Fun with Global Warming - Part Drei!

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Profile Jeffrey

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Message 673434 - Posted: 7 Nov 2007, 11:24:20 UTC - in response to Message 654557.  

How can students learn critical thinking skills when exposed to deliberately inaccurate information presented as truth?

I ask myself that very same question every day... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Message 673875 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 0:30:15 UTC - in response to Message 673429.  

I still think this link, this link, and this link say all there is needed regarding this subject.

That's why it's so easy to dismiss what you think.

Plenty of people disagree. That's the point of this thread.

Remove the obvious...
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Message 675131 - Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 7:05:29 UTC

By John Coleman ( Founder of The Weather Channel )

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Environmental extremists, notable politicians among them, then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild “scientific” scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda. Now their ridiculous manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmentally conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15 minute documentary segment.

I do not oppose environmentalism. I do not oppose the political positions of either party. However, Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you “believe in.” It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming is a non-event, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won’t believe a me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award winning former Vice President of United States. So be it.

I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct. There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismissal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern all fail to occur as predicted everyone will come to realize we have been duped. The sky is not falling. And, natural cycles and drifts in climate are as much if not more responsible for any climate changes underway. I strongly believe that the next twenty years are equally as likely to see a cooling trend as they are to see a warming trend

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Message 675138 - Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 7:45:19 UTC
Last modified: 10 Nov 2007, 7:46:38 UTC

That could be just as accurate as the local weather reports.

Always check your source.
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Message 675787 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 3:08:01 UTC

So...because Mr. Coleman doesn't agree about's inaccurate??

My source was the news release that was available in several places on the net...
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 676673 - Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 16:45:55 UTC - in response to Message 673408.  

Proliferation of Climate Scepticism in Europe
By Hans H.J. Labohm : 05 Nov 2007

Climate scepticism has now gained a firm foothold in various European countries.

In Denmark Bj¿rn Lomborg stands out as the single most important sceptical environmental?ist, defying the political correctness which is such a characteristic feature of his home country, as well as other Nordic countries. But wait! Bj¿rn Lomborg is not a genuine climate sceptic. Real climate sceptics admire his courage, his scientific rigour and debating skills, but beg to disagree with him on the fundamentals of climate science. Lomborg acknowledges that there is such a thing as man-made global warming, which is quite in line with the mantra of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). He 'only' challenges the cost benefit relationships of the policy meas?ures, which have been proposed to do something about it. Massive expenditures (often euphemistically called 'investments') in exchange for undetectable returns. Real climate sceptics do not accept the man-made global warming hypothesis. They are of the opinion that the human contribution to global warming over the last century or so is at most insignificant. But, of course, they are happy with the arguments advanced by Bj¿rn Lomborg to bolster their case against climate hysteria.

In Germany EIKE (EuropŠisches Institut fŸr Klima und Energie, Jena: has been established - still in its infancy, but nevertheless. Moreover, a group of German climate sceptics has written something which could be called a consensus among many climate sceptics: Climate Manifest of Heiligenroth (See: Furthermore there are many climate sceptical websites in Germany. For those who like visual thrills and possess a basic command of the German language, Konrad Fischer's website might be fun: 'Videos and films concerning the greenhouse swindle and climate terror' (

But the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) belief is still overwhelming in Germany. In newspapers and on TV, Stefan Rahmstorf, the German climate Torquemada, -- comparable to Al Gore in the US, George Monbiot in the UK and David Suzuki in Canada -- are constantly attacking critics of the AGW hypothesis. Contrary to good scientific practice, he lavishly lards his interventions with ad hominem attacks and insinuations that his opponents lack qualifications and/or are being paid by industry. Although decades of pro AGW indoctrination has left its mark on the German psyche, even true believers are becoming fed up with him.

