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Garry Webb

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Message 618488 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 7:07:23 UTC - in response to Message 618482.  

Problem, My AMD machine will not download 2.4 KWSN. I get a 7z file from the mirror. No problems at all with my intel machines. Perhaps someone could advise. Thanks

All of the files that Simon has up for download are 7z (zipped) files. You can download the 7zip unzipper here. Freeware, very small, works seamlessly.

I think I may not have been very clear regarding the 7zip file. I have four machines, one(1) is an AMD Windows XP. The downloads for the Intel machines went smoothly. However when I try to use the mirror site to download KWSN 2.4 for the AMD machine (SSE AMD generic) all I get is the 7zip file. I had that file allready on the AMD machine. Tried several times thinking I may have gotten a bit excited at first and made a mistake. Not so, tried again and got the same results. A 7zip file, but no optimized KWSN 2.4 file. Even my 64 bit vista machine was very easy. Thanks

OK! I downloaded the same file to a 3.5 floppy on my Intel machine and checked the contents on the same Intel machine. Your right, It's all there. I just don't know what I am not doing to get it right on the AMD machine. Sadly there is not an A drive on the AMD that I can use to transfer the files there.

Assuming your computers are networked. Can't you download AMD version to one of your Intels, unzip, and then transfer files.


I have them using the same router to broadband. I never did set up file sharing. I am not quite ready to undertake that chore yet. But after taking a break to check out the "Perseid Meteor shower" I had a few thoughts on how to try again. Thanks

Star gazing did the trick. Went back to the AMD found the file again, did a file extract found all the associated files and did a drag and drop. checked "Task Manager" Sure enough KWSN 2.4 is crunching away.

Thanks to all for getting my thought processes back on track. I am now fully updated, both "Boinc" and KWSN.
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Message 618491 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 7:18:05 UTC - in response to Message 618477.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2007, 7:18:37 UTC

OK! I downloaded the same file to a 3.5 floppy on my Intel machine and checked the contents on the same Intel machine. Your right, It's all there. I just don't know what I am not doing to get it right on the AMD machine. Sadly there is not an A drive on the AMD that I can use to transfer the files there.

Assuming your computers are networked.

Can't you download AMD version to one of your Intels, unzip, and then transfer files.


LOL....I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that still has floppy drives in all of my rigs! Can be very handy at times. I actually did the 2.2b to MultiChicken 2.4 update on all of my rigs with a floppy, 'cuz it was actually faster than linking to Simon's site and downloading on each and every rig.
Downloaded the zip file and saved it to a floppy, and then snapped it into each of my rigs in turn to do the deed.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 618495 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 7:30:19 UTC - in response to Message 618488.  

snipped ...
Star gazing did the trick. Went back to the AMD found the file again, did a file extract found all the associated files and did a drag and drop. checked "Task Manager" Sure enough KWSN 2.4 is crunching away.

Thanks to all for getting my thought processes back on track. I am now fully updated, both "Boinc" and KWSN.

Glad you got your stargazing in. Here it as the met boys would say " precipitation within sight" i.e. p*****g down. Had camera batteries all charged up and clean memory card in camera, fixed to tripod, and then nothing.

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Message 618549 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 10:57:47 UTC - in response to Message 618482.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2007, 10:58:38 UTC

Problem, My AMD machine will not download 2.4 KWSN. I get a 7z file from the mirror. No problems at all with my intel machines. Perhaps someone could advise. Thanks

All of the files that Simon has up for download are 7z (zipped) files. You can download the 7zip unzipper here. Freeware, very small, works seamlessly.

I think I may not have been very clear regarding the 7zip file. I have four machines, one(1) is an AMD Windows XP. The downloads for the Intel machines went smoothly. However when I try to use the mirror site to download KWSN 2.4 for the AMD machine (SSE AMD generic) all I get is the 7zip file. I had that file allready on the AMD machine. Tried several times thinking I may have gotten a bit excited at first and made a mistake. Not so, tried again and got the same results. A 7zip file, but no optimized KWSN 2.4 file. Even my 64 bit vista machine was very easy. Thanks

OK! I downloaded the same file to a 3.5 floppy on my Intel machine and checked the contents on the same Intel machine. Your right, It's all there. I just don't know what I am not doing to get it right on the AMD machine. Sadly there is not an A drive on the AMD that I can use to transfer the files there.

Assuming your computers are networked. Can't you download AMD version to one of your Intels, unzip, and then transfer files.


I have them using the same router to broadband. I never did set up file sharing. I am not quite ready to undertake that chore yet. But after taking a break to check out the "Perseid Meteor shower" I had a few thoughts on how to try again. Thanks

Not to get off track, but if you install WebMin(freeware/GPL) on your Linux machines, you can talk to them via a web browser and do file transfers, maintenance and status checks. It makes life very nice if you run headless machines like I do.

