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Message 760753 - Posted: 30 May 2008, 17:31:03 UTC
Last modified: 30 May 2008, 17:58:52 UTC

now I have seen the weather forecast in TV, it is said tonight very big thunderstorms here and next week till Wednesday every day big thunderstorms with masses of rain and hailstorms.
"It's raining cats and dogs" LOL

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Josef W. Segur
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Message 760821 - Posted: 30 May 2008, 20:40:01 UTC

The room temperature measurements are showing very little correlation to the internal temperatures. If you could get the temperature of the air being drawn into the case, it would clarify the situation.
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Message 760868 - Posted: 30 May 2008, 21:40:46 UTC
Last modified: 30 May 2008, 21:42:48 UTC

roomtemp is now 27 Celsius, humidity 88%, i have a open window, same temp as outside now.
The FB-Dimm sensor shows 71 Celsius, cpu temps are 52 to 66 max.
CoreTemp 0.99 shows TJmax=105 Celsius... means this the cpu's can go up to this ?
The left one of the case fans blows with 100% at the board(to hold the DIMMS cool, have no DIMM-fan-cooler mounted, but ordered one now), the right is running 50% blowing half onto the board and half to the disks.
If I look into the case I see the two cpu fans and the backside fan are turning slowly, they are running passive from the air of the case fans, The two CPU-Thermalright eXtreme working very well. The A+ case has a lot of holes where the cool air is comming out. Its name is "WindTunnel" at right.
Still out of the PSU backside is comming hot air. So far this looks very well.
The HD3870 Ultimate Graphiccard has no problem with its big passive cooler in this case.
Joe, I have a Thermo/Hygrometer at the wall, still 30cm higher as the V8-Xeon.
I think it shows the same temps of the air, blown into the case.
I have no clima-engine at home.

In one hour it is midnight here and its really hot and big humidity.
It looks like a hot summer, remember 2005 we had have 38 Celsius outside, roomtemp was up to 35 inside.. uuuhhh.
The Rhin valley is extreme hot and there is always high humidity, a lot of moustique...

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Message 761147 - Posted: 31 May 2008, 4:20:34 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2008, 4:30:20 UTC

now 6:00 in the morning, roomtemp is 25, humidity 85%, over night the windows are open, so is outside the same temperature.
FB-Dimm sensor shows 68 Celsius, cpus 53min to 66max, all 8 cores running always 100% full load.
As I assembled the machine, i found on the premounted cable set this sensor cable, on its end there is a plastique pipe with the sensor in it, on this pipe is printed max 100 Celsius, I did not know what todo with this sensor so I mounted it between the two FB-DIMMS, it fits there perfect, and the outside case temp digital display shows now the FB-DIMM temps.
So we have this important temp every time under view control.
Perhaps this claryfy the situation a little bit.

the problem is that nobody have experience with this D5400XS board, to know what are the normal temps..Francois know it...but he looked not up since a while.

I think that all this is normal...hopefully

regards heinz
modify:some typo
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Message 761404 - Posted: 31 May 2008, 18:49:05 UTC

shutdown 9:45 today, started again 19:45 hour
Now 20:45 after one hour we see FB-DIMM sensor shows 66 Celsius, roomtemp is 25, 86% humidity. CPU's show 63 min to 74 max. Both big fans of the case are not running now. The CPU fans are turning slowly and behind the backside fan you feel a light breeze of warm air now. Have built in "XTC Memory Cooler", it is a little too big and coverd the first port of the graphiccard, on the rigt and on the left upper corner it has cantact with the CPU-Coolers(not much place there). The graphiccard hooked now on port 3, (good to have 4 of them).
A third Seagate ES.2 1000GB ST31000340NS is built in, so I can prepaire a RAID for installing Server2008 one of the next days.
Some fotos will be published soon.