In Sweden, despite its high standards of political correctness, there is a very vocal group of climate sceptics, which regularly publish in 'Elbranchen'. In September 2006 they organised a seminar: 'Global Warming - Scientific Controversies in Climate Variability'. This meeting was hosted by the Royal Technical High School in Stockholm and chaired by its rector, Peter Stilbs (See: Even Swedish TV has aired a debate on the issue. For those who have some command of the Scandinavian languages, see: Veckans Debatt: Global uppvÅ rming: Vad sÅ ger vetenskapen?

In Italy the Bruno Leoni Institute has espoused climate scepticism ( In Spain, the foundation Rafael del Pino has paid attention to climate scepticism in the past, but because of social and political pressure it has felt forced to keep a low profile on this issue over the last few years. ( In the French-speaking part of Europe, individual scientists such as as Marcel Leroux could be mentioned. Moreover, the Molinari Institute has joined the cause of climate scepticism ( In the Czech Republic, President Vaclav Havel is single-handedly attempting to instil some common sense into public opinion. In Austria the Hayek Institute carries the torch (, while Estonia is represented by Olavi KÅ rner (

In my own country, the Netherlands, the situation has markedly improved. In line with the tradition of consensus-seeking, it has been possible to establish something close to a real dialogue between AGW adherents and the climate sceptics. Personally, I have even been invited by the Nether?lands Royal Meteorological Institute (KNMI) to become expert reviewer of the IPCC. As such, I have submitted many fundamental criticisms on the draft texts of the Fourth Assessment Re?port of the Panel (AR4). What happened to my comments? To be honest, I have not the faintest idea. Most probably, nothing at all.

Nevertheless, in my capacity as expert reviewer of the IPCC, I have also received (a tiny) part of the Nobel price, which has been awarded to Al Gore and the IPCC (yes, thanks for your congratulations). Should I be grateful? I don't think so. Both 'An Inconvenient Truth' and the latest IPCC report labour under cherry-picking, spindoctoring and scare-mongering (Al Gore's movie more than the IPCC reports). Awarding the Nobel price for such flawed science is a disgrace. But it should be recalled that the Nobel Prize for Peace is being awarded by a group of (five) Norwegian politicians and not by the Swedish Academy of Science, which is always scrupulously investigating the merits of the candidates. The Norwegians are piggybacking on the reputation of the Nobel prizes for science and literature. The method of electing the winner of the Peace prize ensures a political outcome reflecting the current strength of Norwegian political parties. Four out of five members of the parliamentary committee that selected Gore are former cabinet members. The fifth, Mjoes, was president of the University of Tromso. So the Democrat Gore owes his prize to a constellation of Progressives, Social and Christian Democrats and Green socialists. Little wonder Francis Sejersted, past chairman of the committee, admits: 'Awarding a peace prize is, to put it bluntly, a political act.'

Russian scientists are criticising very openly the AGW hypothesis. They do it with a frankness which - in this particular field - is still rare in the 'free world'. Usually scientists shroud their statements in clouds of caveats. Even the IPCC follows this tradition to a certain extent. But Russian climatologists do not. They simply state that a new little ice age is imminent. Not so long ago it was astronomer Khabibullo Abdusamatov of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, who declared that the Earth will experience a 'mini Ice Age' in the middle of this century, caused by low solar activity. Now it is the climatologist Olech Sorochtin, member of the Russian Academy of Physical Science, who joins him. His message was prominently disseminated by the Russian press agency Novosti, which in the period of the Cold War was generally considered to be a mouthpiece of the Kremlin. ( Therefore, it is perhaps not too far-fetched to speculate that this might be a warning signal that the Russians will drop out of Kyoto when its first phase expires in 2012.

But Britannia rules the waves. Stewart Dimmock, a Kent lorry driver and school governor, took the government to court for sending copies of Gore's film to schools. He was backed by a group of campaigners, including Viscount Monckton, a former adviser to Mrs Thatcher. They won a legal victory against 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Mr Justice Burton ruled that the movie contained at least nine scientific errors and said ministers must send new guidance to teachers before it was screened. 'That ruling was a fantastic victory,' said Monckton. 'What we want to do now is send schools material reflecting an alternative point of view so that pupils can make their own minds up.' Monckton has also won support from the maker of 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'. Martin Durkin, managing director of WAG TV, which produced the documentary, said he would be delighted for his film to go to schools. I have become a proselytiser against the so-called consensus on climate change ... people can decide for themselves,' he said.

