Your SETI farm power consumption?

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Message 730702 - Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 19:43:33 UTC - in response to Message 730693.  
Last modified: 26 Mar 2008, 19:51:52 UTC

I must look up the technicalities of a swamp cooler. I am imagining some sort of compressor less a/c unit using a reservoir of water as the cooling source perhaps? Dunno, just guessing. Will be on Google later :D

They are very simple indeed, just a big box with water and power connections, a pump to spray water and a large area of material that both holds water and lets air through (called a "pad"), and a big fan to blow outside air through the moist pad and then into the house.

They work pretty well in places with really low relative humidity and with daytime peak temperatures not much over 100F. They lose efficiency rapidly with higher relative humidity, and they can't really provide comfort at Death Valley-type 115+ temperatures.

In the 1950's and 1960's they traditionally they were the cooling means of the poor in the desert Southwest of the United States. But here in Albuquerque, their virtues of greater power efficiency and better interior relative humidity during most of the cooling season made them the dominant form of cooling in all types of housing, from mobile homes to mansions, for a few decades. Now there has been a bit of a trend back to traditional Air Conditioning, as people tire of the maintenance requirements, don't like feeling damp and warm in August, and have become more concerned about the water consumption.

On the other hand, in a more humid place such as Louisiana, Florida, or Ohio, you won't find them at all.

Well actually 115F temps occur outside around here in the summer, Our humidity is normally low and so even then they work very good, except on days when It gets a bit more humid than normal cause of Thunderstorms during the monsoon season. That's reminds Me not to turn left at Albuquerque, I might wind up in the wrong place, Just like Bugs did. ;)

Oh and there is no such thing as a Mobile Home, Only a Manufactured House from 1976 on up at least, Before that there were Trailers and they varied from maker to maker, some good and some that cut corners, From 1976 on they were better than a stick built home as I'd like to see a stick built home move down the freeway at greater than 5mph and not fall a part at the seams, I moved mine from Las Vegas NV to Yermo CA on the freeway no less and It's 14'x60'. Manufactured Houses are made to the HUD Building Code and as such have to be tough, My houses exterior walls are 8" thick and insulated and the House is a 1987 Fleetwood Westfield that I own outright as I have title to It.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Profile JDWhale
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Message 730716 - Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 20:26:18 UTC - in response to Message 730693.  

On the other hand, in a more humid place such as Louisiana, Florida, or Ohio, you won't find them at all.

I live in SE Texas (Houston area), 95F summer temps are commonplace, often with relative humidity > 80%. I hate running A/C in the flat, so have gone the opposite of the swamp cooler by running a dehumidifier and an area fan or two to circulate the air. 85F at 40% humidity is comfortable to me with a slight breeze. I do have the A/C to provide a bit of relief when the ambient in the flat gets near 90F. I must admit that I climatize very easily, possibly due to my time in SE Asia without A/C or years spent in NW China without proper heat. Neither the warm or cold bother me much, I enjoy both for different reasons and dress accordingly. I hate paying the electric company and enjoy my monthly 1000KWh ($90) bills.

Also coming in from the outside where the temps and humidity are high, it still feels much cooler with the lowered humidity and a slight breeze.

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Message 730939 - Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 11:14:26 UTC - in response to Message 730700.  
Last modified: 27 Mar 2008, 11:14:48 UTC

A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler,

I've wiki'd and Googled these now and know what they are :D I've even seen the large boxes on people's roofs over there and wondered what they were before now - well, now I know :) Sounds like a very cost effective way of cooling in the right climate.
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Message 731027 - Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 17:07:48 UTC - in response to Message 730939.  
Last modified: 27 Mar 2008, 17:16:41 UTC

A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler,

I've wiki'd and Googled these now and know what they are :D I've even seen the large boxes on people's roofs over there and wondered what they were before now - well, now I know :) Sounds like a very cost effective way of cooling in the right climate.

