Stupid guy installs linux to HD for first time. Watch the madness

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Message 464723 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 4:38:05 UTC

it will not even post with it in 2-3, or with the jumper removed entirely. Hmmm
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Message 464728 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 4:51:24 UTC
Last modified: 24 Nov 2006, 4:51:43 UTC

there are only two jumpers on the board. Clrcmos and bus speed. I tried moving it to 2-3 and clearing cmos. still won't post. Guess I'm stuck at 1800. It does appear I could play with mem timings/voltages a bit though.
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Message 464762 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 8:00:56 UTC - in response to Message 464511.  
Last modified: 24 Nov 2006, 8:05:32 UTC

Batman, I don't remember. I had a 520ST, then switched up to the 1040ST. Can you imagine the brilliance and power that come with being able to use not one(520st), but BOTH sides of a floppy??? Wow, what power and storage. (all apps were run from floppy and/or stored in ram)


Tonys' list of things to do just had another knocked off the list.

[big checkmark} Optimized seti is done [/end task]

moving on to temp sensors, cpu freq and overclocking. Then to the big one (I fear) realvnc.

Hope everyone is enjoying a good thanksgiving. I'm off to do the dishes and pack away the excess turkey (into fridge, not stomach)

I had a 520ST, a 520stfm, a Mega2 ST and a Mega4 ST. Of course none of the ST computers could use more than 4Mb of ram cause of the MMU chip and the expansion was limited(One could add a 68020 or 68030 accelerator and ram that those cpus could use, But there goes compatibility and adding It wasn't easy either[max of 40MHz or 50MHz as I recall]), No ethernet ability and no screen resolutions higher than 640x400 in two colors(Black & White only) with no way to go higher in res and to add more colors either. Ataris idea of expansion and/or new abilities was buy a newer model of their computers and don't bother them.

Some of those problems were fixed later on in the Falcon and the expansion was about to be fixed(Slots), But It was too late and Atari went belly up as the Tramiels or somebody ignored problems with their product until It was too late and It came back and bit them in the rear.

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PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 464839 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 13:14:08 UTC

OK, Todays the day to get RealVNC working. As an experiment, I opened "TightVNC" on this mandriva machine. I typed in "", entered password, and low and behold I was able to control on of my Winxp machines. However, if I opened RealVNC on another Win machine and entered the addy for the linux machine it came back with "connection refused".

I'm off to look at TightVNC to see if there's passwords/permissions I can set.
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Message 464841 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 13:22:42 UTC - in response to Message 464839.  
Last modified: 24 Nov 2006, 13:27:57 UTC

OK, Todays the day to get RealVNC working. As an experiment, I opened "TightVNC" on this mandriva machine. I typed in "", entered password, and low and behold I was able to control on of my Winxp machines. However, if I opened RealVNC on another Win machine and entered the addy for the linux machine it came back with "connection refused".

I'm off to look at TightVNC to see if there's passwords/permissions I can set.

Usual first suspects to try are whether you are running any firewalls.

Second is whether there is any "internet security" whatever paranoid-ware running on the Windows box blocking things.

And for Mandriva, look up whether you need to set anything for TightVNC in the file "/etc/hosts.allow" (to permit incoming connections doing anything).

Also, you need to have some sort of VNC server active on your Linux box for the incoming connections to connect to (as opposed to just a VNC client).

On Linux, you have a lot more than just a 'firewall'. There is some opinion that a firewall isn't really needed at all...

Have fun!

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Message 464843 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 13:31:24 UTC

the following is all that's in the ./etc/hostsallow file:

# hosts.allow This file describes the names of the hosts which are
# allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
# by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.

Do you have an example of how I can edit it? Can I edit it?
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Message 464856 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 13:53:30 UTC

I've gone to the TightVNC website and they have a windows verion. It might be easier to switch all the windows to TightVNC, rather than switching this ONE machine to realvnc????
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Message 464866 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 14:03:33 UTC - in response to Message 464843.  
Last modified: 24 Nov 2006, 14:11:47 UTC

the following is all that's in the ./etc/hostsallow file:

# hosts.allow This file describes the names of the hosts which are
# allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
# by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.

