Credit system flawed across different client versions?

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Message 301745 - Posted: 10 May 2006, 10:49:20 UTC
Last modified: 10 May 2006, 10:56:42 UTC

Going through looking at all the Enhanced WU's my computer has done I spotted two things.

Firstly, most of the claimed credits are almost identical from different computers for the same WU which is very nice to see. Shows the new system is working.
The second thing I noticed was some computers where claiming vastly different amount. Sometimes more than double what others are.

I first thought this might be to do with the processors (mostly Celerons, Pentium m's and some Athlon xp's it seemed) but I looking further and it seems to be with older client versions. They have all been boinc 5.2.2 and older. Specifically 4.45.
Seems if you run one of these outdated clients you claim twice the credit.

Here’s a few WU's examples;


You can see how those running newer clients’ claims almost identical, those running older claim far more.
Maybe it’s time to stop supporting the older clients?

I'm sure someone will correct me here very quickly.
I've read as much as I could about the new crediting system until my eyes started to hurt and I've been through as many threads looking for answers to this but I couldn't find anything so sorry if this has already been spotted.
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Message 301748 - Posted: 10 May 2006, 10:53:56 UTC

Boinc version before 5.2.6 don't support FPOPs counting. So that's why those clients claim such credits. Yet with enough other systems claiming the correct number, the outcome will still be the same, correct, granted credit.

We're in the final stage of testing Boinc 5.4.x now. I sure hope that once they release it, that Seti will adopt 5.2.6 as the minimum version to run and set their servers so that people with older clients won't get work anymore until they upgrade.
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Message 301749 - Posted: 10 May 2006, 10:55:38 UTC - in response to Message 301748.  

Boinc version before 5.2.6 don't support FPOPs counting. So that's why those clients claim such credits. Yet with enough other systems claiming the correct number, the outcome will still be the same, correct, granted credit.

We're in the final stage of testing Boinc 5.4.x now. I sure hope that once they release it, that Seti will adopt 5.2.6 as the minimum version to run and set their servers so that people with older clients won't get work anymore until they upgrade.

Thank you. That answers the question and offers the solution.
ID: 301749 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Credit system flawed across different client versions?

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