CPU Running Hot

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Simon Wiesenthal

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Message 306100 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 7:41:41 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 7:47:29 UTC

So, is BOINC's change-over to Enhanced what's causing the WU server to send me f***ed up WUs with screwball ETs for finishing (10 hours, 7 hours, 5 hours, as opposed the the 3.5 to 3.75 hours per WU I've been doing up till a couple of weeks ago), causing my CPU to overheat, etc., etc.?

I downloaded Enhanced a few minutes ago, after purging my system of the previous BOINC installation, and hope to see more sane results henceforth.

Shoving s*** through the pipeline to people to shock them into switching to the next version is a helluva way to do science.
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 306104 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 7:43:28 UTC - in response to Message 306100.  

So, is BOINC's change-over to Enhanced what's causing the WU server to send me f****ed up WUs with screwball ETs for finishing time, causing my CPU to overheat, etc., etc.?

Your CPU will be working at 100%, just as it was with Seti Standard & Seti classic. Any overheating problems you're having are due to your system, not the software.
Darwin NT
ID: 306104 · Report as offensive
Simon Wiesenthal

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Message 306108 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 7:47:50 UTC - in response to Message 306104.  

So, is BOINC's change-over to Enhanced what's causing the WU server to send me f****ed up WUs with screwball ETs for finishing time, causing my CPU to overheat, etc., etc.?

Your CPU will be working at 100%, just as it was with Seti Standard & Seti classic. Any overheating problems you're having are due to your system, not the software.

Oh, bullshit.
ID: 306108 · Report as offensive
Grant (SSSF)
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Message 306113 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 7:52:23 UTC - in response to Message 306108.  

Your CPU will be working at 100%, just as it was with Seti Standard & Seti classic. Any overheating problems you're having are due to your system, not the software.

Oh, bullshit.

Ah, we're dealing with an intelectual. It's a shame you know nothing about hardware or software. Or how to discuss things.
Darwin NT
ID: 306113 · Report as offensive
Simon Wiesenthal

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Message 306144 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 8:44:44 UTC - in response to Message 306113.  
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 8:47:54 UTC

Ah, we're dealing with an intelectual. It's a shame you know nothing about hardware or software. Or how to discuss things.

No, we're dealing with the blind faithful, who are being fed higher-load WUs to maintain Berkeley's computing quotas, to compensate for lost support after having alienated a hefty portion of the vast majority of lay folk that built and made SETI@home Classic the great success it was.
ID: 306144 · Report as offensive
Profile The MariahNet Network

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Message 306148 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 9:02:36 UTC - in response to Message 306100.  

So, is BOINC's change-over to Enhanced what's causing the WU server to send me f***ed up WUs with screwball ETs for finishing (10 hours, 7 hours, 5 hours, as opposed the the 3.5 to 3.75 hours per WU I've been doing up till a couple of weeks ago), causing my CPU to overheat, etc., etc.?

I downloaded Enhanced a few minutes ago, after purging my system of the previous BOINC installation, and hope to see more sane results henceforth.

Shoving s*** through the pipeline to people to shock them into switching to the next version is a helluva way to do science.

The Enhanced 5.12 WUs do normally take longer. However, I personally am experiencing cases where a WU would take literally forever and keep growing in estimated completion times and then by restarting the BOINC Manager, the unit would suddenly complete. Sometimes a failure like others working on WUs in the same... bunch? *shrug* (I cannot remember right now.) You actually have an example here that you've done: (we are not granted credit for these as it would seem...) http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=321208100

As for CPU overheating, I am told that's an independant hardware issue. Just make sure the computer has sufficient cooling. If it is a notebook computer being treated as a desktop computer; make sure it gets enough air.

Relax and just dance off the stress to some nice tunes. I know I have several times, since the beginning. lol

ID: 306148 · Report as offensive
Simon Wiesenthal

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Message 306161 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 9:54:43 UTC - in response to Message 306148.  
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 10:19:47 UTC

Relax and just dance off the stress to some nice tunes. I know I have several times, since the beginning. lol


I raised my CPU's temperature threshold setting from Asus' default of 72 degrees C to 80 degrees C, well before my close encounter with intellectual giant Grant(SSSF), and she's leveled off now and running nicely at 83 degrees C, just under the Athlon 2500XP+ manufacturer's recommended maximum of 85. If I were paranoid, I'd guess that Berkeley were staying up late at night trying to match every work unit they send out to the machines and (their physical limits) of whatever remnant of loyal crunchers still hanging around.

I like your easy manner, TMN.


Rick in Reno
ID: 306161 · Report as offensive
Simon Wiesenthal

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Message 306171 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 10:14:01 UTC - in response to Message 306148.  

As for CPU overheating, I am told that's an independant hardware issue.

Funny. I checked my CPU's temp minutes after sending the last post, and it was vacillating between 84 and 85 degrees C. on a 5 sec. period. Now it's leveled off again at 83.
ID: 306171 · Report as offensive
Grant (SSSF)
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Message 306180 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 10:35:22 UTC - in response to Message 306161.  

