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Profile Ace Casino

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Message 508066 - Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 17:51:07 UTC


If the following suggestion is not even close to the purpose of this new forum…well…umm…you may take 250 credits away from me as a penalty:

Here is my suggestion: Start a thread where a question, comment or suggestion may be asked and only an admin/staff person may reply in that thread to the question.

It would be nice to be able to ask a question or make a comment/suggestion to the staff and admin without others jumping in with their comments before we get to hear from you. It would give people the chance to ask or comment more freely without fearing a whiplash from those that don’t agree or like the comment or question. I wouldn’t want this thread to become a whipping post for you guys either. The questions, comments or suggestions would have to be asked in a respectable way and could always be deleted if they happen to be overly hostile. The questions don’t have to be limited to SETI. *You could make it a question and answer “only” thread if you prefer.

The thread could become large due to your time constraints and inability to answer the many questions in a timely manner, so limit the thread to the first 15 (or whatever you choose) questions and then close it. Once these questions have been answered (at the staffs convenience and availability, no time constraints) open the thread to the next 15 questions or start a new thread. If technical questions like: “How do I suspend Boinc” start appearing, you could ignore, delete or refer them to the proper place. People would only be allowed to post a question in this thread once every 2 months (you set the parameters) to give others a chance to ask questions. Questions must be 50 words or less (so you don’t have to read a novel with a 6 word question at the end) and the post can only contain 2 questions (so the poster doesn’t ask you 99 questions in 1 post).

This would be a thread where we could ask and hear from the admin and staff about our questions, suggestions, thoughts and ideas > and only the admin/staff.

Just a thought,

ID: 508066 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Tom Philippart

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Message 508071 - Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 18:17:30 UTC - in response to Message 507788.  

It's a good idea to have international forums. The hard part come in how to handle the flame wars that will eventually arise. I suppose we could require a volunteer to moderate before we open a board in each language. I'll add this to my internal suggestion box.

I'm from Luxembourg, I speak English, French, German and Luxembourgish everyday and I have some forum experience (I'm the admin/moderator of a community). I'm willing to spend my time moderating it.

The main issue I'm interested in is the science status. Is it possible to get some info about new candidate signals? There used to be a list for SETI Classic. Also as said before there should be more news about the science and progress.

Thanks for your time.

ID: 508071 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 508708 - Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 0:57:22 UTC - in response to Message 508071.  

The main issue I'm interested in is the science status. Is it possible to get some info about new candidate signals? There used to be a list for SETI Classic. Also as said before there should be more news about the science and progress.


See the thread that Matt started, So where's the science..?

ID: 508708 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 519030 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 1:44:46 UTC
Last modified: 18 Feb 2007, 1:50:06 UTC

Well, here's part of what could possibly drum up Support / Monies for

SETI / BOINC Projects . . . what do YOU think of all that's going on in

Reference to the 'Laptop News' . . . ?

Aliens, Geeks, And A Stolen Laptop by David Utter Staff Writer 2007-02-15

® SecurityProNews publication - 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved

Do not trifle in the affairs of geeks, let alone pilfer their wives' laptops, for they are subtle and quick to track you down.

SETI@Home may not have discovered alien life yet. But it did help one persistent guy find something else - his wife's laptop, which had been

stolen on New Year's Day.

Rather than just dropping a police report into the ether to drift along with thousands of other reports of stolen electronics and waiting for

the insurance check to arrive, James Melin took action. A WCCO.com report said he started keeping an eye on the SETI@home site to see if the

laptop would phone home.

It did, three times, and Melin collected the IP addresses recorded when the laptop accessed SETI@Home's servers. With that information in hand,

Melin took it to the police, who in turn took it to court for subpoena to find the identity behind those IP addresses.

They did, turning up a thief who either had really bad taste in rap or was even worse at rapping himself. Along with his wife's screenplays

and novels, they found "20 tracks of rap music with unintelligible lyrics."

A savvier thief would have probably wiped the hard drive, so Melin was fortunate that the person just plugged the laptop into the Internet

and started using it. The incident is just one of many laptop thefts that take place all the time.