Yeah they are If they're sized right, I just bought the biggest window mounted swamp cooler I could afford for $454 total(A Champion WC35 is as big as I could find and that's 3500cfm of cool air delivery), I'd have bought a bigger one, But I didn't have the extra cash and It would have taken Me the rest of the summer to get that done back then as then It would have involved opening a hole in the wall next to a window or at least near It and framing It in properly and that would have driven the cost up by an unknown amount of money that I just didn't have and won't have for a few years still and I've got a lot of backlogged projects to clear before I get to It still. :D Last year I had to run It on High 24/7 during the summer as I had 5 PCs humming away(Almost 6 at one point), This Year since I only have 3 PCs running maybe I can get away with low most of the time and high when It gets really hot, I still have to spend about $27.94(3-Champion WC35 Swamp Cooler Pads(24"x30") $16.70, Belt $7.50, 50' Black Cooler Hose $3.74) at the local ACE hardware.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 731183 - Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 23:34:54 UTC - in response to Message 731168.  

(For those outside of the UK, the Government stupidly privatised our utility companies some years ago and now they are all about making profit, not providing an essential service).

Dont say that. The NSW government is trying to sell off the state electricity generators now (I work at one!!!!) and have repeatedly stated that it will force prices down!

Yeah right, not even my kids would fall for that lie.

LOL. Our most recent example is British Gas announcing record profits - yet the bills rose around 15% last year (75% since 2003). Dividends to Shareholders increased to 17%. Speaks volumes doesn't it?

Oops punched return too soon.

Cure is to buy some shares of the company. That is one thing that I did decades ago. I hold shares in both the electrical generation and natural gas distribution in this area around Washington DC.

Also Baltimore, Virginia and half of Florida.

Even Warren Buffett is buying into generation of electric current. But he buys the whole company! Yes I own some of his company as well.

My almost new Mac Pro has two dual processors and runs on about 255 watts. Monitor when on adds about forty more. My old Mac Mini (pre intel) uses about 38 watts and a recently retired laptop used 32 watts with screen lit, and five less when it was off. Two processors in the Pro are on Seti and two others another project. They whiz compared to the prior machines.

Electric energy costs about 12 US cents a KWH on average. More in summer and a bit less in winter. You can translate that to your pence. About $2 to a Pound sterling now.

Our local power is no longer generated by plants owned by the utility! They sold them and buy the energy on the market. The buyer of the plants went bankrupt, but didn't stop producing and selling power. Mostly by burning coal, some oil and gas turbines in summer peak loads.

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Message 731193 - Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 23:52:28 UTC

My farm only has one machine that isn't really needed it is a motherboard screwed to the wall, I made it because someone here said you needed a case. It has been running for about a year now with no harddrive. The rest are used in my business or are personal. I have found over the years that I have much less problems with my machines when they are left running 24/7 so they would all be running anyways...Might as well do Seti.
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Message 744500 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 15:25:13 UTC

Well It's that time of the month again, I just paid the space rent and utils, Electricity was $146.97 this month or $33.20 higher cause of cooling costs over last month. Next month will most likely be higher still, Maybe $5-$20 more really, Hopefully no higher than that.

Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Fred W
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Message 744509 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 16:09:06 UTC - in response to Message 744500.  

Well It's that time of the month again, I just paid the space rent and utils, Electricity was $146.97 this month or $33.20 higher cause of cooling costs over last month. Next month will most likely be higher still, Maybe $5-$20 more really, Hopefully no higher than that.

Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.

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Message 744534 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 16:44:54 UTC - in response to Message 744509.  
Last modified: 26 Apr 2008, 16:50:42 UTC

Well It's that time of the month again, I just paid the space rent and utils, Electricity was $146.97 this month or $33.20 higher cause of cooling costs over last month. Next month will most likely be higher still, Maybe $5-$20 more really, Hopefully no higher than that.

Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.


I'll second that motion. Quit whinging you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel vw polo.

edit] Forgot the main subject, new games machine for son, Q9450 at stock settings 2.66GHz etc. with two Nvidia 8800gtx graphics cards uses 300W when crunching.
On energy terms glad he is collecting tomorrow, he can pay his own bills.
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Message 744538 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 16:56:16 UTC - in response to Message 744534.  

I'll second that motion. Quit whinging you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel vw polo.

Yes, us Australians feel your pain - a VW Polo - gasp, how nasty is that!... Oh you meant the price of fuel, oops, my bad ;)

Here in Australia 40 litres of unleaded fuel would be about $AU60 (US$55), give or take a few $, diesel is roughly 10% dearer depending on your location. Then again I drive a 200KW 3.6 litre large family car that gets 26MPG around town and 35 on a trip, so fuel prices are a worry, but not critical yet
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Message 744540 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 17:04:14 UTC - in response to Message 744538.  

