Help running Bonic on our SGI Altix 3000 (IA-64)

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Aaron Ceraldi

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Message 881845 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 0:45:53 UTC

We just got an SGI altix 3000 with 64 Intel Itanium2 processors and 512GB ram :-) and thought it would be interesting to run the seti@home project on it for a while. I found 3rd party binaries that are running and get it to this point.

KING:/home/ceraldi/opt/boinc # ./boinc_client
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Starting BOINC client version 6.2.19 for ia64-linux-gnu
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.0
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Data directory: /home/ceraldi/opt/boinc
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Processor: 64 GenuineIntel IA-64 Itanium 2 [Model 2 ]
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Processor features: branchlong
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] OS: Linux:
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Memory: 492.64 GB physical, 2.01 GB virtual
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Disk: 134.46 GB total, 127.61 GB free
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Local time is UTC -5 hours
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [SETI@home] URL:; Computer ID: 4866848; location: (none); project prefs: default
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when active to 252232.45MB
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 454018.42MB
02-Apr-2009 19:33:45 [---] Preferences limit disk usage to 9.31GB

but thats it it just sits there and dose nothing else. any advice on getting it to start processing?

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Aaron Ceraldi

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Message 881867 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 2:53:16 UTC

ok, figured out that I needed to get the science apps, got them in there now I get

02-Apr-2009 21:48:36 [SETI@home] Backing off 2 min 25 sec on download of setiathome_5.28_ia64-unknown-linux
02-Apr-2009 21:51:02 [SETI@home] Backing off 1 min 21 sec on download of setiathome_5.28_ia64-unknown-linux

keeps going on forever.
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Message 881983 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 14:31:07 UTC - in response to Message 881867.  

With those messages it would seem it's trying to download the science apps from the server. When you got the science apps, weren't they accompanied by an app_info.xml file? That needs to be in projects/ folder with the science apps you downloaded.

I don't know if it'll help much, but Dotsch have client and apps for IA64 linux on his site. Maybe give them a try?

Sorry that I can't be of more help, hopefully someone else with more knowledge will be able to help you.
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Aaron Ceraldi

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Message 882013 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 17:10:51 UTC

here is the latest....

KING:/opt/boinc # ./boinc_client
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Starting BOINC client version 6.2.19 for ia64-linux-gnu
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.0
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Data directory: /opt/boinc
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [SETI@home] Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] [error] No URL for file transfer of setiathome_5.28_ia64-unknown-linux
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [SETI@home] [error] Can't initialize file transfer for setiathome_5.28_ia64-unknown-linux
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [SETI@home] [error] No app version for result: ia64-linux-gnu 528
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Processor: 64 GenuineIntel IA-64 Itanium 2 [Model 2 ]
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Processor features: branchlong
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] OS: Linux:
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Memory: 492.64 GB physical, 2.01 GB virtual
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Disk: 134.46 GB total, 127.57 GB free
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Local time is UTC -5 hours
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [SETI@home] URL:; Computer ID: 4866848; location: (none); project prefs: default
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 02-Apr-2009 19:03:18)
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Host location: none
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] General prefs: using your defaults
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when active to 252232.45MB
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 454018.42MB
03-Apr-2009 12:09:45 [---] Preferences limit disk usage to 67.23GB
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Message 882053 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 20:01:29 UTC

When you installed the 3rd party binary, it should have included an app_info.xml file and an executable file. The app_info.xml file tells BOINC "do not download a science app, I have one right here and it is compatible with version X workunits".

It looks like you installed the app_info.xml file properly, but the executable file is missing, so BOINC is trying to download it from the SETI servers - but it doesn't exist because SETI doesn't host the 3rd party binaries.

It looks like you need to stop BOINC and copy the executable file into your data directory (i.e. /home/ceraldi/opt/boinc). BOINC should then be able to see that the app is already there and begin looking for work.
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Aaron Ceraldi

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Message 882082 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 21:18:36 UTC - in response to Message 882053.  

When you installed the 3rd party binary, it should have included an app_info.xml file and an executable file. The app_info.xml file tells BOINC "do not download a science app, I have one right here and it is compatible with version X workunits".

It looks like you installed the app_info.xml file properly, but the executable file is missing, so BOINC is trying to download it from the SETI servers - but it doesn't exist because SETI doesn't host the 3rd party binaries.

It looks like you need to stop BOINC and copy the executable file into your data directory (i.e. /home/ceraldi/opt/boinc). BOINC should then be able to see that the app is already there and begin looking for work.

Thanks for the help, I now got it to this point and am stuck again.

03-Apr-2009 16:17:13 [SETI@home] Computation for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.44_1 finished
03-Apr-2009 16:17:13 [SETI@home] Output file 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.44_1_0 for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.44_1 absent
03-Apr-2009 16:17:26 [SETI@home] Finished download of 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40
03-Apr-2009 16:17:26 [SETI@home] Started download of 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.33
03-Apr-2009 16:17:27 [SETI@home] Starting 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40_0
03-Apr-2009 16:17:27 [SETI@home] Starting task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 527
03-Apr-2009 16:17:29 [SETI@home] Computation for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40_0 finished
03-Apr-2009 16:17:29 [SETI@home] Output file 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40_0_0 for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.40_0 absent
03-Apr-2009 16:17:32 [SETI@home] Finished download of 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29
03-Apr-2009 16:17:33 [SETI@home] Starting 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29_1
03-Apr-2009 16:17:33 [SETI@home] Starting task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 527
03-Apr-2009 16:17:34 [SETI@home] Computation for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29_1 finished
03-Apr-2009 16:17:34 [SETI@home] Output file 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29_1_0 for task 21ja09aa.22840.22567.9.8.29_1 absent

Any ideas?
ID: 882082 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 882089 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 21:28:07 UTC - in response to Message 882082.  

Any ideas?

That error I'm not certain of. It could be a permissions issue where BOINC cannot write the result files to the data directory, or it could be a compatibility issue with that application and the OS you're using. Since I am not a *nix guru, I cannot help with the former, and the latter should probably be resolved by the person who wrote the app.

Unless someone around here has a better idea than I do....
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Message 882103 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 22:29:41 UTC
Last modified: 3 Apr 2009, 22:31:22 UTC

Is the data directory really "/opt/boinc" ?!

Does the science application have read/write permissions for where the WUs are stored?

Usually, all the data is stored under "/home/username/.boinc/projects/setiathome".

Or have you made some sort of "service" install? (In which case use /var for the boinc projects directory.)

Are you sure that you only have ONE instance of Boinc running? (You make use of the multiple CPUs by Boinc running multiple science apps. You may need to increase the max CPUs number in your s@h account settings.)

Hope that helps,

Good luck,
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Message 882317 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 18:06:02 UTC - in response to Message 882082.  
Last modified: 4 Apr 2009, 18:08:44 UTC

Thanks for the help, I now got it to this point and am stuck again.

Looking at your latest returned task I see this:
setiathome-5.27.ia64-unknown-linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm not experienced enough with Linux to help you with that. I would suggest to make sure that file is in your system or make a symbolic link to the similar file and make sure the seti-app has access-rights to it.
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Message 882866 - Posted: 6 Apr 2009, 21:19:28 UTC

The lib is missing. I will have a look at it...
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Message 884210 - Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 8:00:06 UTC

I have build a full staticly linked SETI@home 6.03 and Astropulse 5.03 application for Linux IA64 with GLIBC 2.4 or newer. It's available on my homepage ( This applications should fix your problems.
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Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Help running Bonic on our SGI Altix 3000 (IA-64)

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.