It makes us wonder why more effective laptop recovery software isn't being more widely used. SETI@Home worked here, but it is trivial to

uninstall. There are solutions that are much tougher to defeat. Perhaps people and companies are a little privacy-paranoid about having a

third-party being able to track their machines whenever they connect to the Internet.

® SecurityProNews publication - 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved

see *Stickied* Thread also . . .

SETI@home Laptop Stolen

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 519030 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile John Clark
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Message 519033 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 1:53:58 UTC - in response to Message 507931.  

Can there be any good invitations/encouragements for seti members from different cultures and countries besides english speaking countries? Well it is clear anybody can post here but when people from non english speaking countries post here they make few grammatical mystakes and mostly you guys kind of ridicule them like asking to write correct english etc.

It's a good idea to have international forums. The hard part come in how to handle the flame wars that will eventually arise. I suppose we could require a volunteer to moderate before we open a board in each language. I'll add this to my internal suggestion box.

I can do it for the german section.


I have not seen the flame wars aluded to for the non-English speaking contribitors.

Indeed the majority of the "other" language contribution, when given in English, is signifiantly better in English then the observed English of those who criticise.

This rather gives the lie to those who criticise other language English contributions, when (a) they cannot reply to the same dexteritiy in the native language they criticise the English of; and, (b) their personal ability to contribute in the native language of the person they are criticising.

Much more importantly, their use of their own native language (English) leaves much open to criticism.

Glass Houses and stones come to mind!
It's good to be back amongst friends and colleagues

ID: 519033 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 519176 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 14:28:06 UTC

Before dismissing this post as emotional, please indulge me and read on.

I've been a member of the SETI community for some years, dedicating my computer's idle time to the analysis of inbound radio signal. I believe in this project, i believe that we're not alone. And i wanted to be a part of the search for "extraterrestrial intelligence".

When BOINC came along, i was enthusiastic. It seemed to broaden the rather narrow approach of the SETI project. I was all for it. But when i tried to install it, innumerable problems occurred (like selecting a project i wanted to dedicate my computer to) and i eventually gave up on it.

Two years on (and with a much more potent computer and a very broad broadband), i decided to give it another shot. I even managed to allocate the SETI project with BOINC (after around 20 attempts and 50 misleading error messages). I opened a new account, after the original SETI account password was rejected, and filled out the application form religiously, explaining at a length my motivation for and my views on the project. When i submitted it, the page was rejected because the password was "bad". I clicked the 'back' button, but everything i had written was lost.

Maybe these initial hitches are designed to separate the "useful" ones from the crap, but then i'm afraid you'll lose out on a huge number of potential participants. I'm not a computer illiterate, much the opposite (i've been dealing in IT for the past 20 yrs or so), but the way your site is designed, you're likely to attract only a fraction of the people you might want to -- and could easily include in your mega-project, if only you'd leave your esoteric ivory tower.

I'm still willing to -- actually i'm dying to... -- participate in this project. Only too human shortcomings should not hinder the development of something that has the potential of changing human history forever. Please don't let the inadequacies of the BOINC presentation (i'm not dissing the project itself) stand in the way of this breakthrough...

I'm pretty sure i'm speaking for many thousands of disappointed former and present SETI aficionados. The original SETI was accessible, easy to install, close to fool-proof, and very rewarding also for the participant. BOINC is opaque, frustrating, typically cryptic ivory-tower shit. If you want to cater only to the in-crowd (the scientific community?), fine. That's you're prerogative. But then don't wonder that science is being rejected by ever-growing portions of the population. BOINC is the right step in the wrong direction.

ID: 519176 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 519361 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 19:00:39 UTC - in response to Message 519176.  

Before dismissing this post as emotional, please indulge me and read on.

I've been a member of the SETI community for some years, dedicating my computer's idle time to the analysis of inbound radio signal. I believe in this project, i believe that we're not alone. And i wanted to be a part of the search for "extraterrestrial intelligence".

When BOINC came along, i was enthusiastic. It seemed to broaden the rather narrow approach of the SETI project. I was all for it. But when i tried to install it, innumerable problems occurred (like selecting a project i wanted to dedicate my computer to) and i eventually gave up on it.