I'll second that motion. Quit whinging you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel vw polo.

Yes, us Australians feel your pain - a VW Polo - gasp, how nasty is that!... Oh you meant the price of fuel, oops, my bad ;)

Here in Australia 40 litres of unleaded fuel would be about $AU60 (US$55), give or take a few $, diesel is roughly 10% dearer depending on your location. Then again I drive a 200KW 3.6 litre large family car that gets 26MPG around town and 35 on a trip, so fuel prices are a worry, but not critical yet

Also have an Audi A6 3.0 TDI that does about 30 mpg (imp) on a good day, but work provide agency card to fill that up.
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Message 744593 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 19:21:14 UTC - in response to Message 711796.  

Sorry about all the new threads. Just wanting a sanity check and to make sure I'm not about to go too overkill with my SETI machines!

Do any of you with multiple machines keep your eye on your energy bills?

How much do you spend on Electricity?

How much is a KWh of power in your part of the world?

I purchased a power check adaptor which plugs between the outlet socket and the cable to the SETI machines. It records how much power is used and multiplies this by the price per Kwh (in my case 13Pence per Kwh).

It looks like this:

The first line is the amount of pwer currently being consumed (there are only 2 machines on this at the moment)

The second line is the accumulated cost (in £s)

The third line is the amount of time that the cost refers to (so in just under 2 days my machines have cost 88pence to run)

I know some of you have HUGE rigs set up, so is power cheap in your part of the world or have your electricity bills gone mad?

For my electric bill durng the period 3/05/08 to 4/03/08 in an all electric trailer @ 1500 square feet of area runing seti 24/7 with my Athalon 3800 with a 6800 video card and 2 hard drives and 2 dvd writers and 2gb memory and biostar mother board and 680 watts power supply. 2350khw which equal to 4.9 cents per kwh at my home in Lynchburg VA USA.
I have since upgraded to Q6600 and sli 8600gt video cards and xfx motherboard and 4gb of memory the rest I did not change. So I live where it is warmer than it is colder I used heat 3 months of the year and air the rest and sometimes I run the air in the winter when it is warm or hot.

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Message 744596 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 19:27:28 UTC - in response to Message 744534.  
Last modified: 26 Apr 2008, 20:16:31 UTC

Well It's that time of the month again, I just paid the space rent and utils, Electricity was $146.97 this month or $33.20 higher cause of cooling costs over last month. Next month will most likely be higher still, Maybe $5-$20 more really, Hopefully no higher than that.

Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.


I'll second that motion. Quit whining you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel VW polo.

edit] Forgot the main subject, new games machine for son, Q9450 at stock settings 2.66GHz etc. with two Nvidia 8800gtx graphics cards uses 300W when crunching.
On energy terms glad he is collecting tomorrow, he can pay his own bills.

@ Fred W, WinterKnight & David: Ok before this gets too far out of hand....

I'll nip this in the bud, As I have been aware of the disparity of prices of Gasoline around the world, I watch CNN almost constantly...

As I'm a Disabled Person on a Fixed income... It's lower than You think, I survive on $845 a month currently.

I mentioned what I paid for Natural Gas, Not Gasoline!

Natural Gas is for Cooking, Water Heating and Drying My Clothes in a Gas clothes dryer around here and the gas is piped in to the house and is not in My case for the Car......

Besides I drive less than all 3 of You combined or individually, So I can afford the car I drive, At least It's not an SUV.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 744596 · Report as offensive
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Message 744617 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 19:58:43 UTC - in response to Message 744593.  

Sorry about all the new threads. Just wanting a sanity check and to make sure I'm not about to go too overkill with my SETI machines!

Do any of you with multiple machines keep your eye on your energy bills?

How much do you spend on Electricity?

How much is a KWh of power in your part of the world?

I purchased a power check adapter which plugs between the outlet socket and the cable to the SETI machines. It records how much power is used and multiplies this by the price per KWh (in my case 13Pence per KWh).

It looks like this:

The first line is the amount of power currently being consumed (there are only 2 machines on this at the moment)

The second line is the accumulated cost (in £s)

The third line is the amount of time that the cost refers to (so in just under 2 days my machines have cost 88pence to run)

I know some of you have HUGE rigs set up, so is power cheap in your part of the world or have your electricity bills gone mad?

