64-bit App Build Windows XP x64

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Message 422164 - Posted: 16 Sep 2006, 23:47:58 UTC - in response to Message 422163.  

In a word, no.

I'm sorry you're having trouble with it, but - 10005 Windows app downloads say differently.

I won't remove that code, as I find it pretty useful. In fact, there will be a little more and more specific output in a future release version about your CPU and its capabilities.

Should you need any specific 1.2 release version, I still have the .exe files.


Ok, So how about the source code for 1.2?
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Message 422347 - Posted: 17 Sep 2006, 15:20:09 UTC


I'll say it a third time: the only difference between 1.2 and 1.3 is the addition of the CPU MHz output.

There is no 1.2 source archive online anymore.

In analyzeFuncs.cpp, search for "KWSN".

In the code block following the first search hit, you will find something like

#ifdef USE_IPP
[3 lines of code]

Remove them including the #ifdef and #endif lines, you're now at 1.2.

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Message 441591 - Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 3:52:46 UTC


Now that there is an XP64 Boinc Client made by Crunch3r, I thought maybe Bob Delkoon has an update?
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Message 444737 - Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 21:01:24 UTC

I've been working with Simon and a few guys on his developer's board. They've been working on some great optimizations to the seti code. I've been incorporating the changes into 64-bit builds and doing testing on them. I don't have any kind of timeframe on new clients but the progress is looking very good.

-Babak Delkhoon
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Message 444804 - Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 23:14:05 UTC - in response to Message 444737.  
Last modified: 27 Oct 2006, 23:35:23 UTC

I've been working with Simon and a few guys on his developer's board. They've been working on some great optimizations to the seti code. I've been incorporating the changes into 64-bit builds and doing testing on them. I don't have any kind of timeframe on new clients but the progress is looking very good.

-Babak Delkhoon

Good to know, Until then It's full speed ahead on the 64bit road for one of My crunchers(I have 4, 2 completed and running, 1 needing only a pair of 275 cpus and hsf's, and the last only needing a case for the P5W+C2Q cpu). I also have two others(2-Abit AW9D-MAX motherboards), But sadly no cpus yet as I'm trying to get a 14'x60' singlewide mobilehome I bought preped for moving and moved from Las Vegas NV to Yermo CA, Then I'll have to find a place that can do setup on It(maybe the park can for a small fee).

This will be one of My newest crunchers, Sadly I'm waiting on an OS and a case. And yep It's a C2Q cpu.

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Message 444861 - Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 0:56:15 UTC - in response to Message 444804.  
Last modified: 28 Oct 2006, 0:58:12 UTC

Good to know, Until then It's full speed ahead on the 64bit road for one of My crunchers(I have 4, 2 completed and running, 1 needing only a pair of 275 cpus and hsf's, and the last only needing a case for the P5W+C2Q cpu). I also have two others(2-Abit AW9D-MAX motherboards), But sadly no cpus yet as I'm trying to get a 14'x60' singlewide mobilehome I bought preped for moving and moved from Las Vegas NV to Yermo CA, Then I'll have to find a place that can do setup on It(maybe the park can for a small fee).

This will be one of My newest crunchers, Sadly I'm waiting on an OS and a case. And yep It's a C2Q cpu.

Wow! You got a C2Q? Where did you score that? It would be cool to see running if you still lived in Las Vegas. Why the move to Yermo? Where is that by the way?!?!

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Message 444863 - Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 0:59:35 UTC

In regards to all the talk about SSE stuff, I ran the auto-optimized seti client and it said the regular sse optimized version was the best for my e6700 core 2 duo machine. Both sse2 and sse3 tested worse.
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Message 444867 - Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 1:11:35 UTC - in response to Message 444861.  

Good to know, Until then It's full speed ahead on the 64bit road for one of My crunchers(I have 4, 2 completed and running, 1 needing only a pair of 275 cpus and hsf's, and the last only needing a case for the P5W+C2Q cpu). I also have two others(2-Abit AW9D-MAX motherboards), But sadly no cpus yet as I'm trying to get a 14'x60' singlewide mobilehome I bought preped for moving and moved from Las Vegas NV to Yermo CA, Then I'll have to find a place that can do setup on It(maybe the park can for a small fee).

This will be one of My newest crunchers, Sadly I'm waiting on an OS and a case. And yep It's a C2Q cpu.

