fired for using Seti and boinc

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Message 952107 - Posted: 3 Dec 2009, 23:02:27 UTC - in response to Message 952097.  

If they search then and only then do they become liable. They must not search.

Yes, I hear you 100%, and I understand. It cringes my ethos, but I understand. It's like good citizens walking by ignoring kids spray painting the walls. If Nez 'attempts' to sue his former employer, I wouldn't be surprised if Boinc gets dragged into it somehow, and the Regents at Berkeley won't be pleased.

What's your bar number?

I dart pulled a low number of a dozen (12) as being statistically probably that work assets are involved. Logic being, how many people at home run a dozen machines... the avg enlistment in Boinc per ID is 2.2 machines I think. And for those who do run 12 or more machines at home, fine, sign the hold harmless.


I guess the point of 12 is it also probably covers +99% of S@H crunchers. It's the guy who zombies 50, 500, 5000 machines that stains the project and should be sleuthed out. The guy who violates on just 1 box is no different than a guy running World Of Warcraft at work.

Guess I would have to shut one down also or get written permission also...Not gonna happen.

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Message 952113 - Posted: 3 Dec 2009, 23:31:35 UTC - in response to Message 952097.  

If they search then and only then do they become liable. They must not search.

Yes, I hear you 100%, and I understand. It cringes my ethos, but I understand. It's like good citizens walking by ignoring kids spray painting the walls. If Nez 'attempts' to sue his former employer, I wouldn't be surprised if Boinc gets dragged into it somehow, and the Regents at Berkeley won't be pleased.

What's your bar number?

I dart pulled a low number of a dozen (12) as being statistically probably that work assets are involved. Logic being, how many people at home run a dozen machines... the avg enlistment in Boinc per ID is 2.2 machines I think. And for those who do run 12 or more machines at home, fine, sign the hold harmless.


I guess the point of 12 is it also probably covers +99% of S@H crunchers. It's the guy who zombies 50, 500, 5000 machines that stains the project and should be sleuthed out. The guy who violates on just 1 box is no different than a guy running World Of Warcraft at work.

Thankfully no one but this Joker has domain over My 3 boxes besides Me(1 online and 2 offline until further notice, Sorry but No one will be given any notice as I don't need to do that, One of these days I need to update My specs page though).
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Profile Misfit
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Message 952115 - Posted: 3 Dec 2009, 23:35:18 UTC - in response to Message 952035.  

Were his activities known about by DA and seti.
Message 36895 on Beta message boards.
We had a reply on the BOINC_alpha mailing list. David Anderson deliberately allowed self-validation, because otherwise NEZ would have no-one to validate with - he does such a high proportion of all the Beta work.

Let's keep in mind the reason NEZ joined Beta in the first place. Because on THIS project Matt Lebofsky asked for more Beta volunteers because the beta testing wasn't getting completed fast enough and THIS project was going to run out of work. So for all those who are complaining about Brad's WUs they wouldn't have any WUs to begin with if it weren't for Brad.

As for comments about Berkeley getting sued... how many times have I (we) heard that one before? We still are waiting for our day in court.
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Message 952119 - Posted: 3 Dec 2009, 23:46:21 UTC - in response to Message 952105.  
Last modified: 3 Dec 2009, 23:47:51 UTC

But It is their name and They should have the right to accept or decline the name change first.

Absolutely! It doesn't matter what the name is changed to as long as it's changed. Maybe throwing the banned:ID flag would serve the same purpose, but not sure if that would flow downstream to things like BoincStats though. KittyMan might know ;-)

But eventually the tally should probably be removed (unless Higley decides to join in ernest, which won't happen of course), as just not fair at moment to the other crunchers who are realistically forever bumped a notch by the unmentionable NEZ (thk goodness for rac sort order). At least he didn't drag a team down too.
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Message 952120 - Posted: 3 Dec 2009, 23:51:11 UTC - in response to Message 952115.  

Were his activities known about by DA and seti.
Message 36895 on Beta message boards.
We had a reply on the BOINC_alpha mailing list. David Anderson deliberately allowed self-validation, because otherwise NEZ would have no-one to validate with - he does such a high proportion of all the Beta work.

