Why should I crunch numbers for you?

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Profile Paul D. Buck
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Message 214080 - Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 16:39:34 UTC - in response to Message 214025.  

[Considering that it's pretty much the same set up... Well anyhow, if Michaelson and Morely were able to "prove" the non-existence of ether by accepting that the light beam remained unchanged, why can't the scientists at LIGO accept that static is static.

At the time of the MM expiriment, everyone "knew" that there was an aether we were cruising through ... the point is we don't know if "static" is always "static".
ID: 214080 · Report as offensive
Stuart Bell

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Message 214086 - Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 16:53:35 UTC - in response to Message 213774.  

Seti:Well, i'm a bit disappointed that seti is closing it's doors.

LHC:I've picked up LHC but they are just running scenarios and with how often that they actually have work, they could just buy 1 of those nifty unix super computers and have it all done in the same time.

Are you joking? Try predicting the earthquakes for the middle east. I can’t see myself caring that much about weather.

Einstein@home:Geez, don’t get me started. I know for a fact that they won’t find anything and the projects are a colossal waste of money. Using Reinmann geometry to trace patterns is not an explanation, nor does it prove that space is curved. Why would we define x, y, and z to be linear projections then say they are curved. It’s definitely a major faux pas on the mathematician’s part. I might post later on this depending on how fast my copyright is all the way through.

Cell Computing:
I don’t speak Japanese and I’m not loading he language thingy majig.

World Community Grid::
Proteome: I know the company that finished mapping the genome and I’m not
helping them. Don’t like the heads of the company. Anyway It’s a
protein folding predictor
Aids: Autodock to predict docking patterns into the proteins.
It’s simply not going to happen with shear force when it’s based on faulty and incomplete assumptions. I simply believe that not enough intelligence is going into the front end.

Same as Above, another protein docking / folding project.

Same as Above, another protein docking / folding project.

I’ll continue to leave it on for LHC but I don’t see it as actually being that useful.

Why did you use SETI in the first place?

I myself won't be running all the BOINC Projects, since this is just 1 pc, but as of the moment I run SETI and Einstein, I'd run more if I had a faster Internet Connection. Maybe someday in the future these projects would pay the Internet connection fee, that I cannot afford.

ID: 214086 · Report as offensive
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Message 214091 - Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 16:58:02 UTC - in response to Message 213779.  

I'm just not that validated in what they are doing because science is for me.

Hmmm... It's interesting then that the science projects don't seem to appeal to you...

ID: 214091 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Number crunching : Why should I crunch numbers for you?

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