Two years on (and with a much more potent computer and a very broad broadband), i decided to give it another shot. I even managed to allocate the SETI project with BOINC (after around 20 attempts and 50 misleading error messages). I opened a new account, after the original SETI account password was rejected, and filled out the application form religiously, explaining at a length my motivation for and my views on the project. When i submitted it, the page was rejected because the password was "bad". I clicked the 'back' button, but everything i had written was lost.

Maybe these initial hitches are designed to separate the "useful" ones from the crap, but then i'm afraid you'll lose out on a huge number of potential participants. I'm not a computer illiterate, much the opposite (i've been dealing in IT for the past 20 yrs or so), but the way your site is designed, you're likely to attract only a fraction of the people you might want to -- and could easily include in your mega-project, if only you'd leave your esoteric ivory tower.

I'm still willing to -- actually i'm dying to... -- participate in this project. Only too human shortcomings should not hinder the development of something that has the potential of changing human history forever. Please don't let the inadequacies of the BOINC presentation (i'm not dissing the project itself) stand in the way of this breakthrough...

I'm pretty sure i'm speaking for many thousands of disappointed former and present SETI aficionados. The original SETI was accessible, easy to install, close to fool-proof, and very rewarding also for the participant. BOINC is opaque, frustrating, typically cryptic ivory-tower shit. If you want to cater only to the in-crowd (the scientific community?), fine. That's you're prerogative. But then don't wonder that science is being rejected by ever-growing portions of the population. BOINC is the right step in the wrong direction.



Your participation is wanted and most welcomed! To get started, and you may haev already done these first steps, install BOINC. When you start BOINC, if you downloaded and installed BOINC version 5.8.11, then you'll get the new "simple" BOINC version. At some other point, you can go into the "Advanced View" which is the view I prefer. However, to get attached to SETI@home, click on the "Add Project" button about two-thirds the way down from the top of the "simple" BOINC window. A window will pop-up explaining it will now walk you through attaching a project to BOINC. Click Next. On the next screen, you'll need to enter the URL/website address for Seti@home. The URL you should type in (or copy and paste) is http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/. Click Next. It should then have to options to choose, one is to choose the option to setup a new account and the second is if you already have a Seti@home account. If you have not used Seti@home in BOINC before, I think you then have to setup a new account. Once you select that option, you'll need to enter the required information below that. When you've filled that information out, click Next. It will then attempt to create the new account for you and let you know whether you attached successfully or if it failed. Please note that there have been a few project that I have attached in the last few days that even though it showed that the attach failed, it really did attach successfully. At this point, you may want to click on the "Advance view" and look in the "Project" tab to make sure Seti@home is listed there. You can also check the "Messages tab" to view any successful, failed, or error messages. If you attached to Seti@home successfully, BOINC should start downloading WU (work units) to your computer, and you should see those downloading in the "tranfers" tab and you should see the new WU (work units) in the "task" tab.

If you run into any problems, please post back to these forum boards and either I or any other "cruncher" will be happy to help you out with any questions you have or problems you might encounter.

Good luck-

ID: 519361 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 519369 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 19:14:16 UTC - in response to Message 519361.  
Last modified: 18 Feb 2007, 19:15:57 UTC

Before dismissing this post as emotional, please indulge me and read on.

I've been a member of the SETI community for some years, dedicating my computer's idle time to the analysis of inbound radio signal. I believe in this project, i believe that we're not alone. And i wanted to be a part of the search for "extraterrestrial intelligence".

When BOINC came along, i was enthusiastic. It seemed to broaden the rather narrow approach of the SETI project. I was all for it. But when i tried to install it, innumerable problems occurred (like selecting a project i wanted to dedicate my computer to) and i eventually gave up on it.

Two years on (and with a much more potent computer and a very broad broadband), i decided to give it another shot. I even managed to allocate the SETI project with BOINC (after around 20 attempts and 50 misleading error messages). I opened a new account, after the original SETI account password was rejected, and filled out the application form religiously, explaining at a length my motivation for and my views on the project. When i submitted it, the page was rejected because the password was "bad". I clicked the 'back' button, but everything i had written was lost.