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Message 761483 - Posted: 31 May 2008, 22:33:56 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2008, 23:10:40 UTC

0:15 hours
roomtemp is 26 Celsius, humidity 85%, windows are open.
FB-DIMM sensor shows now 64 Celsius, both big case fans are not running. This is very nice. Now the CPU-fans are doing their work and the streaming of the air flow in the case is not disturbed by the case fans. With the new memory cooler it's all fine. The machine runs now low noise :-)
D5400XS V8-Xeon
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Message 761494 - Posted: 31 May 2008, 23:25:20 UTC - in response to Message 760821.  

The room temperature measurements are showing very little correlation to the internal temperatures. If you could get the temperature of the air being drawn into the case, it would clarify the situation.

Hi Joe,
now it is 1:20 hour, 1.th June
have now the Thermo/Hygrometer 40 cm before the case on my desk, windows open.
There it shows 27 Celsius and 82% humidity.
FB-DIMM Sensor shows 64 Celsius with the new RAM-Cooler, case fans are not running...still the CPU-fans and the backside fan.
All fine.

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Message 761601 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 7:33:38 UTC

now 9:00 a clock in the morning we have 26 Celsius and 86% humidity roomtemp and outside. The FB-DIMM sensor shows 64 Celsius.
CoreTemp 0.99 shows:
Core 0: 74 C
Core 1: 63
Core 2: 70
Core 3: 70
Core 0: 68
Core 1: 63
Core 2: 66
Core 3: 66
wounder why the core 0 of CPU 0 is allways some degrees hotter as the other. Have anybody of you such effect too ? Some hints are welcome....
So far all looks very well without the 2 big case fans, which are switched out since yesterday.
The machine does her job as I like it. Now it is time to install additional software too. Vista does a great job, all download and updates are find automatically and install it. No problem with anything ...till now.
I have bought a additional XP Prof 64 Bit for software which is incompatible with Vista. This and the bootmenue must still installed.
I have now all the stuff I need to reconfigure the machine.
Yesterday I took out the additional DVD reader which was on the IDE port.
The SATA DVD-Burner is now on port 4, on port 1,2,3 are the disks.
The SATA burner is now known to the system, and I hope i will no have problems to install some other OS over it.
greetings to all
1. June is "Kindertag" (childrens-day) give them attention.


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Profile John Clark
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Message 761609 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 8:01:30 UTC - in response to Message 761601.  

now 9:00 a clock in the morning we have 26 Celsius and 86% humidity roomtemp and outside. The FB-DIMM sensor shows 64 Celsius.
CoreTemp 0.99 shows:
Core 0: 74 C
Core 1: 63
Core 2: 70
Core 3: 70
Core 0: 68
Core 1: 63
Core 2: 66
Core 3: 66
wounder why the core 0 of CPU 0 is allways some degrees hotter as the other. Have anybody of you such effect too ? Some hints are welcome....
So far all looks very well without the 2 big case fans, which are switched out since yesterday.
The machine does her job as I like it. Now it is time to install additional software too. Vista does a great job, all download and updates are find automatically and install it. No problem with anything ...till now.
I have bought a additional XP Prof 64 Bit for software which is incompatible with Vista. This and the bootmenue must still installed.
I have now all the stuff I need to reconfigure the machine.
Yesterday I took out the additional DVD reader which was on the IDE port.
The SATA DVD-Burner is now on port 4, on port 1,2,3 are the disks.
The SATA burner is now known to the system, and I hope i will no have problems to install some other OS over it.
greetings to all
1. June is "Kindertag" (childrens-day) give them attention.



The higher temperature you noticed on core 0 is a feature commented on by Quad core owners. Both my Quads show the same with Core Temp 0.97.1, but your V8 system may be a little higher in it's difference.
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Profile Keck_Komputers
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Message 761632 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 10:54:01 UTC - in response to Message 761609.  


The higher temperature you noticed on core 0 is a feature commented on by Quad core owners. Both my Quads show the same with Core Temp 0.97.1, but your V8 system may be a little higher in it's difference.