And what about our kids? Well, they have survived the story of Santa Claus without any visible scars. Wouldn't they survive the nonsense of man-made global warming as well?

Hans Labohm is an independent economist. Together with Dick Thoenes and Simon Rozendaal, he is co-author of 'Man-Made Global Warming: Unravelling a Dogma'.

Good Post



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Message 676767 - Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 20:20:08 UTC

Maybe the 'experts' could explain why the 'white christmas' of yesterday has transformed into the 'green christmas' of today... ;)

(And for the 'Word Weavers' out there, I don't want some lame comparison between Colorado and Florida.)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Message 679324 - Posted: 17 Nov 2007, 9:44:08 UTC

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) launched today.

Webcast of the press conference 17 November 11 AM

The IPCC has launched the first three volumes of its assessment report "Climate Change 2007" and is currently finalizing its Synthesis report.

The Synthesis Report will be launched in Valencia, Spain, tomorrow, 17 November 2007 during a press conference.

At 11:00, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, will make a short statement in plenary to the 450 delegates that have been working the whole week on the adoption of the Synthesis Report during the 27th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia. His speech will be delivered in the "Plenary Room".

At 11:20, the Secretary General of the United Nations together with Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC, will join Mr. Michel Jarraud, Secretary General of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and Mr. Achim Steiner, Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at the "Auditorio" for the press conference.

Please find below the latest technical update to cover the press conference on the presentation of the IPCC Synthesis Report in Valencia. IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE THAT SATELLITE SIGNAL TIMES HAVE CHANGED.

The press conference on 17 November 11 AM will also be webcasted on this website.
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Message 680124 - Posted: 18 Nov 2007, 9:21:20 UTC

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!

From the Washington Post:

Emissions Growth Must End in 7 Years, U.N. Warns
Report Lays Out Stark Choices to Avoid the Deaths of Species

By Doug Struck
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 18, 2007

The world will have to end its growth of carbon emissions within seven years and become mostly free of carbon-emitting technologies in about four decades to avoid killing as many as a quarter of the planet's species from global warming, according to top United Nations' scientists.

The stark choices laid out yesterday by the agency's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) describe the daunting task if the world is to avoid the consequences of a planet heated up by more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) since 2000.

The panel, which distilled research from about 2,500 scientists, avoided conclusions about how much global warming is too much.

"The scientists now have done their work. I call on political leaders to do theirs," U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said upon formally receiving the report yesterday in Valencia, Spain.

But the tables laid out in the report describe mounting grim consequences for each degree of atmospheric heating of the planet and the difficult steps that must be taken to avoid even the worst of those consequences.

To avoid heating the globe by the minimum possible, an average of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the world's spiraling growth in greenhouse gas emissions must end no later than 2015, the report said, and must start to drop quickly after that peak. By 2050, carbon dioxide and other atmospheric polluting gases must be reduced by 50 to 85 percent, according to the estimates.

That would require a drastic reworking of industrial processes, transportation, agricultural practices and even the buildings people live in, according to the report's calculations.

"We may have already overshot that target," said David Karoly, one member of the core team that wrote the report. Current emissions already are nearing the limit required in 2015 to limit the warming to 2 degrees Celsius, he said in an interview from Valencia.

Even at that threshold, the seas will continue to swell for centuries from thermal expansion and meltwater from ice caps and glaciers; the oceans will turn more acidic; most coral reefs will become lifeless expanses; floods and storms will increase; and millions of people will be short of the water they need, the report said.

"These are extremely serious findings," said IPCC Chairman Rajendra K. Pachauri.

