Are there any sites providing optimized clients? -- PART II

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Profile KWSN - Chicken of Angnor
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Message 349607 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 2:42:29 UTC

thank Tetsuji for rescmp! Made my life a lot easier in testing result validity. Thanks again for sending me a link Hans.

In any case, it really seems there's some momentum gaining again here on the forums (as well as good will and helpful, friendly posts). Let's keep it up people :o)

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Message 349611 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 2:49:40 UTC - in response to Message 349607.  
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 2:50:52 UTC

thank Tetsuji for rescmp! Made my life a lot easier in testing result validity. Thanks again for sending me a link Hans.

In any case, it really seems there's some momentum gaining again here on the forums (as well as good will and helpful, friendly posts). Let's keep it up people :o)



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BTW keep plugging at it, my slugs desperately need help! ;-)

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Profile KWSN - Chicken of Angnor
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Message 349618 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 2:54:28 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 2:55:32 UTC

I've said it before:

I'm not going away (read: you ain't gettin' rid of me THAT easily! :P) anytime soon - and I'll keep trying to get Windows as well as Linux apps released (and ultimately to get them to everyone like outlined before).

It may all take a bit of time, but rest assured it will get done. 16000 hits in the first 24h can't be that wrong :o) Good bit of motivation. Almost 1000 unique visitors, too.


P.S.: I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down! *grin* "a storm in a glass of water", as a german proverb goes.
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Message 349620 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 2:56:06 UTC - in response to Message 349611.  

BTW keep plugging at it, my slugs desperately need help! ;-)

Oh dear... You're running K6 processors? Are they at least K6-2?
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Message 349625 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:02:29 UTC - in response to Message 349620.  
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 3:06:26 UTC

BTW keep plugging at it, my slugs desperately need help! ;-)

Oh dear... You're running K6 processors? Are they at least K6-2?

K6-2/500's, but I have them running EAH and PAH, my Intels are over here right now, although one of the K6's picked up an SE when PAH went down with the power outage over the weekend.

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Message 349627 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:11:39 UTC - in response to Message 349625.  

BTW keep plugging at it, my slugs desperately need help! ;-)

Oh dear... You're running K6 processors? Are they at least K6-2?

K6-2/500's, but I have them running EAH and my Intels over here right now.


Ah... Well I have a K6-2/500 that's been sitting dormant for over 3 years now... The mb is really twitchy... I think it is an ASUS MVP3 chipset (or something like that). I picked it up because my DFI bit the dust, so I thought I'd try to get to AGP. The DFI was a workhorse (430TX chipset, overclocked to 6x83), while the ASUS board fussed about every timing...
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Message 349631 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:20:22 UTC - in response to Message 349627.  
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 3:26:56 UTC

Ah... Well I have a K6-2/500 that's been sitting dormant for over 3 years now... The mb is really twitchy... I think it is an ASUS MVP3 chipset (or something like that). I picked it up because my DFI bit the dust, so I thought I'd try to get to AGP. The DFI was a workhorse (430TX chipset, overclocked to 6x83), while the ASUS board fussed about every timing...

Yeah I read the MVP3 ASUS was fussy, and that was why I got the P5A which uses the ALi Aladdin V chipset and does AGP 2X as well with a BIOS and chipset driver upgrade. It's the best performing of the three.

The other two are a Compaq Presario 1200XL118 laptop and an HP Pavillion 6623. The integrated video and Phoenix BIOS hurts their performance somewhat although the Presario can come close to the P5A.

BTW, I do have a K6/300 on an ABIT TX5, and man it's virtually bulletproof (knock on wood). It been on virtually 24/7 for going on eight years without missing a beat.

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Message 349633 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:23:54 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 3:34:43 UTC


I used to have a P5-AB (non-ATX version) which worked really nicely and overclocked my K6-2 333 to 400+ nicely and stably.

Damn, that was long ago...96?97? Big step up from the P133 I had before, that's for sure....mmh, memories of my first 3D card, a Voodoo 2, and playing the first games in real 3D...

The P133 ran at 166 and was my first ever overclock ;o) Necessary overclock, too, because the Microprose F1 sim wouldn't run at full detail without skipping frames at 133...before 3D accelerators, that was.

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Message 349637 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:32:25 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 3:33:21 UTC

LOL, the K6/300 was my step up from a 486DX-66.