Do you have an example of how I can edit it? Can I edit it?

OK, you've got two files there that work together. The most important is:


# hosts.deny    This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#               *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#               by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# The portmap line is redundant, but it is left to remind you that
# the new secure portmap uses hosts.deny and hosts.allow.  In particular
# you should know that NFS uses portmap!


The "#" as the first character marks that line as a comment and is ignored. Keep the "ALL:ALL..." line. That says that everything from outside is refused.

And then, for TightVNC defaults try in:


# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#               allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#               by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.

ALL: 192.168.2.

for your internal network. And yes, the trailing "." and no final digit is deliberate. The blank there indicates "0 -> 255". I'm assuming that your internal network is "" (most default to "").

To be TightVNC specific (and more secure against unexpectedness,) use:
tightvncd: 192.168.2.

or whatever the TightVNC server daemon calls itself (the name shown in "configure your computer -> system -> services" or by "chkconfig --list" on a root commandline).

You need to have "tightvnc-server" installed. That might automatically put a line into hosts.allow for you in the first place.

Good luck!


(And why do those CODE blocks use DOUBLE SPACING!?)

[edit] Take a look on: TightVNC FAQ for other general questions. [/edit]
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Message 464875 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 14:24:53 UTC

Martin, Hans, et al, I'd like to thank all of you for your time and patience. i am typing this from my X2 through realvnc through my Mandriva machine. Before I saw martins instructions I had already downloaded and installed the RPM version of Realvnc. It looked like the install worked. I rebooted in hopes I'd see a realvnc Icon somewhere, but didn't.

I went to "internet", "remote access", then "virtual network connection", then went to "allow control" and entered a password. I then went to my X2, tried to "login" and here we are. It seems to be working. I'll close this threadd now and put that machine in the corner (thereby freeing up some deskspace.

One again, thank you. I know how long it takes to provide the info you have and I appreciated it.


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Message 464876 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 14:35:11 UTC - in response to Message 464875.  

Martin, Hans, et al, I'd like to thank all of you for your time and patience. i am typing this from my X2 through realvnc through my Mandriva machine. Before I saw martins instructions I had already downloaded and installed the RPM version of Realvnc. It looked like the install worked. I rebooted in hopes I'd see a realvnc Icon somewhere, but didn't.

I went to "internet", "remote access", then "virtual network connection", then went to "allow control" and entered a password. I then went to my X2, tried to "login" and here we are. It seems to be working. ...

Great stuff and you're welcome.

Quite a good fun adventure :-)

...And it also looks like the automatic setup pretty much works. So much for commandline twiddling... Soon commandline typing will become a lost art!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving hols,

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Message 464877 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 14:47:13 UTC

spoke too soon, that method start xOrfb server, but that server and it's config don't survive a reboot.

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Message 464891 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 15:48:34 UTC

OK, got it. Had to set prefs in Krfb to allow "uninvited connections" and set a password. Seems the "allow connections" is a one time only deal.

good luck to all

I'm done here, unless someone wants to walk me through getting boinc to start on it's own after a reboot/powerfailure???

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Message 464944 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 17:41:27 UTC - in response to Message 464891.  

...I'm done here, unless someone wants to walk me through getting boinc to start on it's own after a reboot/powerfailure???


New thread for setting up boinc to run as a service?...

Good luck!


(ps: Sorry, going offline for a while.)
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Message 464948 - Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 17:47:05 UTC - in response to Message 464891.  
Last modified: 24 Nov 2006, 17:48:46 UTC

OK, got it. Had to set prefs in Krfb to allow "uninvited connections" and set a password. Seems the "allow connections" is a one time only deal.

good luck to all

I'm done here, unless someone wants to walk me through getting boinc to start on it's own after a reboot/powerfailure???


You might try this thread which I found, It involves Crontab( I've read It can be very helpful).