Certain OS processes can only run on CPU 0, core 0. It is a little surprizing that this could make substantial difference on a full bore crunching rig but it certainly explains why a general use computer would see a higher temp there.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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Fred W
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Message 761634 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 11:04:16 UTC - in response to Message 761632.  
Last modified: 1 Jun 2008, 11:25:36 UTC


The higher temperature you noticed on core 0 is a feature commented on by Quad core owners. Both my Quads show the same with Core Temp 0.97.1, but your V8 system may be a little higher in it's difference.

Certain OS processes can only run on CPU 0, core 0. It is a little surprizing that this could make substantial difference on a full bore crunching rig but it certainly explains why a general use computer would see a higher temp there.

Curiously, in that case, on my quaddie it is core 1 that is the hottest when crunching. Windows Task Manager indicates that it is my core 3 [edit]one point to Sutaru[/edit] that tends to get hit for other processes i.e. the AK-V8 flips between 100% and 99%. And, since most processes are less processor intensive than the AK-V8, I would expect a core that is being shared with system processes to run a little cooler?

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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 761637 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 11:11:56 UTC - in response to Message 761634.  
Last modified: 1 Jun 2008, 11:20:58 UTC

Curiously, in that case, on my quaddie it is core 1 that is the hottest when crunching. Windows Task Manager indicates that it is my core 4 that tends to get hit for other processes i.e. the AK-V8 flips between 100% and 99%. And, since most processes are less processor intensive than the AK-V8, I would expect a core that is being shared with system processes to run a little cooler?


You have a Core4 ? It's a Quad.., or you have 5 Cores? ;-D
Core0 - Core3, or?
Just kidding! :-D

Core0 is the hottest also at my QX6700.
Core0 + Core2 (Core0 is ~ 2 - 3 °C hotter as Core2) are hotter as Core1 + Core3 (Core1 + Core3 mostly the same temp)
With Crunch3rs V6.1.0 and CPU-affinity which make the CPU ~ 1 - 2 °C cooler! ;-D
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Profile John Clark
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Message 761641 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 11:41:14 UTC - in response to Message 761637.  

Curiously, in that case, on my quaddie it is core 1 that is the hottest when crunching. Windows Task Manager indicates that it is my core 4 that tends to get hit for other processes i.e. the AK-V8 flips between 100% and 99%. And, since most processes are less processor intensive than the AK-V8, I would expect a core that is being shared with system processes to run a little cooler?


You have a Core4 ? It's a Quad.., or you have 5 Cores? ;-D
Core0 - Core3, or?
Just kidding! :-D

Core0 is the hottest also at my QX6700.
Core0 + Core2 (Core0 is ~ 2 - 3 °C hotter as Core2) are hotter as Core1 + Core3 (Core1 + Core3 mostly the same temp)
With Crunch3rs V6.1.0 and CPU-affinity which make the CPU ~ 1 - 2 °C cooler! ;-D

I have the same BOINC Manager nd Quad system (QX6,700) as Sutaru, and, as posted earlier, have the same results on temperatures. The same pattern shows up on my Penny (QX9,650).

It's good to be back amongst friends and colleagues

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Message 761669 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 13:39:16 UTC

thank you all for the response.
now 15:15 hour the roomtemp is 27 degrees humidity 86%, same as outside.
FB-DIMM sensor shows 67 Celsius
cpu 0
core 0 is the hottest with 74
core 1 the coolest with 63
cpu 1
core 0 is the hottest with 68
core 1 is the coolest with 63

All cores show 100% full load.
Machine runs stable without using the 2 big case fans.
The "OCZ-XTC Memory Cooler" does his work, although a little too big for the sockets on this board, its a nice thing, has some blue LED's and a good efficiency.

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Profile Fred J. Verster
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Message 761692 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 14:45:04 UTC - in response to Message 761669.  
Last modified: 1 Jun 2008, 14:48:28 UTC

thank you all for the response.
now 15:15 hour the roomtemp is 27 degrees humidity 86%, same as outside.
FB-DIMM sensor shows 67 Celsius
cpu 0
core 0 is the hottest with 74
core 1 the coolest with 63
cpu 1
core 0 is the hottest with 68
core 1 is the coolest with 63

All cores show 100% full load.
Machine runs stable without using the 2 big case fans.
The "OCZ-XTC Memory Cooler" does his work, although a little too big for the sockets on this board, its a nice thing, has some blue LED's and a good efficiency.


