when is the TRUTH gonna be known....

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Profile BrainSmashR

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Message 735085 - Posted: 5 Apr 2008, 22:39:23 UTC - in response to Message 735074.  
Last modified: 5 Apr 2008, 22:41:28 UTC

No, but my faith in same does make them real for me.........

Yes, and those who suffer from various forms of neurological illness often perceive their hallucinations to be real also...but they have a legitimate excuse.

I will suffer your response without posting one in retort......

Laughing Out Loud.

I really hate to point out the numerous flaws in your "christian logic", but you DID in fact, post a quick, witty, or cutting reply

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 735090 - Posted: 5 Apr 2008, 22:41:35 UTC - in response to Message 735085.  

No, but my faith in same does make them real for me.........

Yes, and those who suffer from various forms of neurological illness often perceive their hallucinations to be real also...but they have a legitimate excuse.

I will suffer your response without posting one in retort......

Laughing Out Loud.

I really hate to point out the numerous flaws in your "christian logic", but you DID in fact, post a response.

But I did not raise another point of contention....other than me simply responding........
End of Line.........

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Jeffrey

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Message 735224 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 3:45:23 UTC - in response to Message 734856.  

Separation of church and state exists in America because of the atrocities committed by PEOPLE LIKE YOU, not me.

Actually, those atrocities have always been committed by 'people like you' masquerading as 'people like me'... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Message 735229 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 3:53:37 UTC - in response to Message 734853.  
Last modified: 6 Apr 2008, 4:15:43 UTC

I do thank God and everyone else that you are a tiny minority.

Not exactly... It just seems that way because their 'spokesmen' are strategically located... ;)

(Usually, one in every crowd. That 'coincidence' in itself should speak volumes.)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Profile BrainSmashR

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Message 735322 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 11:44:42 UTC - in response to Message 735214.  

profane ramblings deleted

Iraq is in charge of their own oil production and the United States is not reaping any benefits of that production. Why do you think gas is nearly $4.00 a gallon and the war is costing us an estimated $177 million a day?

...but hey, don't let the facts get in your way conspiracyman

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Profile conspiracyman_2000

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Message 735359 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 14:17:52 UTC - in response to Message 735322.  

WOW! What the heck happened to my thread?? :-O OK, I started this specifically for the FACT that extra terrestrial beings are here and have been for some time. Also, don't get me started on the FALSE FLAG iraqi "freedom" farce... *sigh* We all know that little georgey was just tryin to impress daddy and that the actual reason we are STILL in Iraq is for the oil so them idiots can make more money off of the sheeple. Anyway, nuff said.

thank you and good night

In reference to smasher, I've been to Iraq thank you very much and I've seen the atrocities first hand. Don't get me started on how we have been treated since we got back. Also, If you can see that ole bushy and his cronies started this "war" for the oil alone then I'm afraid you are more blind than you would allow yourself to know. All the evidence is right there out in the open. No WMD EVER found. No "terrorists" EVER arrested, and the lies continue here to "allow" bush to keep the "war" going. Cmon people, I thought we were intelligent beings here..
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.

Chief Seattle, 1854
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Profile KWSN Ekky Ekky Ekky

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Message 735363 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 14:28:56 UTC - in response to Message 735359.  

WOW! What the heck happened to my thread?? :-O OK, I started this specifically for the FACT that extra terrestrial beings are here and have been for some time. Also, don't get me started on the FALSE FLAG iraqi "freedom" farce... *sigh* We all know that little georgey was just tryin to impress daddy and that the actual reason we are STILL in Iraq is for the oil so them idiots can make more money off of the sheeple. Anyway, nuff said.

thank you and good night

Actually the roots of your thread are rather more interesting than the maniacal rantings of the extreme right.

If people like Fred Hoyle and many others are right, then all life in earth is alien. It is also possible that traces of alien life crash into the planet on cometary fragments every day. While life could indeed have started on this planet or some other place in the solar system, there is that chance it came from outside as well or instead.

However, I don't buy into the idea that interplanetary lizards or little green men are actually here and abducting our people.

ID: 735363 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 735364 - Posted: 6 Apr 2008, 14:32:47 UTC - in response to Message 735363.  

