Boinc on Wine?

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Profile Lord_Vader

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Message 623713 - Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 0:41:32 UTC

Anyone use wine to run boinc? I want to convert my win2k boxes over to ubuntu, but I run ufluids on the side and need windows for that.


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Message 623793 - Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 4:20:33 UTC - in response to Message 623713.  

Anyone use wine to run boinc? I want to convert my win2k boxes over to ubuntu, but I run ufluids on the side and need windows for that.


No, since Wine runs in emulation mode and most likely will run slower. I strongly recommend using virtual machine technology instead.

If your CPU supports Intel VT or AMD-V, use Kernel-based Virtual Machine.

If your CPU does not support these new extensions, use VMWare Server (free) or VirtualBox for "near native" performance.

All three virtualization products above are free and available for Ubuntu.

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Message 623975 - Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 15:06:52 UTC - in response to Message 623793.  

No, since Wine runs in emulation mode and most likely will run slower. I strongly recommend using virtual machine technology instead.

From Debunking Wine Myths:
Myth 1: "Wine is slow because it is an emulator"
Some people mean by that that Wine must emulate each processor instruction of the Windows application. This is plain wrong. As Wine's name says: "Wine Is Not an Emulator": Wine does not emulate the Intel x86 processor. It will thus not be as slow as Wabi which, since it is not running on a x86 Intel processor, also has to emulate the processor. Windows applications that do not make system calls will run just as fast as on Windows (no more no less).

I would say testing it is the only way to say how fast or slow it will be and will it work at all.

Virtual machines are nice but they do take some processor cycles too.

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Profile Jim-R.
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Message 623982 - Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 15:23:43 UTC - in response to Message 623713.  
Last modified: 21 Aug 2007, 15:26:15 UTC

Anyone use wine to run boinc? I want to convert my win2k boxes over to ubuntu, but I run ufluids on the side and need windows for that.


I seriously doubt that this will work. I've never tried it, but I have run numerous programs under Wine. It's an excellent program but it doesn't like starting other processes. For instance I have been able to run several programs that were installed in Windows just fine when I copied them to the Wine subtree, but I couldn't install the program through Wine since the install program fired up a couple of subprocesses. Other install programs that didn't do this worked fine. If BOINC was a self contained program it probably would work, but by it being a client/server style program I very seriously doubt it.
One possible alternative would be VMware. You can get it for free, but you would have to use a Windows "appliance" (Windows installed into VMware) to run it. However this would let you run your program while still being booted into Linux.

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Message 623992 - Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 15:49:38 UTC
Last modified: 21 Aug 2007, 15:55:43 UTC

Some time ago, I have tried some different solutions as MacOS was not supported at CPDN.

First I have tested Parallels (VM) had some perfomance issues which locked up sometimes MacOS and the CPDN and SETI perfomance was bad. But this problems are solved now with Parallels Version 3.x.

Next step was Wine. There was some problems with the OpenGL and graphics libs, which was required for CPDN. So I tried SETI, MalariaControl and LHC, but the perfomance for some applications was very bad, and for other applications the performance was OK.
A big drawback was the problem, that the BOINC client on the host is listening to the GUI_PRC port. So the other BOINC client could not listen on the same port. So I have used a older version, which I could change the port and use the boinccmd tool to connect to this BOINC client. The BOINC manager had the problem, that the GUI PRC port was not changeable. There was some older BOINC clients which had this GUI RPC port feature, at some releases the feature was removed, and I am not shure, if it is included in the 5.8.x and 5.10.x releases.

With CrossOver (a comercial Wine implementation for several OSes), I got a good perfomance and CPDN ran with the complete graphics stuff. But, the CPU time counting did not worked. There is a 60 day test also available at there site.

I think, you have go to try out if wine or one of the different VM soultuions, like the other posters has written, would work and gave you a acceptable perfomance.
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Message 624308 - Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 11:35:36 UTC - in response to Message 623992.  

Some time ago, I have tried some different solutions as MacOS was not supported at CPDN.

First I have tested Parallels (VM) had some perfomance issues which locked up sometimes MacOS and the CPDN and SETI perfomance was bad. But this problems are solved now with Parallels Version 3.x.

Next step was Wine. There was some problems with the OpenGL and graphics libs, which was required for CPDN. So I tried SETI, MalariaControl and LHC, but the perfomance for some applications was very bad, and for other applications the performance was OK.
A big drawback was the problem, that the BOINC client on the host is listening to the GUI_PRC port. So the other BOINC client could not listen on the same port. So I have used a older version, which I could change the port and use the boinccmd tool to connect to this BOINC client. The BOINC manager had the problem, that the GUI PRC port was not changeable. There was some older BOINC clients which had this GUI RPC port feature, at some releases the feature was removed, and I am not shure, if it is included in the 5.8.x and 5.10.x releases.

With CrossOver (a comercial Wine implementation for several OSes), I got a good perfomance and CPDN ran with the complete graphics stuff. But, the CPU time counting did not worked. There is a 60 day test also available at there site.

I think, you have go to try out if wine or one of the different VM soultuions, like the other posters has written, would work and gave you a acceptable perfomance.

VMware performance is very good. It can be set to favor host or virtual performance.

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Profile Lord_Vader

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Message 624354 - Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 15:32:03 UTC

I got it working sort of with wine. I keep getting a message about not being able to detect the cpu time. At this point, I think I will just wait a couple of weeks and try the vmware with a little better PC I'm going to get.

Thanks for the help. :)

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Message 629144 - Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 21:44:48 UTC
Last modified: 29 Aug 2007, 21:46:07 UTC

Not so long ago, in the days of s@h-classic, the fastest combination was to run the Windows s@h application on WINE on Linux.

Note that WINE impliments an Application Program Interface that is (almost) identical to that for Windows. You could say that it acts as a translator between what Windows 'looks like' to an application and the interfaces provided by the Linux kernel.

WINE can operate faster than the Windows OS it reimpliments the interfaces for!

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Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc on Wine?

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