To the kitty people VI......

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825213 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 7:58:29 UTC

So I'll say it from Dad's way, not that I have the keyboard..........

My kitties have my love, from the North to the South.
And my love of them has often left the lips of my mouth
to praise the lil' kitties so dear to my heart,
and the ones who sit lonely in their cages. all apart.

John and I a hundred pounds of food,
there cages we have fed,
but it's only a temporary meed we have feed,
'Cuz the kittens keep coming amass for some fools
have not kept up with kitties and have not read the new rules.......

Please meuter and spay all your pets if you can,
for they cannot give homes to their kindred kind............

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825324 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 16:58:14 UTC - in response to Message 825213.  

So I'll say it from Dad's way, not that I have the keyboard..........

My kitties have my love, from the North to the South.
And my love of them has often left the lips of my mouth
to praise the lil' kitties so dear to my heart,
and the ones who sit lonely in their cages. all apart.

John and I a hundred pounds of food,
there cages we have fed,
but it's only a temporary meed we have feed,
'Cuz the kittens keep coming amass for some fools
have not kept up with kitties and have not read the new rules.......

Please neuter and spay all your pets if you can,
for they cannot give homes to their kindred kind............


I Hope You and the Kitties will have a Happy Halloween tonight.

It was free and a bit unwanted at one time. :D
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825334 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:03:36 UTC - in response to Message 825324.  

It was free and a bit unwanted at one time. :D

Many kitties were free and unwanted at one time..........
Now they just need a little love and care........
Just like your smiling Jacky there......
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825349 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:29:29 UTC - in response to Message 825334.  

It was free and a bit unwanted at one time. :D

Many kitties were free and unwanted at one time..........
Now they just need a little love and care........
Just like your smiling Jacky there......

Jacky may have been Free, But Angel was $20(To get fixed), Although She really qualifies as Priceless. :)
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825353 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:44:06 UTC - in response to Message 825349.  

It was free and a bit unwanted at one time. :D

Many kitties were free and unwanted at one time..........
Now they just need a little love and care........
Just like your smiling Jacky there......

Jacky may have been Free, But Angel was $20(To get fixed), Although She really qualifies as Priceless. :)

Trip to Fleet Farm........2.00
Checkout at Fleet Farm....400.00
Look on the faces at Fleet Farm.....100.00
Look on the faces at the shelter.....1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00
Look on the kitties at the shelter....priceless.

And Angel qualifies as priceless too.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825500 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 23:15:07 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2008, 23:32:06 UTC

Happy Kittie Halloween.
"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

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Message 825504 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 23:18:13 UTC - in response to Message 825353.  
Last modified: 31 Oct 2008, 23:20:11 UTC

It was free and a bit unwanted at one time. :D

Many kitties were free and unwanted at one time..........
Now they just need a little love and care........
Just like your smiling Jacky there......

Jacky may have been Free, But Angel was $20(To get fixed), Although She really qualifies as Priceless. :)

Trip to Fleet Farm........2.00
Checkout at Fleet Farm....400.00
Look on the faces at Fleet Farm.....100.00
Look on the faces at the shelter.....1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00
Look on the kitties at the shelter....priceless.

And Angel qualifies as priceless too.

Thanks. I just got home from 4 hours of driving(not constantly of course), Going to get gas($2.559 @ the Barstow CA Pilot) the Barstow Post Office, the Social Security Administration, Home Depot, Walmart & Stater Brothers Market all in one trip and all on a thin sandwich for breakfast(Turkey on whole wheat and some light mayo and all of about 175-180 Calories). I hope Angel's happy, I bought Her a new box, sand(clumping) and 8 cans of Friskies canned Tuna, In addition to the usual of course and I'm exhausted and yeas I put away all the perishable stuff.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825506 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 23:20:46 UTC - in response to Message 820565.  

Ok fellow kitty people.....

Here's the lowdown on the kitty run.......
Went to Fleet Farm on Friday and negotiated some discount on the supplies with one of the managers......They knocked $1.50 per bag off of the Cat Chow and 9 cents a can off of the kitty with John's generous help, here's what we delivered yesterday to my friends at the Fox Valley Humane Association....

360 pounds of Purina's finest Cat Chow Complete Formula for the hungry kitty tummys....
120 cans of Science Diet Kitten Food for the little ones.....
24 gallons of bleach for cleaning and disinfecting....
8 jugs of Brisk no dye/no perfume laundry detergent....enough to do at least 600 loads of kitty blankets!!!

The folks at the shelter were truly appreciative.....the whole adventure made my day for sure!!

