Stupid guy installs linux to HD for first time. Watch the madness

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Message 463376 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 9:10:26 UTC - in response to Message 463167.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 9:18:21 UTC

... as I'd burned both the KDE and Gnome because I didn't know the difference.... Still don't.

hmmm, there's a thought, why not slap the KDE disc in and see???

02:14:34 remaining to WU 2

Just like a true experimenter! :-)

Briefly, they both have the same "engine under the hood". However, one has an automatic gearbox and minimalist controls, whereas the other has a manual gearbox and more controls than you'll ever twiddle in NASA Mission Control.

Another anology is that Gnome is similar to the Mac-style of GUI and KDE is more similar to the Windows-esq GUI. (However, to call KDE as "Windows-like" is highly insulting to the KDE developers considering how Microsoft appears to have copied or aquired everyone else's ideas. KDE has had a long lead on some of the MS Vista features...)

If you've already installed a distro with one desktop, you can merely install any additional desktops. Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu are slightly differently set up in that the install tools assume that you want it simple and will use exclusively only one desktop type. You can still load another desktop without automatically uninstalling the present desktop, you just need to give the commands rather than a GUI click. In contrast, the Mandriva installer will let you load up one or all of the available desktops, for good or bad!

Easiest is to keep with one desktop until you realise what is happening. There's a wealth of themes for each of KDE and Gnome. Loading up too much makes software dependancies ever more difficult until something eventually gets confused or breaks. Keeping to one desktop GUI and menus is more robust.

Have fun,

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Message 463619 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 18:22:41 UTC
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 18:24:34 UTC

Wholey Scrimimini, I was playing around "Again/still", figured I had nothing to lose, so I used the Mandriva Linux Control Center, and loaded every dang thing that was listed as "not installed" there. Well, a funny thing happened...after a reboot ALL the GUI stuff was gone. I mean all I had was a blue background and a little terminal box. I played around with it to see if I could still get boinc to run since I'd only just uploaded the third WU but hadn't yet reported. E---gads... what to do. Didn't want to lose that wu. Oh... what to do?????

I finally accepted my loss when I couldn't figure out how to get boinc running from a terminal. Oh, I found the Boinc Directory, but Boinc, Boinc_cmd, Boinc_mgr and one other all had the * behind it saying "this item is disabled". Well, Genius that I am I reattached the CD/DVD rom drive, ran it from CD, did a reinstall, making sure to NOT format anything, and It's back up and running. WOOT.

Just check my puters for todays returned wu (note: it's the only of the 3 to be validated. glad I didn't miss out)
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Message 463635 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 18:53:12 UTC - in response to Message 463619.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 18:56:23 UTC

Wholey Scrimimini, I was playing around "Again/still", figured I had nothing to lose, so I used the Mandriva Linux Control Center, and loaded every dang thing that was listed as "not installed" there. ...


There's a LOT of stuff there! There are many ways to do some things and so some of the stuff in there is by necessity mutually exclusive: you can have one or the other of a version but not both at the same time... A bit like you must use diesel in a diesel engine and so you have a diesel tank installed, OR you have a petrol tank for your petrol engine, but not both for the same car and the same one fuel line...

OK, still a very good test :-)

... found the Boinc Directory, but Boinc, Boinc_cmd, Boinc_mgr and one other all had the * behind it saying "this item is disabled".

Not so.

When using "ls", the "*" listed on the end of a name indicates that that file is executable. You could have then typed "./boinc" to run boinc.

Well, Genius that I am I reattached the CD/DVD rom drive, ran it from CD, did a reinstall, making sure to NOT format anything, and It's back up and running. WOOT.

Usually, a default install will make three partitions: One for your system stuff "/", a swap space, and then a partition for all your users files/documents that is called "/home". Then, you can reinstall whatever you like and reformat the "/" system area whilst keeping all your user files and settings untouched.

Just check my puters for todays returned wu (note: it's the only of the 3 to be validated. glad I didn't miss out)

All good stuff!

Have fun,

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Message 463642 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 19:06:24 UTC

Well, Suse was absolutely winning the Bit Torrent download race, especially when was contributing big numbers. As late as this A.M Suse was way in the lead, however, now the estimated completion download times are Mandriva 4:03 and Suse 3:34. The system is doing the 4th wu now, and I figure it'll be done tonite, so depending on the time it finishes, I may/maynot start a 5th before installing the "more full" version of Mandriva.

I noticed that unlike the liveCD versions which came as KDE or Gnome, that the big version came as 32 bit or 64 bit. I assume I'll have to make a KDE/Gnome choice during install. Does this sound right?
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Message 463657 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 19:43:04 UTC - in response to Message 463642.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 19:44:29 UTC

I noticed that unlike the liveCD versions which came as KDE or Gnome, that the big version came as 32 bit or 64 bit. I assume I'll have to make a KDE/Gnome choice during install. Does this sound right?