I raised my CPU's temperature threshold setting from Asus' default of 72 degrees C to 80 degrees C,

Ah, good to see. Fix the symptom, not the problem.
Well done you intellectual giant you.
Darwin NT
ID: 306180 · Report as offensive
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Message 306181 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 10:37:57 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 10:38:20 UTC

According to Boincstats, Seti currently has:

      Total      Active 
Users  450,605    184,810 
Hosts  943,403    330,365 

If an 8 degree C rise was being incurred by hosts running SE, don't you think you'd see more reports of this from other users? Wait for days and see if others report this, if you don't see other reports, then it's probably your hardware.
ID: 306181 · Report as offensive

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Message 306227 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 11:51:19 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 11:51:49 UTC

I raised my CPU's temperature threshold setting from Asus' default of 72 degrees C to 80 degrees C, well before my close encounter with intellectual giant Grant(SSSF), and she's leveled off now and running nicely at 83 degrees C, just under the Athlon 2500XP+ manufacturer's recommended maximum of 85

Are you sure that's wise? From what I understand, AMD proc's are a little less forgiving than Intels regarding temp's.
Just make sure the computer has sufficient cooling. If it is a notebook computer being treated as a desktop computer; make sure it gets enough air.

This could be an issue. I do a liitle PC repair on the side and have seen the contents of some desktop PC cases rival what could be found underneath a refridgerator. (Disregard if using a laptop) Case ventilation IS important if you are stressing the CPU.
If an 8 degree C rise was being incurred by hosts running SE, don't you think you'd see more reports of this from other users? Wait for days and see if others report this, if you don't see other reports, then it's probably your hardware.

I have no basis for comparison, but when I ran Folding@, my Intel proc would get rather toasty even at a >50% load. Now with SETI@, I'm pegged at 100%.
The TDP of Intel is much higher than AMD, and with my proprietary mobo (Dell-ized Intel 925X) I have no way of knowing what temps I'm running at. I simply place my hand near the exhaust fan and "feel". Not very accurate, but I can "guesstimate" the temps. I just make sure that the intake vents aren't clogged with fuzzy debris and periodically use compressed air to tidy up the inside of the case. Do you have a setting in the BIOS that allows you to monitor fan speed?
No, we're dealing with the blind faithful, who are being fed higher-load WUs to maintain Berkeley's computing quotas, to compensate for lost support after having alienated a hefty portion of the vast majority of lay folk that built and made SETI@home Classic the great success it was.

Again, I have no basis of comparison, but I imagine there have been a lot of hardworking folks that have put a lot of time into the programming of SE. I may be "oversimplifying" but as time passes and SE becomes more widely adopted, many issues of "first release" will be addressed. It's up to all of the voluteers of this project to ride out the changes and help to make it better. Maybe just as in the NFL as players get better/stronger/faster new rules are adopted to accomodate. Could it be this way in the PC hardware world as it applies to SE? I'm not a programmer, but new emerging 64bit technology is gaining ground. Would that have an effect on older versions of SETI@ and their use of instruction sets?

I realized the dead-end roads I ended up taking weren't always my fault. Many thanks to all that have helped in this - and you know who you are.
ID: 306227 · Report as offensive
Profile Mr.Pernod
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Message 306268 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 12:43:36 UTC

Simon, if your XP2500+ is indeed running at over 80C, I would (like Chris said) clean out the case and check if all the fans that need to be spinning are spinning.
The only time I have seen my AthlonXP's running in that temperature-range was when the heatsink on the cpu was full of dust and in one case a failing fan on the heatsink.
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Profile Elwood

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Message 306405 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 15:40:04 UTC

In all fairness, I have observed some BOINC applications causing the CPU to run hotter than others, e.g. CPDN runs about 4 degrees C hotter than SETI or Einstein, which in turn run about 2-3C hotter than Predictor.

SETI Enhanced looks to be about 2C warmer than 4.18. Definitely not 8, but there does seem as though there's 100% and then there's 100%. My Pentium D will approach the overheating range with two CPDN models running simultaneously. If I hold it to one and some other BOINC project, all is well.
Have a listen: Elwood's MySpace Page
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 306587 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 19:24:43 UTC - in response to Message 306405.  
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 19:28:29 UTC

In all fairness, I have observed some BOINC applications causing the CPU to run hotter than others, e.g. CPDN runs about 4 degrees C hotter than SETI or Einstein, which in turn run about 2-3C hotter than Predictor.

Apparently some applications use more FP math than others, causing that area to become hotter & the overall CPU temp to become slighty hotter. (eg batch of faulty Opterons).
I'm surprised it's as much as 4°c, my system is only about 1°c warmer with Enhanced which given the accuracy of the thermal probes & the BIOS, isn't significant & could easily be measurement error.

My Pentium D will approach the overheating range with two CPDN models running simultaneously. If I hold it to one and some other BOINC project, all is well.

