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Profile 52 Aces

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Message 947696 - Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 21:31:52 UTC - in response to Message 947683.  
Last modified: 16 Nov 2009, 21:36:30 UTC

Anyways you must be a were lonely and or extreamly bored

Does 'were' = 'very' ?? :-) Answer is neither of course ;^)

Yes, I know folks think they're being helpful, but to me it simply smacks of one of those run-a-way hoax mails that sucks in all your aging aunts & uncles --- example: fwd to 20 friends and help little Billy get into the guiness book for most postcards, etc, etc, etc. Well, change Billy to Seti, and postcards to cuda startup info :-) No matter how many times you explain it, they think the next spam mail must be real.

PS: Per theoretical speeds, you won't capture that in this way under any circumstance --- too many 'your milage will vary' variables. The data for a true thruput perf matrix of hardware could be assembled on the backend easily by a single report because it has the values of all ~150,000 active users, and the report will be out of date every few weeks as something new comes down the pike.
ID: 947696 · Report as offensive
Profile TeamDGC

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Message 947718 - Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 22:26:34 UTC - in response to Message 947696.  

Yes I know that but the question still remains! Why do you bother pointing out the same thing out over and over again in this thread? I think the most of us got you the first time, and the rest most likley can't be botherd to read trough the whole thread. Just let them post their startup infos if they want to!
All time #1 M.U.R.C. Cruncher!
ID: 947718 · Report as offensive
Profile 52 Aces

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Message 947748 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 0:36:45 UTC - in response to Message 947718.  

Just let them post their startup infos if they want to!

We can ask the same thing about your inquiry to me ;-) But in answer, I think my effort has helped awaken a few savable one. For the rest, well, I'm confident they'll continue to amuse.
ID: 947748 · Report as offensive
Profile hiamps
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Message 947786 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 4:03:25 UTC - in response to Message 947748.  

This ones for you 52....
10/16/2009 4:47:12 PM NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260 (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)

Official Abuser of Boinc Buttons...
And no good credit hound!
ID: 947786 · Report as offensive
Profile ML1
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Message 947841 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 11:12:03 UTC
Last modified: 17 Nov 2009, 11:25:57 UTC

Just to make this thread possibly useful for a comparison:
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 4GFLOPS) (PCI)
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS) (PCIe)
CUDA device:  GeForce 8500 GT  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 0,       CUDA version       1.1, 256MB, est. 17GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 14GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600M GS (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585,   CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 48GFLOPS) (Stock 384MB DDR3)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585,   CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 62GFLOPS) (OC'd 384MB DDR3)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585,   CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS) (Stock 768MB DDR2)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585,   CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 53GFLOPS) (OC'd  768MB DDR2)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18208,   CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 37GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 34GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 60GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 18585,  compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18250,   CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 83GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce G210     (driver version 19038,   compute capability 1.2, 512MB, est. 8GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 0,       CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS) (Stock GTX 260)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 119GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 700MHz/1100/1537)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 725MHz/1100/1592)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 280  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, est. 130GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 18171,   CUDA version       1.3, 1024MB, est. 127GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
CUDA device:  Quadro  NVS 290  (driver version 18585,   compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, 322 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, 384 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce G210     (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.2, 512MB, 45 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version unknown, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 510 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: ION              (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 35 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107,   CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)

(A quick save - egrep - sed - sort - uniq - arbitrarily tabulised ;-) )

Happy crunchin',
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ID: 947841 · Report as offensive
Profile perryjay
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Message 947883 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 14:53:00 UTC

11/15/2009 4:09:37 PM NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 118 GFLOPS peak)

Slightly overclocked to 1850/725/400 (PCIe by the way)

Just posting this again because ML1 seems to have missed my poor little 9500GT in his list.

ID: 947883 · Report as offensive
Carl Johnson[SETI.USA]
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Message 947888 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 15:21:12 UTC

My 9800 GX2 :

shader at 1500, 69 GFLOPS
shader at 1674, 77 GFLOPS
shader at 1800, 82 GFLOPS

I keep and eye on it with GPUz and I haven't seen that much of an increase in temperature. I am not worried about burning it out as I have the lifetime BFG warranty. And by lifetime warranty I mean 7 year warranty.

ID: 947888 · Report as offensive
Profile [AF>France>TDM>Centre]Jeannot Le Tazon
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Message 947909 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 22:07:45 UTC

CUDA device: GeForce 8800 GTS (driver version 18120, CUDA version 1.0, 320MB, est. 41GFLOPS)
ID: 947909 · Report as offensive
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Message 947930 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 23:27:49 UTC

NVIDIA GPU 0: ION (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 35 GFLOPS peak)
ID: 947930 · Report as offensive
Profile ML1
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Message 947955 - Posted: 18 Nov 2009, 1:39:54 UTC - in response to Message 947841.  
Last modified: 18 Nov 2009, 1:45:52 UTC

Ooops... Missed out quite a few postings!

