Any Ideas on Whats wrong with computer?

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Message 725693 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:33:28 UTC

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...

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Message 725696 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:48:05 UTC - in response to Message 725693.  

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Hi, same as everybody else with series 13fe08ac.xxxxx WU's since March 10th.
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Message 725698 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:49:42 UTC

Some of the compute errors are from the bad bunch of 13fe08ac run that has been circulating, as far as the other errors I'm not sure, but you may have to detach and reattach and see if that helps.

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Message 725699 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:50:38 UTC - in response to Message 725696.  

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Hi, same as everybody else with series 13fe08ac.xxxxx WU's since March 10th.

So maybe it is OK afterall? Will let it run a couple more days...Strange my other machines aren't getting these...
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 725700 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:50:39 UTC - in response to Message 725696.  

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Hi, same as everybody else with series 13fe08ac.xxxxx WU's since March 10th.

That covers the compute errors, but not all of the validate errors that the host has been getting...........
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Profile hiamps
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Message 725703 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 21:52:03 UTC - in response to Message 725698.  

Some of the compute errors are from the bad bunch of 13fe08ac run that has been circulating, as far as the other errors I'm not sure, but you may have to detach and reattach and see if that helps.

Will have my daughter detach and reattach tonight and see if that helps. Thanks.
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Message 725729 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 22:15:24 UTC - in response to Message 725700.  

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Hi, same as everybody else with series 13fe08ac.xxxxx WU's since March 10th.

That covers the compute errors, but not all of the validate errors that the host has been getting...........

Actually you're right. I looked at a few "compute errors" and one "validate error" which was, by the strangest of coindidence, also 13feb08 series, so I just assumed... My bad :)
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 725733 - Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 22:21:05 UTC - in response to Message 725729.  

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Hi, same as everybody else with series 13fe08ac.xxxxx WU's since March 10th.

That covers the compute errors, but not all of the validate errors that the host has been getting...........

Actually you're right. I looked at a few "compute errors" and one "validate error" which was, by the strangest of coindidence, also 13feb08 series, so I just assumed... My bad :)

LOL......don't feel too bad.....I made exactly the same faux pas when I responded to a poster earlier in the week!!!

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 725906 - Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 1:45:53 UTC - in response to Message 725693.  
Last modified: 14 Mar 2008, 1:46:29 UTC

This computer has never been overclocked and unfortunately I am not there right now to do anything with it. It has been restarted twice and still is erroring out. I will have to have it shut down for awhile I guess. It seems fine for the programs my Mother runs on it but has some serious problem...


Just happened across the host of a wingman of mine with the same symptoms as yours... Makes me wonder how much of a hit the project might be taking, how many similar hosts exist... Set-n-forget types might let hosts run in a state like this for a long time, eh?

He is not running an optimized client, isn't there a way to issue reset from the project?
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Message 727764 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 1:50:51 UTC

hiamps -
how do you manage a three gigahertz computer on only 512mb of ram?
I'm a Prefectionist ;)
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Brian Silvers

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Message 727772 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 2:06:59 UTC - in response to Message 727764.  

hiamps -
how do you manage a three gigahertz computer on only 512mb of ram?

I'm not hiamps, but I'd say that for that computer, you would right click on My Computer and select Manage... ;-)
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Message 727789 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 2:29:30 UTC - in response to Message 727764.  

hiamps -
how do you manage a three gigahertz computer on only 512mb of ram?

Well my P4 3.06Ghz laptop actually had 256Meg of ram when I bought it, and it ran ok... well it more like jogged...

Actually compared to what it was like when I increased it to 768Meg, it was more like a jog of someone with 1/2 a lung and only 1 leg - it moved, but not all that quickly lol
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Message 727795 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 3:01:51 UTC - in response to Message 727764.  

hiamps -
how do you manage a three gigahertz computer on only 512mb of ram?
Seriously, I don't think the speed of the CPU has anything to do with the suitable RAM size.

OS used, applications used, how used, and how simultaneously, and which left resident when not active, all matter to suitable RAM size.

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Profile hiamps
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Message 727898 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 20:13:38 UTC - in response to Message 727764.  

hiamps -
how do you manage a three gigahertz computer on only 512mb of ram?

It's my mothers computer and I hadn't even noticed the small RAM, Guess she needs an upgrade really bad...Will make her an E6420 as I already have the Spare chip...
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Message 727899 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 20:18:05 UTC

I still need to have my daughter Detatch and reatatch this machine. When she does I assume all the Workunits already downloaded will disapear and it will download new units...If so, as the few pending are validated will this machine still get the credit? Hate to do that to so many wingmen, with so many pending already but with most being invalid I guess it is about the same thing anyways...
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Message 728247 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 18:13:57 UTC

Well I finally got someone to detactch this machine. I hope it works or I will have them shut down Seti on it untill I can get home to fix whatever is wrong. At least I was glad to see that when a computer is detatched that it resends the workunits right away so no wingmen were slowed down much.
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Message 728447 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 1:48:52 UTC

Hi. I'm no expert on the Enhanced Applications, but I thought that P4s running Windows XP, had to use SSE2 versions of the application. The PC that is returning the errors is running an SSE3 app - apparently while the CPU may support SSE3, Windows does not, or something like that. One of my P4s is running an Enhanced App for Windows with SSE2 support, and that was the application recommended for that CPU and OS. As I said, I'm not an expert, but I've come across postings about ensuring you get the right application, or you'll get a whole bundle of trouble. Go on, be a Devil, stick some more RAM in it, too!

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728450 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 1:53:15 UTC - in response to Message 728447.  

Hi. I'm no expert on the Enhanced Applications, but I thought that P4s running Windows XP, had to use SSE2 versions of the application. The PC that is returning the errors is running an SSE3 app - apparently while the CPU may support SSE3, Windows does not, or something like that. One of my P4s is running an Enhanced App for Windows with SSE2 support, and that was the application recommended for that CPU and OS. As I said, I'm not an expert, but I've come across postings about ensuring you get the right application, or you'll get a whole bundle of trouble. Go on, be a Devil, stick some more RAM in it, too!

As far as I know.....the OS has nothing to do with the supported featuresets.........just the CPU.....
Other than the Vista incompatibility problems with some opti apps, but that has to do with the coding scheme, not with the featureset (SSE whatever) that is involved.
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Profile hiamps
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Message 728452 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 1:59:34 UTC

Hmmm, After the detatch and retatch I got one validate error and 2 are pending but one has strange message in the Work unit...
No heartbeat from core client for 31 sec - exiting
Restarted at 4.52 percent.
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Profile [KWSN]John Galt 007
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Message 728652 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 13:04:29 UTC - in response to Message 728447.  

Hi. I'm no expert on the Enhanced Applications, but I thought that P4s running Windows XP, had to use SSE2 versions of the application. The PC that is returning the errors is running an SSE3 app - apparently while the CPU may support SSE3, Windows does not, or something like that. One of my P4s is running an Enhanced App for Windows with SSE2 support, and that was the application recommended for that CPU and OS. As I said, I'm not an expert, but I've come across postings about ensuring you get the right application, or you'll get a whole bundle of trouble. Go on, be a Devil, stick some more RAM in it, too!

In checking your results, it shows that you are using a REALLY old version of the 'Chicken' app. You might want to upgrade to the new version, found here. Crunch3r took over the apps when Simon (Chicken of Angor) went MIA. (Thanks Crunch3r...and Simon, you OK?)

You can check to see what version you can run by using this.

When you run CPU-Z, it will tell you what instructions your CPU supports.

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