For Mandriva, you can load both KDE and Gnome at the same time and all will work fine. I used to do this, but since settling on one of the desktops I've not bothered installing the other since. Updates are much faster if you only have one installed.

Aside: You can run Gnome apps on KDE and vice-versa. Any needed underlaying desktop specific libs are automatically loaded up also.

Happy crunchin',
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Message 463722 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 20:45:37 UTC
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 20:48:29 UTC

Advice for those attempting this themselves:

When I used the Live CD the back and forward buttons on my mouse didn't work. They also didn't work when I installed it to the HD using "ive install".


If you mess around with the Mandriva LCC and install all manner of stuff to the point where the OS install doesn't work anymore, then reinstall the liveCD over the top, then the back and forward buttons start working.

It seems like a lot of work, but it works, as do my back and forward buttons now.


Oh yeah, Suse won the race. Still waiting on Mandriva.
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Hans Dorn
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Message 463730 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 21:02:49 UTC - in response to Message 463722.  

Advice for those attempting this themselves:

When I used the Live CD the back and forward buttons on my mouse didn't work. They also didn't work when I installed it to the HD using "ive install".


If you mess around with the Mandriva LCC and install all manner of stuff to the point where the OS install doesn't work anymore, then reinstall the liveCD over the top, then the back and forward buttons start working.

It seems like a lot of work, but it works, as do my back and forward buttons now.


Oh yeah, Suse won the race. Still waiting on Mandriva.

The automatic software installer thingy on _any_ Linux distro will quite happily uninstall itself when asked to.
That's when things get interesting :o)

Regards Hans
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Message 463741 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 21:13:24 UTC - in response to Message 463722.  

Advice for those attempting this themselves:

When I used the Live CD the back and forward buttons on my mouse didn't work. They also didn't work when I installed it to the HD using "ive install".


If you mess around with the Mandriva LCC and install all manner of stuff to the point where the OS install doesn't work anymore, then reinstall the liveCD over the top, then the back and forward buttons start working.

It seems like a lot of work, but it works, as do my back and forward buttons now.

Hmmm. ...

That does seem a rather long way around of doing a mouse configure!

I'm sure (on Mandriva) that:
system -> configuration -> configure your computer
and then into:
Hardware -> setup the pointer device

is all far easier!

If you have a PS2 mouse, then select that in preference to the "USB & PS2" option.

Let us know how you get on with Susie ;-)

Happy crunchin',
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Message 463759 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 21:28:20 UTC

I'm waiting on a wu to finish, this means that i'll likely try Mandriva tomorrow. I already know how to mess that one up, so I'm a little more familiar with it. LOL

I tried that configure mouse thing as you mentioned in your last post. It just made the cursor show busy, then stopped. I didn't get any further preference options. Like setting button control. It was already using the USB & PS2 option. Strange.
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Message 463807 - Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:02:42 UTC - in response to Message 463759.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2006, 22:04:22 UTC

I'm waiting on a wu to finish, this means that i'll likely try Mandriva tomorrow. I already know how to mess that one up, so I'm a little more familiar with it. LOL

Best way! Just like any good engineer, you've got to be able to pull it to bits first... :-)

I tried that configure mouse thing as you mentioned in your last post. It just made the cursor show busy, then stopped. I didn't get any further preference options. Like setting button control. It was already using the USB & PS2 option. Strange.

Nooooooooooooooo, not that one...

If you're using a PS2 mouse, then ignore the USB stuff. OR, select for USB-only if you are using a USB mouse and set that up. Otherwise... Well, take your chances. You can configure the mouse stuff from a text terminal using the command "drakconf". You then navigate through the options using the arrow, tab, space and enter keys.

Have fun,

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Message 464088 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 7:34:28 UTC
Last modified: 23 Nov 2006, 7:39:10 UTC

If you install SuSE 10.1 make sure you install the updates during the install process. Otherwise you'll probably have problems. The 10.1 release is very buggy and resulted in lock-ups on my dual P3 (due to poorly supported ServerWorks HE-SL chipset (Tyan Thunder 2500 S1867DLU3AN). It also locked up during install on my newest computer. I've read about others having similar problems with other boards, commonly at the "configuring printers" stage.

Newest computer is a Compaq Presario S5140WM:
MSI MS-6390 w\\
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (2.133GHz)
256 MB DDR PC2100
Lite-On DVD/CD-RW combo drive
*3X 40GB Hitachi HDS728240PLAT20
*PNY MC2 (nVidia FX5700, w/ NTSC and FM Tuners)
*Dvico FusionHDTV5 RT Gold
*SoundBlaster Live! 5.1

*items I added

It's running Sabayon Linux
Sabayon is an all-the-bells-and-whistles Gentoo based distribution that is well worth investigating.
Their implementation of Beryl provides some interesting eye candy and customization options.

