AstroPulse errors - Reporting

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Profile Gustav_and_Padma

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Message 832215 - Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 21:27:33 UTC - in response to Message 830174.  

I imagine a similar answer would apply for this one:

Right now it looks like we are waiting for a third client to report back. I'm sure you have answeed this question many times before. What I am wondering about, in addition to (1) Who will get how much credit (right now it is zero - not pending - for the first two of us who completed crunching the WU), is (2) Why is there a discrepancy in the first place? Thanks, Padma
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Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 832224 - Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 22:07:15 UTC - in response to Message 832215.  
Last modified: 19 Nov 2008, 22:16:05 UTC

I imagine a similar answer would apply for this one:

Right now it looks like we are waiting for a third client to report back. I'm sure you have answeed this question many times before. What I am wondering about, in addition to (1) Who will get how much credit (right now it is zero - not pending - for the first two of us who completed crunching the WU), is (2) Why is there a discrepancy in the first place? Thanks, Padma

Found 30 single pulses and 30 repeating pulses, exiting.
Was found on your wingmans WU and not yours, so because of the difference the thrid wingman was sent out. In this instance it seems possible one of you won't get credit. Your version of BOINC could use some updating BTW. As far as who gets how much credit, it depends on who matches the third wingman.
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Profile Gustav_and_Padma

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Message 832253 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 0:19:00 UTC - in response to Message 832224.  

OK, thanks for noticing that. We were getting fun sounding results like the first wingman on this WU before we started having problems on our Vista machine. But everything has been working OK now for months. Or so we think. How do we update our version? Do we need updating on both machines?
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Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 832256 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 0:25:39 UTC - in response to Message 832253.  
Last modified: 20 Nov 2008, 0:30:17 UTC

OK, thanks for noticing that. We were getting fun sounding results like the first wingman on this WU before we started having problems on our Vista machine. But everything has been working OK now for months. Or so we think. How do we update our version? Do we need updating on both machines?

I think just the one with 5.10.30. Here's the BOINC update page. I'm using the 5.10.45 with Vista, which is the older version but still listed there in case you prefer not to use 6.2.19
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Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 832377 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 7:59:35 UTC - in response to Message 832224.  
Last modified: 20 Nov 2008, 8:26:46 UTC

Found 30 single pulses and 30 repeating pulses, exiting.
Was found on your wingmans WU and not yours, so because of the difference the thrid wingman was sent out. In this instance it seems possible one of you won't get credit.

Just to follow up that all three did recieve credit but also a question since it seems strange to me. The third wingman returned a result similar to Gustav & Padma. Both wingmen have XP and version 5.10.45. Gustav & Padma has Vista and 5.10.30. Why did the wingman that has a result with "Found 30 single pulses and 30 repeating pulses" recieve credit if it didn't match the other two? I think it's great all three got credit but I don't understand why. I thought I saw a similar situation in the threads somewhere, but I can't find the final result of what happened there or why.

I'm guessing "Found 30 single pulses and 30 repeating pulses" isn't enough in itself to disqualify a result, but is enough to send out another wingman on the task, if the second wingman doesn't return the same result.
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Josef W. Segur
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Message 832488 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 18:13:09 UTC - in response to Message 832377.  

I'm guessing "Found 30 single pulses and 30 repeating pulses" isn't enough in itself to disqualify a result, but is enough to send out another wingman on the task, if the second wingman doesn't return the same result.

It is actually possible, though unlikely, that a result which exited early will be strongly similar to one which didn't, and not even need a third opinion. The validator makes allowances for the minor differences which can be expected from apps for different platforms compiled with different compilers, one of those allowances is that only signals which are at least 1% above threshold are compared. If the wingman's host only found 29 of one type so had to run the full set of calculations, there's a reasonable chance the different one was less than 1% above threshold.

For the weakly similar match needed for the early exit to be granted credit when a third host has been called in, more than half the signals need to match and that's fairly likely. Most of the early exits for AP seem to run a considerable time, perhaps indicating a gradual accumulation of signals which are only slightly above threshold.
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Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 832563 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 22:18:36 UTC - in response to Message 832488.  

It is actually possible, though unlikely, that a result which exited early will be strongly similar to one which didn't, and not even need a third opinion. The validator makes allowances for the minor differences which can be expected from apps for different platforms compiled with different compilers, one of those allowances is that only signals which are at least 1% above threshold are compared. If the wingman's host only found 29 of one type so had to run the full set of calculations, there's a reasonable chance the different one was less than 1% above threshold.

For the weakly similar match needed for the early exit to be granted credit when a third host has been called in, more than half the signals need to match and that's fairly likely. Most of the early exits for AP seem to run a considerable time, perhaps indicating a gradual accumulation of signals which are only slightly above threshold.

