Got *much* more work than asked for

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Message 856782 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 13:22:07 UTC - in response to Message 856777.  

It seems to be happening more and more. Just did a 'report only' update on 3751792:

23/01/2009 12:42:24|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user
23/01/2009 12:42:24|SETI@home|Reporting 2 tasks
23/01/2009 12:42:29|SETI@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 607]
23/01/2009 12:42:29|SETI@home|Deferring communication for 11 sec
23/01/2009 12:42:29|SETI@home|Reason: requested by project
23/01/2009 12:42:31|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file 10dc08af.21717.23794.4.8.17

and so on for 19 tasks, including 3 AP tasks. I think all my hosts are over-cached now.

I have two 'report only's that worked, with third I got 6 tasks in return.

As a workaround I just set my preferences to

Run only the selected applications
SETI@home Enhanced: no
Astropulse: yes
If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications?	no
Use Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) if available	no

I don't have Astropulse in app_info.xml so I shouldn't get any AP work. We'll see what breaks with these settings.

ID: 856782 · Report as offensive
Profile Jord
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Message 856786 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 13:30:45 UTC - in response to Message 856738.  

.. from Messages:
1/23/2009 9:24:45 AM|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
1/23/2009 9:24:50 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request completed: got 20 new tasks
1/23/2009 9:24:52 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 10dc08af.5443.12751.14.8.163

The funny thing is, that in most cases your system will not ask for zero seconds of work by itself. All you who managed to get this work due to this flaw have probably pressed Update to see what it did. So is it then really unwanted work? ;-)

To say you did it to report the task, that's also not necessary as BOINC will do that eventually all by itself, even when set to NNT.

I can't say I can reproduce this, but I don't have a CUDA card.
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|[sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|CPU work request: 0.00 seconds, 0 instances
23-Jan-09 14:27:07|SETI@home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
ID: 856786 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 856802 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 14:28:30 UTC - in response to Message 856786.  

The funny thing is, that in most cases your system will not ask for zero seconds of work by itself. All you who managed to get this work due to this flaw have probably pressed Update to see what it did. So is it then really unwanted work? ;-)

No, that's a red herring. Don't let the developers off the hook so easily.

For example, this host of mine is perfectly capable of requesting work when it needs it:

22/01/2009 19:13:15|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
22/01/2009 19:13:15|SETI@home|Requesting 75 seconds of new work
22/01/2009 19:13:20|SETI@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 607]
22/01/2009 19:13:20|SETI@home|Deferring communication for 11 sec
22/01/2009 19:13:20|SETI@home|Reason: requested by project
22/01/2009 19:13:22|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file 15dc08ae.13625.37067.6.8.126
22/01/2009 19:13:36|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file 15dc08ae.13625.37067.6.8.126
22/01/2009 19:13:36|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 30377 bytes/sec

However, the server is also capable of sending work to the same host when neither I nor BOINC requested it:

23/01/2009 03:50:45|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: To report completed tasks
23/01/2009 03:50:45|SETI@home|Reporting 3 tasks
23/01/2009 03:50:56|SETI@home|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 607]
23/01/2009 03:50:56|SETI@home|Deferring communication for 11 sec
23/01/2009 03:50:56|SETI@home|Reason: requested by project
23/01/2009 03:50:58|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file 15dc08af.2717.59453.3.8.30
23/01/2009 03:50:58|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file ap_20dc08ac_B2_P1_00382_20090122_31844.wu
23/01/2009 03:51:05|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file 15dc08af.2717.59453.3.8.30
23/01/2009 03:51:05|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 68740 bytes/sec
23/01/2009 03:51:05|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file 15dc08ae.2000.45247.9.8.120
23/01/2009 03:51:14|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file 15dc08ae.2000.45247.9.8.120
23/01/2009 03:51:14|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 41267 bytes/sec
23/01/2009 03:51:14|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file ap_20dc08ac_B4_P1_00018_20090122_21223.wu
23/01/2009 03:51:55|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file ap_20dc08ac_B2_P1_00382_20090122_31844.wu
23/01/2009 03:51:55|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 151663 bytes/sec
23/01/2009 03:51:55|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file ap_20dc08ac_B2_P1_00383_20090122_31844.wu
23/01/2009 03:52:29|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file ap_20dc08ac_B4_P1_00018_20090122_21223.wu
23/01/2009 03:52:29|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 112517 bytes/sec
23/01/2009 03:52:29|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file 15dc08af.2717.59453.3.8.11
etc. etc.

No, I wasn't (ab)using the update button at 3:50 AM local time - I was asleep in bed!
ID: 856802 · Report as offensive

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Message 856814 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:01:43 UTC - in response to Message 856802.  