Scarecrow left some good hints on starting/restarting Boinc automatically.
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Message 465865 - Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 22:38:53 UTC

Uptime 1 Day, 1 hour 20 min. Added all my projects to this machine(except Primegrid) which doesn't seem to have a linux app. (also haven't added Rieselsieve)

all good so far.

thanks all

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Message 465883 - Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 23:00:55 UTC

Glad to see you got it running Astro... Howed you do it?
Another method that can be used to run programs automajically at boot in Linux is with the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. This is much like autoexec.bat on windows/DOS.
If you use this to run BOINC be sure to add the command to run boinc at the end of the file. Once boinc runs it wiil not execute anymore commands listed after it in the rc.local file until Boinc is stopped.

This file can be found in other directories on different versions of Linux. The above directory is the correct one for Mandrake.

In all my years in Linux I have never seen someone tare through linux for the 1st time the way you have!! Hope you decide to stck with it. The community can always use someone like you.
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Message 465905 - Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 23:31:12 UTC - in response to Message 465883.  

Glad to see you got it running Astro... Howed you do it?
Another method that can be used to run programs automajically at boot in Linux is with the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. This is much like autoexec.bat on windows/DOS.
If you use this to run BOINC be sure to add the command to run boinc at the end of the file. Once boinc runs it wiil not execute anymore commands listed after it in the rc.local file until Boinc is stopped.

This file can be found in other directories on different versions of Linux. The above directory is the correct one for Mandrake.

In all my years in Linux I have never seen someone tare through linux for the 1st time the way you have!! Hope you decide to stck with it. The community can always use someone like you.

How did I do what? in particular. I'm still not pleased with some of it, for example, when I use a win machine to connect; X and Xrbf take up 75% of the cpu and it stops boinc from running when I'm managing it. I don't remember Realvnc doing that. But If I exit Realvnc then the machine reapplies full effor to crunching, so I don't attach to it often.

I haven't yet played with getting boinc to autorun on start up, but I plan too.

I am just tired of giving MS $100 for the priviledge of running boinc on supplemental machines that just sit on the floor (tables, desktops, etc). This is my motivation. It took 4 days (off and on) to get this ONE working and all in all it would have been cheaper to by MS, but I suspect future addtions will go quicker and offset the expense.

PS. did you ever get the extra receptacles installed in you apt?
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Message 465928 - Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 23:58:43 UTC - in response to Message 465905.  
Last modified: 25 Nov 2006, 23:59:02 UTC

It took 4 days (off and on) to get this ONE working and all in all it would have been cheaper to by MS, but I suspect future addtions will go quicker and offset the expense.

I'm doing a basic Debian install for my dedicated crunchers.

I've set up a DHCP server and boot new hosts into the Debian installer via ethernet (PXE).
A complete install is done in less than an hour.

Regards Hans
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Message 465985 - Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 1:04:13 UTC - in response to Message 462595.  
Last modified: 26 Nov 2006, 1:11:29 UTC

Hi, I just got my new mobo that replaces the bad cap one on my P4 1.8 system. I'm having trouble gettting the OS to start. Here's the juicy details:

Mobo: (ebay purchased NIB, sealed package)ECS L4VXA2
CPU: Intel P4 1.8Ghz, 256 L2, 400mhz FSB, 1.75V
Ram: 2 sticks-256MB, DDR, 266Mhz, CL 2.5, PC 2100
HD: Laptop 2.5"hitachi travelstar HTS541040GAT00, 40gig, 5400rpm.
ONE: converter for hd to IDE w/power adapter
PSU: 300W coolmax, new
CD/DVD rom:Lite-on, 16X/48X, NEW
Video: ATI, AGP from old HP 760N, Radeon 9000, 64MB

The mobo, HD adapter, PSU, and CD/DVD are new, Mobo, Ram, and HD are not. (note: laptop HD has less than 2 weeks runtime on it)

The hard drive has the OS (winxpsp2) from my old laptop on it. I also have a live CD, Mandriva One.

Problem: When I start puter, the bios loads, I can manipulate the bios setting. during bios it see 524MB ram, Recognizes both the HD (IDE Primary master), and Lite-ON CD(Primary slave). After bios load it switches to loading the OS and here I have two different behaviors.