Hi guy's and doll's , in Holland, live in the eastern part, it's 28C right now, have an airco on at the moment and i'm NOT home.
Room temp=22C, here BenchMark's from BOINC manager:

1-6-2008 16:20:45|SETI@home|Reason: requested by project
1-6-2008 16:21:06||Running CPU benchmarks
1-6-2008 16:21:07||Suspending computation - running CPU benchmarks
1-6-2008 16:21:38||Benchmark results:
1-6-2008 16:21:38|| Number of CPUs: 4
1-6-2008 16:21:38|| 4402 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
1-6-2008 16:21:38|| 8416 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
1-6-2008 16:21:39||Resuming computation

Forgot to mention that is the X9650 @ 3150MHz. But temps are nice 56, 55, 54,54.
The Q6600 @ 3100MHz, switched this one BACK, ran @ 3350 but get's really hot, 81,80,79,79! Now it's 5C cooler, but needs a better cooler, anyway.
My HP Q6600, stock freq. is 60, 59, 58, 58.
RAC=6950 for the X9650,XP64Pro, 8 GB
RAC=5600 for the Q6600,XP32Pro, 4GB,
RAC=3900 for the Q6600,VISTA 32 HP, 2GB and an HP Pav.8180nl LT, XP32 Home
Have to push the X9650 to it's limits, but it wont cooperate yet, gets unstable and too hot.
All the rig's, except the X9650(SSE4.1)64BIT and LT(SSE3), uses the AK_V8_SSSE3x, 32BIT.
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Message 761745 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 17:22:25 UTC

19 hour now, roomtemp=28 Celsius, humidity=81%, FB-DIMM=65 Celsius
the machine is very stable, fortunately I choosed the right tools for building.
Every time if you enter a new field, the result is above all indeterminant..the praxis shows if you are right....
With this case we are right ;-)

regards heinz
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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 761780 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 19:16:23 UTC

Uhh.. I'm not up-to-date..
Why is your case not well in cooling?

I saw that your Pc is on the table..
On the bottom of the room it would be better?

I saw a nice case with 4 in and 3 x 120 mm fans out.
PSU on the bottom of the case.
CM 690

I thought about to make my own case.. :-D
3 in and 3 out.. maybe 4.. 120 mm fans.. Mobo lay down on the back.. maybe it would make better heatpipecooling of the CPU-heatsink..

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Message 761787 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 19:41:13 UTC

Why I choosed a XEON
It has 12 MB Cache
running 2,00 GHz
Frontsidebus 1333 MHz
Systemtyp DP
power dissipation 80 W
You get it for a price of 177,19 Euro each,
354,38 Euro for 8 cores, found you ever a better price/powerfactor ?
and perhaps it is possible to overclock it to 3GHz...this is unknown ...
but in one of the next days I know it.

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Message 761792 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 19:53:34 UTC - in response to Message 761780.  

Uhh.. I'm not up-to-date..
Why is your case not well in cooling?

I saw that your Pc is on the table..
On the bottom of the room it would be better?

I saw a nice case with 4 in and 3 x 120 mm fans out.
PSU on the bottom of the case.
CM 690

I thought about to make my own case.. :-D
3 in and 3 out.. maybe 4.. 120 mm fans.. Mobo lay down on the back.. maybe it would make better heatpipecooling of the CPU-heatsink..

The case cools the processors very well, but it is very hot in the room and outside, I have not a room-cooling aggregate. It is on the desk, because I must open it sometimes, later it will come down to the bottom, there is the coolest air, hot air is allways going upwards.
Good luck with your case.
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Message 761804 - Posted: 1 Jun 2008, 21:34:43 UTC

now 23:30 hour, we have 25 Celsius 91% humidity, FB-DIMM 65 Celsius
picture s031-s036 shows the hardware reconfiguration of the V8-Xeon.
pictures say more than words :-)

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