Here's a complete list, duplicates removed:
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 3800      (RV670)       (CAL version 1.3.186, 512MB, 509GFLOPS)                                                                 
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.3.145, 1024MB, 1000GFLOPS)                                                               
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.3.145, 1024MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                         
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.4.427, 512MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                          
ATI GPU 1: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.4.427, 512MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                          
CUDA= 9800GTX; 512MByte; compute capability 1.1; est. 85 GFLOPS; 2.3CUDA Lib Drivers{190.38}                                                             
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 4GFLOPS) (PCI)                                                 
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS) (PCIe)                                                
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 8GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 9GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 0,     CUDA version       1.1, 256MB, est. 17GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 14GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GTS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 17GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600M GS (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 18250, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 60GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 63GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 91GFLOPS)                                                  
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS (driver version 18120, CUDA version       1.0, 320MB, est. 41GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.0, 640MB, est. 41GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9300M GS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 4GFLOPS)([Acer Aspire 4935G Laptop])                           
CUDA device:  GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 48GFLOPS) (Stock 384MB DDR3)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 56GFLOPS)  --- [20% OC]                                        
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 62GFLOPS) (OC'd 384MB DDR3)                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS) (Stock 768MB DDR2)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 53GFLOPS) (OC'd  768MB DDR2)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 767MB, est. 52GFLOPS)  XP 32bit                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 57GFLOPS) Vista 64bit                                          
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18208, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 37GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 34GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 19038, CUDA version       1.1, 1024MB, est. 37GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 60GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 65GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 68GFLOPS)(Zotac 9800 GT AMP edition Factory OC'd 700/1700/1000)
CUDA Device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 55GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 18250, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 77GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 91GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 94GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 18585 compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18250, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 83GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce G210     (driver version 19038, compute capability 1.2, 512MB, est. 8GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 0,     CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GFLOPS                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GLOPS                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 104GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS) (Stock GTX 260)                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 104GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 119GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 700MHz/1100/1537)                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 725MHz/1100/1592)                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18624, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 108GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 116GFLOPS) 650/1500/1050                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 130GFLOPS) (EVGA GTX 275 FTW Factory OC'd 713MHz/1260/1512)    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 280  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, est. 130GFLOPS)                                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 18171, CUDA version       1.3, 1024MB, est. 127GFLOPS)                                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  Quadro  NVS 290  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS)                                                       
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8300 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 3GFLOPS) also runs with driver version 19062.                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 8GFLOPS) <= (PCIe)                                          
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 43 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400M GS (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 128MB, 26 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400M GS (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 128MB, est. 5GFLOPS)                                    
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8600M GT (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 11GFLOPS)                                                      
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8700M GT (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 14GFLOPS)                                   
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8700M GT (driver version 19539, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 80 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 416 GFLOPS peak)                             
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, est. 62GFLOPS) @ stock                           
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, 346 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, 384 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 Ultra (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, est. 69GFLOPS)                                                    
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9400 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 86 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19038, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 19GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 106 GFLOPS peak)                                
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 118 GFLOPS peak)                                
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS)                                   
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, 276 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, 322 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 42GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 46GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 364 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 19GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 336 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 325 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 55GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 87GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 486 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, (511 GFLOPS) peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 69GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce G210     (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.2, 512MB, 45 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 18627, CUDA version 2020, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, 144 GFLOPS peak))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 18627, CUDA version 2020, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, (154 GFLOPS peak))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, 150 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version unknownCUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 114GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 653 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 498 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 510 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 109GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260M (driver version 18682, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. (60GFLOPS))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 120GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 125GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 674 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 120GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 1792MB, 766 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 700 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 280M (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 66GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 280M (driver version 19539, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 371 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, est. 133GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, 743 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.3, 895MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 118GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: ION              (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 35 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: Quadro FX 580    (driver version 19100, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 72 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 64GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 69GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 109GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 118GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 2: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 691 GFLOPS peak)

Happy crunchin',
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ID: 947955 · Report as offensive
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Message 948153 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 0:33:15 UTC
Last modified: 19 Nov 2009, 0:45:24 UTC

ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4600 series (R730) (CAL version 1.4.427, 512MB, 480 GFLOPS peak)
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 2900 (RV600) (CAL version 1.4.403, 512MB, 476 GFLOPS peak)
ID: 948153 · Report as offensive
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Message 948177 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 3:04:08 UTC

19.11.2009 03:57:08 Starting BOINC client version 6.10.18 for windows_x86_64

19.11.2009 03:57:09 NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250 (driver version 19555, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)

ID: 948177 · Report as offensive
Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 948183 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 4:16:24 UTC
Last modified: 19 Nov 2009, 4:18:01 UTC

BOINC V6.6.x

Manufacturer OCed

EVGA GTX260 Core216 SSC - 675/1458/1152 -> 112 GFLOPS
GIGABYTE GTX260(-216) SOC - 680/1500/1250 -> 117 GFLOPS


A stock GTX260-216 -> 576/1242/999

IIRC, there was a nice thread at GPUGrid because of GFLOPS comparison.