Boinc Button Abuser In Training >My Shrubbers<
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Message 618598 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 15:13:15 UTC - in response to Message 618549.  

Not to get off track, but if you install WebMin(freeware/GPL) on your Linux machines, you can talk to them via a web browser and do file transfers, maintenance and status checks. It makes life very nice if you run headless machines like I do.

Webmin is a significant security risk, and if ever used it should only be run over https or tunneled. It is a magnet for hackers. If anyone has hacked into any part of the host providers machines, they'll be sniffing for passwords and more machines to 0wn.
An SSH terminal is far more powerful though now few providers offer shell access. WinSCP is all one needs for file transfers.

For managing multiple headless Win/Linux/Mac machines together I really recommend BoincView. With Linux machines you can create ssh tunnels with putty and connect through them securely. It also obviates the need to have port 31416 open externally as from the remote Boinc's POV your tunneled connection is local, and all the machines projects and workunits can be managed at once with a click. There isn't a more painless way to manage BOINC on so many disparate machines at once!

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Message 618609 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 15:59:56 UTC - in response to Message 618598.  

Webmin is a significant security risk, and if ever used it should only be run over https or tunneled. It is a magnet for hackers. If anyone has hacked into any part of the host providers machines, they'll be sniffing for passwords and more machines to 0wn.
An SSH terminal is far more powerful though now few providers offer shell access. WinSCP is all one needs for file transfers.

For managing multiple headless Win/Linux/Mac machines together I really recommend BoincView. With Linux machines you can create ssh tunnels with putty and connect through them securely. It also obviates the need to have port 31416 open externally as from the remote Boinc's POV your tunneled connection is local, and all the machines projects and workunits can be managed at once with a click. There isn't a more painless way to manage BOINC on so many disparate machines at once!

Good comments, and I agree.

Webmin is fine provided that you restrict access to be only from your own internal local secure wired lan. Certainly don't try it from any old random internet cafe!

Happy crunchin',

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Message 618616 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 16:12:29 UTC - in response to Message 618491.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2007, 16:13:09 UTC

OK! I downloaded the same file to a 3.5 floppy on my Intel machine and checked the contents on the same Intel machine. Your right, It's all there. I just don't know what I am not doing to get it right on the AMD machine. Sadly there is not an A drive on the AMD that I can use to transfer the files there.

Assuming your computers are networked.

Can't you download AMD version to one of your Intels, unzip, and then transfer files.


LOL....I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that still has floppy drives in all of my rigs! Can be very handy at times. I actually did the 2.2b to MultiChicken 2.4 update on all of my rigs with a floppy, 'cuz it was actually faster than linking to Simon's site and downloading on each and every rig.
Downloaded the zip file and saved it to a floppy, and then snapped it into each of my rigs in turn to do the deed.

Except for a usb 3.5" fdd and an internal drive and cable that I no longer use for anything outside of a real emergency(It's not installed as It's in storage in a bag), I have none connected internally to any of My PCs and haven't had any installed in any PC for the last few years.
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Profile Blurf
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Message 618617 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 16:16:02 UTC

I've installed Chicken 2.4 on all my machines but 5.27 hasn't come down yet...

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Message 618624 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 16:28:01 UTC - in response to Message 618617.  

I've installed Chicken 2.4 on all my machines but 5.27 hasn't come down yet...

You lost me here.

If you installed the new Coop app, you won't ever DL the stock 5.27 app.

If you were referring to MB WU's, then you have to wait until there is work split for it from the ALFA raw data, but the new app will crunch the Linefeed data without any trouble (other than the lower claimed credit).

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Message 618628 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 16:42:12 UTC - in response to Message 618598.  

Not to get off track, but if you install WebMin(freeware/GPL) on your Linux machines, you can talk to them via a web browser and do file transfers, maintenance and status checks. It makes life very nice if you run headless machines like I do.

Webmin is a significant security risk, and if ever used it should only be run over https or tunneled. It is a magnet for hackers. If anyone has hacked into any part of the host providers machines, they'll be sniffing for passwords and more machines to 0wn.
An SSH terminal is far more powerful though now few providers offer shell access. WinSCP is all one needs for file transfers.

For managing multiple headless Win/Linux/Mac machines together I really recommend BoincView. With Linux machines you can create ssh tunnels with putty and connect through them securely. It also obviates the need to have port 31416 open externally as from the remote Boinc's POV your tunneled connection is local, and all the machines projects and workunits can be managed at once with a click. There isn't a more painless way to manage BOINC on so many disparate machines at once!


I didn't mention that I only open 10000 (Webmin) and 31416 (Boinc) to my local master's IP address. If they hack my master I already in trouble!

