CUDA with Windows Vista 64

Questions and Answers : GPU applications : CUDA with Windows Vista 64
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Message 852952 - Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 6:59:13 UTC - in response to Message 852894.  

Using WinVist 64 Bit

I keep getting computation errors on the CUDA sets, I've since downgraded to an older SETI.

Video Adapter GEForce 8400. I just downloaded brand new drivers yesterday.
Haven't made any modifications to anything but to get new drivers, and install the newer Seti.

Any input on resolving the error so I can start using the CUDA version?
ID: 852952 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 852969 - Posted: 13 Jan 2009, 8:01:21 UTC - in response to Message 852952.  
Last modified: 13 Jan 2009, 8:42:02 UTC

Using WinVist 64 Bit

I keep getting computation errors on the CUDA sets, I've since downgraded to an older SETI.

Video Adapter GEForce 8400. I just downloaded brand new drivers yesterday.
Haven't made any modifications to anything but to get new drivers, and install the newer Seti.

Any input on resolving the error so I can start using the CUDA version?

It would be helpfull if you could provide all the info listed from this message

When you (the user) do run into Cuda specific errors, such as (e.g.):
"Cuda error 'cudaAcc_GetPowerSpectrum_kernel' in file 'c:/sw/gpgpu/seti/seti_boinc/client/cuda/' in line 56 : unknown error."

Could you please also post:
1. a link to the task that had the error.
2. the driver version that you are using.
3. OS type (XP/Vista) 32 or 64-bit.

This makes it easier for those of us reporting all these errors to the developers and easier for the developers to come up with a fix.
A further request from the developers. When you report errors, could you also please:

a) state if you overclock the GPU and if so by how much?
b) tell if you have tried to clock the GPU to default speeds and still see the problem?
c) did you set the fan speed manually to anything else than default?
d) which program(s) do you use to overclock the GPU, fan etc.?
e) which program(s) do you use to keep check of the GPU?

And create a thread in the Cuda section with the info and any details you can provide, so this thread can provide general details instead of answering questions.
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Message 855120 - Posted: 18 Jan 2009, 17:51:56 UTC

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Robert P. Herbst
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Message 855385 - Posted: 19 Jan 2009, 14:59:22 UTC - in response to Message 852952.  

You might want to pull your 8400 card out and look it over for blown capacitors. I have found these cards (7 & 8 series) have a high failure rate with their F277 1500 6.3 volt capacitors. The F777 470 1.6 volt capacitor isn't far behind. There is what looks like a "K" scored in the top of the capacitor and they seem to rupture out through the score mark. I suppose it's better to have them rupture out through the score than to have them explode in your computer.
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Message 856424 - Posted: 22 Jan 2009, 14:17:58 UTC - in response to Message 852952.  

I'm using Vista Ulitmate 64bit, and am having no problems at all. I have a 9800GTX video card in it and an Intel Core2Quad 6600. Cruncing numbers like mad,zero erros.

On my other machines with 8000 series cards, I'm not even getting any CUDA enhanced packets.

My Phenom 9950 system w/4g ram and Vista Home Premium 32b has an 8800GSO, but has yet to receieve any CUDAs.

The Core2Duo E4400 w/4G ram, Windows XP 32b and 8800GTS, still no CUDA

Pentium Dual Core E2150 w/2G ram Windows XP 32b and 8600GT, no CUDA.

I'm using the latest Nvidia drivers and SETI client. Based on the 1 machine I have that IS getting packets, I'd have to point to your video card. Like another poster mentioned, these cards are mad for blowing caps. I have a nice 7600GS collecting dust in the closet because of blown caps. I keep meaning to replace them and put the card back in service.
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Robert P. Herbst
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Message 856766 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 11:42:43 UTC - in response to Message 856424.  

I run Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit on all six of my computers. The Graphic cards range from the 7 to the 9 series NIVIDIA carda. The 7 and 8 series cards blow their caps and I have had to replace 5 of them to date. The 9600gt cards seem to run nicely and using the 181.20 NIVIDIA driver with Boinc 6.6.2 has worked over night without a hitch.
The caps that seem most prone to pop are the F277 1500 6.3 Volt with the F777 coming in a close second. I've been griping about these caps for nearly a year now, you'd think the people making these cards would get the message they are using faulty caps.
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ID: 856766 · Report as offensive
Robert P. Herbst
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Message 856767 - Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 11:43:27 UTC - in response to Message 856424.  

I run Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit on all six of my computers. The Graphic cards range from the 7 to the 9 series NIVIDIA carda. The 7 and 8 series cards blow their caps and I have had to replace 5 of them to date. The 9600gt cards seem to run nicely and using the 181.20 NIVIDIA driver with Boinc 6.6.2 has worked over night without a hitch.
The caps that seem most prone to pop are the F277 1500 6.3 Volt with the F777 coming in a close second. I've been griping about these caps for nearly a year now, you'd think the people making these cards would get the message they are using faulty caps.
Please Visit Mount Perry, Florida
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ID: 856767 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : GPU applications : CUDA with Windows Vista 64

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