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Message 464135 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 11:56:11 UTC
Last modified: 23 Nov 2006, 11:56:56 UTC

Thanks tekwyzrd.

Well, that wu finished and I'm currently installing the full package of Mandriva-free-2007-i586. I've selected the following install items:

Office Station
Game Station
Network computer
Console Tools
LSB (whatever that is)
Network Comp server(in hopes it'll ease my realvnc use)
Kde desktop
Gnome desktop

I did NOT install:
Web/ftp server
mail server
database sever
firewall/router server
IceWm desktop
Other graphical desktop

I also selected "standard" security since it'll just be doing boinc and not have any personal data.

Installation estimated at 40 more min.
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Message 464154 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 12:39:39 UTC

Well, it's been 41 min since my last post and I'm up and running. Now to install boinc. I guess Linux IS just like windows.....both take 39-40 min to install. LOL
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Message 464155 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 12:44:57 UTC

You have astonished me. You seem like a person that don't give up and like a person that knows his/her way around a PC. You have also shown that you are a person that can get knocked down and rest up on the way down and get back up again to fight. I find that admirable. and I think your going to woop this thing one way or another.

For anyone that doesn't have access to mandrake/Mandriva help and forum I recommend this one:
Linux Loader
He will talk you through installing a "Full Copy" and updateing via URPM. also how to set up media stuff so you can have video and music.
Click home to get the full affect. he also talks you through setting up the firewall in a timely manner.
his home page is here:
Linux Loader Home
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Message 464160 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 13:19:40 UTC

Astro ,
I forgot to add that he has screen captures as he talks you along( so you have visuals). His site might not be up to the latest version that your installing but I think it can help. Most Mandriva stuff is the same when installing.
P.S. Ditch the live CD install and get a full copy.
PP.S.S If you install everthing again then you will be back at square one. I like the fact that you did it. I laughed at it.Mandiriva has something to learn. I did it a few times too just for the hell of it. BUT Mandriva isn't composed of programs that work 100%.

Some other companies wait a while before relaceing a new distro to make sure that all software that is released with it work.. Mandrake isn't one of them.
I use Mandrake/Mandriva regularly. but versions like Slackware and Gentoo and many others will wait a while and make sure more things work before releaseing a new distro.
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Message 464161 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 13:20:09 UTC

Next chapter:

Well, I set it up with no entries for passwords hoping that might make logins easier upon restart (like windows). Well, When I tried to switch to "root" for the URPMI thing, It said I couldn't get there from here. "can't login as root". Rut Roh

Well, I started the format/install process again. This time I added Webserver/ftp and database server to the list in hopes it might help me with my data collection efforts and so I can play with apache and mysql that I keep hearing about, but have no knowledge of. LOL

more updates to follow.
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Message 464168 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 14:01:56 UTC

Well, I set it up with no entries for passwords hoping that might make logins easier upon restart (like windows)

Linux doesn't like NO NAME and NO Password type of is very specific. and case sensitive.
Just hitting <enter> , <enter> like in a windows install will lock you out.
dureing the proccess of instaling it will ask you to create an account. The 1st account is the ROOT account. then click OK then input an account for you. then click OK.If your done createing account for everyone then click "next" .

Well, I started the format/install process again. This time I added Webserver/ftp and database server to the list in hopes it might help me with my data collection efforts and so I can play with apache and mysql that I keep hearing about, but have no knowledge of. LOL

I hope that you set the firewall to stop access to these. The default firewall in Madnrake is to let everything through. Shorewall is the name of the firewall.
click the "KDE" button then /system/configuration/configure you computer
Input Root(SU) password. then click security/firewall
UNCLICK " Everything (No Firewall)" Do this fisrt!!!!You should have set it dureing install.

then you can click the servers that you want open as you want them. you can also type them in in the box at the bottom.
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Message 464173 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 14:15:34 UTC


If you would like to have yourself logged in automatically:
once logged in go to Mandrake control center and enter your password
Click Boot
Click Autologin
Click "yes" for autologin
Select the default user.
You can also select the user interface that you like...such as KDE or GNome

reboot. from this point on you will be automatically logged in until you change it in the same way.
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Message 464174 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 14:26:23 UTC

Can you tell me what the 1st 3 OSes that you have used are?
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Message 464175 - Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 14:32:42 UTC

I picked KDE and set the autologon from the install process (this time).
I still picked "standard" firewall security" with NO firewalls of any kind. I did this before you posted your suggestion. At present there won't be data of a sensitive nature onboard and I have a NAT enabled router.

TOS from Atari
Dos 2.0(?)
Dos 5.0
Win 3.11

Reloading Boinc

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