Warning for Cuda

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Message 952442 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:02:46 UTC - in response to Message 952440.  

I would assume that you didnt adjust the GPU fan speed or monitor the temp using GPUz. SOrry for your loss. and I'm not going to get into CUDA being stupid.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 952446 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:18:25 UTC - in response to Message 952242.  

People; remember the number 1 rule of forums- ignore idiots & trolls.
They hang around if there are people to play with. Ignore them & they get bored & head off for greener pastures.

Looking over the thread so far, i felt it was worth repeating.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, dives like a duck & waddles like a duck then it's a pretty sure bet it is a duck.
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Message 952447 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:20:40 UTC

Great, now I gotta buy a cat too for CUDA!?!?!
ID: 952447 · Report as offensive
Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 952448 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:24:16 UTC - in response to Message 952442.  

It would help if people did not have selective reading .just so you understand .
8400 card worked well untill i used the cuda units ajusting fan speeds are you for real not only did i not have a option to do that i wasn't here at home when it desided to overheat .As i have explained there are times i have not been able to even control the mouse so before a nother silly comment is made think about what you are going to say before saying it as i have tryed evrthing and yet my rac is still under 1000 and i can see no advantage to useing cuda unless i wish to take a chance and burn out my new card . i am not doing cuda units and my rac has actually increased a little .Maybe i'm rong but i get the impression that if you use a AMD chip then you need cuda .I use INTEL chips so maybe only those whom have Intel chips should be speaking in this thread .
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Message 952455 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:38:45 UTC - in response to Message 952448.  

Sorry but you are accusing a company of being stupid when if fact it was your fault the card failed. Had you paid any attention to discussions here you would have seen that extra cooling is a necessity when using your Graphics card to process Wu's YOu've failed to follow instructions and to use common sense. Nvidia doesnt make graphics cards so you can run CUDA WU's they make them for improved graphics on games and other graphically intense operation. The cards arent designed to run 24/7 at 100% without additional cooling.

Congrats you failed yourself.
I tend to agree with Grant. this is just a troll trying to blame others for their own short comings. I guess I dont need to post here anymore since it takes a bigger man to admit that they are wrong.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 952459 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:42:26 UTC - in response to Message 952448.  

I guess my little celeron chips count. I ran a little 8500gt card for a number of months with no problem. It is still in service in a different machine only because I went up to a 9500gt card. Thanks to Cuda my RAC went up to over 2000. Thanks to the last outage it's back around 1800 now but should soon climb back up. I am far from computer literate but thanks to the people on this site I've always found a way to solve any problems that popped up.

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 952467 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:51:28 UTC - in response to Message 952376.  

So there seems to to be a lot of doctors and experts on dislexia here .Maybe you should remember that i am useing a computer i correct the mistakes that i can but before another word about dixlexia make shore you are a doctor whom treats the condition as your comments are very offensive to me .If putting letters in the rong place in a sentence is your idea of understanding my condition then you realy are a dumbs ass the condition is a lot more than grammer or spelling . A typical dislexic can not read a book without getting lost in the words they seem to join up togeather and dissaper i can go into a trance and forget everthing i just read so unless you are a doctor shut the hell up .Because there is nothing more stupid than a person whom thinks he's smart but talks about a subject that he has no training for like asking a nucular scientist about chemisty. Unless i'm to understand that if you have a phd in 1 subject your a expert on all subjects

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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 952468 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:53:30 UTC - in response to Message 952455.  

The cards arent designed to run 24/7 at 100% without additional cooling.

I'd say the problem is with Nvidia's software.
The fans are software controlled, getting their input from thermal sensor(s). The software by default should run the fan at whatever speed is necessary to keep the GPU within it's safe operating temperature.
Having said that- GPUs are designed to run at temperatures in excess of 80°c. If something failed while running at a temperature less than that, then that in itself indicates a problem with the hardware.
Darwin NT
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Message 952469 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:55:07 UTC - in response to Message 952447.  

Great, now I gotta buy a cat too for CUDA!?!?!

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ID: 952469 · Report as offensive
Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 952471 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 22:14:31 UTC - in response to Message 952467.  