Boinc Button Abuser In Training >My Shrubbers<
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Profile Blurf
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Message 618738 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 20:44:14 UTC

Alinator--sorry--very tired ...thank you

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Message 618742 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 20:49:24 UTC
Last modified: 13 Aug 2007, 20:49:46 UTC

No problemo!

It's been a nail-biter of a weekend for all us hard-core crunchers. ;-)

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Kim Vater
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Message 618793 - Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 22:04:17 UTC
Last modified: 13 Aug 2007, 22:24:09 UTC

Hi, I just came back from vacation and had to read a bunch of new threads.

As usual I find Crunch3r's "down to earth/easy to understand" answers very usefull to my worries.

Thanks a lot Crunch3r ;)

(I am now upgrading all rigs to "Chicken Soup 2.4 MultiBeam")


Greetings from Norway

Crunch3er & AK-V8 Inside
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Mark Henderson
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Message 618894 - Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 1:34:14 UTC

I just noticed that on a Angle Range 405 MB workunit that the stock app is as fast as the Chicken SSE app. on my Athlon 2800. Is this probably because the stock app already uses SSE?. I thoughi it was rather odd because my X2 4800 and my P4 Prescott 3.4 are showing about a 25% speed improvment over the stock app with Chicken 2.4 SSE2 and SSE3.
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Message 619092 - Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 12:57:21 UTC - in response to Message 618894.  

I just noticed that on a Angle Range 405 MB workunit that the stock app is as fast as the Chicken SSE app. on my Athlon 2800.

Same here on my Athlon XP 2000+

5.27 stock: Result #588642713, AR 0.405761, CPU time 24909

KWSN-2.4-Windows32-SSE: Result #588642787, AR 0.405878, CPU time 25166


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Message 619277 - Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 23:03:22 UTC - in response to Message 617135.  


Thanks, MajorKong, I have set my client to no new work to finish my last Chicken 5.17 WU's, and I'll then delete the app_info.xml and try to get some of the 5.27's. I'm still crunching 5.27's from Beta...


I still cant figure out what the fuss is about. All mine on my machines are 5.27 (using Boinc 5.10.18).

I do know one thing, the front page aint right. There are still troubles getting downloads, not that I have to worry just yet.

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Steven Gaber

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Message 619999 - Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 1:42:30 UTC - in response to Message 618616.  

You can get a 100mb USB Zip drive for $59. I use 'em between my home and work computers. Or a 500mb USB memory stick.
Steven Gaber

OK! I downloaded the same file to a 3.5 floppy on my Intel machine and checked the contents on the same Intel machine. Your right, It's all there. I just don't know what I am not doing to get it right on the AMD machine. Sadly there is not an A drive on the AMD that I can use to transfer the files there.

Assuming your computers are networked.

Can't you download AMD version to one of your Intels, unzip, and then transfer files.


LOL....I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that still has floppy drives in all of my rigs! Can be very handy at times. I actually did the 2.2b to MultiChicken 2.4 update on all of my rigs with a floppy, 'cuz it was actually faster than linking to Simon's site and downloading on each and every rig.
Downloaded the zip file and saved it to a floppy, and then snapped it into each of my rigs in turn to do the deed.

Except for a usb 3.5" fdd and an internal drive and cable that I no longer use for anything outside of a real emergency(It's not installed as It's in storage in a bag), I have none connected internally to any of My PCs and haven't had any installed in any PC for the last few years.

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Message 620194 - Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 11:26:38 UTC

BOINC has been trying to download 5.27 for a couple of days...

8/16/2007 3:32:08 AM|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of setiathome_5.27_windows_intelx86.exe: http error

I'm having no problems with any with any other projects. So I know it's not the firewall...

Any ideas?

ID: 620194 · Report as offensive
Fred W
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Message 620394 - Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 19:46:00 UTC - in response to Message 620194.  

BOINC has been trying to download 5.27 for a couple of days...

8/16/2007 3:32:08 AM|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of setiathome_5.27_windows_intelx86.exe: http error

I'm having no problems with any with any other projects. So I know it's not the firewall...

Any ideas?

Follow the link to Optimized Apps in message 617717 from Simon below in this thread. Install the appropriate optimized app and you can then cancel the .exe download 'cause you don't need it.
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Message 620395 - Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 19:53:43 UTC - in response to Message 620394.  

BOINC has been trying to download 5.27 for a couple of days...

8/16/2007 3:32:08 AM|SETI@home|[file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of setiathome_5.27_windows_intelx86.exe: http error

I'm having no problems with any with any other projects. So I know it's not the firewall...

Any ideas?

Follow the link to Optimized Apps in message 617717 from Simon below in this thread. Install the appropriate optimized app and you can then cancel the .exe download 'cause you don't need it.

The problems are still related to the server problems. Up- and downloads are only sometimes working. In the moment some of my WU downloads stock...
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