I suspended the project and pressed No New Work. Then I wanted to report one tiny little WU manually. Wish I never had done that. Good G*d, I now have 10 AP's and almost 40 MB's on my computer. While my cache is set to 1 day.

Is already known what is causing this problem?
ID: 856814 · Report as offensive
Profile Rick A. Sponholz
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Message 856815 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:13:46 UTC - in response to Message 856814.  

In my case the HUGE number of work unit downloads was NOT cause by clicking UPDATE. I got 1.10GB worth of work units so far, just by upgrading to BOINC 6.6.2 today.

ID: 856815 · Report as offensive

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Message 856819 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:21:01 UTC

i had seti suspended and won't get new work selected on one box while i was finishing up another project. i hit the update button to get my latest seti totals and suddenly the seti server sent me wu's that were not requested. even said no work requested from my end. but the server sent work anyway.
ID: 856819 · Report as offensive
W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 856820 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 15:44:43 UTC - in response to Message 856786.  

.. from Messages:
1/23/2009 9:24:45 AM|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
1/23/2009 9:24:50 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request completed: got 20 new tasks
1/23/2009 9:24:52 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 10dc08af.5443.12751.14.8.163

The funny thing is, that in most cases your system will not ask for zero seconds of work by itself. All you who managed to get this work due to this flaw have probably pressed Update to see what it did. So is it then really unwanted work? ;-)

To say you did it to report the task, that's also not necessary as BOINC will do that eventually all by itself, even when set to NNT.

I can't say I can reproduce this, but I don't have a CUDA card.
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|[sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
23-Jan-09 14:27:02|SETI@home|CPU work request: 0.00 seconds, 0 instances
23-Jan-09 14:27:07|SETI@home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks

Not true Jord, all my unexpected downloads have been automatic, and I don't even have a CUDA compatible graphics card.
ID: 856820 · Report as offensive
Profile Rick A. Sponholz
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Message 856835 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 16:31:47 UTC - in response to Message 856820.  
Last modified: 23 Jan 2009, 16:36:24 UTC

Here's an update of my experience. I upgraded 3 computers from BOINC 6.6.0 to 6.6.2 this morning. I got Mega work unit downloads (1.1GB, & 1.4GB) on two of the three. The third 6.6.2 computer is behaving normally. Makes me wonder if I clicked "Update" on those two machines? On my other eight computers (six on BOINC 6.4.5, two on 6.6.0) no MEGA download of work units, so far. The download problem seams to have been not only SETI work units, but Einstein, and World Community Grid, but NOT GPU GRID. To stop the downloads, I clicked on "No New Tasks", and so far that has worked.
ID: 856835 · Report as offensive
Profile skildude

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Message 856869 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 17:58:44 UTC - in response to Message 856835.  
Last modified: 23 Jan 2009, 17:59:42 UTC

Here's an update of my experience. I upgraded 3 computers from BOINC 6.6.0 to 6.6.2 this morning. I got Mega work unit downloads (1.1GB, & 1.4GB) on two of the three. The third 6.6.2 computer is behaving normally. Makes me wonder if I clicked "Update" on those two machines? On my other eight computers (six on BOINC 6.4.5, two on 6.6.0) no MEGA download of work units, so far. The download problem seams to have been not only SETI work units, but Einstein, and World Community Grid, but NOT GPU GRID. To stop the downloads, I clicked on "No New Tasks", and so far that has worked.
So you installed it one at a time and everytime you got the same result...hmmmm Do remember that 6.6.2 is still beta. It is to be used with caution. I realize that some betas are just like a regular release. the 6.6.2 is clearly not one of those.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
ID: 856869 · Report as offensive
Dave Stegner
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Message 856875 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:05:55 UTC

Running 5.10.45

Looks like I got bit by the TOO MUCH WORK bug.

Requested 0 seconds, got 11 tasks.

1/23/2009 10:00:01 AM|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 6 completed tasks
1/23/2009 10:00:06 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 11 new tasks
1/23/2009 10:00:08 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:00:08 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.134
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Temporarily failed download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160: http error
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.109
1/23/2009 10:00:12 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.134
1/23/2009 10:00:12 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.83
1/23/2009 10:00:13 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.109
1/23/2009 10:00:13 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.89
1/23/2009 10:00:16 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.83
1/23/2009 10:00:16 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.142
1/23/2009 10:00:18 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.89
1/23/2009 10:00:18 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:29 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:29 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:32 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.142
1/23/2009 10:00:32 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.32
1/23/2009 10:00:44 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:44 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.146
1/23/2009 10:00:47 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.32
1/23/2009 10:00:47 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.94
1/23/2009 10:00:51 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.146
1/23/2009 10:00:57 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.94
1/23/2009 10:01:11 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:01:23 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160


ID: 856875 · Report as offensive
Profile skildude

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Message 856878 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:13:38 UTC - in response to Message 856875.  

