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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 571242 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 14:36:12 UTC
Last modified: 19 May 2007, 14:38:55 UTC

As you may know already, we have a significant problem at the moment. Everyone using an app_info.xml file - which includes, but is not limited to, everyone using an optimised application - cannot download any new work.

We are seeing posts in Technical News and Number Crunching from people who are clearly suffering from this problem, but who say they don't have the technical knowledge (or fluency in technical English) to apply the workrounds which have been tested and recommended.

I wonder if some of these non-technical optimisers have been guided and supported by their teams?

If so, I would urge all team captains to publicise the problem, and offer quidance in whatever form is most appropriate and accessible to their team members (as Kirsten has already done, in Danish, for BOINC Denmark), through their team websites, fora or mailing lists. [My apologies if you have already done this.]

The main focal point for discussions about this issue is the thread Ghost WU issue (and some talk about deadlines) in the Number Crunching forum.

Many thanks.
ID: 571242 · Report as offensive
Brian Silvers

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Message 571365 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 16:53:43 UTC - in response to Message 571242.  

As you may know already, we have a significant problem at the moment. Everyone using an app_info.xml file - which includes, but is not limited to, everyone using an optimised application - cannot download any new work.

I'd also like to mention that another option is to do work for other projects right now. This is particularly important if the participant here is not staying on the stock application to do the work and is then unwilling/unable to monitor all of their hosts to make sure that they don't start requesting work again before getting the app_info.xml out of the way again.
ID: 571365 · Report as offensive
Profile Demiurg
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Message 571400 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 17:24:05 UTC - in response to Message 571242.  

As you may know already, we have a significant problem at the moment. Everyone using an app_info.xml file - which includes, but is not limited to, everyone using an optimised application - cannot download any new work.

We are seeing posts in Technical News and Number Crunching from people who are clearly suffering from this problem, but who say they don't have the technical knowledge (or fluency in technical English) to apply the workrounds which have been tested and recommended.

I wonder if some of these non-technical optimisers have been guided and supported by their teams?

If so, I would urge all team captains to publicise the problem, and offer quidance in whatever form is most appropriate and accessible to their team members (as Kirsten has already done, in Danish, for BOINC Denmark), through their team websites, fora or mailing lists. [My apologies if you have already done this.]

The main focal point for discussions about this issue is the thread Ghost WU issue (and some talk about deadlines) in the Number Crunching forum.

Many thanks.

I have some serious issues with the app_info fix. I recommend people staying away from it since it gives problems with the Ben_joe app resulting in the need to reinstall Boinc in its entirety. Right now probably ten percent of those who have performed the fix will need to abort everything and reinstall.

And yes, I am crankmeister 3000 right now:-(
Skype = demiurg2
ID: 571400 · Report as offensive
Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 571480 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 18:19:14 UTC
Last modified: 19 May 2007, 18:19:40 UTC

Richards short 'trick': (Thank you again!:-)
Rename app_info.xml so it won't be recognised
Restart BOINC (service)
Update SETI - may not get through first time, but keep trying

A thought:
Now I'm here and download WUs.
So I can let run BOINC like this.
Or I must finish the 'trick' to the end?
(Or if I let run BOINC all the time, then not? Only if I close BOINC?)

Restore app_info.xml to original name
Wait until all transfers have finished
Restart BOINC (service)


I had done all the steps.
Reporting results was not all the time well.

Then I had done steps 1 to 3 and not more.
The whole time everything is O.K.
And the opt. app is running well!
My experiences! :-)

When I don't close BOINC, then everything must be O.K., or?
I think, I didn't had the chance to test, if I run out of work, then BOINC will download the stock app, or, without app_info.xml?

ID: 571480 · Report as offensive
Profile Demiurg
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Message 571564 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 19:17:56 UTC - in response to Message 571480.  

Richards short 'trick': (Thank you again!:-)
Rename app_info.xml so it won't be recognised
Restart BOINC (service)
Update SETI - may not get through first time, but keep trying

A thought:
Now I'm here and download WUs.
So I can let run BOINC like this.
Or I must finish the 'trick' to the end?
(Or if I let run BOINC all the time, then not? Only if I close BOINC?)