It felt like going from a garbage scow to a warp driven starship! :-)

My own personal equipment that is. ;-)

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Message 349639 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:33:56 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 3:34:32 UTC

When Crunch3r started he worked primarily with Linux/unix. Here's a quick link to his posts.

The first thread where I see made his windows version is Optmised Seti App, but there's not much here, then Optimized BOINC 5.2.7 for Windows and Linux from the 3rd week of November 2005, then !!! WANTED !!! OPTIMISED CLIENT -> WINDOWS x86 32bit or 64bit, then Optimized BOINC 5.2.13 for Windows, then BOINC 5.2.14 optimization on linux., then Part 2 - OPTIMISED CLIENT -> WINDOWS x86 32bit or 64bit

After this he stopped making optimized Boinc clients and went to SE to try and tweak the SE seti app. You might search those boards for more info.


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Message 349643 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 3:42:16 UTC

Thanks Tony!

I already read through most of the threads and found some helpful info there.

It also seems to jibe with what I read out of the Windows license stuff for the Intel packages - namely, that you can't really release stuff compiled with the trial version (and there is no non-com version on Windows according to the Intel page, only commercial trial versions which expire).

So that's why I decided to only release Linux for now, since my use and distribution classifies as personal and non-commercial according to the license distributed by Intel (and my understanding of it).

Barring further developments (I already posted about the as yet unsent snail mail letter), that won't change quickly. I have access to a commercial license but it ain't mine, so that's not an option. Having to ask people to download code, compile it for me then send it back each time just doesn't work, not to mention them maybe having issues and/or getting flak for their kind help.

So for now I'm mulling how exactly to word what I'm writing, who all to include, etc etc. as well as trying to figure out why my Linux MMX/SSE version doesn't want to run on AMD hosts (gives me "illegal instruction" when I try no matter what optimization level).

A Windows How-To is also in the works even if some of the tools necessary are not free (but they're cheap on eBay ;o) ).

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Message 349670 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:01:23 UTC - in response to Message 349633.  


I used to have a P5-AB (non-ATX version) which worked really nicely and overclocked my K6-2 333 to 400+ nicely and stably.

Damn, that was long ago...96?97? Big step up from the P133 I had before, that's for sure....mmh, memories of my first 3D card, a Voodoo 2, and playing the first games in real 3D...

The P133 ran at 166 and was my first ever overclock ;o) Necessary overclock, too, because the Microprose F1 sim wouldn't run at full detail without skipping frames at 133...before 3D accelerators, that was.


Yeah It was around '96 or so, I had a Gigabyte GA5AX that had the same ALi Aladdin V chipset and I got a K6-3 to 550MHz, I never was able to get It to 600MHz, but It ran. Seems like a long time ago, My how time passes when You're havin fun.
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Message 349676 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:16:16 UTC - in response to Message 349670.  

Yeah It was around '96 or so, I had a Gigabyte GA5AX that had the same ALi Aladdin V chipset and I got a K6-3 to 550MHz, I never was able to get It to 600MHz, but It ran. Seems like a long time ago, My how time passes when You're havin fun.

I've got a never used -III/475 sitting around, I'll add the Gigabyte to my list of "keep my eye out for's". :-)

Sheesh, in looking through the bins, I don't even remember where some of this stuff came from anymore! LOL

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Message 349681 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:23:22 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 4:24:51 UTC

Well the two results I linked to above have been reported. I was the first to report so I'll have to wait a while to see them validated.

And in the meantime 2 more have finished:
346850557 and 346850627.

Looks like they took 4.3 hours or so. The initial "to completion" estimate was 7.5 hours.
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Message 349684 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:26:25 UTC - in response to Message 349676.  
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 4:38:36 UTC

Yeah It was around '96 or so, I had a Gigabyte GA5AX that had the same ALi Aladdin V chipset and I got a K6-3 to 550MHz, I never was able to get It to 600MHz, but It ran. Seems like a long time ago, My how time passes when You're havin fun.

