No WU for near two weeks? Solaris 8 platform.

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : No WU for near two weeks? Solaris 8 platform.
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Profile Mark Becker

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Message 869241 - Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 6:12:30 UTC

Hello -

Appended below is a chunk of text output by boinc on launch. boinc downloads a pile of PNG files.. then no work units.

I've reset boinc. I've detached from the project. I've reinstalled the boinc software. But no work units appear.

Two weeks? Is there a verbose switch in the Solaris 8 boinc client for outputting more information as to what's going on? Prior to two weeks ago, everything was working fine. Now? Nothing.


(please pardon the line wrap)

mbecker@wesun% ./boinc -update_prefs
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] Starting BOINC client version 4.43 for sparc-sun-solaris2.7
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] Data directory: /void/home/mbecker/Seti/BOINC
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [SETI@home] Computer ID: 1957157; location: school; project prefs: school
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 2009-02-09 14:52:26)
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] General prefs: no separate prefs for school; using your defaults
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] Remote control not allowed; using loopback address
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [---] Insufficient work; requesting more
2009-02-25 00:47:14 [SETI@home] Sending scheduler request to
2009-02-25 00:47:31 [SETI@home] Scheduler request to succeeded
2009-02-25 00:47:31 [SETI@home] Deferring communication with project for 10 seconds
2009-02-25 00:47:31 [SETI@home] Deferring communication with project for 10 seconds
2009-02-25 00:47:32 [SETI@home] Started download of arecibo_181.png
2009-02-25 00:47:32 [SETI@home] Started download of sah_40.png
2009-02-25 00:47:36 [SETI@home] Finished download of sah_40.png
2009-02-25 00:47:36 [SETI@home] Throughput 680 bytes/sec
2009-02-25 00:47:36 [SETI@home] Started download of sah_banner_290.png
2009-02-25 00:47:43 [SETI@home] Finished download of sah_banner_290.png
2009-02-25 00:47:43 [SETI@home] Throughput 4324 bytes/sec
2009-02-25 00:47:43 [SETI@home] Started download of sah_ss_290.png
2009-02-25 00:47:45 [SETI@home] Finished download of sah_ss_290.png
2009-02-25 00:47:45 [SETI@home] Throughput 35047 bytes/sec
2009-02-25 00:47:48 [SETI@home] Finished download of arecibo_181.png
2009-02-25 00:47:48 [SETI@home] Throughput 3420 bytes/sec

About every hour there's a note in stdoutdae:

Insufficient work; requesting more

and no work units arrive.

ID: 869241 · Report as offensive
Profile Jord
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Message 869247 - Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 6:35:33 UTC - in response to Message 869241.  

Starting BOINC client version 4.43 for sparc-sun-solaris2.7

Two things on the above line:
1. It is a very old client, one that doesn't do FLOP counts and so will annoy other users and possibly yourself as it'll get in no credit once it starts getting work. It will return all work with a zero credit request and being the lowest claimer, usually getting that as well.

So the best thing is to upgrade to a newer 3rd party BOINC, for example from (Keep scrolling down, eventually you'll hit upon the Solaris Binaries section.

2. Seti may not have a default application for this OS. You can download and install one by hand. The so called anonymous platform files.

For Seti Enhanced, see

As far as I can see, there is no Astropulse application yet.

Although it does say here that Seti has Sparc/Solaris 5.01 application, but for some reason and I suspect because of the description that your BOINC version gives, it isn't recognized as such. For example, a Windows 32bit BOINC versions starts with that message part being "windows_intelx86" which is recognized by the Seti server as being Windows/x86
ID: 869247 · Report as offensive
Profile Mark Becker

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Joined: 19 Feb 02
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Message 869408 - Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 19:30:57 UTC - in response to Message 869247.  


Upgraded to 5.10.17 and that did the trick. Now crunching away..



ID: 869408 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : No WU for near two weeks? Solaris 8 platform.

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