<- little green star

ID: 948183 · Report as offensive
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Message 948201 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 5:54:21 UTC - in response to Message 948183.  

BTW. <- little green star

Awesome! And since you're so willing to post cuda startup info when there is zero benefit, we're kinda hoping you might also agree to purchase green stars for all the other cuda posters !! (which would counter balance with tremendous benefit) :-)

PS: Sad news :( My free disk space is dropping. Is anyone elses?

11/18/2009 6:28:58 AM Disk: 97.56 GB total, 72.78 GB free

ID: 948201 · Report as offensive

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Message 948203 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 6:46:44 UTC - in response to Message 948177.  
Last modified: 19 Nov 2009, 6:47:10 UTC

19.11.2009 03:57:09 NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250 (driver version 19555, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)

These numbers are strange...--a Are there new versions released for nVidia driver and CUDA?
ID: 948203 · Report as offensive
Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 948246 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 15:19:20 UTC - in response to Message 948201.  
Last modified: 19 Nov 2009, 15:29:36 UTC

Awesome! And since you're so willing to post cuda startup info when there is zero benefit, we're kinda hoping you might also agree to purchase green stars for all the other cuda posters !! (which would counter balance with tremendous benefit) :-)

Everybody can have this little green star near his nick for 10.- US$.

But also you all could donate more money.
The project (also the whole SETI@home community) would be happy about.

But, I don't urge people to donate. Whether people with or without CUDA graphic cards.
If the people would like to donate or not, it's their own decision.

(Sorry for to be offtopic.)

Without any benefits?
ML1 took time for to collect the infos.

But like I mentioned in my upper post.. at GPUGrid was a nice thread about GPU GFLOPS.
IIRC, there they mentioned also that the 'old' (7/8/9xxx/GTS) and the 'new' (GTX2xx) chip couldn't be compared only because of the BOINC GFLOPS.
They said something like x 1.4 or something for the GTX2xx GFLOPS.

ID: 948246 · Report as offensive
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Message 948249 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 15:24:25 UTC - in response to Message 947955.  

Ooops... Missed out quite a few postings!

