To the kitty people II

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 727946 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:18:21 UTC - in response to Message 727560.  

Too adorable guys- just too adorable.

Here's a poem I wanted to share will everyone. The author is unknown:

msattler- I think you'll like this one- it's one of my favorites:

"The Prayer Of A Stray"

Dear God, please send me somebody who'll care ! I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.

My body is aching, it's so racked with pain. And dear God I pray as I run in the rain,

That someone will love me and give me a home. A warm cosy bed I can call my own.

My last owner neglected me and chased me away to rummage in garbage and live as a stray.

But now, God, I'm tired and hungry and cold. And I'm afraid that I'll never grow old.

They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones, while I run in the streets just looking for bones!

I'm not really bad God, please help me if you can. For I have just become a " VICTIM OF MAN !"

I'm wormy, Dear God, And I'm ridden with fleas, and all that I want is an owner to please !

If you find one for me, God, I'll try to be good. I won't run away and I'll do as I should.

I don't think I'll make it too long on my own, cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone.

Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry, cause I'm so afraid God, That I'm gonna die !

And I've got so much love and devotion to give, that I should be given a new chance to live.

So, Dear God, PLEASE, PLEASE answer my prayer and send me somebody who WILL really care.

Thanks for the poem.....I wish I could do more for the homeless kitties myself.....

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 727947 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:22:58 UTC

Agree with Albert. You SHOULD archive them. Maybe set up a Wordpress site or similar. Easy to do. I could help you out if you wanted to do it and don't know how.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 727950 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:24:38 UTC - in response to Message 727702.  

This is another of my favorite kitty poems-
I did change it from male to female in memory of my beloved best friend- Pita.

Lend Me a Kitten

I will lend you for a while, a kitten, God said.
For you to love while she lives, and mourn when she's dead.
Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three,
But will you, 'til I call her back, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you and, should her stay be brief,
You'll always have her memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay, since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn.
I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true,
And from the folk that crowd life's land, I have chosen you.
Now will you give her all your love, nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again?

I fancied that I heard them say " Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done”
For all the joys this kitten brings, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness; we'll love her while we may.
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But should you call her back much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
If, by our love, we've managed your wishes to achieve,
Then in memory of she whom we loved, please help us while we grieve.
When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needy soul for us to love all her life.

Author Unknown

Another beautiful kitty poem......I searched for a while on the net, but could not find any reference to the actual author, except that it was adapted from a poem by Edgar Guest.

Thank you for your contribution...
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 727953 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:25:54 UTC - in response to Message 727947.  

Agree with Albert. You SHOULD archive them. Maybe set up a Wordpress site or similar. Easy to do. I could help you out if you wanted to do it and don't know how.

Is that like a Photobucket thingy?
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 727955 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:29:11 UTC - in response to Message 726272.  

Helloo again, fellow kitty lovers.......

The GF and I made a trip to the local kitty shelter........

And it looks like we may be rescuing another shadow kitty....

Fell in love with Starbucks.....

A beautiful gray long hair.....3yo male, front declaw, neutered....
With the biggest eyes you ever could see......

He was surrendered because the family was moving..(like you can't take kitty with you????? you would take a child, no????).

Sat down with kitty and he was just so laid back and happy to have the attention......he was in a room with several other kitties, so he should have no problem adjusting to her Callie and Oscar kitties.....

Filled out the paperwork, and should know by Monday if Starbee will be coming home with us.........

Such a kitten.........
And I will ask again......please, if you can....rescue a shadow kitty.....

Just so y'all know.....I don't just talk the talk, eh?

Good news fellow kitty people!!!!
The paperwork has gone through, and Starbucks the kitty is going to come home from the shelter!!!!!
The GF and I are going to pick him up on Friday, and start introductions to her 2 other current kitties, Callie and Oscar.
So we will have 7 kitties between the two of us, all rescue kitties.......
Sooooooo happy for Starbee.......

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 727958 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:30:40 UTC

Not really. It's just an interface that you can use to easily publish your Poems (with pictures if you wanted) to a website. Almost like a BLOG style. You could create as many or as few entries per day as you wanted. The software is free. All you'd need is a domain name and somewhere to point it. I could help with both if you like - just PM me.
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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 727959 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 22:31:33 UTC

Congrats on Starbucks!
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Message 727984 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 23:12:41 UTC - in response to Message 727959.  
Last modified: 19 Mar 2008, 23:13:04 UTC

Congrats on Starbucks!

Congrats to Starbucks!
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Profile Mr. Majestic
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Message 727987 - Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 23:14:03 UTC

Congratulations of Starbucks. Sounds like he is going to a very nice home.

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 728135 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 13:23:39 UTC

. . . Another Good deed by Starbucks

. . . here's Charcoal after having a few treats ;)

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 728136 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 13:41:12 UTC

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.
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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 728158 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 14:18:33 UTC - in response to Message 728136.  