WOW! What the heck happened to my thread?? :-O OK, I started this specifically for the FACT that extra terrestrial beings are here and have been for some time. Also, don't get me started on the FALSE FLAG iraqi "freedom" farce... *sigh* We all know that little georgey was just tryin to impress daddy and that the actual reason we are STILL in Iraq is for the oil so them idiots can make more money off of the sheeple. Anyway, nuff said.

thank you and good night

Actually the roots of your thread are rather more interesting than the maniacal rantings of the extreme right.

If people like Fred Hoyle and many others are right, then all life in earth is alien. It is also possible that traces of alien life crash into the planet on cometary fragments every day. While life could indeed have started on this planet or some other place in the solar system, there is that chance it came from outside as well or instead.

However, I don't buy into the idea that interplanetary lizards or little green men are actually here and abducting our people.

We are them and they is thou........

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

ID: 735364 · Report as offensive
Profile BrainSmashR

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Message 735732 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 11:45:56 UTC - in response to Message 735359.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 11:51:12 UTC

In reference to smasher, I've been to Iraq thank you very much and I've seen the atrocities first hand. Don't get me started on how we have been treated since we got back. Also, If you can see that ole bushy and his cronies started this "war" for the oil alone then I'm afraid you are more blind than you would allow yourself to know. All the evidence is right there out in the open. No WMD EVER found. No "terrorists" EVER arrested, and the lies continue here to "allow" bush to keep the "war" going. Cmon people, I thought we were intelligent beings here..

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

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Profile KWSN Ekky Ekky Ekky

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Message 735749 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 12:48:40 UTC - in response to Message 735732.  

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

Well, your imagination sure is vivid! How intelligent does that make you?

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Profile Es99 (part ii)

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Message 735754 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 12:53:24 UTC - in response to Message 735749.  

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

Well, your imagination sure is vivid! How intelligent does that make you?

I may be remembering this wrong..but i am sure that studies show that vivid imagination is actually linked to intelligence.
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Profile thorin belvrog
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Message 735755 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 12:55:51 UTC - in response to Message 735754.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 13:06:23 UTC

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

Well, your imagination sure is vivid! How intelligent does that make you?

I may be remembering this wrong..but i am sure that studies show that vivid imagination is actually linked to intelligence.

According to philosopher Bertrand Russell, "It is only through imagination that men become aware of what the world might be." By using our imagination and creating mental images, we stimulate and alert our neurology to a particular direction, triggering self-organizing, cybernetic processes which begin to automatically and unconsciously work towards achieving the outcomes we have imaged.

According to Albert Einstein, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein claimed that knowledge of the past and present was essentially "dead," and required imagination to bring it to life and put knowledge into action.

Only by (vivid) imagination you can plan situations not yet happened or work with ideas you don't understand yet.

A farmer sows seeds because he can imagine vividly that the seed will become fruit - without imagination he might say: "It is just seed, will remain seed... Only because it worked last time that seed became fruit it doesn't have to work this time as well"
A programmer imagines the results of how his program is supposed to work before he even writes the first line of commands - without imagination he can't do that.
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Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 735761 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 13:16:14 UTC - in response to Message 735754.  

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

Well, your imagination sure is vivid! How intelligent does that make you?

I may be remembering this wrong..but i am sure that studies show that vivid imagination is actually linked to intelligence.

That is perhaps more valid than we think.
Procession or obsession.
ID: 735761 · Report as offensive
Tom Haley

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Message 735764 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 13:27:24 UTC
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 13:47:33 UTC

Conspiracyman's post "In reference to smasher, I've been to Iraq thank you very much and I've seen the atrocities first hand."

What atrocities?

UCMJ Article 78 -“Any person subject to this chapter who, knowing that an offense punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

If you participated or had any knowledge to an "atrocity" and failed to report it then you could be charged under UCMJ Article 81 Conspiracy.

-I have no use for anyone that breaks military of civilian law.

-I also have no use for folks that claim military service and don't have any or inflate what they have done.

-I especially haven't any use for anyone that FALSLY claims that US Armed Forces have done anything dishonorable.


I think you better carefully explain this statement or go speak to a lawyer as there is no statute of limitations on atrocities.
Man - a creature made at the end of the week's work when God was tired. - Mark Twain
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Profile thorin belvrog
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Message 735772 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 13:45:34 UTC - in response to Message 735764.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 13:49:55 UTC

Conspiracyman's post "In reference to smasher, I've been to Iraq thank you very much and I've seen the atrocities first hand."

What atrocities?