Wow! You got a C2Q? Where did you score that? It would be cool to see running if you still lived in Las Vegas. Why the move to Yermo? Where is that by the way?!?!

Actually I live in Yermo California, The mobilehome is one I bought for $15,946.59, As of a few days ago I assumed the title to It and I'm getting an estimate to prep It for moving to Yermo CA there's a Google map.

As to the C2Q, where else? I got It from someone in South Korea.
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Message 444871 - Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 1:18:54 UTC - in response to Message 444867.  

Actually I live in Yermo California, The mobilehome is one I bought for $15,946.59, As of a few days ago I assumed the title to It and I'm getting an estimate to prep It for moving to Yermo CA there's a Google map.

As to the C2Q, where else? I got It from someone in South Korea.

Ok, so I get it. You never lived in Las Vegas. You just bought a mobile home here to take back to your home in Yermo. That's a good deal on the mobile home. What year is it and do you know of any more deals? I have been trying to get my Mom to move up to Vegas for a long time now but she keeps saying it is too expensive to live here. Maybe a cheap mobile home will change her mind.

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Message 444873 - Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 1:26:21 UTC - in response to Message 444871.  

Actually I live in Yermo California, The mobilehome is one I bought for $15,946.59, As of a few days ago I assumed the title to It and I'm getting an estimate to prep It for moving to Yermo CA there's a Google map.

As to the C2Q, where else? I got It from someone in South Korea.

Ok, so I get it. You never lived in Las Vegas. You just bought a mobile home here to take back to your home in Yermo. That's a good deal on the mobile home. What year is it and do you know of any more deals? I have been trying to get my Mom to move up to Vegas for a long time now but she keeps saying it is too expensive to live here. Maybe a cheap mobile home will change her mind.

Ok It's a 1987 Fleetwood It's 14'x60' http://www.integritymobilehomes.com/homes/20981.htm w/2bedrooms and 2 baths, The park It's in is closing in April of 2007. I'm paying a space rent of $450.00 a month so far.
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Message 491207 - Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 2:47:41 UTC

Bump to revieve the thread... I would be interested in a true 64 bit windows engine to run seti on... As far as tips to optimize a 64 bit machine so it can crunch numbers...

Run as few 64 bit apps as possible while crunching numbers... for some reason the 32 bit ones don't seem to slow it down much because the Wow64 emulator is always running if anything 32 bit is running... Good luck trying to turn off all of the 32 bit stuff... There are not enough programs and drivers out there yet to do it on most systems...

Turn off virtual memory... It will still be there after you reboot, but it will be in ram... I did it on my machine and it allocated 646 meg of ram to virtual memory...

Before I turned of virtual memory interger speed was about 4.5 trillion opps a second and floating was about 2 trillion... After I turned it off and windows took some of the ram for it, that number jumped to 5.6 trillion opps a second and floating jumped to 2.7 trillion...

Turn off indexing services to all of the drives in your system... It seems to make a huge difference in 64bit... You will notice it more after you reboot...

Oh, I almost forgot.. Don't allow anything to be added to 64 or 32 Iexplorer... Not only is it a pain in the but because most of it doesn't work... It seems to slow the system down.. A lot of the plugins stay memory resident and consume threads even if your not running Iexplorer...

Just so people know, this is what I am running...

2.66ghz Core 2 Extreme (4 processors on 1 die) 8 meg of cache...

Intel D975xbx2 motherboard... Side note... The latest bios update (2395) for Xp64 with this board trashes the system, and Xp64 will not run... Xp32 will run with the latest bios update (I found out the hard way, had to go back to bios 2333 and start my xp64 install all over...)

4 gig of 533mhz mem... (I know, i should get 800 mhz memory for it... But price 4, 2 gig EEC chips... I'll Wait till they come down a bit in price before I buy them...)

ATI Radeon x550 video card...

Windows Xp64 with all of the latest updates...

If anyone thinks of anything else, or knows about other threads I missed, let me know...

Scott Shaver... Shvrdavid...
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Message 491397 - Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 4:09:04 UTC - in response to Message 491207.  

Bump to revieve the thread... I would be interested in a true 64 bit windows engine to run seti on... As far as tips to optimize a 64 bit machine so it can crunch numbers...

