Work crawling along

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Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 269921 - Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 23:50:08 UTC

Recently, S@H has almost ground to a halt on my main computer. It essentially won't do any work unless nothing else is being done. The machine is an Athlon 64 3200+ with 1Gb of RAM that had been doing results in about 90 - 100 minutes.

My first clue that something was wrong was about a week ago. I came from work one morning to find that only two results had completed instead of the usual 6+. The times looked normal and there weren't any errors in the messages tab. Over the next 4-5 hours while I was online another 1 completed.

I've rebooted the computer more than once without any improvements. I haven't installed any updates from Microsoft at all. I've been running the optimized v8.1 S@H client. The only real change I can think of is that I added a SATA hard drive as another data drive.

Any ideas on how to get it crunching like it should, or how to get the 4.18 S@H app again (I deleted it after installing the optimized client)?

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Profile Jord
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Message 269968 - Posted: 28 Mar 2006, 1:34:03 UTC

Exit BOINC completely.
Navigate to your \\BOINC\\\\ folder.
Delete both the app_info.xml and optimized client file.
Restart BOINC.

BOINC will then download the 4.18 application again.
ID: 269968 · Report as offensive
Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 272591 - Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 9:46:07 UTC - in response to Message 269968.  

Exit BOINC completely.
Navigate to your \\BOINC\\\\ folder.
Delete both the app_info.xml and optimized client file.
Restart BOINC.

BOINC will then download the 4.18 application again.

I tried that and it didn't quite work as planned. Once I restarted BOINC I got a "computation error" on the rest of my results that were queued. Uninstalling and reinstalling BOINC got 4.18 redownloaded and working again.

Unfortunately it was still running like a 286. Over almost 24hrs (with little computer use as I was playing Oblivion on my Xbox 360), it managed to get in a little over 3 hours of computing time, and didn't even finish one result. I decided to flash my BIOS (Gigabyte K8NS Pro, was running F10, flashed to F13) and all is running well now. Not really sure what caused the problem though as everything had been running well with the F10 BIOS since I got the board about a year ago.

ID: 272591 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : Work crawling along

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