Maybe these initial hitches are designed to separate the "useful" ones from the crap, but then i'm afraid you'll lose out on a huge number of potential participants. I'm not a computer illiterate, much the opposite (i've been dealing in IT for the past 20 yrs or so), but the way your site is designed, you're likely to attract only a fraction of the people you might want to -- and could easily include in your mega-project, if only you'd leave your esoteric ivory tower.

I'm still willing to -- actually i'm dying to... -- participate in this project. Only too human shortcomings should not hinder the development of something that has the potential of changing human history forever. Please don't let the inadequacies of the BOINC presentation (i'm not dissing the project itself) stand in the way of this breakthrough...

I'm pretty sure i'm speaking for many thousands of disappointed former and present SETI aficionados. The original SETI was accessible, easy to install, close to fool-proof, and very rewarding also for the participant. BOINC is opaque, frustrating, typically cryptic ivory-tower shit. If you want to cater only to the in-crowd (the scientific community?), fine. That's you're prerogative. But then don't wonder that science is being rejected by ever-growing portions of the population. BOINC is the right step in the wrong direction.



Your participation is wanted and most welcomed! To get started, and you may haev already done these first steps, install BOINC. When you start BOINC, if you downloaded and installed BOINC version 5.8.11, then you'll get the new "simple" BOINC version. At some other point, you can go into the "Advanced View" which is the view I prefer. However, to get attached to SETI@home, click on the "Add Project" button about two-thirds the way down from the top of the "simple" BOINC window. A window will pop-up explaining it will now walk you through attaching a project to BOINC. Click Next. On the next screen, you'll need to enter the URL/website address for Seti@home. The URL you should type in (or copy and paste) is http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/. Click Next. It should then have to options to choose, one is to choose the option to setup a new account and the second is if you already have a Seti@home account. If you have not used Seti@home in BOINC before, I think you then have to setup a new account. Once you select that option, you'll need to enter the required information below that. When you've filled that information out, click Next. It will then attempt to create the new account for you and let you know whether you attached successfully or if it failed. Please note that there have been a few project that I have attached in the last few days that even though it showed that the attach failed, it really did attach successfully. At this point, you may want to click on the "Advance view" and look in the "Project" tab to make sure Seti@home is listed there. You can also check the "Messages tab" to view any successful, failed, or error messages. If you attached to Seti@home successfully, BOINC should start downloading WU (work units) to your computer, and you should see those downloading in the "tranfers" tab and you should see the new WU (work units) in the "task" tab.

If you run into any problems, please post back to these forum boards and either I or any other "cruncher" will be happy to help you out with any questions you have or problems you might encounter.

Good luck-


eh Torrey - see this LINK - ChipsterXX has been crunchin' 2 . . .

> note: it is a 'Good Thing' that you do in helpin' your mates - just what SETI / BOINC is all about . . .

edit for sp

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 519369 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 519372 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 19:18:56 UTC - in response to Message 519369.  

eh Torrey - see this LINK - ChipsterXX has been crunchin' 2 . . .

> note: it is a 'Good Thing' that you do in helpin' your mates - just what SETI / BOINC is all about . . .

edit for sp

nobody, thanks. I didn't look to see if he/she was chrunching yet. I'm glad to see he/she has gotten it to work. I hate to see anyone dissuaded from crunching because they couldn't get it up and running.

ID: 519372 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 519381 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 19:30:08 UTC - in response to Message 519372.  

eh Torrey - see this LINK - ChipsterXX has been crunchin' 2 . . .

> note: it is a 'Good Thing' that you do in helpin' your mates - just what SETI / BOINC is all about . . .

edit for sp

nobody, thanks. I didn't look to see if he/she was chrunching yet. I'm glad to see he/she has gotten it to work. I hate to see anyone dissuaded from crunching because they couldn't get it up and running.


u r welcome Torrey . . . chippers got 2 cookin' ;)

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 519381 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 519383 - Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 19:31:32 UTC - in response to Message 519030.  

Re-Post for Eric . . .

Well, here's part of what could possibly drum up Support / Monies for

SETI / BOINC Projects . . . what do YOU think of all that's going on in

Reference to the 'Laptop News' . . . ?