Slective reading is a problem for some .
1 i could not ajust the fan speed no opytion to do this
2 I was not at home
3 new card come with warning only use gigabyte drivers
old card was winfox nvida and again you prove what i have been saying scince the start of this thread
gpu are not designed to run seti your words !
card need extra cooling again your words !
so now tell me again how useing cuda is a great idea if you need extra cooling the cards are not surorted by nvida ,people have burnt out cards the stand alone program seti is not all that is needed and there is no way to get the system to automaticlly shut down if something go astray and the temp starts to go up when you are not there and it so easy that a newbee would have no problems with seti or cuda and the RAC is more important than the scinece . I think you guys can't admit you got it rong must feel like a right D@#k to be coned by nvida just think 1 million cards sold at aprox $100= $100 million in sales (dollar sign not working before you make a comment) i hope seti got it's shear of the 100 million nvida would have made .opps !!!!!
And i am the dumdest person at seti
see i can be funny tooo

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Message 952473 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 22:16:09 UTC - in response to Message 952468.  

The cards arent designed to run 24/7 at 100% without additional cooling.

I'd say the problem is with Nvidia's software.

You're forgetting that there are a lot of Nvidia cards (whether they have a CUDA GPU or not. ATI cards without a fan are a lot less around) that use passive cooling only. It's going to be a little difficult to software control/cool that one. There is still no throttling API available, or good enough code for it in the drivers.

But even then it's usually easy to strap a fan on, if you have the space for it in your case, and cool it that way.
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Message 952476 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 22:23:13 UTC - in response to Message 952471.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 22:25:44 UTC

Slective reading is a problem for some .

As it is for you. Excuse me for saying so, but you've been pointed by me to the FAQ a couple of times now, yet you still feel it's all Seti's fault/Nvidia's fault, while you could have started reading the thing by now. All in your own speed, of course. But still, the only thing you do is complain, flame and - seeing your post in answer to Ozzfan - insult.

You aren't a very friendly person. I'm going to put you on ignore.
ID: 952476 · Report as offensive
Grant (SSSF)
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Message 952480 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 22:58:11 UTC - in response to Message 952473.  

The cards arent designed to run 24/7 at 100% without additional cooling.

I'd say the problem is with Nvidia's software.

You're forgetting that there are a lot of Nvidia cards (whether they have a CUDA GPU or not. ATI cards without a fan are a lot less around) that use passive cooling only. It's going to be a little difficult to software control/cool that one. There is still no throttling API available, or good enough code for it in the drivers.

Even so, the heatsink should be designed to cool the card when running at full load. Game or CUDA- it should be capable of keeping the card within it's specififed operating temperature when run at full load for several hours. Generally when under full load the card will reach it's maximum temperature within a few minutes (in the case of a CPU it's a matter of seconds).
If the temperature continues to climb after that, it'll be due to case cooling issues.
Darwin NT
ID: 952480 · Report as offensive
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Message 952482 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 23:23:28 UTC - in response to Message 952480.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 23:30:29 UTC

Just look at this one, Grant. You don't need cooling on it, as it probably uses 3 slots anyway and you can't put anything next to it. ;-)

Or heck, even worse: this monstrosity.

But OK, seriously, I meant something like this: A CUDA card for your Dell computer. How long do you think that one is going to last?
ID: 952482 · Report as offensive
Grant (SSSF)
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Message 952488 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 23:31:52 UTC - in response to Message 952482.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 23:36:15 UTC

But OK, seriously, I meant something like this: A CUDA card for your Dell computer. How long do you think that one is going to last?

Running in the system it was designed for, it wouldn't be a problem IMHO.
As much as i dislike Dell desktop systems, they are well designed. That isn't exactly a power house card, so when running in it's system it would be effectively cooled.

EDIT- the other 2 cards you linked to could easily be a problem though as they both have plenty of processing ability.
Putting either into a poorly cooled system would lead to all sorts of problems.
Darwin NT
ID: 952488 · Report as offensive
Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 952489 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 23:35:24 UTC

