SUN Ultra 60 and Debian, strange bedfellows? Take two.

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Message 854152 - Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 9:57:38 UTC

I have successfully been using BOINC onwin and Mac's for a couple of years. Then I got a SUN Ultra 60 to play with. I installed DEBIAN 4.0 and the Boinc Client and Boinc Manager. All seemed fine until I was informed that only a small number of Boinc-projects supports this strange setup. The SETI was supposed to be one of those, supporting Sparc-processors running Linux.

Unfortunately I still haven't made it work; the error is the same as when I tried to connect to other non-sparc-linux projects; "Message from server: platform 'sparc-unknown-linux-gnu' not found".

In time I am sure there will be more projects available, but until then, I would like to make good use of my computer. Can anyone help me? If so, pls remember than I am a newbie at *nix!

I have been reading the faq's and earlier postings, but they seemd to indicate that once you got the Boinc program successfully installed (which I have), everything should be pretty straight forward (which it isn't).


fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.49||Starting BOINC client version 5.4.11 for sparc-unknown-linux-gnu
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.49||libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8c zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.49||Data directory: /var/lib/boinc-client
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Processor: 2
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Memory: 1.98 GB physical, 1.82 GB virtual
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Disk: 6.42 GB total, 4.13 GB free
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50|World Community Grid|URL:; Computer ID: 818184; location: home; project prefs: home
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Reading preferences override file
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Local control only allowed
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50||Listening on port 31416
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request to
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50|World Community Grid|Reason: To fetch work
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.50|World Community Grid|Requesting 17280 seconds of new work
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.55|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.55|World Community Grid|Message from server: platform 'sparc-unknown-linux-gnu' not found
fre 16 jan 2009 10.31.55|World Community Grid|No work from project
fre 16 jan 2009 10.34.43|World Community Grid|Resetting project
fre 16 jan 2009 10.34.43||Rescheduling CPU: exit_tasks
fre 16 jan 2009 10.34.43|World Community Grid|Detaching from project
fre 16 jan 2009 10.34.43||Rescheduling CPU: project detached by user
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.20||Fetching configuration file from
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.57||Scheduler list download succeeded
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.57||Sending scheduler request to
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.57||Reason: Requested by user
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.57||Requesting 17280 seconds of new work
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.59||Scheduler request succeeded
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.59|SETI@home|Message from server: platform 'sparc-unknown-linux-gnu' not found
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.59|SETI@home|New host venue: home
fre 16 jan 2009 10.40.59|SETI@home|Successfully attached to SETI@home

ID: 854152 · Report as offensive
Profile Jord
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Message 854156 - Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 10:11:02 UTC - in response to Message 854152.  

I have been reading the faq's and earlier postings, but they seemd to indicate that once you got the Boinc program successfully installed (which I have), everything should be pretty straight forward (which it isn't).

Well no. BOINC is only one part of the solution, the other is for the project to have a science application for your platform. In your case, the project doesn't.

But that's why BOINC can use the anonymous platform option, where you put in an application provided by a 3rd party source who has taken the time to port the application over to the most obscure operating systems and crunch with that.

That's what that whole SETI Enhanced binaries for other Platforms thread is for.

Go look at the various web sites that Dotsch is pointing to and seek out the Seti application for your SPARC version, or just start here. Then it's just a case of unzipping the archive into your BOINC\projects\\ directory and restarting BOINC.
ID: 854156 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : SUN Ultra 60 and Debian, strange bedfellows? Take two.

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