Restore app_info.xml to original name
Wait until all transfers have finished
Restart BOINC (service)


I had done all the steps.
Reporting results was not all the time well.

Then I had done steps 1 to 3 and not more.
The whole time everything is O.K.
And the opt. app is running well!
My experiences! :-)

When I don't close BOINC, then everything must be O.K., or?
I think, I didn't had the chance to test, if I run out of work, then BOINC will download the stock app, or, without app_info.xml?

Skype = demiurg2
ID: 571564 · Report as offensive
James Nelson
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Message 571570 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 19:23:51 UTC - in response to Message 571564.  
Last modified: 19 May 2007, 19:26:01 UTC

Richards short 'trick': (Thank you again!:-)
Rename app_info.xml so it won't be recognised
Restart BOINC (service)
Update SETI - may not get through first time, but keep trying

A thought:
Now I'm here and download WUs.
So I can let run BOINC like this.
Or I must finish the 'trick' to the end?
(Or if I let run BOINC all the time, then not? Only if I close BOINC?)

Restore app_info.xml to original name
Wait until all transfers have finished
Restart BOINC (service)


I had done all the steps.
Reporting results was not all the time well.

Then I had done steps 1 to 3 and not more.
The whole time everything is O.K.
And the opt. app is running well!
My experiences! :-)

When I don't close BOINC, then everything must be O.K., or?
I think, I didn't had the chance to test, if I run out of work, then BOINC will download the stock app, or, without app_info.xml?

what damage to boinc I have done the rename work around on all three of my hosts with no problems all 3 running and reporting Wu's now.???
and yes I did restore the file to its origional name so Im still running optomised.

ID: 571570 · Report as offensive
zombie67 [MM]
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Message 571596 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 19:55:59 UTC - in response to Message 571400.  

I have some serious issues with the app_info fix. I recommend people staying away from it since it gives problems with the Ben_joe app resulting in the need to reinstall Boinc in its entirety. Right now probably ten percent of those who have performed the fix will need to abort everything and reinstall.

We're making up numbers now?

Dublin, California
ID: 571596 · Report as offensive
Profile Sir Ulli
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Message 571650 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 20:43:02 UTC - in response to Message 571242.  
Last modified: 19 May 2007, 20:44:43 UTC

As you may know already, we have a significant problem at the moment. Everyone using an app_info.xml file - which includes, but is not limited to, everyone using an optimised application - cannot download any new work.

this is not

not acceptably

until this is cleared, i stay away from Seti...

Greetings from Germany NRW

ID: 571650 · Report as offensive
Profile StFreddy

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Message 571665 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 20:52:52 UTC

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


ID: 571665 · Report as offensive
James Nelson
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Message 571674 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 20:57:08 UTC - in response to Message 571665.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


It wasn't ment to be a solution just a quick fix to fill your cashe with work to get you on your way.
ID: 571674 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 571679 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 21:01:41 UTC - in response to Message 571665.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimised apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.
ID: 571679 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 571687 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 21:07:00 UTC - in response to Message 571679.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimised apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.

LOL on that note, it seems the other two splitters may have come up :O

"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
ID: 571687 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 571692 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 21:09:57 UTC - in response to Message 571687.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimised apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.

LOL on that note, it seems the other two splitters may have come up :O

Eric has been spotted lurking in Beta. More midnight oil. (well, another ruined weekend).
ID: 571692 · Report as offensive
Profile StFreddy

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Message 571706 - Posted: 19 May 2007, 21:17:57 UTC - in response to Message 571679.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimised apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.


ID: 571706 · Report as offensive
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Message 572022 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 4:02:03 UTC - in response to Message 571400.  
Last modified: 20 May 2007, 4:40:51 UTC

I have some serious issues with the app_info fix. I recommend people staying away from it since it gives problems with the Ben_joe app resulting in the need to reinstall Boinc in its entirety. Right now probably ten percent of those who have performed the fix will need to abort everything and reinstall.