TY Josef

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Message 832568 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 22:35:19 UTC
Last modified: 20 Nov 2008, 22:36:04 UTC

I have just downloaded An AP 5.00 WU which is running along side three AP 4.36 will this cause any problems or just let them run.

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Josef W. Segur
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Message 832574 - Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 22:56:11 UTC - in response to Message 832568.  

I have just downloaded An AP 5.00 WU which is running along side three AP 4.36 will this cause any problems or just let them run.


That's how it should be on a quad, let them run. The radar removal which 5.00 does shouldn't even slow it down significantly.
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Profile Gustav_and_Padma

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Message 834019 - Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 19:43:24 UTC - in response to Message 832488.  

So is the number 30 some kind of threshhold for pulses and reapeating pulses? For those of us who don't understand the science, it would be interesting to know, hence motivating for us to dedicate our computers to crunching this data. The question really is, why don't the AP results show us in a few characters how many pulses and repeating pulses our computers found per WU, even though they might be twenty-something or less -- perhaps not 'exciting' per se, but maybe worth a mention of 'moderately interesting', 'mildly remarkable', or some other message decipherable with average human skills? -smiles- Gustav
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 834023 - Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 19:57:38 UTC - in response to Message 834019.  

The question really is, why don't the AP results show us in a few characters how many pulses and repeating pulses our computers found per WU...

As it happens, this is one of the unsung improvements in the new second-generation optimised AP application:

single pulses: 4
repetitive pulses: 30

By all means feel free to ask the Berkeley developers to include similar information in the stock application.
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Message 835032 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 3:46:07 UTC

Task completed successfully:

but zero credit assigned for me or my wingman.
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Profile Leaps-from-Shadows
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Message 835036 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 3:52:10 UTC - in response to Message 835032.  

Task completed successfully:

but zero credit assigned for me or my wingman.

If you look at the page you posted, it shows that the work unit has been sent to another computer to crunch. Evidently the two computers that have completed it already didn't agree on the results.

Eventually, those computers that completed the unit with correct results will get credit for it.
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Message 835161 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 14:28:29 UTC - in response to Message 835036.  

Thank you.

An error or status message to that effect would be helpful. Did I miss one ?
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Message 835168 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 14:44:16 UTC - in response to Message 835032.  

Task completed successfully:

but zero credit assigned for me or my wingman.

Made the link clickable.

This one is interesting (and potentially frustrating) since two v4 results didn't agree and the tiebreaker will likely be crunched with v5.00. Could well be that yet another tiebreaker is needed and then the v4 results will be deemed invalid. Hope not.

And as L-f-S said, in Astropulse the only clue is the reissue. Validate state should be 'Checked, but no consensus yet,' but it's broken in Astropulse and says 'Valid'.
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Profile tullio
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Message 835172 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 15:11:15 UTC - in response to Message 835168.  

Judging from the stderr.txt one of the results was obtained with a stock Windows app and a second with an optimized Windows app. Then it is not true that only Linux optimized apps. like the one I am using, need a third wingman to be validated.
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Profile Leaps-from-Shadows
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Message 835181 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 16:39:32 UTC - in response to Message 835172.  

Then it is not true that only Linux optimized apps. like the one I am using, need a third wingman to be validated.

That's never been true. Some people (like me) are lucky and rarely have to wait for a third cruncher to validate.

Others seem to always be paired with a computer that doesn't agree with their result. It could be different version numbers or one gets an error and the other doesn't, or other factors. We don't really know every reason why, it just happens.
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Message 835193 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 17:40:37 UTC
Last modified: 28 Nov 2008, 17:42:29 UTC

Checking up on the status of my AP work units I have 8 pending crunched with 4.36 waiting for crunching by wingmen by possibly v5.0.

3 crunched AP wus have received 0 and have been issued to a 3rd wingman maybe using v5.0.

I have waiting in cache 8 AP work units assigned to use 4.36 and all these have already been crunched by wingmen using v5.0. Is it possible to change these wus to be crunched by v5.0 or do I abort them so they are reissued? I have suspended these for the present time.

I have also in cache 19 AP wus waiting to be crunched by v5.0
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Profile jason_gee
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Message 835199 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 17:58:17 UTC - in response to Message 835193.  

Hi geoff,

If these are not started yet, you can alter your app_info.xml to make them use the version 5 app instead, just copy the v5 filename in place of the earlier versions filename.

Be warned doing this with a WU in progress (even partially completed but suspended) will dump the WU.


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Message 835213 - Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 19:19:04 UTC

Hi Jason

Many thanks, I thought it should be possible, I have 3 AP wus unfinished so will let them complete with probably 0 credit, then change the app_info to crunch 5 remaining wus that are suspended.

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Message boards : Number crunching : AstroPulse errors - Reporting

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