When attempting to load win the screen goes blank and the whole system restarts (never see the WINXP logo). After reboot it give the screen, "bad previous start, do you want to load win normally, safemode, etc etc. If I pick normally, it restarts back to that screen. If I pick "safemode" I see it load up a dozen or so drivers, then resets.

If I put in the Linux CD, it give the Mandriva screen asking to press F1 for options or Enter to load. either one I pick the video goes black, and CD activity light goes out, but it doesn't reset like the windows one does.

I've tried different Bios settings for several things, and even tried with just one ram, switched them, tried them in different slots, NO change.

any suggestions?


Have you tried booting from the XP CD and doing a "repair". XP is seeing that the hardware isn't the same as it was on your laptop. First you have to get XP to recognize the new hardware. If it completes the "repair", it'll probably tell you that you'll have to reactivate XP as there are too many hardware changes. XP(Microsoft) is funny about major hardware changes. No suggestions on Mandriva as I had the same problem trying to install Ubuntu on one of my pc's. Get the logo and options at the bottom of the screen, but it just sits there.

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Message 466029 - Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 1:36:45 UTC - in response to Message 465985.  

Hi, I just got my new mobo that replaces the bad cap one on my P4 1.8 system. I'm having trouble gettting the OS to start. Here's the juicy details:

Mobo: (ebay purchased NIB, sealed package)ECS L4VXA2
CPU: Intel P4 1.8Ghz, 256 L2, 400mhz FSB, 1.75V
Ram: 2 sticks-256MB, DDR, 266Mhz, CL 2.5, PC 2100
HD: Laptop 2.5"hitachi travelstar HTS541040GAT00, 40gig, 5400rpm.
ONE: converter for hd to IDE w/power adapter
PSU: 300W coolmax, new
CD/DVD rom:Lite-on, 16X/48X, NEW
Video: ATI, AGP from old HP 760N, Radeon 9000, 64MB

The mobo, HD adapter, PSU, and CD/DVD are new, Mobo, Ram, and HD are not. (note: laptop HD has less than 2 weeks runtime on it)

The hard drive has the OS (winxpsp2) from my old laptop on it. I also have a live CD, Mandriva One.

Problem: When I start puter, the bios loads, I can manipulate the bios setting. during bios it see 524MB ram, Recognizes both the HD (IDE Primary master), and Lite-ON CD(Primary slave). After bios load it switches to loading the OS and here I have two different behaviors.

When attempting to load win the screen goes blank and the whole system restarts (never see the WINXP logo). After reboot it give the screen, "bad previous start, do you want to load win normally, safemode, etc etc. If I pick normally, it restarts back to that screen. If I pick "safemode" I see it load up a dozen or so drivers, then resets.

If I put in the Linux CD, it give the Mandriva screen asking to press F1 for options or Enter to load. either one I pick the video goes black, and CD activity light goes out, but it doesn't reset like the windows one does.

I've tried different Bios settings for several things, and even tried with just one ram, switched them, tried them in different slots, NO change.

any suggestions?


Have you tried booting from the XP CD and doing a "repair". XP is seeing that the hardware isn't the same as it was on your laptop. First you have to get XP to recognize the new hardware. If it completes the "repair", it'll probably tell you that you'll have to reactivate XP as there are too many hardware changes. XP(Microsoft) is funny about major hardware changes. No suggestions on Mandriva as I had the same problem trying to install Ubuntu on one of my pc's. Get the logo and options at the bottom of the screen, but it just sits there.

Bob, Thanks for your effort. It was never my intention to stick with MS. The bits and pieces used to add this slow cruncher to my farm both had win licenses (the Athlon XP200+ laptop hard drive, and the HP 760N desktop of which I reused the CPU and RAM). I intend to purchase additional hardwaere for several new hosts (new this time) and save the $100 MS wants just to crunch Boinc. IMO, MS should come out with an MS Lite which runs $30 and maybe I'd be intereested.
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