And here are a few pics............

First.....some recognition and a 'thank you' to Fleet Farm for their support by offering me a discount for the donation....(and I found out from Nancy at the shelter that they make donations directly to them too..)

Checking out of the loading dock....."How many cats do you HAVE???"

The kitty stash.........

John, The Kittyman, and Lori....

'Hey....let me outta here!!'

Big green eyes...

Just chillin'...

'You gonna just stand there lookin' at me, or ya gonna take me home?'

'Wanna be my Buddy?'

Lori test drives a couple of kitties...


And always the kittens......

So maybe that will help you understand why my heart goes out to all these little lost souls and pray that every day a few more will find their way home.

The kittyman does what he can....
Best wishes to all of my fellow kitty friends and supporters.......


Just a you dont't forget the kitties..........
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825519 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 0:05:03 UTC - in response to Message 825506.  

Ok fellow kitty people.....

Here's the lowdown on the kitty run.......
Went to Fleet Farm on Friday and negotiated some discount on the supplies with one of the managers......They knocked $1.50 per bag off of the Cat Chow and 9 cents a can off of the kitty with John's generous help, here's what we delivered yesterday to my friends at the Fox Valley Humane Association....

360 pounds of Purina's finest Cat Chow Complete Formula for the hungry kitty tummys....
120 cans of Science Diet Kitten Food for the little ones.....
24 gallons of bleach for cleaning and disinfecting....
8 jugs of Brisk no dye/no perfume laundry detergent....enough to do at least 600 loads of kitty blankets!!!

The folks at the shelter were truly appreciative.....the whole adventure made my day for sure!!

And here are a few pics............

First.....some recognition and a 'thank you' to Fleet Farm for their support by offering me a discount for the donation....(and I found out from Nancy at the shelter that they make donations directly to them too..)

Checking out of the loading dock....."How many cats do you HAVE???"

The kitty stash.........

John, The Kittyman, and Lori....

'Hey....let me outta here!!'

Big green eyes...

Just chillin'...

'You gonna just stand there lookin' at me, or ya gonna take me home?'

'Wanna be my Buddy?'

Lori test drives a couple of kitties...


And always the kittens......

So maybe that will help you understand why my heart goes out to all these little lost souls and pray that every day a few more will find their way home.

The kittyman does what he can....
Best wishes to all of my fellow kitty friends and supporters.......


Just a you don't forget the kitties..........

The Black/White kitty with the Green Eyes looks almost like My old Cat Baby(He was a bit thinner though),

Except He didn't have as much white in His Fur, Had bad hips in the rear(in breeding maybe? I found both Kittens at a place where I was working at in 1988 and they were alone, Mom was long gone or dead, Tiger I caught first, Baby took two whole days to catch, some Food did the trick) and It got worse as He got older and since I didn't have the $900 to have the hips worked on by a Vet, He had to be put to sleep at 11 yrs old and I hand raised that mostly blind cat(Cataracts in both eyes). I'm partial to Black furred cats I guess, Although Gray or Orange would do, Once Angel passes one day that is, I'll get another Kitty and then try and figure out a name once again(Baby and Angel were named by My Mom, No dog could Catch Angel when She was Younger and She could practically turn on a dime, Cat goes one way and the Dog goes splat, No cat to catch), The last Time I named a Cat the Cat ran away after a car accident and I never saw Tiger ever again(Gray Tabby), sigh, Tiger and Baby were Litter mates who I raised and cured of parasites(Internal & External) and yep both were fixed too, I was bringing the two back from the Vet, Baby was tranquilized and the Vet(stupid Me) said Tiger could be too, Next thing I know I get into a car accident cause Tiger was a handful and a half(no carrier then as I'd never owned a Cat(Just fish) and Tiger split for parts unknown and I looked(I was almost accused of Hit and Run, Baby got Me out of that). Angel is lucky, She's almost 17 and outside of a little gray in Her tail, She's in Perfect health. I looked for NineLives Tuna and Egg(flaked) which Angel at one time ate(She liked It) and couldn't find any, But I got close(flaked Tuna) and got some lids too), Angel never did like patte.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825531 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 0:49:38 UTC
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008, 0:50:55 UTC

Souls we've touched...........

There are many souls I've toched the world wide,,,,,,
A sense of joy, and a sencse of pride........

A kiss of love that is equally shared.......
No apololgies needed, only friendship shared.

You know who you are......I need not list you here,
Your souls ate so near and dear to me here.
I must go to sleep now.......
Believe me I must.

But your love will be with me,
in this you must trust.