Run as few 64 bit apps as possible while crunching numbers... for some reason the 32 bit ones don't seem to slow it down much because the Wow64 emulator is always running if anything 32 bit is running... Good luck trying to turn off all of the 32 bit stuff... There are not enough programs and drivers out there yet to do it on most systems...

Turn off virtual memory... It will still be there after you reboot, but it will be in ram... I did it on my machine and it allocated 646 meg of ram to virtual memory...

Before I turned of virtual memory interger speed was about 4.5 trillion opps a second and floating was about 2 trillion... After I turned it off and windows took some of the ram for it, that number jumped to 5.6 trillion opps a second and floating jumped to 2.7 trillion...

Turn off indexing services to all of the drives in your system... It seems to make a huge difference in 64bit... You will notice it more after you reboot...

Oh, I almost forgot.. Don't allow anything to be added to 64 or 32 Iexplorer... Not only is it a pain in the but because most of it doesn't work... It seems to slow the system down.. A lot of the plugins stay memory resident and consume threads even if your not running Iexplorer...

Just so people know, this is what I am running...

2.66ghz Core 2 Extreme (4 processors on 1 die) 8 meg of cache...

Intel D975xbx2 motherboard... Side note... The latest bios update (2395) for Xp64 with this board trashes the system, and Xp64 will not run... Xp32 will run with the latest bios update (I found out the hard way, had to go back to bios 2333 and start my xp64 install all over...)

4 gig of 533mhz mem... (I know, i should get 800 mhz memory for it... But price 4, 2 gig EEC chips... I'll Wait till they come down a bit in price before I buy them...)

ATI Radeon x550 video card...

Windows Xp64 with all of the latest updates...

If anyone thinks of anything else, or knows about other threads I missed, let me know...

Scott Shaver... Shvrdavid...

Hi Scott, I'm about to build a 2nd quad core setup, What size and brand of psu are You using? I'm about to switch from a Tt 750w to an OCZ 850w psu, But I have 2 sata hdds(a 150Gb raptor and a 250Gb 7200rpm drive), a 7800GTX, two 120mm fans(about 1400rpm each), DVD drive and a Vigor Monsoon II hsf-tec, My cpus is running cool at 28C while crunching Seti right now(In My Asus P5W DH Deluxe Wifi motherboard @ 3.19GHz, Maybe with the 850w I can get nearer to the 3.5GHz that the cpu booted at, I've run the 1st cpu at 3.25GHz in XP x64, But I first lost My 2nd hdd then the cpu speed, which I think is caused by the 750w psu), My next C2Q PC will have a smaller 36Gb Raptor and a 6200TC instead of the 7800GTX and It's in an Abit AW9D-MAX motherboard I have to flash the bios to 1.3 of course, I just have to sell a couple of New/unopened 650w Tt psus online to get another 850w psu and maybe a C2D cpu too.
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Message 491546 - Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 10:42:40 UTC - in response to Message 491397.  

You are probably going to cring, but I am running a 400 watt power supply...

I checked the system right after I put it together and the most the box would draw was 320 watts... I do plan on getting a larger supply that will support SLI and more hard drives in the near future...

I have not tried overclocking it, and probably wont with the power supply that is in it now...
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Message 491629 - Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 13:59:44 UTC - in response to Message 491546.  

You are probably going to cring, but I am running a 400 watt power supply...

I checked the system right after I put it together and the most the box would draw was 320 watts... I do plan on getting a larger supply that will support SLI and more hard drives in the near future...

I have not tried overclocking it, and probably wont with the power supply that is in it now...

Cringe Cringe Ha I am running a 450 watt PS and OC quite a bit with no problems. I don't think most systems ever exceed 300 to 400 watts unless they have a lot of hard drives running off the PS. IMHO it is better to provide the system with a high quality PS [one that does not vary in the power it is able to supply despite variable demand] rather than choosing one that is able to provide a high peak.
My system currently
Antec 450 watt PS
ASUS P5B Delux WiFi MB
Corsair DDR2 8500 Memory @ 2.25V
Intel E6600 CPU OC 3.5Ghz @ 1.5V
2 Sata Disk
1 DVD 16x Burner
1 Thermatake Thphoon CPU cooling
1 Case Cooling fan
The system has been very stable for almost 3 months now, except for Pilot error when I am screwing around with software/hardware experiments.

