with our
Network Attached Storage device, which we rebooted
for the first time in 18 months.
Additional outages may occur throughout the night and possibly tomorrow.
ID: 956446 · Report as offensive

Message boards : News : Our database server hung and had to be forcibly terminated. It took several hours to check all the tables and indices. Then we ran into problems with our Network Attached Storage device, which we rebooted for the first tim

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