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Message 323056 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 7:00:14 UTC

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Message 323084 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 7:55:51 UTC - in response to Message 323056.  
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 7:59:24 UTC



You mean this of Crunch3r:


Now he say good-bye to S@H !!!!!

I cannot believe it !!!!!



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Message 323085 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 7:59:57 UTC

I think he said he's on strike for a week.....
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Message 323090 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 8:07:50 UTC - in response to Message 323085.  
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 8:12:16 UTC

I think he said he's on strike for a week.....


I don´t know...
His homepage is now offline and nobody can download his apps...

Crunch3r say:
"You won't be able to download any apps. or clients here for a while. Sorry but i had to take this step out of Berkeley's ignorance."

Have a look:

O.K. he say: for a while... nobody knows how long he means this!


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Message 323226 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 11:32:51 UTC - in response to Message 323090.  

Could somebody tell me who and why has deleted the thread which we can still see through Crunch3r site?

Somebody must have a problem of avoiding transparency on these forums :(

ID: 323226 · Report as offensive
Ulrich Metzner
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Message 323230 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 11:44:39 UTC - in response to Message 323226.  
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 11:45:10 UTC

Could somebody tell me who and why has deleted the thread which we can still see through Crunch3r site?

Somebody must have a problem of avoiding transparency on these forums :(
With this kind of censorsh.. ooops! Ahem, i mean moderation, you bring people to maintain the present course or not to take a wrong course... ;)

[edit]...or another opinion!
Aloha, Uli

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Message 323241 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 12:01:38 UTC - in response to Message 323230.  

With this kind of censorsh.. ooops! Ahem, i mean moderation, you bring people to maintain the present course or not to take a wrong course... ;)

[edit]...or another opinion!

ah... now I understand ;(

Reminds me of some special kind of social/political/economic management called totalitarism - which some people from some countries (including mine) fought against some years ago :-/

After all forums are created by people and only supervised by moderators.(not owned and not build to broadcast the one and only "right way" opinions)

I know it is a hard job to be one - but as moderator it is not your personal opinion that could influence the forum activity.

Talking about advertisment - they should not allow posts by Crunch3r and Trux at all - their names are advertisment in itself :P And what about threads that discuss if AMD is better than Intel, why you should use Macs, which Linux OS is more convenient for which purpose. They all includes names and trademarks of commercial companies and should be moderated :P
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Message 323276 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 12:57:01 UTC

Dear Jamin I hope you not serious. :))

ID: 323276 · Report as offensive
Profile Jim-R.
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Message 323325 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 13:45:22 UTC - in response to Message 323241.  

I know it is a hard job to be one - but as moderator it is not your personal opinion that could influence the forum activity.

Talking about advertisment - they should not allow posts by Crunch3r and Trux at all - their names are advertisment in itself :P And what about threads that discuss if AMD is better than Intel, why you should use Macs, which Linux OS is more convenient for which purpose. They all includes names and trademarks of commercial companies and should be moderated :P

I'm not a moderator on any of these (SETI) forums, but I have run other sites where I was/am not only a moderator but sysadmin, etc. So your point would be that you shouldn't allow a certain person's name to be mentioned because of his affiliation to his (my own opinion, excellent!) optimizations to the current Seti apps. And you state that I shouldn't be allowed to state that I run a certain *nix clone and I have had no problems at all with any of the apps. You will notice that I have not used any particular brand names etc. in my post, as of yet.... I'm going to now! Yes, I think Linux is better than other os's from my experiences with different versions of Windows starting with 3.0 up to and including XP Professional, but that is my own opinion. Since this planet (and I sincerely hope others as well) has a diversity of life, not everyone likes the same things, so your preferences of an operating system, etc. are your own. However everyone should be allowed to state their opinions in a freely available message board such as this one. Now I don't condone any "flame wars" as far as "my os is better than yours" unless it is limited to a specific thread just for the purpose of discussing various operating systems. So *if I were a moderator here* yes, I would allow the "intel vs amd" thread because it addresses a legitamate concern with crunching. Not just a general "my Intel is better than your AMD" thread, but which one crunches better for Seti or other projects.

I don't know cruncn3r personally, but I do know him from message boards and emails regarding testing his optimized apps on my computer for him, etc. and he has always had the highest regard for this project. It's a crying shame that such an outstanding person feels that he should stay away from the project. I sincerely wish that we could quit this bickering and get on with the main idea behind this project, which is to *find a signal from space*

Oh, and before anyone starts putting crunch3r down, just remember this... In the original version of enhanced, it wasn't optimized at all, and if it were released here in that version you *would* have seen a mass migration of people away due to the extremely long crunch times (as compared to even an optimized 4.18). However thanks to Crunch3r and others (tmr, josef, and others) you are enjoying the benefits of their hard work even if you don't run one of their specifically optimized apps. Their contributions appear in the main Seti Enhanced application that everyone uses.

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Message 323348 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 14:00:04 UTC - in response to Message 323276.  

Dear Jamin I hope you not serious. :))

Only in the last part - as well you can forbid project developers/scientists from saying at forum that there is a new version of science application and it has this and that bug fixed because there is

2. Do not spam or advertise your products or services.

And you don't know if the people saying that Intel is better are not - by any chance - working for Intel Corporation ;))))))

I saw somebody relating to this creepy rule on the thread that was removed - WHY?
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Message 323357 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 14:07:27 UTC - in response to Message 323325.  
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 14:12:58 UTC

Jim - there was sarcazm in what I wrote - I just got one question - why was it removed? Because Tony accused Crunch3r to be a cheater while not contacting with him (his address is all over his website) on the issue that was in this thread or because people - IMHO it was right thing to do (but it is only my opinion) - attacked Tony afterwards?