I have been in positions in my life aka superviser and have had to do risk assement for new tech if i had made a desicion like what has been done with the use of Cuda i would have been sacked . I am not so interserted in haveing a high RAC and i believe that this probly the real reason that nvida's Cuda codeing was adopted . I hope next time you are given a new toy you do the risk assesment better than you did this time .The science is more imporant than a RAC and should always be the number 1 priority. there are 1 million users and only a small percent would be able to have the knowlege to sort cuda out i would allso say that there would be a larger amount of people that can't afford to spend big bucks replaceing cards in there system and this should have been 1 of the things that sould have infulenced the use of cuda . Don't blame me for pointing out seti's stupidnes with Cuda .If i was more interested in a high Rac i would try to fix the problems i have had, but i am not .I spent 30,000 hrs under the old seti and i was in the postion to be able waste money on computers but i did not .If the scince is what is important then stop useing the argument that it has improved my RAC because it does not excuse the fact that new bees would have trouble getting this problem sorted .Which i realy have no interesrt in doing maybe because i am not self absorb or need the ego bost or braging rights . If it doesn't work with the standalone seti program then i am right .Stupid stupid, stupid and goes against the idea of seti .I will however start to leave messages on bullintin boards warning peole about seti seeing as you don't feel there is a need to have a warning here, but not here i will do it everwhere else i can .
ID: 952489 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952495 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 23:53:38 UTC - in response to Message 952479.  

he had no write to talk about it was cowardly to say what he said after i had posted that i was signing off and waching tv .

...but i do have a write to stick up for myself when a cowerd speeks behind my back as he did .

So what you're saying is that when you leave a thread, we're all supposed to stop talking until you return. Otherwise, the words that are left so plainly for you to see for yourself is "talking behind your back"? If I wanted to speak behind your back, I'd be private messaging people about you so that you can't see what I have to say. I left the words here in the open knowing you'd be back to read them eventually.
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Message 952497 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 23:57:15 UTC - in response to Message 952489.  

If i was more interested in a high Rac i would try to fix the problems i have had, but i am not .I spent 30,000 hrs under the old seti and i was in the postion to be able waste money on computers but i did not .If the scince is what is important then stop useing the argument that it has improved my RAC because it does not excuse the fact that new bees would have trouble getting this problem sorted .Which i realy have no interesrt in doing maybe because i am not self absorb or need the ego bost or braging rights . If it doesn't work with the standalone seti program then i am right .Stupid stupid, stupid and goes against the idea of seti .

You're right, a RAC isn't what is most important. But a high RAC automatically indicates how much scientific work is getting done. Ergo, all those machines using CUDA processors with really high RACs are getting far more work done than just CPUs alone.
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Message 952502 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 0:07:40 UTC - in response to Message 952448.  

8400 card worked well untill i used the cuda units ajusting fan speeds are you for real not only did i not have a option to do that i wasn't here at home when it desided to overheat .

Sorry to hear that your old video card blew up. Such is the risk of running any program that stresses your computer. This can happen to CPUs who's fan fails and the motherboard's onboard thermal sensor fails as well.

As i have explained there are times i have not been able to even control the mouse so before a nother silly comment is made think about what you are going to say before saying it

This issue has been reported before, and there are fixes for it. There's no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach to computers. They need to be configured properly so that they run right based upon what you are running.

as i have tryed evrthing and yet my rac is still under 1000 and i can see no advantage to useing cuda

If you did everything, then you'd have a higher RAC, which means you have not tried everything. My guess is that you didn't wait long enough or you got a series of VLARs which killed the performance advantage, giving you the perception that CUDA wasn't beneficial.

unless i wish to take a chance and burn out my new card .

I certainly wouldn't want to take the risk, especially if I was on a fixed income as you stated you are. So then by all means, don't run it. But you also shouldn't go around saying things that aren't completely true either, especially if others can prove you wrong (even if you refuse to acknowledge it).

i am not doing cuda units and my rac has actually increased a little .

As you said before, RAC is fickle, so how can you be sure the increase in RAC isn't due to more pending credit being granted at a faster rate than it is because you're not running CUDA?

Maybe i'm rong but i get the impression that if you use a AMD chip then you need cuda .I use INTEL chips so maybe only those whom have Intel chips should be speaking in this thread .

I have posted Intel chips that got a large boost in RAC too. In fact, of the three systems I posted, two were Intel chips. Only one was AMD. None of those systems are mine, but I do use Intel chips as of late.
ID: 952502 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952530 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 0:52:25 UTC - in response to Message 952524.  

Ozzie i don't expect people to stop posting when i leave but comments about a illnes that you have no real idea about was rong .

But that's where you're wrong. I know quite a bit about dyslexia and many other disorders.
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