For my electric bill during the period 3/05/08 to 4/03/08 in an all electric trailer @ 1500 square feet of area running seti 24/7 with my Athlon 3800 with a 6800 video card and 2 hard drives and 2 dvd writers and 2gb memory and biostar mother board and 680 watts power supply. 2350khw which equal to 4.9 cents per KWh at my home in Lynchburg VA USA.
I have since upgraded to Q6600 and sli 8600gt video cards and xfx motherboard and 4GB of memory the rest I did not change. So I live where it is warmer than it is colder I used heat 3 months of the year and air the rest and sometimes I run the air in the winter when it is warm or hot.

I live in a Manufactured House made by Fleetwood(a Westfield) in 1987 with only 840 sqft or 14'x60' and I own It outright(No Mortgage folks!), I bought It back in 2006 for a bit less than 16,000+7,000 to move It here from Las Vegas NV(the park there was closing, hence the low price) to where I've lived since 2004 here in Yermo CA(Just outside Barstow CA). The land isn't mine, So I rent It for $215 a month, But I consider It more like a Homeowners Association Fee than rent since If one doesn't have business here, One shouldn't be here and soon the place will have automatic gates and a New larger washroom/arcade for those that need It(I don't as I have My own washer & clothes dryer which are the same as what anyone else uses in the USA).

The KWh's are like so around here: (I've used 1,082 KW last month)
SCE % of 73.6100%
(Southern California Edison; aka: Edison International)
baseline = 267.0KWh
000-100% 0.0277900(baseline)
100-130% 0.0552500(baseline)
131-200% 0.1702300(baseline)

DWR % of 26.3900%
baseline = 96.0
000-100% 0.0887500(baseline)
101-130% 0.0887500(baseline)
131-200% 0.0887500(baseline)
201-300% 0.0887500(baseline)
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 744617 · Report as offensive
Profile Paul D Harris
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Message 744632 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 20:29:36 UTC - in response to Message 744617.  

Sorry about all the new threads. Just wanting a sanity check and to make sure I'm not about to go too overkill with my SETI machines!

Do any of you with multiple machines keep your eye on your energy bills?

How much do you spend on Electricity?

How much is a KWh of power in your part of the world?

I purchased a power check adapter which plugs between the outlet socket and the cable to the SETI machines. It records how much power is used and multiplies this by the price per KWh (in my case 13Pence per KWh).

It looks like this:

The first line is the amount of power currently being consumed (there are only 2 machines on this at the moment)

The second line is the accumulated cost (in £s)

The third line is the amount of time that the cost refers to (so in just under 2 days my machines have cost 88pence to run)

I know some of you have HUGE rigs set up, so is power cheap in your part of the world or have your electricity bills gone mad?

For my electric bill during the period 3/05/08 to 4/03/08 in an all electric trailer @ 1500 square feet of area running seti 24/7 with my Athlon 3800 with a 6800 video card and 2 hard drives and 2 dvd writers and 2gb memory and biostar mother board and 680 watts power supply. 2350khw which equal to 4.9 cents per KWh at my home in Lynchburg VA USA.
I have since upgraded to Q6600 and sli 8600gt video cards and xfx motherboard and 4GB of memory the rest I did not change. So I live where it is warmer than it is colder I used heat 3 months of the year and air the rest and sometimes I run the air in the winter when it is warm or hot.

I live in a Manufactured House made by Fleetwood(a Westfield) in 1987 with only 840 sqft or 14'x60' and I own It outright(No Mortgage folks!), I bought It back in 2006 for a bit less than 16,000+7,000 to move It here from Las Vegas NV(the park there was closing, hence the low price) to where I've lived since 2004 here in Yermo CA(Just outside Barstow CA). The land isn't mine, So I rent It for $215 a month, But I consider It more like a Homeowners Association Fee than rent since If one doesn't have business here, One shouldn't be here and soon the place will have automatic gates and a New larger washroom/arcade for those that need It(I don't as I have My own washer & clothes dryer which are the same as what anyone else uses in the USA).