Here's a complete list, duplicates removed:
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 3800      (RV670)       (CAL version 1.3.186, 512MB, 509GFLOPS)                                                                 
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.3.145, 1024MB, 1000GFLOPS)                                                               
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.3.145, 1024MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                         
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.4.427, 512MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                          
ATI GPU 1: ATI Radeon HD 4700/4800 (RV740/RV770) (CAL version 1.4.427, 512MB, 1000 GFLOPS peak)                                                          
CUDA= 9800GTX; 512MByte; compute capability 1.1; est. 85 GFLOPS; 2.3CUDA Lib Drivers{190.38}                                                             
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 4GFLOPS) (PCI)                                                 
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS) (PCIe)                                                
CUDA device:  GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 8GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 9GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 0,     CUDA version       1.1, 256MB, est. 17GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 14GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600 GTS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 17GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8600M GS (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 6GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 18250, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 60GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 63GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 91GFLOPS)                                                  
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS (driver version 18120, CUDA version       1.0, 320MB, est. 41GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 8800 GTS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.0, 640MB, est. 41GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9300M GS (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 4GFLOPS)([Acer Aspire 4935G Laptop])                           
CUDA device:  GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 48GFLOPS) (Stock 384MB DDR3)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 56GFLOPS)  --- [20% OC]                                        
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 384MB, est. 62GFLOPS) (OC'd 384MB DDR3)                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS) (Stock 768MB DDR2)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 768MB, est. 53GFLOPS) (OC'd  768MB DDR2)                                   
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 767MB, est. 52GFLOPS)  XP 32bit                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 57GFLOPS) Vista 64bit                                          
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18208, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 37GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 34GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 19038, CUDA version       1.1, 1024MB, est. 37GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 60GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 18585, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 65GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 68GFLOPS)(Zotac 9800 GT AMP edition Factory OC'd 700/1700/1000)
CUDA Device:  GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 55GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 18250, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 77GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 91GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 94GFLOPS)                                            
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 18585 compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18250, CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 83GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce G210     (driver version 19038, compute capability 1.2, 512MB, est. 8GFLOPS)                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 0,     CUDA version       1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GFLOPS                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 84GLOPS                                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)                                                      
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 104GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 100GFLOPS) (Stock GTX 260)                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 104GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 119GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 700MHz/1100/1537)                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS) (OC'd GTX 260 725MHz/1100/1592)                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 18624, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 108GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 116GFLOPS) 650/1500/1050                                       
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 123GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 130GFLOPS) (EVGA GTX 275 FTW Factory OC'd 713MHz/1260/1512)    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 280  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, est. 130GFLOPS)                                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 18171, CUDA version       1.3, 1024MB, est. 127GFLOPS)                                                    
CUDA device:  GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)                                                     
CUDA device:  Quadro  NVS 290  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 5GFLOPS)                                                       
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8300 GS  (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 3GFLOPS) also runs with driver version 19062.                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 8GFLOPS) &lt;= (PCIe)                                          
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400 GS  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 43 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400M GS (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 128MB, 26 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8400M GS (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 128MB, est. 5GFLOPS)                                    
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8600M GT (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.1, 256MB, est. 11GFLOPS)                                                      
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8700M GT (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 14GFLOPS)                                   
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8700M GT (driver version 19539, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 80 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 416 GFLOPS peak)                             
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, est. 62GFLOPS) @ stock                           
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, 346 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 GTX (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, 384 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 8800 Ultra (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.0, 768MB, est. 69GFLOPS)                                                    
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9400 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 86 GFLOPS peak)                                  
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19038, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 16GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 19GFLOPS)                                                     
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 106 GFLOPS peak)                                
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9500 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 118 GFLOPS peak)                                
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS)                                   
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, 276 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, 322 GFLOPS peak)                                 
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 42GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9600 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 46GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 364 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 19GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 336 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 325 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GT  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 55GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 18618, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 87GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 486 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, (511 GFLOPS) peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GTX+ (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 69GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce G210     (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.2, 512MB, 45 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 18627, CUDA version 2020, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, 144 GFLOPS peak))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 18627, CUDA version 2020, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, (154 GFLOPS peak))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GT 220   (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.2, 1024MB, 150 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version unknownCUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 114GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 653 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 498 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 510 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 109GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 260M (driver version 18682, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. (60GFLOPS))
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 120GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 125GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 674 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 120GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 1792MB, 766 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 700 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 280M (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, est. 66GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 280M (driver version 19539, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 1024MB, 371 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 19062, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, est. 133GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 285  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 1024MB, 743 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 0,     compute capability 1.3, 895MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 118GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: ION              (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 35 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 0: Quadro FX 580    (driver version 19100, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 72 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 8800 GT  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 64GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 9600 GSO (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 768MB, est. 46GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce 9800 GX2 (driver version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 69GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTS 250  (driver version 19038, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 84GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 537 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 96GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 260  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 109GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19062, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 106GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, est. 118GFLOPS)
NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 295  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 596 GFLOPS peak)
NVIDIA GPU 2: GeForce GTX 275  (driver version 19107, CUDA version 2030, compute capability 1.3, 896MB, 691 GFLOPS peak)

Happy crunchin',

Thanks Martin, I find it interesting.
Official Abuser of Boinc Buttons...
And no good credit hound!
ID: 948249 · Report as offensive
Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 948251 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 15:26:23 UTC - in response to Message 948203.  

19.11.2009 03:57:09 NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250 (driver version 19555, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)

These numbers are strange...--a Are there new versions released for nVidia driver and CUDA?

I guess he use a BETA/prerelease nVIDIA_driver and CUDA_version.

If this would be the final release of 195.x and 3.0 , I guess we would hear it early enough.

But from that I heared, the 'old' GPU chips wouldn't get a (big) speed up with CUDA_V3.0 (like it was between 2.2 and 2.3).
CUDA_V3.0 would be well for the new 'Fermi' (GTX3xx, maybe also for the small brothers of) series GPUs.

ID: 948251 · Report as offensive
Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 948253 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 15:38:17 UTC




I guess the CUDA_V3.0 you could get from the nVIDIA_dev_forum.
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Message 948299 - Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 17:55:50 UTC - in response to Message 948251.  

19.11.2009 03:57:09 NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce GTS 250 (driver version 19555, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, 470 GFLOPS peak)

These numbers are strange...--a Are there new versions released for nVidia driver and CUDA?

I guess he use a BETA/prerelease nVIDIA_driver and CUDA_version.

If this would be the final release of 195.x and 3.0 , I guess we would hear it early enough.

But from that I heared, the 'old' GPU chips wouldn't get a (big) speed up with CUDA_V3.0 (like it was between 2.2 and 2.3).
CUDA_V3.0 would be well for the new 'Fermi' (GTX3xx, maybe also for the small brothers of) series GPUs.

Thanks for your explanation...:)
ID: 948299 · Report as offensive
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