Let's keep in mind the reason NEZ joined Beta in the first place. Because on THIS project Matt Lebofsky asked for more Beta volunteers because the beta testing wasn't getting completed fast enough and THIS project was going to run out of work. So for all those who are complaining about Brad's WUs they wouldn't have any WUs to begin with if it weren't for Brad.

As for comments about Berkeley getting sued... how many times have I (we) heard that one before? We still are waiting for our day in court.

Everyone at Berkeley is probably pretty amused by this I would guess. Be interesting to hear something...Does Eric ever post anymore?
Official Abuser of Boinc Buttons...
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Message 952142 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 1:18:23 UTC - in response to Message 952119.  

But It is their name and They should have the right to accept or decline the name change first.

Absolutely! It doesn't matter what the name is changed to as long as it's changed. Maybe throwing the banned:ID flag would serve the same purpose, but not sure if that would flow downstream to things like BoincStats though. KittyMan might know ;-)

But eventually the tally should probably be removed (unless Higley decides to join in ernest, which won't happen of course), as just not fair at moment to the other crunchers who are realistically forever bumped a notch by the unmentionable NEZ (thk goodness for rac sort order). At least he didn't drag a team down too.

Somebody is sure jonesing for a move just one spot up the total credit list. I suppose we should also throw out the results from the science database.

First Berkley would have to prove that all those credits weren't his, and they can't. They shouldn't even waste time trying. End of story!


Some Podunk district in AZ is going to sue the State of California?! LOL! The counter suit for the slander of their district super would rip them a new one! Now if it was water rights in the Colorado River ...

Misfit might want to get a lawyer, because if there is a suit or criminal case, all his PM's are going to get read to a jury and he may well be the one reading them. Especially one about Nez starting up again soon, if I remember it right.

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Message 952143 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 1:24:21 UTC - in response to Message 952022.  

Personally, beyond any records subpoena (has Berkeley commented on if a subpoena was received?), I think the S@H mavens should take some distancing action.

While I understand where you're coming from, I suspect that the first thing that SETI@Home should do is consult legal counsel.

I'm sure that the attorney would advise doing very little without orders from a court of competent jurisdiction.

At most they should temporarily suspend the account so that the district's machines are not being used against their wishes while they're tracking down copies of BOINC.
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Message 952151 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 1:48:08 UTC

You are missing the point. Berkely and this project should do nothing. They did not do anything wrong. Did Nez do anything wrong, read more than just the school district's press releases and you will see that there is significant doubt about that. It appears he had his prior bosses permission. It really is looking like a political ploy by the new boss, birdbrain, to keep her job by making NEZ look like a bad guy and focuse all the negative attention on him.

But I repeat Berkely did nothing wrong, and should not change anything. To do otherwise could suggest that they did something wrong.
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Profile hiamps
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Message 952171 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 2:57:49 UTC
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 2:58:26 UTC

There is a link to Erics responce in the number crunching "truth about Nez" thread. About what I thought....
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Profile LiliKrist
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Message 952176 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 3:28:41 UTC

sssttttt...let's hear people from S@H speak ok =) It's the right time for them to give explanation. Then we shall wait NEZ speak-up too

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Message 952177 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 3:33:14 UTC - in response to Message 952171.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 3:39:25 UTC

There is a link to Erics responce in the number crunching "truth about Nez" thread. About what I thought....

Didn't see one there, But I did find a thread on the Staff Blog about NEZ...
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Message 952200 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 7:00:53 UTC - in response to Message 952151.  

Berkely and this project should do nothing. They did not do anything wrong.

I dunno, whenever people hear a corporation or politician shout "I did nothing wrong," well, odds are they did. At minimum, doing nothing is not a defence of doing nothing wrong, and certainly isn't a platform to argue you did something right. But that's corporations and politicians -- NOT an academic institution (which ideally has higher ethical side-values).

It can be argued Nez got selfish & greedy (and is paying the price). My 2 cents is standing by as an individual antes in 50, 500, 5000, or more machines which so clearly fails the sniff test puts S@H (grata the boinc framework) into the same greedy selfish bucket.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952207 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 7:21:47 UTC
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 7:24:54 UTC

I am not really passing judgment on NEZ......