But if the world misses that target and does not stabilize carbon dioxide emissions until 2030, for example, the planet's temperature will increase by as much as 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit above 2000 temperatures, the report said. That level of warming would result in widespread extinctions of species, a slowing of the global currents, decreased food production, loss of 30 percent of global wetlands, flooding for millions of people and higher deaths from heat waves.

Policymakers in Europe and other governments have generally regarded the 2-degree Celsius rise as the maximum the world should tolerate. The Bush administration has resisted making such a judgment, and John H. Marburger III, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has said that goal "is not actually linked to regional events that affect people's lives."

The scientists who wrote the report officially declined to recommend such a threshold because it "involves value judgments."

"Unfortunately, that is a question people are ducking for too long," said Pachauri in an interview from Valencia after the end of the week-long deliberations by delegates of 130 countries. But, he acknowledged, global warming of 3 or 4 degrees Celsius would be "an insufferable burden that human society and other species would have to carry."

"We need to define thresholds beyond which we won't go. It really is a matter of life or death for some communities on Earth," Pachauri said in the interview. "The choice for us is to see where it is we want to draw the line."

In a final speech to the delegates, Ban described how impressed he was on recent trips to the Amazon jungle and Antarctica, both of which would be severely threatened if mankind does not curb global warming, he said.

"If the panel's most severe projection comes through, much of the Amazon rain forest will transform into savannah," he said. "These things are as frightening as science-fiction movies. But they are even more terrifying, because they are real."
Remove the obvious...
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Message 680140 - Posted: 18 Nov 2007, 10:07:56 UTC - in response to Message 680124.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

But it won't be due to 'global warming'... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Message 680194 - Posted: 18 Nov 2007, 12:32:28 UTC - in response to Message 680124.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!

Don't worry's those people from 3rd world countries that you keep forgetting about when you mention how much better everyone is under capitalism that will be worst affected. So it's not really a big deal is it, because you and your cronies have been happily screwing them for 100s years now. It's just more of the same.

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Message 681163 - Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 16:45:26 UTC - in response to Message 680194.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!

Don't worry's those people from 3rd world countries that you keep forgetting about when you mention how much better everyone is under capitalism that will be worst affected. So it's not really a big deal is it, because you and your cronies have been happily screwing them for 100s years now. It's just more of the same.

Capitalism properly understood could not have ever harmed any 3rd world country. How could it? It's the system where the initiation of force is prohibited by law. I know that the Loony Lefties got DDT banned and millions of Africans have died because of it even though the best modern science proves that it's harmless to humans and even animals. This is your altruism at work. I know that the UN food giveaways are corrupt and contribute to conditions favorable to wars in some of these 3rd world countries. I know that the inflation rate in that beloved Socialist, Robert Mugabe, in Zimbabwe has nothing to do with capitalism. I know that the thousands that die every year all over asia, africa, parts of s. america and elsewhere unneccessarily perish because of a lack of economic progress that capitalism would provide. I know that the utopia in North Korea where communism reigns leads people to actual cannibalism and bodies lie unnoticed in the streets.

Hmmm. Yeah. Capitalism....that big bad system where you're not allowed to steal, rape, and murder.....yeah.
Founder of BOINC team Objectivists. Oh the humanity! Rational people crunching data!
I did NOT authorize this belly writing!

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Message 681291 - Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 3:53:33 UTC - in response to Message 681163.  
Last modified: 20 Nov 2007, 3:55:09 UTC

Capitalism properly understood could not have ever harmed any 3rd world country. [snip]
Capitalism....that big bad system where you're not allowed to steal, rape, and murder.....

Unless you're in Iraq... Then it's okay... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Profile Fuzzy Hollynoodles
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Message 682364 - Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 4:11:39 UTC - in response to Message 680124.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2007, 4:12:11 UTC

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!


OMG! Is that true? We are all gonna die? But.. but.. but... , I thought I was immortal.

Ok then...

Anyway: NWF Global Warming in Greenland DAY 1

The rest can be seen here.

Even there is no global warming in my corner of the world, it's freezing cold here, early winter in November.