When we finally figure it all out, all the rules will change and we can start all over again.
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Message 491792 - Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 19:53:56 UTC - in response to Message 491629.  
Last modified: 27 Dec 2006, 20:06:14 UTC

ShvrDavid wrote:
You are probably going to cringe, but I am running a 400 watt power supply...

I checked the system right after I put it together and the most the box would draw was 320 watts... I do plan on getting a larger supply that will support SLI and more hard drives in the near future...

I have not tried overclocking it, and probably wont with the power supply that is in it now...
Pilot wrote:

Cringe Cringe Ha I am running a 450 watt PS and OC quite a bit with no problems. I don't think most systems ever exceed 300 to 400 watts unless they have a lot of hard drives running off the PS. IMHO it is better to provide the system with a high quality PS [one that does not vary in the power it is able to supply despite variable demand] rather than choosing one that is able to provide a high peak.
My system currently
Antec 450 watt PS
ASUS P5B Delux WiFi MB
Corsair DDR2 8500 Memory @ 2.25V
Intel E6600 CPU OC 3.5Ghz @ 1.5V
2 Sata Disk
1 DVD 16x Burner
1 Thermatake Thphoon CPU cooling
1 Case Cooling fan
The system has been very stable for almost 3 months now, except for Pilot error when I am screwing around with software/hardware experiments.

Yeah overclocking a TEC cooled cpu with a fast hdd and a 7800GTX and a 250Gb hdd may be a bit demanding, But then this is a first for Me, Although I've overclocked before.

My system currently(Upgraded parts, old parts note)
OCZ 850 watt PS(Game Extreme, old psu was 750w)
ASUS P5W Delux WiFi MB
2Gb OCZ PCC2-8000 Memory
Intel QX6700 Core 2 Extreme CPU OC to 3.19GHz @ 1.35v
2 Sata Disk[150Gb Raptor & 250Gb 7200rpm sata hdd]
1 DVD 16x Burner
1 Vigor Monsoon II TEC CPU cooling(50w TEC)
2 Case Cooling fans[120mm @ 1400rpm]
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Message 491912 - Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 0:02:40 UTC - in response to Message 491792.  

What did you do to overclock your chip...

Will they run at a higher multiplier???
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Message 492048 - Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 3:31:31 UTC - in response to Message 491912.  
Last modified: 28 Dec 2006, 3:32:47 UTC

What did you do to overclock your chip...

Will they run at a higher multiplier???

My C2Q is running at a multiplier of 12, Of course the fsb won't go too high, right now as It's at 290.3MHz, the rated fsb is 1161.2MHz, the stock multiplier is 10 of course and the Bios is the 1601 bios, I had to turn off the "stop on F1 errors" as the cpu is sort of supported as It's a rev B1 and the Bios supports a minimum of a rev B3, Windows doesn't care what the stupid bios thinks of course, Do I care? No. The OCZ PC2-8000 rams timing is 5-6-6-15 and It's at I think 2.05vdc.
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Message 495813 - Posted: 1 Jan 2007, 23:25:23 UTC

Where I can find source code for 64bit app? I can use Windows Rev 2.0 Source Package for compilig 64 bit app? I'm realy dissapointed for performace of DeNitro client and I want to compile my own client with emt64 and sse3 support based on newest modified source code.



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Message 495830 - Posted: 1 Jan 2007, 23:58:32 UTC - in response to Message 495813.  

Where I can find source code for 64bit app? I can use Windows Rev 2.0 Source Package for compilig 64 bit app? I'm realy dissapointed for performace of DeNitro client and I want to compile my own client with emt64 and sse3 support based on newest modified source code.



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The XP x64 64bit Boinc client files were compiled by Crunch3r and are at His website, As to source code You'd have to ask Crunch3r for them. His email address is on his website, Just use the search term Crunch3r in Google to find His website(To make It work You will need to use 5.7.64 first, then copy the 5.7.5 files over the first set of files as It's not a complete installation as It needs to have It's files copied over the Boinc 5.4.11 installation first just as is outlined on Crunch3r's website). As to the XP x64 64bit Seti app that I'm using I don't know when or If DeNitro is going to allow It out into the wild. In any case Crunch3r's client has a problem curently as It can crash a 64bit app on startup, when doing a benchmark or all by Itself(It can happen when overclocked or not too), He has said that He will fix this small problem in 5.7.6 when It has been released and not before.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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