The KWh's are like so around here: (I've used 1,082 KW last month)
SCE % of 73.6100%
(Southern California Edison; aka: Edison International)
baseline = 267.0KWh
000-100% 0.0277900(baseline)
100-130% 0.0552500(baseline)
131-200% 0.1702300(baseline)

DWR % of 26.3900%
baseline = 96.0
000-100% 0.0887500(baseline)
101-130% 0.0887500(baseline)
131-200% 0.0887500(baseline)
201-300% 0.0887500(baseline)

I don't know how much electricty my computer uses but the power supply is 680 watts I use 200 watts of light in my rooms so it is like 6 and 1/2 rooms with the lights on. That is if I run my power supply full on at 100% which I don't think it is runnung that hard more like about 200 or 300 watts because the power supply fan is a smart fan and it does not run at full speed mabey 1/4 or 1/3 speed. So the power supply must be running at 1/4 or 1/3 of full capacity of 680 watts.
I too am retired on medical disability with a fixed income plus a retirement check. I was on dialysis for 3 years and I am off of dialysis now for 2 years my kidneys are better due to the dialysis which cost 16000$ a month on my private insurance and cost medicare 10000$ a month. My car transmision broke down in December and I walk 2.2 miles to the bus stop and I walk 2.2 miles back home which equals 4.4 miles plus what even I do in town so that is a total of 5 miles or more I walk and 2 miles of that is up a hill 1 mile long each way with a steep grade. All the walking is helping my kidneys due to all the blood flow through them I am still at stage 4 cronic kidney disease sometimes it goes up to stage 3.
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Fred W
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Message 744633 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 20:29:57 UTC - in response to Message 744596.  


Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.


I'll second that motion. Quit whining you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel VW polo.

edit] Forgot the main subject, new games machine for son, Q9450 at stock settings 2.66GHz etc. with two Nvidia 8800gtx graphics cards uses 300W when crunching.
On energy terms glad he is collecting tomorrow, he can pay his own bills.

@ Fred W, WinterKnight & David: Ok before this gets too far out of hand....

I'll nip this in the bud, As I have been aware of the disparity of prices of Gasoline around the world, I watch CNN almost constantly...

As I'm a Disabled Person on a Fixed income... It's lower than You think, I survive on $845 a month currently.

I mentioned what I paid for Natural Gas, Not Gasoline!

Natural Gas is for Cooking, Water Heating and Drying My Clothes in a Gas clothes dryer around here and the gas is piped in to the house and is not in My case for the Car......

Besides I drive less than all 3 of You combined or individually, So I can afford the car I drive, At least It's not an SUV.

Hey! You mentioned gasoline first...

And I was only pulling your chain ;)

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Message 744672 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 21:07:53 UTC - in response to Message 744633.  
Last modified: 26 Apr 2008, 21:10:15 UTC


Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.


I'll second that motion. Quit whining you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel VW polo.

edit] Forgot the main subject, new games machine for son, Q9450 at stock settings 2.66GHz etc. with two Nvidia 8800gtx graphics cards uses 300W when crunching.
On energy terms glad he is collecting tomorrow, he can pay his own bills.

@ Fred W, WinterKnight & David: Ok before this gets too far out of hand....

I'll nip this in the bud, As I have been aware of the disparity of prices of Gasoline around the world, I watch CNN almost constantly...

As I'm a Disabled Person on a Fixed income... It's lower than You think, I survive on $845 a month currently.

I mentioned what I paid for Natural Gas, Not Gasoline!

Natural Gas is for Cooking, Water Heating and Drying My Clothes in a Gas clothes dryer around here and the gas is piped in to the house and is not in My case for the Car......

Besides I drive less than all 3 of You combined or individually, So I can afford the car I drive, At least It's not an SUV.

Hey! You mentioned gasoline first...

And I was only pulling your chain ;)


I mentioned the words, Not the prices or the amounts, You and others did, Just not the amount I pay, Ok? you guys harped on the amount You all are paying and such..

I'd like to see You live on what I get a month. ;p

I didn't see any Joking there as I don't always get things like that, That's one of the reasons(among others) why I'm disabled as I don't get some types of humor...