UCMJ Article 78 -“Any person subject to this chapter who, knowing that an offense punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

If a known noncombantant was killed it would be charged under UCMJ Article 118 - Murder.

If you participated or had any knowledge to an "atrocity" and failed to report it then you could be charged under UCMJ Article 81 Conspiracy.

I think you better carefully explain this statement or go speak to a lawyer.

Then every soldier in every war would have to be charged under those articles. There's been NO war or "armed conflict" I know about where no civilians have been killed, were people who didn't fight have not been terrorized, tortured, abducted, where people who refused to take a gun were arrested and broken, were civilians refugees or Red Cross paramedics were shot at for the suspect of being enemy soldiers in disguise.
Atrocities? War in itself is one big atrocity.

(edited for typos)
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ID: 735772 · Report as offensive
Profile Norman Copeland

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Message 735775 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 14:02:45 UTC

I'm not sure, but, intelligence exists, doesn't it?
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Tom Haley

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Message 735776 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 14:06:32 UTC - in response to Message 735772.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 14:07:55 UTC

thorin belvrog - "Then every soldier in every war would have to be charged under those articles. There's been NO war or "armed conflict" I know about where no civilians have been killed, were people who didn't fight have not been terrorized, tortured, abducted, where people who refused to take a gun were arrested and broken, were civilians refugees or Red Cross paramedics were shot at for the suspect of being enemy soldiers in disguise.
Atrocities? War in itself is one big atrocity."

I served for twenty years - there are rules, there are laws, there is a code of conduct. Most of the things you have listed are violations and the offenders could be given the death penalty in the US Armed Forces.

If you served would you let those around you do any of those things and be silent or would you not insist they be brought to justice? Why would you think that we would be quiet and let someone else get by with it? No military officer has the authority to tell someone to keep quiet.
Man - a creature made at the end of the week's work when God was tired. - Mark Twain
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Profile thorin belvrog
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Message 735779 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 14:17:31 UTC - in response to Message 735776.  

thorin belvrog - "Then every soldier in every war would have to be charged under those articles. There's been NO war or "armed conflict" I know about where no civilians have been killed, were people who didn't fight have not been terrorized, tortured, abducted, where people who refused to take a gun were arrested and broken, were civilians refugees or Red Cross paramedics were shot at for the suspect of being enemy soldiers in disguise.
Atrocities? War in itself is one big atrocity."

I served for twenty years - there are rules, there are laws, there is a code of conduct. Most of the things you have listed are violations and the offenders could be given the death penalty in the US Armed Forces.

If you served would you let those around you do any of those things and be silent or would you not insist they be brought to justice? Why would you think that we would be quiet and let someone else get by with it? No military officer has the authority to tell someone to keep quiet.

When I served, it was more like: "Do as I ordered you or you go rightaway to jail for years" - and in war times it would have been "Do as I ordered you or you're dead". The refusal of a direct order (even the order to aim and shoot at civilians) was considered as a crime comparable to deserting.

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Profile BrainSmashR

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Message 735807 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 15:48:26 UTC - in response to Message 735764.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2008, 15:53:38 UTC

Conspiracyman's post "In reference to smasher, I've been to Iraq thank you very much and I've seen the atrocities first hand."

What atrocities?

UCMJ Article 78 -“Any person subject to this chapter who, knowing that an offense punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

If you participated or had any knowledge to an "atrocity" and failed to report it then you could be charged under UCMJ Article 81 Conspiracy.

-I have no use for anyone that breaks military of civilian law.

-I also have no use for folks that claim military service and don't have any or inflate what they have done.

-I especially haven't any use for anyone that FALSLY claims that US Armed Forces have done anything dishonorable.


I think you better carefully explain this statement or go speak to a lawyer as there is no statute of limitations on atrocities.

Good job, Tom...

I have long believed in the concept of giving liberals enough rope to hang themselves....and I've yet to be disappointed with the outcome...

Thanks to your post, we now know Conspiracyman is either a criminal or a liar...my vote is for the latter.

ID: 735807 · Report as offensive
Profile BrainSmashR

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Message 735808 - Posted: 7 Apr 2008, 15:49:25 UTC - in response to Message 735749.  

Vivid imaginations do not equal intelligence.

However, that ability is quite proficient at producing conspiracy theories about war and alien abduction.

Well, your imagination sure is vivid! How intelligent does that make you?

I'll try to keep that in mind next time you're praying for MY soul...lol

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