And yes, I am crankmeister 3000 right now:-(

I don't agree at all -

I just updated my farm - took me about 45 minutes. 15 of that was to write a script and test it to do the following. The other 30 minutes was to execute the script on my crunchers.


CD C:\\Program Files\\BOINC\\projects\\\\
REN app_info.xml blablabla.xml

then reboot computer


I am running different versions of BOINC and it worked all all - from trux, 5.5.0 and 5.8.xx


All systems are a go. Not a single problem.

When the problem is fixed on Berkeley, Rename the app_info.xml back
ID: 572022 · Report as offensive
Profile darkclown

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Message 572040 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 5:13:29 UTC - in response to Message 572022.  

Do we need to do anything when reporting WUs crunched under this "fix" for the optimized apps, or can we let them upload w/o issue (ie. not having to break the app_.xml file)

I have some serious issues with the app_info fix. I recommend people staying away from it since it gives problems with the Ben_joe app resulting in the need to reinstall Boinc in its entirety. Right now probably ten percent of those who have performed the fix will need to abort everything and reinstall.

And yes, I am crankmeister 3000 right now:-(

I don't agree at all -

I just updated my farm - took me about 45 minutes. 15 of that was to write a script and test it to do the following. The other 30 minutes was to execute the script on my crunchers.


CD C:\\Program Files\\BOINC\\projects\\\\
REN app_info.xml blablabla.xml

then reboot computer


I am running different versions of BOINC and it worked all all - from trux, 5.5.0 and 5.8.xx


All systems are a go. Not a single problem.

When the problem is fixed on Berkeley, Rename the app_info.xml back

ID: 572040 · Report as offensive
Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 572042 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 5:15:12 UTC - in response to Message 571679.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimized apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.

Yeah It isn't ideal, But I was able to download work and while I was at It I sped up My fifth PC to 3.02GHz from 1.8GHz. :D
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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ID: 572042 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 572123 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 8:19:17 UTC - in response to Message 572040.  

Do we need to do anything when reporting WUs crunched under this "fix" for the optimized apps, or can we let them upload w/o issue (ie. not having to break the app_.xml file)

Set 'No new work', then it's safe. Updating to report only works, updating and requesting work causes an error with app_info.
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Message 572126 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 8:38:44 UTC - in response to Message 572042.  

Guys, this is not a solution. Me, (and many of us...) won't use unoptimized apps. If this situation cannot be solved in few days, seti will lose a lot of crunchers.


If you use the suggested work-round, 99% of you (well, everybody except Carl, so far) can continue using optimized apps, albeit with a bit of manual gardening in the farm. Not ideal, I agree, but it can be done.

I suggest you limp along as best you can for another 48 hours, then see if the project posts some definitive information when they get into the office on Monday morning. Then decide.

Alternatively, I think the work-round is going to drain the pond of available WUs in a couple of hours or so. If you leave now, there'll be more left for the rest of us, LOL!

Your call.

Yeah It isn't ideal, But I was able to download work and while I was at It I sped up My fifth PC to 3.02GHz from 1.8GHz. :D

I have made an aditional change on my pc and now im can report and get new work without problems and still running the opp app. It work now for 10 hours, even after a reboot.

after the work round, getting new work with the original app and the change to the opp app i have stop boinc again and renamed app_info again to another name. After this i started boinc again and can set seti to get new work, and it is working fine. It look boinc think it is working with with the original version but it crunches with the opp app. How i told above, it works the last 10 hours on my system.

happy crunching
ID: 572126 · Report as offensive
Profile Francesco Forti

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Message 572143 - Posted: 20 May 2007, 9:40:52 UTC - in response to Message 572123.  

Set 'No new work', then it's safe. Updating to report only works, updating and requesting work causes an error with app_info.

Let me understand .... every time we have an HTTP an error with app_info
berkeley generate some gost Run Units?

And what do you think about the suggestion written by crazyrabbit1?
(to rename at last app_info again and let run optimized apps
without che app_info file))

ID: 572143 · Report as offensive
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