Might be worth doing as Mr Pernod suggests & having a clean out. The Stock Intel CPU coolers are quite effective & generally good enough to use for all but the more aggressive overclocking.
Darwin NT
ID: 306587 · Report as offensive
Profile Glenn Green
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Message 306602 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 19:43:30 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2006, 19:44:14 UTC

I just recently resolved my cpu heating issue. I don't know how long it had been overheating, but 2 weeks ago I bought a new Asus MB which came with the Asus Probe software to monitor temps with. I was seeing cpu temps of 78° - 80°C under full load (seti) and 62°C at idle. Cleaning all the heat sink fins did no good, and neither did switching to arctic silver thermal grease. I bought a Zalman cpu cooler (CNPS9500 AT) from newegg.com and that did the trick. Now I run at 61°C at full load, and near 49°C at idle. Pricey, but $50 well spent I think.

An additional benefit of this cooler--I now have the fan controller enabled in the bios, and with the reasonable temps, the fans can run slower and much quieter! Before I had disabled the controller and ran the fans at full speed.

This is a P4, 3.2 GHz, and I believe at 75°C the cpu would throttle itself back to reduce heating, and at 80°C damage may occur. I feel much safer now. I am not sure if the heat is what caused my previous MB to fail, but I think it is a possibility.
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ID: 306602 · Report as offensive
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Message 306649 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 20:36:40 UTC - in response to Message 306161.  

Relax and just dance off the stress to some nice tunes. I know I have several times, since the beginning. lol


I raised my CPU's temperature threshold setting from Asus' default of 72 degrees C to 80 degrees C, well before my close encounter with intellectual giant Grant(SSSF), and she's leveled off now and running nicely at 83 degrees C, just under the Athlon 2500XP+ manufacturer's recommended maximum of 85. If I were paranoid, I'd guess that Berkeley were staying up late at night trying to match every work unit they send out to the machines and (their physical limits) of whatever remnant of loyal crunchers still hanging around.

I like your easy manner, TMN.


Rick in Reno

Check all of your fans and make sure the CPU cooler is firmly attached to the CPU. My Pentium D830 is running only SETI Enhanced units and is running about 60C. This is the same temp it was running before SETI Enhanced. At both times I was running Crunch3r's optimized application.

I've seen SE WUs are running between 0:45 and 5:00. Curently most on my system are in the 3:30 to 4:30 range. If you want to speed up your processing, you might want to look at Crunch3r's optimized applications.

As for the increased processing times, this has been discussed many times over the last several months. This is a result of examining the WUs in increased detail.

ID: 306649 · Report as offensive
Profile Samuel Blomqvist

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Message 306729 - Posted: 15 May 2006, 21:50:09 UTC - in response to Message 306649.  

I'm running a system of Dual Opteron 265 (dualcore). And my CPU-tempratures at full load are between 38C and 43C depending on room temprature...

My CPU-coolers are: Scythe Ninja Plus Heatpipe and I have used Arctic Silver 5 They each have a 120mm fan running about 1300rpm and I guess I could turn them down a bit if I wanted to.

My case is a Lian-Li PC-V2100 Plus.

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Message 307015 - Posted: 16 May 2006, 4:47:05 UTC

One thing I have found on a couple of computers, is that in tower cases, due to bad design of heatsink/fan mounting, the heatsink can actually be pulled by gravity away from the cpu.

Now when fitting heatsink I always run cpu at 100% with heatsink vertical for an hour or so noting temps, before standing box in normal position and repeating the test. I have seen increases of over 5C because of this.

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Andrew Waddington
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Message 307046 - Posted: 16 May 2006, 5:22:34 UTC
Last modified: 16 May 2006, 5:23:14 UTC

If anything my HP nx9110 laptop runs cooler with the seti enhanced WU's. The fan slowed down the other day when it finished a 4.18 and started a 5.12 wu and didn't speed up till it switched to a cpdn wu.
ID: 307046 · Report as offensive
Profile Derek Kennedy

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Message 307416 - Posted: 16 May 2006, 15:27:50 UTC - in response to Message 306100.  

While running Boinc on my laptop or my pc - when ever the application (Boinc) is runing the cpu temp always climbs.

Not sure how your system is setup, but my laptop runs around 54 degrees, and the pc around 27 degrees. (XP2 3800+ Dual Core in the PC)

It's your system, not the software. Yes, (any) software (Boinc in this case) will increase your cpu's temp cus it's doing a lot of work using 100% (Boinc will anyway) of your resources - raising your threshold may not be a great idea. Without checking your cpu - I don't know what the maximun temperature would be - go over that temp and you will melt your cpu.

You might need to add a fan, or maybe your heatsink needs to be reseated (and new thermal paste or whatever you use) maybe the heatsink fan is not running properly. But to say that the software is causing overheating is incorrect. All software will increase the cpu's temperature - Boinc just raises it more due to the cpu working harder.

You have to realize that under a full workload, the cpu will work harder, and will increase the temps - fact of life.
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