Excuses remain for the rest of the boyz
who talk all the while that they play with their gurl toyx.
I'm not one of them gurlz, ain't is quite plain to see?
I only want of you, one of me.

Which one? Just don;t ask me......I cannot decide....
Which one'd be the best to reside by my side.

God knows what tha answer is, but he it not telling,
So as usual, but mind's left with questinos befelling
which way for to go? And my mind's left astray
for it doesn't know where to go.....which a way.
You both know I love you, but you're unwilling to share
the love that I have, even though you both care.
And I've one that I love here.....
And she for sure will not bear
A love that's a tryst.......for she wants only me.
And a love that is shared she could never forsee.

So what do I do when my heart is so torn?
My love and affection already a bit worn and torn........
Do I pledge my heart willing and unable to change?
Or give love to none, so my life's not rearranged?

This might seem like a tribble or a trial to some...
But believe me, my mind spins, and it causes me some
sleepless hours on the bed with the kitties....
So I sit here and dream up these softly rhymed ditties.

Who do you love????
So the question's been asked.
Is it hers or is it mine that's been taken to task?
It shall never be answered.......'cuz I know that it's true
that she live far too long away to be near me or you.

Thank you for listening while my heart's told it's tale......
And you still don't know half of what me heart has to tell......

Some day, in the morrow, our hearts, the may meet.
And together as one, they may just start to beat.

(Stealing a line from a love poem that I wrote when I was 17yo......)

Until you return and my heart finds it's home......
I await your return, for where ever you roam....
I'll sit here and wait here for you to return.

Always I'll wait here..........alive but alone.

She never did come back.......................................................
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825534 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 1:01:17 UTC

Another few couplets of rhymes that I someone who's name shall not be written nor spoke........
She knows who she is, and my heart's stance will stand..
For although I have failed.....I still stand as a man.........

S' OK.......I think I am done with my tears.........

Shed softly but quickly, and stored up for years......
they came like the wind.....and left like our fears....
for the tears of today have been stored in the past.

They will come and they go, for they have no real purpose
but to remind us of the past and what used to hurt us.
So it's best that they go, and leave us behind,
and take with them troubles that weighed hard on our mind.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825538 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 1:12:30 UTC

. . . solemn writing mi Friend - and quite Beautiful @ that - Thanks Mark

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 825541 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 1:30:00 UTC

Wish I had a cat to walk on my lower back right now or just lay on it and purr to loosen it up..

It hurts just to sit...and my chiro is on vaca :(

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Message 825561 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 2:48:47 UTC - in response to Message 825538.  

. . . solemn writing mi Friend - and quite Beautiful @ that - Thanks Mark

Yes it is Richard and thank you Mark.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 825597 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 5:57:43 UTC - in response to Message 825541.  

Wish I had a cat to walk on my lower back right now or just lay on it and purr to loosen it up..

It hurts just to sit...and my chiro is on vaca :(

I have never been able to train them to walk on you when you WANT them too........
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 825665 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 11:21:05 UTC - in response to Message 825597.  
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008, 11:21:54 UTC

Wish I had a cat to walk on my lower back right now or just lay on it and purr to loosen it up..

It hurts just to sit...and my chiro is on vaca :(

I have never been able to train them to walk on you when you WANT them too........

Me neither.

But back, when I was home from the hospital after a major surgery, my old cats sensed that they shouldn't jump up to me in bed landing on my stomach with the 12 inch long wound on it. They sensed that they had to be careful about not to land on me too hard so they were very gentle when they jumped up to me. After they finally stopped ignoring me because I hadn't been home with them for 6 days!

Cats with psi...
"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

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Message 825749 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 18:24:51 UTC

. . . this kitty's been on Astropulse Crunchin' far too long


BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 825751 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 18:36:49 UTC

. . . well all - runnin' off to The Mint Museum in Charlotte now w/ Lady Joanne

> c'ya's l8Tr . . .

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 825790 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008, 20:43:22 UTC - in response to Message 825597.  

Wish I had a cat to walk on my lower back right now or just lay on it and purr to loosen it up..

It hurts just to sit...and my chiro is on vaca :(

I have never been able to train them to walk on you when you WANT them too........

No, The trick is really conning them, They want to jump on You to get attention, Angel is trained, I can tell Her to go lay on the sofa and She does It, Or I can say to Her to sit on My lap(left side) and She does.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 825996 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008, 6:19:25 UTC

I noticed it and fixed it. For some reason I have had a lot of problems with links etc pp. Can't just be me being stupid.... Anyhoo, fixing it as I see it or my friends alert me to it.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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