Aliens, Geeks, And A Stolen Laptop by David Utter Staff Writer 2007-02-15

® SecurityProNews publication - 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved

Do not trifle in the affairs of geeks, let alone pilfer their wives' laptops, for they are subtle and quick to track you down.

SETI@Home may not have discovered alien life yet. But it did help one persistent guy find something else - his wife's laptop, which had been

stolen on New Year's Day.

Rather than just dropping a police report into the ether to drift along with thousands of other reports of stolen electronics and waiting for

the insurance check to arrive, James Melin took action. A WCCO.com report said he started keeping an eye on the SETI@home site to see if the

laptop would phone home.

It did, three times, and Melin collected the IP addresses recorded when the laptop accessed SETI@Home's servers. With that information in hand,

Melin took it to the police, who in turn took it to court for subpoena to find the identity behind those IP addresses.

They did, turning up a thief who either had really bad taste in rap or was even worse at rapping himself. Along with his wife's screenplays

and novels, they found "20 tracks of rap music with unintelligible lyrics."

A savvier thief would have probably wiped the hard drive, so Melin was fortunate that the person just plugged the laptop into the Internet

and started using it. The incident is just one of many laptop thefts that take place all the time.

It makes us wonder why more effective laptop recovery software isn't being more widely used. SETI@Home worked here, but it is trivial to

uninstall. There are solutions that are much tougher to defeat. Perhaps people and companies are a little privacy-paranoid about having a

third-party being able to track their machines whenever they connect to the Internet.

® SecurityProNews publication - 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved

see *Stickied* Thread also . . .

SETI@home Laptop Stolen

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 519383 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 519843 - Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 15:34:47 UTC


> have sent "Aliens, Geeks, And A Stolen Laptop by David Utter Staff Writer 2007-02-15" Message (below) to Dr. Seth Shostak @ the SETI Institute - to be forwarded to Dr. Jill Tartan (so as to 'clarify' the actual Media Coverage re: the 'Stolen Laptop' Matter and the Possiblity of more Publicity when Dr. Tartan lectures next Month in Canada). This Entire Matter - from the Publicity Viewpoint - can only enhance the Reputation and possibility of greater Funding for SETI / BOINC Projects and as well for the SETI Institute . . .

see also: Message 518771 - Posted 17 Feb 2007 16:00:00 UTC

Thank You

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 519843 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 521870 - Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 0:26:12 UTC

ipdgroup - A News Service For Research Professionals has quite a few Links to SETI Laptop Issue . . .

INBOX ROBOT - ipdgroup.com: SETI@home News

© 2001 - 2007 Internet Product Development Group, Inc.
ID: 521870 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 522123 - Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 13:57:14 UTC

@ Berkeley . . .

Another SETI Member - CoolBlue87GT has had a Laptop Stolen

> here's his Post I received an email this morning - SETI has found something !!!!

Message 522102 - Posted 23 Feb 2007 12:41:51 UTC

That's great.

Question, who do I contact to search for the laptop I had stolen ?

Not a joke, I had a Compaq laptop stolen awhile back. Would love to get it back.



@ CoolBlue87GT . . . see this Thread i started for You . . .

Another SETI Member - CoolBlue87GT has had a Laptop Stolen

ID: 522123 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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Message 526303 - Posted: 4 Mar 2007, 14:13:09 UTC - in response to Message 507788.  
Last modified: 4 Mar 2007, 14:24:13 UTC

Can there be any good invitations/encouragements for seti members from different cultures and countries besides english speaking countries? Well it is clear anybody can post here but when people from non english speaking countries post here they make few grammatical mystakes and mostly you guys kind of ridicule them like asking to write correct english etc.

It's a good idea to have international forums. The hard part come in how to handle the flame wars that will eventually arise. I suppose we could require a volunteer to moderate before we open a board in each language. I'll add this to my internal suggestion box.

Eric it has been over a month passed since this talk what is the development on your Asgard High Council?