I think maybe he was somebody who got caught up in his enthusiasm for this project, and got a bit carried away.....on my own level, so have I.

Did he really think he had full permission to do so? Or did he think he was getting away with it on the sly? Dunno.

He certainly did not make a presence on these forum boards to bask in his glory, such as it was. Curious.

Was that because he knew all along that he was taking advantage of his position inappropriately? Dunno.

Are the 'damages' being claimed by the school district being blown a bit out of proportion? Probably.

Did they suffer some damages (power costs) due to the claimed unauthorized running of Boinc/Seti software? Certainly.

Was this whole thing brought to a head by behind the scenes politics with a hidden agenda? Plausibly.

Is Boinc/Seti/Berkeley at all to blame in this boondoggle? Forget it.....
Not any more than if NEZ had picked some other piece of freeware and loaded it onto every computer he had access to.

The story will undoubtedly unfold in the courts as time goes by...and I am sure most of us will welcome the truthful disclosure of information from the court system as opposed to the sensationalistic fabrication of information afforded by the press at this point in time.

BTW...has NEZ made any public statement about the whole situation? Or, as I suspect, is he laying low on the advice of his lawyers?
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Message 952210 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 7:28:19 UTC - in response to Message 952207.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2009, 7:29:06 UTC

I am not really passing judgment on NEZ......

I think maybe he was somebody who got caught up in his enthusiasm for this project, and got a bit carried away.....on my own level, so have I.

Did he really think he had full permission to do so? Or did he think he was getting away with it on the sly? Dunno.

He certainly did not make a presence on these forum boards to bask in his glory, such as it was. Curious.

Was that because he knew all along that he was taking advantage of his position inappropriately? Dunno.

Are the 'damages' being claimed by the school district being blown a bit out of proportion? Probably.

Did they suffer some damages (power costs) due to the claimed unauthorized running of Boinc/Seti software? Certainly.

Was this whole thing brought to a head by behind the scenes politics with a hidden agenda? Plausibly.

Is Boinc/Seti/Berkeley at all to blame in this boondoggle? Forget it.....
Not any more than if NEZ had picked some other piece of freeware and loaded it onto every computer he had access to.

The story will undoubtedly unfold in the courts as time goes by...and I am sure most of us will welcome the truthful disclosure of information from the court system as opposed to the sensationalistic fabrication of information afforded by the press at this point in time.

BTW...has NEZ made any public statement about the whole situation? Or, as I suspect, is he laying low on the advice of his lawyers? a good/top BOINC cruncher (NEZ, I mean), he is now lurking around!!!

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952217 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 8:04:12 UTC - in response to Message 952210. a good/top BOINC cruncher (NEZ, I mean), he is now lurking around!!!

I would be quite happy if he would quit lurking and finally post a few things here to clarify the he has been quite secretive in the past.

Of course, I am not sure of the status of his account, or if he could even still post.
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Message 952262 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 9:33:22 UTC - in response to Message 952115.  


We still are waiting for our day in court.

. . . interesting choice of words . . .


BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 952276 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 10:58:17 UTC - in response to Message 952217. a good/top BOINC cruncher (NEZ, I mean), he is now lurking around!!!

I would be quite happy if he would quit lurking and finally post a few things here to clarify the he has been quite secretive in the past.

Of course, I am not sure of the status of his account, or if he could even still post.

Right now I'd imagine that If He consulted a lawyer, He would have been advised to keep quiet on the subject so as not to give His opponent the tools to dig NEZ's grave in court later on as what's said now could possibly be used against NEZ(somehow), possibly, So It's to NEZ's advantage to not say anything at this point. :D
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952283 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 11:11:08 UTC - in response to Message 952262.  


We still are waiting for our day in court.

. . . interesting choice of words . . .


And I thought that the Buick/mailbox thingy back in about '79 was forgotten.......meow.
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Message 952284 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 11:12:45 UTC

~ off-topic ~

lurk = krul

~ baCk - on - topic ~

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952288 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 11:25:41 UTC - in response to Message 952284.  

~ off-topic ~

lurk = krul

~ baCk - on - topic ~

See ya, Richard,...........nice talking to ya........
I have a beam of light to catch.......
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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