Maybe it's right to state what and why was removed - for me it looks like somebody (moderator?) hidden the thread because it's not "in line" with moderator's thoughts... Maybe all people should know that Tony offended Crunch3r - and now it looks like SETI is backing Tony's point of view i.e. Crunch3r is a cheater... Aren't moderators supposed to state SETI's point of view?

Sorry if you misunderstood my previous post :/

ID: 323357 · Report as offensive
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Message 323420 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 15:00:55 UTC - in response to Message 323357.  

Jim - there was sarcazm in what I wrote - I just got one question - why was it removed? Because Tony accused Crunch3r to be a cheater while not contacting with him (his address is all over his website) on the issue that was in this thread or because people - IMHO it was right thing to do (but it is only my opinion) - attacked Tony afterwards?

Maybe it's right to state what and why was removed - for me it looks like somebody (moderator?) hidden the thread because it's not "in line" with moderator's thoughts... Maybe all people should know that Tony offended Crunch3r - and now it looks like SETI is backing Tony's point of view i.e. Crunch3r is a cheater... Aren't moderators supposed to state SETI's point of view?

Sorry if you misunderstood my previous post :/

I realize the scrcazm in your post, however I was just stating my opinions in a free discussion. I read the posts you mention and I am also apalled at what was said in them. I totally agree with the moderators on this. That type of post should not have been made here without confirmation of his accusations first. And since he obviously admitted in his posts that he did *not* try to contact crunch3r first, then I agree with the moderators in their removal of it. There's enough controversy brewing right now with the new app without someone stirring up more.

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ID: 323420 · Report as offensive
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Message 323464 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 15:48:12 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 15:52:53 UTC

Crunch3r ... Paul D. Buck ... TMR ... Ned Slider ... if I think about it a while I could come up with a long list of individuals who were making major contributions less than a year ago. What happened? How is it that things have been allowed to reach a point where people who invest their time and creativity are driven away? I tested beta builds of Crunch3r's app and am glad I had the opportunity to do so. He and his contributions will be sorely missed, as are the contributions of those other individuals who are no longer seen in these fora.

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Message 323492 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:08:02 UTC - in response to Message 323464.  

So immaturity and egoes are creating issues over a project whose main focus should be searching for green eyed monsters?

Can't we all get along as friends in a common goal anymore? Is it so hard to ask, no wonder the world's constantly at war with eachother...
Human Stupidity Is Infinite...

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Message 323501 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:12:40 UTC - in response to Message 323085.  

I think he said he's on strike for a week.....

No he is not on strike at least from what I have been told - he has set his machines to no new work - is now crunching for SETI.USA on Einstien -

I can not blame him - and those to blame need to be taken down. The work he has done for this project great.

It saddens me to see someone of his statue be drawn through the muck-

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Message 323530 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:17:10 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jun 2006, 16:20:33 UTC

Now Chrunch3rs homepage are not attainable!


You come back to the S@H homepage...


I think he say really good-bye...


ID: 323530 · Report as offensive
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Message 323535 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:18:20 UTC

Crunch3r will be missed..He worked on enhanced and helped optimize it..he should have been like oh whatever im going to release my own app with these optimizations and its going to be X times faster than the stock.
I'm not in it for the science...only the competition.
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Message 323536 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:18:21 UTC - in response to Message 323464.  

Crunch3r ... Paul D. Buck ... TMR ... Ned Slider ... if I think about it a while I could come up with a long list of individuals who were making major contributions less than a year ago. What happened? How is it that things have been allowed to reach a point where people who invest their time and creativity are driven away? I tested beta builds of Crunch3r's app and am glad I had the opportunity to do so. He and his contributions will be sorely missed, as are the contributions of those other individuals who are no longer seen in these fora.

Maybe the one name you missed there was Tony, his contribution to testing and especially on the Q&A pages during the shutdown of Classic was outstanding.

The one thing Crunch3r should have known was that version 5.11 was over claiming, the official 5.11, with the correct credit calculation, would have been the release here if there hadn't been a slight error, and that 5.11 should never have been released and used here on the main Seti site. It was even still available on his web site days after Ingleside's warning.

I admire Crunch3r's work on the original optimisation, but for the enhanced version, I am not so sure, I get the impression, due to the very quick releases after the offical releases on Beta and here, that the graphics parts have been removed and it has been compiled with the Intel program for specific cpu's. A tool not avaialable to the Developers at Berkeley because of its high cost.

And TMR is alive and kicking on the Beta site.
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Message 323540 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:21:27 UTC - in response to Message 323536.  

Its a volunteer project, each one volunteering their time, their money towards a scientific project, and then you go and linch them if they screw up once, or if you have something against them?!

Human Stupidity Is Infinite...

ID: 323540 · Report as offensive
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Message 323542 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 16:21:54 UTC

I think that Berkeley should be happy that a large majority of their users don't come to these boards. If they did, I don't think they would have the number of people particpating that they do today.

The way Crunch3r (and others) have been treated is wrong. Period. I didn't know Paul Buck, but from readying his farewell posts, it appears that he believed that what was wrong with this project (and the people involved) was not going to change. Since then, I've come to believe that he was right.

Unforunately nothing is being done to correct these issues and many of the people "in power" are the very ones causing many of the problems.

Proud member of SETI.USA
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