"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

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Message 682607 - Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 16:42:05 UTC - in response to Message 682364.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!


OMG! Is that true? We are all gonna die? But.. but.. but... , I thought I was immortal.

Oh well, it's about time - the Reaper has refused to put me back on his list for the last 2000 years or so ... ;)
Account frozen...
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Message 682968 - Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 8:29:47 UTC - in response to Message 682607.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!


OMG! Is that true? We are all gonna die? But.. but.. but... , I thought I was immortal.

Oh well, it's about time - the Reaper has refused to put me back on his list for the last 2000 years or so ... ;)

I TOLD you that you are ON The List....yer just a ways down there right

Air Cold, the blade stops;
from silent stone,
Death is preordained

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Message 683098 - Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 15:36:29 UTC - in response to Message 682968.  
Last modified: 23 Nov 2007, 15:38:34 UTC

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!


OMG! Is that true? We are all gonna die? But.. but.. but... , I thought I was immortal.

Oh well, it's about time - the Reaper has refused to put me back on his list for the last 2000 years or so ... ;)

I TOLD you that you are ON The List....yer just a ways down there right

"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

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Message 683192 - Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 19:44:34 UTC - in response to Message 682968.  

I TOLD you that you are ON The List....yer just a ways down there right now....

Am I on the list yet? And if so, can I get bumped to the top? I've seen quite enough... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
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Message 684725 - Posted: 26 Nov 2007, 17:28:00 UTC - in response to Message 680194.  

It's official, we're all going to die.

And not a word about China, India, Russia, and Mexico. Now is the time to panic, people. Do you hear me? PANIC!!!

Don't worry's those people from 3rd world countries that you keep forgetting about when you mention how much better everyone is under capitalism that will be worst affected.

Accepting for a moment that that's true, I haven't forgotten about them at all. Frankly, those people "will be worst affected" REGARDLESS of the particular political system that governs the country. In fact, the more restrictive that system is, the less likely that the country will be able to deal with whatever destruction comes their way.

Similarly, the only economic system that is likely to give them any hope at all will be one with the least restrictions and costs--I'm not thinking that Cuba and the DPRK will be in any shape to save themselves at all.

So it's not really a big deal is it, because you and your cronies have been happily screwing them for 100s years now. It's just more of the same.

I don't even know how to respond to this. If it's your contention that "[me] and [my] cronies have been happily screwing them," well, then "you and your cronies have been happily screwing them" as well. Why? Because you live in a rich Western nation and if what you say is true, then that skrewing is demonstrated in your standard of living as well. Are you planning on giving that up and moving to Burkina Faso or will you do as most do--simply continue living your life as best you can?

But of course, that is an entirely different discussion because you are referring to people who may have entirely defrauded other people with the blessing of some half-assed gov't.

And like it or not, that's just human nature, and it will happen repeatedly under any economic system, capitalism, socialism, or communism. At least, under free capitalism, one is free to choose another company or country to deal with. Under either of the others, one will not be allowed to choose at all, because the gov't won't let you.

Note that those swell commie pinkos in China are happily building their own coal-fired power plants and are almost finished with a massive dam--and even they don't seem to care one iota about their own third-world inhabitants.

THAT is what will ultimately screw those in the third world--their gov'ts removing any hope of choosing for themselves.
Remove the obvious...
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Message 689365 - Posted: 6 Dec 2007, 22:34:32 UTC

Well I will be short, but I have always wondered where one would go to suggest an idea to some really smart scientists that are trying to help solve the problem with the build up of CO2 gases in our atmosphere. Is it too far-fetched to conceive, consider, design, construct, and then deploy an object that would remove the excessive CO2. This object might resemble a gigantic oval stove pipe constructed of a modern lightweight fabric such as a kelvar hybrid suspended by a stationary satellite from the Ionosphere down to the tropopause.
With its slightly funneled shape, this huge floating kelvar object might have huge solar powered turbines mounted at the top (space side)that draw massive amounts of CO2 gases up and out into space. Like opening the window in a stuffy room ?
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