I've got a never used -III/475 sitting around, I'll add the Gigabyte to my list of "keep my eye out for's". :-)

Sheesh, in looking through the bins, I don't even remember where some of this stuff came from anymore! LOL


Try ebay, There's some mention there.
ebay search ga-5ax motherboards, ram and cpus
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Profile KWSN - Chicken of Angnor
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Message 349685 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:27:11 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 4:32:21 UTC

Well the two results I linked to above have been reported. I was the first to report so I'll have to wait a while to see them validated.

And in the meantime 2 more have finished:
346850557 and 346850627.

Looks like they took 4.3 hours or so. The initial "to completion" estimate was 7.5 hours.

Very close to what my Athlon64 3500+ is doing using it (about half the time/2x speedup compared to default client) - it has only one core and only 512K cache, but runs at 2.2 GHz as well (dual channel, S939, 1GB PC3200 CL2 RAM).

I'm still doing runs Linux vs. Windows on the same Hardware, and I'm not convinced my benchmark results are correct (using shortened WUs), there Windows seems quicker.

On real WUs, the Linux client seems quicker, but I need to get less VLAR WUs to check that thoroughly ;o)


I took the liberty of posting on the KWSN forums, as well. Someone mistook me for Alex Kan, so I linked his apps too ;o)


P.S. Joker could you please edit that URL so it only shows a name instead of the whole URL? Page width and formatting breaks again otherwise :o)

<url=http://a.b.c>Name for Link</url>

Replace <> with [], of course.
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Message 349694 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:40:13 UTC - in response to Message 349685.  

Well the two results I linked to above have been reported. I was the first to report so I'll have to wait a while to see them validated.

And in the meantime 2 more have finished:
346850557 and 346850627.

Looks like they took 4.3 hours or so. The initial "to completion" estimate was 7.5 hours.

Very close to what my Athlon64 3500+ is doing using it (about half the time/2x speedup compared to default client) - it has only one core and only 512K cache, but runs at 2.2 GHz as well (dual channel, S939, 1GB PC3200 CL2 RAM).

I'm still doing runs Linux vs. Windows on the same Hardware, and I'm not convinced my benchmark results are correct (using shortened WUs), there Windows seems quicker.

On real WUs, the Linux client seems quicker, but I need to get less VLAR WUs to check that thoroughly ;o)


I took the liberty of posting on the KWSN forums, as well. Someone mistook me for Alex Kan, so I linked his apps too ;o)


P.S. Joker could you please edit that URL so it only shows a name instead of the whole URL? Page width and formatting breaks again otherwise :o)

<url=http://a.b.c>Name for Link</url>

Replace <> with [], of course.

I used bb code in the 1st place, I never use html here, even though that is a trivial thing to do.
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Profile KWSN - Chicken of Angnor
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Message 349696 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:42:25 UTC

Kind of sucks that you can only edit posts for one hour, sorry if I sounded patronizing :o)

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Message 349701 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:50:03 UTC - in response to Message 349696.  

Kind of sucks that you can only edit posts for one hour, sorry if I sounded patronizing :o)


It's ok. Here's a Suzuki Katana that's been Customized somewhat and Yes I'm a fan of the man o steel.

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 349703 - Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 4:54:14 UTC - in response to Message 349681.  
Last modified: 27 Jun 2006, 5:03:11 UTC

Well the two results I linked to above have been reported. I was the first to report so I'll have to wait a while to see them validated.

And in the meantime 2 more have finished:
346850557 and 346850627.

Looks like they took 4.3 hours or so. The initial "to completion" estimate was 7.5 hours.

Take a look at this WU (or all that host's WUs).

Compare the first result (Athlon64 3800+ using Crunch3r's 5.12 on Windows) and the 3rd, (my Athlon64 3500+, using my Linux SSE2 build in a Linux VM on Windows).
This is a high-credit WU, of which there are really not a lot. One host took almost 180.000 seconds to return it.

There haven't been a lot of other optimized clients among the results I've looked at, and this seems a pretty close match (with 200 MHz clock speed advantage on the 3800+'s side).

Tests are underway to see which one is quicker on which hardware at which AR - AMD and Intel both.
I'm also going to investigate the unlikely case that Linux is actually quicker running in a VM on Windows than on its own...cause it sure seems like it so far, believe it or not.


P.S. on an unrelated note, I noticed with satisfaction that my pending credit is over 3000 again (hardly went above 1000 with enhanced so far), so it seems I'm returning more results than before.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Are there any sites providing optimized clients? -- PART II

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