ID: 526303 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile deadmeat198

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Message 528418 - Posted: 9 Mar 2007, 8:53:55 UTC - in response to Message 519369.  
Last modified: 9 Mar 2007, 9:25:30 UTC

ID: 528418 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile deadmeat198

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Message 528426 - Posted: 9 Mar 2007, 9:08:55 UTC - in response to Message 519369.  
Last modified: 9 Mar 2007, 9:12:52 UTC

ive had alot of trouble too but ask questions and eventually some will be rectified im still having many different problems it takes me along time to figure them out it seems it doesnt want to connect to seti quite regular i think their is to much down time but ive been told by the number crunchers that its not, so why do i constantly have to fix these probloms everything on my comp works fine exept boinc it is frustrating recently im trying to change my graffics ive done all it ask's and still nothing i give up so join the club ive had 4 freinds now just up and quite this program because of these things its not user friendly and im sure thousands more have. ive spent more time figuring out this program than any other but i also find some responses from some people are quite demeaning so sometimes i dont want to ask because they try to make you look like a fool not all buy some. so good luck
ID: 528426 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Pappa
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Message 531911 - Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 1:58:36 UTC - in response to Message 526303.  


With parts arriving to fix issues and turn red light green... Eric, Matt and Crew have been very busy... This also does not mention that there has been a bought with the Flu passing through...

Please be patient...


Can there be any good invitations/encouragements for seti members from different cultures and countries besides english speaking countries? Well it is clear anybody can post here but when people from non english speaking countries post here they make few grammatical mystakes and mostly you guys kind of ridicule them like asking to write correct english etc.

It's a good idea to have international forums. The hard part come in how to handle the flame wars that will eventually arise. I suppose we could require a volunteer to moderate before we open a board in each language. I'll add this to my internal suggestion box.

Eric it has been over a month passed since this talk what is the development on your Asgard High Council?

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 531911 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Pappa
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Message 531916 - Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 2:06:15 UTC - in response to Message 528426.  


Thank You for the note, there are people that will help... Most of those monitor the Number Crunching Forum... If you feel that you are being abused the there is a way to report that, which will get attention...

So yes as everyone has to start somewhere, and it has not always been easy... Many can share good and bad experiences... As you have not mentioned specific problems it is hard to guess what might be happening...

You are welcome to email me:


just replace the (at) with the @ symbol and I will see wha we can find out or where to send you for help...



ive had alot of trouble too but ask questions and eventually some will be rectified im still having many different problems it takes me along time to figure them out it seems it doesnt want to connect to seti quite regular i think their is to much down time but ive been told by the number crunchers that its not, so why do i constantly have to fix these probloms everything on my comp works fine exept boinc it is frustrating recently im trying to change my graffics ive done all it ask's and still nothing i give up so join the club ive had 4 freinds now just up and quite this program because of these things its not user friendly and im sure thousands more have. ive spent more time figuring out this program than any other but i also find some responses from some people are quite demeaning so sometimes i dont want to ask because they try to make you look like a fool not all buy some. so good luck

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 531916 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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United States
Message 532137 - Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 11:39:08 UTC - in response to Message 531916.  


Thank You for the note, there are people that will help... Most of those monitor the Number Crunching Forum... If you feel that you are being abused the there is a way to report that, which will get attention...

So yes as everyone has to start somewhere, and it has not always been easy... Many can share good and bad experiences... As you have not mentioned specific problems it is hard to guess what might be happening...

You are welcome to email me:


just replace the (at) with the @ symbol and I will see wha we can find out or where to send you for help...



ive had alot of trouble too but ask questions and eventually some will be rectified im still having many different problems it takes me along time to figure them out it seems it doesnt want to connect to seti quite regular i think their is to much down time but ive been told by the number crunchers that its not, so why do i constantly have to fix these probloms everything on my comp works fine exept boinc it is frustrating recently im trying to change my graffics ive done all it ask's and still nothing i give up so join the club ive had 4 freinds now just up and quite this program because of these things its not user friendly and im sure thousands more have. ive spent more time figuring out this program than any other but i also find some responses from some people are quite demeaning so sometimes i dont want to ask because they try to make you look like a fool not all buy some. so good luck

@ deadmeat198 . . . you may try to give PERMISSIONS to your FIREWALLS for the SETI@home and the Two (2) BOINC IP Addresses . . . THIS corrected mi problems previously on similar problems . . . there many variables that one deals with Dependin' on their System etc . . . see Pappa's Message

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