The Aussie Alliance with BOINC@AUSTRALIA

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Profile m.mitch
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Message 467452 - Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 11:17:25 UTC
Last modified: 28 Nov 2006, 11:29:49 UTC

Well, it's time for a BOINC@Australia update.

We're crunching so much science, it's quicker to say, have a quick look at our team BOINC Stats banner below. :-) You'll see we're placed tenth or better in ten projects and twentieth or better in twenty projects. Are they magic numbers or what?!

We are still the number one Australian team and we're placed twenty ninth in the world stats.

Click on our graphic if you would like to visit our teams web site. There's a link at the top that connects to the team fora. You can look at most of the fora, you can post in the guest forum if you log-in with your e-mail address and you can join if you crunch one or more projects for BOINC@Australia. More would be better. ;-)

BOINC@Australia also has a special event coming up on 1 December 2006. Every two months we commit to a team building exercise we call an "Aussie Assault" (AA). The next one is AA4 and after much deliberation SETI at home was selected as the target project. It's such a large and well contested project, we're not too sure we'll have much of an impact but we're thinking big after the success of the first three AA's. Who knows, maybe we can pick up a couple of spots in the team rankings. 8-D

Interested or like to join? Just click on the logo to go to our web site or click on the blue hyper-link and follow the steps to join.

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance in SETI
ID: 467452 · Report as offensive
Profile m.mitch
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Message 483904 - Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 3:37:18 UTC - in response to Message 467452.  

I say, have you chaps noticed we have a large Linux contingent in BOINC@AUSTRALIA?

Interested or like to join? Just click on the big logo to go to our web site or click on the blue hyper-link below and follow the steps to join.

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance in SETI
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John Hunt
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Message 500570 - Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 20:42:38 UTC

BOINC@AUSTRALIA have just moved into 28th position Combined BOINC World rankings and should reach 26th position by Australia Day. Another milestone to be reached very soon is the 60 million credits mark.
(by the way - the team are in the top 10 in 11 BOINC projects)

Voting is taking place NOW on the team forum to decide which project will be the lucky host for Aussie Assault 5.....

ID: 500570 · Report as offensive
Profile m.mitch
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Message 507736 - Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 23:02:08 UTC
Last modified: 23 Jan 2007, 23:03:54 UTC

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

  • BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in striking distance of the top 25?
  • We're ranked 27th out of 57,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
  • We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 62 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
  • The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
  • We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
  • Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
  • Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
  • BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 20 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum. You can join by clicking on the "Join.." hyperlink and follow the prompts. You can ask for assistance in the forum too.

Join us on our next "Aussie Assault". You really wont believe how much fun they are, and how addictive, until you been through the crunching frenzy.

On 1 February 2007, we will "Assault" our next project and crunch as much science as possible in a fortnight. Then we return you to normal programming. Until the next "Aussie Assault". :-)

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance in SETI
ID: 507736 · Report as offensive
Profile Dingo
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Message 514212 - Posted: 6 Feb 2007, 21:09:49 UTC

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in striking distance of the top 25?
* We're ranked 27th out of 57,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 62 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 20 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum. You can join by clicking on the "Join.." hyperlink and follow the prompts. You can ask for assistance in the forum too.

Join us on our next "Aussie Assault". You really wont believe how much fun they are, and how addictive, until you been through the crunching frenzy.

On 1 February 2007, we will "Assault" our next project and crunch as much science as possible in a fortnight. Then we return you to normal programming. Until the next "Aussie Assault". :-)

Proud Founder and member of

Have a look at my WebCam
ID: 514212 · Report as offensive
John Hunt
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Message 523336 - Posted: 25 Feb 2007, 20:51:32 UTC

*** UPDATE TIME ! ***

Almost two weeks have passed since AA5 on ABC@Home drew to a nail-biting close.
Both teams - BOINC@AUSTRALIA and l'Alliance Francophone gained a lot from the two weeks.

We have also gained ground in combined ranking - now placed 25th overall in team ranking.

Some of the guys are having a 'mini-assault' on one of the 'medical' projects - why not visit our forums and see if you can find out which project?
All of the individual project sub-fora are open to public view.
Link to the forums index -

Next item on the agenda for the team?
Discussions will be opening shortly to decide the target for AA6!

ID: 523336 · Report as offensive
John Hunt
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Message 528982 - Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 6:19:24 UTC

G'day crunchers everywhere!

We are now starting Aussie Assault 6 (AA6). After being runner up in the last few polls for the AA, Einstein has been chosen to be the project which will receive our concentrated attention for the next few weeks.

Bruce Allen who is the Forum moderator, Project administrator, Project developer and Project scientist for Einstein has agreed, after much persuasion from members of the Team, and instigated by Mike Mitchell, to crunch Einstein for our Team. He has started this already and his numbers are very impressive.

The Aussie Assaults are a regular team-building exercise we run here at BOINC@AUSTRALIA - the results are always impressive and we have great fun at the same time. In the last Assault (on ABC@Home) another team - l'Alliance Francophone - learnt how much fun these assaults can be and helped both BOINC@AUSTRALIA and the project itself achieve spectacular results.
(overview of that assault here.)

So - Gentlemen - START YOUR ENGINES !!!

ID: 528982 · Report as offensive
Profile m.mitch
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Message 549975 - Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 4:13:24 UTC

What a great ride that last AA was!!! Many of us are still crunching away at Einstein, producing around 200,000 credits of science for the project.

Einstein is now our number one project, I didn't think anything could overtake SETI but AA6 had an amazing effect on Einstein.

Can't wait until the the 1st of June when AA7 starts.

Don't forget, you can join before than too. ;)

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance in SETI
ID: 549975 · Report as offensive
John Hunt
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Message 576918 - Posted: 27 May 2007, 19:21:59 UTC

Calling all members of BOINC@AUSTRALIA!

You may be aware that Aussie Assault 7 is due to begin (on 01 June) and will run until 14 June.
The target is WCG - World Community Grid. This project actually crunches four separate causes:-
1) Fight Aids at home
2) Genome comparison
3) Human Proteome folding
4) Help cure Muscular Dystrophy

WCG is slightly different to the other BOINC projects. If you have any difficulty attaching, check the team forum.
Help is available!

Any other 'homeless' crunchers out there who would like to join in the fun, feel free - we are the No.1 Australian team,
currently in 18th position Combined Boinc World ranking.
Visit the team forum here for more details about the team.

ID: 576918 · Report as offensive
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