The Gasoline comment was just that, A comment, Nothing more. It's the same as saying "What I do everyday to the minute" and It would end there, As why do I have to Justify My Car Purchase to anyone?? I bought It with a Check and the car was NEW then as My OLD Car was not able to be repaired as some parts were not being made anymore as the OLD Car was a 1988 Ford Escort. My NEW Car fits Me physically, As I'm fairly heavy(368lbs, 6'1" tall and I use a cane) and I've seen what happens after a while to cheaply made cars, I can make a dent in the fender by just leaning on those types of cars, My car I can lean on and not get any body damage, It has 2 doors, Has enough power to get Me out of most problems and enough trunk space for food or whatever, a passive alarm system, LoJack and a 1000w Stereo 6-CD changer w/10 speakers, Sure It's not a Diesel and It uses Gasoline, But It's paid for entirely and every month I pay $16.83 for car insurance.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Fred W
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Message 744702 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 21:23:09 UTC - in response to Message 744672.  


Natural Gas was $24.51, Most of My costs are fixed at least, And don't get Me started on gasoline as I've seen the gas prices. But then I don't drive much, Can't with the distances involved around here and the car that I happen to have(18mpg).

Don't know how you dare even mention gasoline prices on a site with readers from this side of the pond. Expected to reach the equivalent of $11.30 per gallon (US) in the next week or so :((( So I go for cars that average over 50 mpg.


I'll second that motion. Quit whining you Americans, Just cost me ~$100 to put 40 liters (12 gallons US) in my little diesel VW polo.

edit] Forgot the main subject, new games machine for son, Q9450 at stock settings 2.66GHz etc. with two Nvidia 8800gtx graphics cards uses 300W when crunching.
On energy terms glad he is collecting tomorrow, he can pay his own bills.

@ Fred W, WinterKnight & David: Ok before this gets too far out of hand....

I'll nip this in the bud, As I have been aware of the disparity of prices of Gasoline around the world, I watch CNN almost constantly...

As I'm a Disabled Person on a Fixed income... It's lower than You think, I survive on $845 a month currently.

I mentioned what I paid for Natural Gas, Not Gasoline!

Natural Gas is for Cooking, Water Heating and Drying My Clothes in a Gas clothes dryer around here and the gas is piped in to the house and is not in My case for the Car......

Besides I drive less than all 3 of You combined or individually, So I can afford the car I drive, At least It's not an SUV.

Hey! You mentioned gasoline first...

And I was only pulling your chain ;)


I mentioned the words, Not the prices or the amounts, You and others did, Just not the amount I pay, Ok? you guys harped on the amount You all are paying and such..

I'd like to see You live on what I get a month. ;p

I didn't see any Joking there as I don't always get things like that, That's one of the reasons(among others) why I'm disabled as I don't get some types of humor...

The Gasoline comment was just that, A comment, Nothing more. It's the same as saying "What I do everyday to the minute" and It would end there, As why do I have to Justify My Car Purchase to anyone?? I bought It with a Check and the car was NEW then as My OLD Car was not able to be repaired as some parts were not being made anymore as the OLD Car was a 1988 Ford Escort. My NEW Car fits Me physically, As I'm fairly heavy(368lbs, 6'1" tall and I use a cane) and I've seen what happens after a while to cheaply made cars, I can make a dent in the fender by just leaning on those types of cars, My car I can lean on and not get any body damage, It has 2 doors, Has enough power to get Me out of most problems and enough trunk space for food or whatever, a passive alarm system, LoJack and a 1000w Stereo 6-CD changer w/10 speakers, Sure It's not a Diesel and It uses Gasoline, But It's paid for entirely and every month I pay $16.83 for car insurance.

OK. OK. Enough already...

If we shout any louder we'll wake the whole neighbourhood.

I'll take this episode as commentary on my (according to my offspring) strange sense of humour.

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Message 744724 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 22:12:42 UTC - in response to Message 711813.  

As I use electrical energy to heat the house, I spend 0 (euros, no matter) for SETI during 6 months (winter, mainly). That is not not the same story during summer. But it is stille 0 half of the time.

In order to save the climate, northern hemisphere countries should compute from november to april, southern hemisphere from may to october. For the equatorial/tropical countries, I dont know.

@ haddock29: Laughed out loud, well said!
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Message 744735 - Posted: 26 Apr 2008, 22:34:10 UTC

Very off the topic: My ambient light drew this summer's first mosquito between me and my lcd. Unconrolled spinal reaction caused my hand to slap the darned thing. I missed it, and fortunately the screen didn't get damaged neither. There's spring in the air. Helsinki, 01:33 am sun, 7 C outside. Very off the topic.
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