"Near miss" over UK and other UFO files.

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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 820894 - Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 9:06:15 UTC


Always an interesting read these stories:

Airliner had near miss with UFO

A passenger jet bound for Heathrow Airport had a near miss with a UFO, Ministry of Defence files reveal.

The captain of the Alitalia airliner shouted "Look out" to his co-pilot at the sight of a brown missile-shaped object shooting past them overhead.

Civil Aviation Authority and military investigations could not explain the 1991 incident near Lydd in Kent.

The unsolved close encounter features in UFO-related military documents made available by the National Archives.

After ruling out the object flying past the Alitalia jet being a missile, weather balloon or space rocket, the MoD closed the inquiry.

Nineteen files covering sightings between 1986 and 1992 are being made available online.

Now you can look at the actual primary material - the stuff coming into the MoD every day - and make your own mind up
Dr David Clarke, UFO expert

Almost 200 such files will be made available by the MoD over the next four years.

The current batch also include a US Air Force pilot's account of being ordered to shoot down a UFO that appeared on his radar while he flew over East Anglia.

There is also an MoD request that army and navy helicopters not take photographs of crop circles, because of concerns about undermining the official line that the military did not investigate unexplained phenomena.

And the files also contain a letter from a woman claiming to be from the Sirius system who said her spacecraft - also containing two "Spectrans" with "Mr Spock ears" - crashed in Britain during World War II.

UFO expert and journalism lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, Dr David Clarke, said the documents would shed new light on relatively little-known sightings.

He said some conspiracy theorists would already have decided that the release of the papers was a "whitewash".

He added: "Because the subject is bedevilled by charlatans and lunatics, it is career suicide to have your name associated with UFOs, which is a real pity.

"The National Archives are doing a fantastic job here. Everyone brings their own interpretation.

"Now you can look at the actual primary material - the stuff coming into the MoD every day - and make your own mind up."

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Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/10/20 00:59:23 GMT


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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 820937 - Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 12:05:27 UTC

. . . Thanks for the Post News Andy - Much Appreciated Sir

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Profile KD [SETI.USA]

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Message 821663 - Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 23:53:21 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2008, 23:54:30 UTC


60+ years of "Little Green Men" sightings and still there are only eyewitness testimonies and bigfoot-quality photos to show for it.

Extraordinary claims require...

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Message 822182 - Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 12:10:02 UTC - in response to Message 821663.  

In documents that are included in this UK government release are some interesting intructions relating to how U.S. pilots were under standing orders to shoot down UFO's , any mention of sightings were punishable by a $10,000 dollar fine and the possibility of a jail sentence! No wonder the said pilot in the shoot down incident kept his mouth shut for 30 years! One thing about that case, the UFO only ever appeared on radar both from the ground and the missile lock on from the aircraft. The blip thought by the pilot to be about the size of an aircraft carrier sped off at speeds of around Mach 10! With some abrupt 90 degree turns. One possible theory other than ET's is that a project called Palladin run by the CIA was providing ghost radar images to test the reaction on live fire pilots. Palladin was being tested at the time in order to confuse Soviet pilots. I'll continue to keep an open mind. The documents are interesting though, some are ridiculously funny, there sure are some crazy people out there! Here's the direct link to the relevant UK Government site..

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Message 823097 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 11:32:25 UTC - in response to Message 822182.  

You would think that actually seeing life, or a craft, from another world would be front page news. Yes, there are many hoaxes out there, but why keep a real siting a secret? What are these people and agencies trying to hide? Are they afriad of mass histeria? Are they afriad if they don't "take care of it" there will be some sort of invasion? I don't get why things are kept from the public for so long and when they are finally made public, it's too many years after the fact that no one really cares about it. The media is a joke like that. Just my two cents.
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Message 823111 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 12:31:04 UTC - in response to Message 823097.  

Try thinking at this: maybe "little green men" has no interest or will to shows themselves (like Star Trek Prime Directive), but maybe they did some mistakes, making tracks and leaving something on Earth ground. If governments, military agencies or similar own some of this "something", this would be a great knowledge and/or technological vantage, to keep hide.
The topic is really complicated if U believe UFOs are real and spacecraft from other planets, and I could write more and more about it; so this one is only my little, limited suggestion.

The Dreamer

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Message 823247 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 20:15:58 UTC

A very good comment has been made that some of the radar UFOs are actually flocks of birds that congregate and then disperse, or concentrate together to ride a thermal upwards.

Another example can be rain cells forming that then become less radar opaque when the cell overdevelops and rains.

And there's likely many more examples yet to be explained.

By Occam's Razor, little green men from Mars should be well off the bottom of the list. Unfortunately, that doesn't sell UFO books!

Keep searchin',

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Message 823278 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 21:57:01 UTC - in response to Message 823247.  

Maybe we should consider the speed of some of these signals too, starting from zero... These reported accelerations and velocities aren't possible explanations regarding birds and other atmospheric phenomena. I accept your examples ML1, but there are some unexpected behaviors left: I agree the sightings to be left unexplained are a little percentage... that isn't zero, anyway.


The dreamer
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