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 728164 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 14:21:44 UTC

Aww, you can tell from that picture that he's a he :D
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728343 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 22:22:40 UTC - in response to Message 728158.  

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

Your picture is broken.....wanna see Charcoal again!!
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 728349 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 22:35:46 UTC - in response to Message 728343.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2008, 22:51:11 UTC

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

Your picture is broken.....wanna see Charcoal again!!

. . . the folder got moved: he's back ;)

< this is Agapi - Charcoal's Best Friend . . .

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 728349 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728353 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 22:51:40 UTC - in response to Message 728349.  

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

Your picture is broken.....wanna see Charcoal again!!

. . . the folder got moved: he's back ;)

Awww......that's a great pic.....thanx Richard.
I still say a few prayers of thanx for him returning home to you after his extended absence.....

The GF and I are going to pick up Starbucks and take him to his new home tomorrow......can't wait.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 728358 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 22:56:11 UTC - in response to Message 728353.  

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

Your picture is broken.....wanna see Charcoal again!!

. . . the folder got moved: he's back ;)

Awww......that's a great pic.....thanx Richard.
I still say a few prayers of thanx for him returning home to you after his extended absence.....

The GF and I are going to pick up Starbucks and take him to his new home tomorrow......can't wait.

. . . that's great Mark - A Good Deed Indeed

> btw - did ya see Agapi below Charcoal ;)

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 728358 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728366 - Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 23:11:58 UTC - in response to Message 728358.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2008, 23:12:18 UTC

He/She is beautiful. What a lovely colour for a cat.

. . . Andy - Charcoal is a 'he' ;) i believe he's a silver point (?)

> another photo from today - 'relaxed' and waving 'is paw' - sayin' 'ello . . . ;))

Your picture is broken.....wanna see Charcoal again!!

. . . the folder got moved: he's back ;)

Awww......that's a great pic.....thanx Richard.
I still say a few prayers of thanx for him returning home to you after his extended absence.....

The GF and I are going to pick up Starbucks and take him to his new home tomorrow......can't wait.

. . . that's great Mark - A Good Deed Indeed

> btw - did ya see Agapi below Charcoal ;)

Yes, I saw the doggins pic also......friendly lookin' chap.....glad he gets on with Charcoal!!

I don't have a digital cam right now, but hopefully the GF or I will get one soon, so I can post some new pics of our kitty clan....
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728550 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 4:42:21 UTC

Oh. well......
gotta go to bed now so I can help the GF (that's Lori) pick the new kitty (that's Starbucks or Starbee) up in the morning.............
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 728653 - Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 13:06:14 UTC
Last modified: 21 Mar 2008, 15:04:52 UTC

A Purr and a Paw..... another kitty poem.

A purr and a paw is all they have to give us,
but the worth of them both can be so very priceless.
When offered so simply, and with no payment needed,
their little paw off'ring should not go unheeded.

A kitty's surrender of love with no questions
should be considered as one of your life's few true blessings.
Family and friends, they are also so precious,
but none is more so than the love of a cat is.

Have you ever had one lay down with you softly in bed
and place next to yours it's little soft warm paws and head?
And purr like there's nobody else there to hear
but you can, because you're the one they hold oh so dear.

A purr and a paw is all they have to offer,
But that's all they need to fill up the whole coffer.
Ev'ry one of them has so much they can give you
and a purr and a paw can do so much to fullfill you.

So take time in life to consider the little lost ones
the can make you so happy in return for almost none...
And the ones who are wand'ring all alone in the shadows
have a purr and a paw to give someone who cares 'nough.

Take one in, if you can, and then care to forgive them
the fact they are lost and please take them in and
you will find they are thankful, so much more than you could know
and their purr and a paw will soon touch your warm soul.

This tale I tell you from my kitty-touched heart.
For I know what the love of a kitten can start.
There are too many out there whose hearts are forsaken,
Their purr and a paw that nobody has taken.

Please help the forgotten, the lost and the homeless
and take them into your home out of kindness.
They are just little lost kittens that are waiting to find you
and have a purr and a paw that they gladly will give you.

So don't wait a minute, go now out to the shelter
and rescue a kitty.....a little heart melter.
They are there by the dozens.....they are waiting for YOU now.
And a purr and a paw is all they can offer.

But take their lil' offer, you'll be glad that you did.
And don't be afraid of some feelings you've hid.
Soften up, my kind friend, and your life will be brightened
by a purr and a paw, you may soon be enlightened.

Another kitty poem, I am sure that there's some will just say,
Another sad story soon sent on it's way.
But not for the kitties that await in the shadows
with a purr and a paw to give all who know what I know.

Just please take the leap, out of faith if you must
and believe me you won't be betrayed by your trust
of something that maybe you do not understand....
A purr and a paw will soon fill your warm hand.

And if you can trust me in this, as I openly speak,
and can open your heart to a kitty so meek.
You will find a true heart oh so warm, soft, and true
with a purr and a paw that they gladly will give you.

msattler 3/21/08
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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