Running 5.10.45

Looks like I got bit by the TOO MUCH WORK bug.

Requested 0 seconds, got 11 tasks.

1/23/2009 10:00:01 AM|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 6 completed tasks
1/23/2009 10:00:06 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request succeeded: got 11 new tasks
1/23/2009 10:00:08 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:00:08 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.134
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Temporarily failed download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160: http error
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:00:10 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.109
1/23/2009 10:00:12 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.134
1/23/2009 10:00:12 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.83
1/23/2009 10:00:13 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.109
1/23/2009 10:00:13 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.89
1/23/2009 10:00:16 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.83
1/23/2009 10:00:16 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.142
1/23/2009 10:00:18 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.89
1/23/2009 10:00:18 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:29 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:29 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:32 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.142
1/23/2009 10:00:32 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.32
1/23/2009 10:00:44 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.117
1/23/2009 10:00:44 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.146
1/23/2009 10:00:47 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08af.31122.62316.9.8.32
1/23/2009 10:00:47 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.94
1/23/2009 10:00:51 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.146
1/23/2009 10:00:57 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ag.2823.16023.4.8.94
1/23/2009 10:01:11 AM|SETI@home|Started download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160
1/23/2009 10:01:23 AM|SETI@home|Finished download of 15dc08ah.2743.16432.3.8.160

Ok not sure but it looks like you clicked on the update button. this will send a request for work even though it said requesting 0 seconds work.
Not all WU's take the same amount of time. some take an hour some take several
Also look at the Report Date. you have 1 week to return them. this means they are short WU's. Most likely you can finish these in less than a day on a 2.4 ghz system. It's understandable that it looks like a lot of work. the reality is its not all that much.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
ID: 856878 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 856882 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:23:29 UTC - in response to Message 856878.  

Ok not sure but it looks like you clicked on the update button. this will send a request for work even though it said requesting 0 seconds work.
Not all WU's take the same amount of time. some take an hour some take several
Also look at the Report Date. you have 1 week to return them. this means they are short WU's. Most likely you can finish these in less than a day on a 2.4 ghz system. It's understandable that it looks like a lot of work. the reality is its not all that much.

Yes, skildude, we know that we can cope with the effects of this bug - work will be returned on time, well before deadline, etc.etc.

But "Requesting 0 seconds of work" means exactly that: requesting no work at all. It's written that way, it's designed to work that way, and it's worked that way for the last three years in my personal experience.

This new behaviour is different, and wrong. It's a bug. Not a fatal one, not the worst bug in the world, but still a bug. It needs fixing, not glossing over.
ID: 856882 · Report as offensive
Profile Rick A. Sponholz
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Message 856883 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:25:48 UTC - in response to Message 856878.  

Don't dismiss this issue. I'm experienced downloading 100's of AP work units (1.5GB) which would be several WEEKS worth of work, not even counting all the other work units that were downloaded. If I hadn't pulled my internet connection to stop the download I'd have had even MORE!

ID: 856883 · Report as offensive
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Message 856886 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:36:23 UTC

I understand there is a problem but every person that hits the update button is questioning why they got 10-15 WU's. CLearly there is a glitch that downloads 100+ WU's. Yet someone getting a Days worth of work isn't a problem. getting 2-3 weeks worth when you only want 1 day is.

I'm not discounting the glitch at all. Just looking at the persons Computer(cpu speed) and the work received doing a bit of math from the work they've completed. I do think some folks are panicing about normal operations when the problem you've mentioned is real and should be looked into.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
ID: 856886 · Report as offensive
Profile [B^S] madmac
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Message 856890 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:50:42 UTC
Last modified: 23 Jan 2009, 18:51:00 UTC

There must have been something wrong with the scheduler as I have hit update button twice since I had 20 downloaded around noon G.M.T. I am having to do this as I have got an AP which will take around 2 days to do. Well around 29 hrs CPU time to do.
ID: 856890 · Report as offensive
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Message 856894 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 18:56:02 UTC

Just looked at my computers and my AthlonXP 1800 has 11 days worth of work with my cache set at 2 days. My quad has 5 days worth and my D has 7. BOINC versions 6.2.18 and 19. Bug on the Berkeley end for sure.

Doesn't matter to me. They'll crunch if needed, if not they'll be aborted I guess.
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ID: 856894 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 856895 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 19:19:52 UTC

Looking at Scarecrow's 30 day Astropulse graphs, the number of AP tasks in progress has almost doubled over the last month. I can't help but think that's related to what we're seeing here.
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Message 856898 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 19:27:37 UTC

Here is my entry into the "overfulfillment of plan" derby.

The host is a Q9550 running stock, with SETI at 4% work allocation.

This morning it asked SETI for 1 second of SETI work, and was rewarded with 20 WUs, including 4 Astropulse. BoincView thinks my SETI queue on that host is currently sufficient for 13 days (requested is about 2 days).
stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 1 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Scheduler request succeeded: got 20 new tasks 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.206 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.189 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.206 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.210 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.189 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.210 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.214 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.211 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.214 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.211 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.212 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.194 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.212 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.194 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.190 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of ap_20dc08ad_B5_P0_00028_20090123_17965.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.190 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.156 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.156 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of ap_20dc08ad_B4_P1_00356_20090123_15293.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of ap_20dc08ad_B5_P0_00028_20090123_17965.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.193 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.193 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.197 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.197 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.192 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.192 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.199 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of ap_20dc08ad_B4_P1_00356_20090123_15293.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.196 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.199 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.177 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.196 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.203 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.177 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.205 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.203 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.205 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.183 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.183 

Something is broken, it causes harm, it would be good to fix it.
ID: 856898 · Report as offensive
Profile skildude

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Joined: 4 Oct 00
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Message 856906 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 19:49:01 UTC - in response to Message 856898.  

Here is my entry into the "overfulfillment of plan" derby.

The host is a Q9550 running stock, with SETI at 4% work allocation.

This morning it asked SETI for 1 second of SETI work, and was rewarded with 20 WUs, including 4 Astropulse. BoincView thinks my SETI queue on that host is currently sufficient for 13 days (requested is about 2 days).
stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 1 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Scheduler request succeeded: got 20 new tasks 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.206 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.189 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.206 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.210 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.189 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.210 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.214 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.211 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.214 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.211 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.212 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.194 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.212 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.194 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.190 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of ap_20dc08ad_B5_P0_00028_20090123_17965.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.190 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.156 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.156 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:22 Started download of ap_20dc08ad_B4_P1_00356_20090123_15293.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of ap_20dc08ad_B5_P0_00028_20090123_17965.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.193 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.193 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.197 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.197 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.192 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.192 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.199 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of ap_20dc08ad_B4_P1_00356_20090123_15293.wu 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.196 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.199 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.177 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.196 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.203 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.177 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.205 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.203 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.205 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Started download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.183 
 stoll5 SETI@home 1/23/2009 5:23 Finished download of 15dc08af.1756.50864.7.8.183 

Something is broken, it causes harm, it would be good to fix it.
You appear to have repeatedly abort work on this PC. Any reason? BOINC has a nasty habit of filling your queue with any project available. So when your request was sent in it got enough to fill the queue.

You seem to finish the short WU's in 15 minutes and moderately large ones in 40. I don't know if the 1 second request is a glitch. Since your boinc is trying to fill your queue. The problem being discussed pertains to excessive WU's received that are far beyond requested. I'd think you'd be able to finish the 20 non AP WU's in a few hours which shouldn't be that much more than 4%.

I can't tell you how many times I get 100 WU's from primegrid or 20+ from Milkyway if I let my overall cache of seti get low. right now I have a stockpile of PG, AIS, and SHA-1 because I screwed up my app_info. It will take a day or so before I get back on my seti's. So no harm

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
ID: 856906 · Report as offensive

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Joined: 31 Aug 99
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Message 856917 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 20:25:13 UTC - in response to Message 856906.  

You appear to have repeatedly abort work on this PC. Any reason? BOINC has a nasty habit of filling your queue with any project available. So when your request was sent in it got enough to fill the queue.

Backwards--I aborted some of the excess after this overfetch, not before.

Also, Einstein was up and delivering work, in fact there was a small Einstein fetch request at nearly the same time as this--correctly fulfilled. Your tentative diagnosis does not fit the facts.

You seem to finish the short WU's in 15 minutes and moderately large ones in 40. I don't know if the 1 second request is a glitch. Since your boinc is trying to fill your queue. The problem being discussed pertains to excessive WU's received that are far beyond requested.

So you don't think getting 20 distinct WUs requiring far over a week of the allocated resource to finish in response to a 1 second request is "excessive WU's received that are far beyond requested"?

I think others on this thread will recognize that my event fits the pattern of their concerns.
ID: 856917 · Report as offensive
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