RAC Race again!!!

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Message 181015 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 4:59:14 UTC

Teef, wanna borrow my account key for a week or two? lol
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Ned Slider

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Message 181046 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 9:34:42 UTC

Yes, teef joined our team (ATHLONMB.COM) a while back and occasionally brings large numbers of machines online for testing - he's an active member of our seti forum. He's quietly been planning this current test for a few months now (I believe it was originally planned for September) and has been in contact with me since late summer about which optimized clients to use. Funnily enough, one of his main concerns was the amount of bandwidth all those crunchers would use!

I'm guessing that seti provides a good simulation of a large scale render farm for things like heat output, particularly if they're rack mounted servers that may be prone to overheating.

Nice job teef :)


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Profile SunMicrosystemsLLG

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Message 181063 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 12:10:45 UTC - in response to Message 181046.  

I'm guessing that seti provides a good simulation of a large scale render farm for things like heat output, particularly if they're rack mounted servers that may be prone to overheating.

Yep, out of all the jobs we have ran on our grid in the last 6-7 months (since we built it), S@H/BOINC has sustained the highest CPU usage and therefore thermal load of any of the applications.
We figure if it can survive SETI it will pretty much survive anything ...
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Profile John Cropper

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Message 181132 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 16:57:20 UTC - in response to Message 180902.  

I would speculate that users such as Nez and Teef must be two very large groups of people working under 2 user accounts. There must be several hundred computers in each account! Perhaps they were teams in Classic and now they registered as an individual user here sharing the user ID. I can't imagine one person having access to that number of computers. Just my opinion.

Perhaps they're competing individuals in some similar line of work...

Nez - Nose
Teef - Teeth

Think about it ;o)

Stewie: So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

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Message 181171 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 18:57:56 UTC - in response to Message 181063.  

Yep, out of all the jobs we have ran on our grid in the last 6-7 months (since we built it), S@H/BOINC has sustained the highest CPU usage and therefore thermal load of any of the applications.
We figure if it can survive SETI it will pretty much survive anything ...

Well our application is perhaps a little worse, but processing the same input over and over when we could be contributing a little bit for the same load seemed a little crazy. Assuming things go well this weekend, we'll start ramp-up on our app at the beginning of next week, then seti will be a thing of the past for these machines.

So far we've had only a couple of machines early life fail from this load, very impressive.
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Message 181172 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:05:24 UTC - in response to Message 181046.  

Yes, teef joined our team (ATHLONMB.COM) a while back and occasionally brings large numbers of machines online for testing - he's an active member of our seti forum. He's quietly been planning this current test for a few months now (I believe it was originally planned for September) and has been in contact with me since late summer about which optimized clients to use. Funnily enough, one of his main concerns was the amount of bandwidth all those crunchers would use!

I'm guessing that seti provides a good simulation of a large scale render farm for things like heat output, particularly if they're rack mounted servers that may be prone to overheating.

Nice job teef :)


In the end we ran a couple of days on the stock client, and then on Neds advice started running Harold Naparst's client for SSE2. It's 32bit but hey, at least it's faster than the stock, and no apparent difference in heat output. We'd have prefered to run Ned's 64bit client for a while to measure that too.

Bandwidth is looking ok, but it's a significant pull on it. But again, http data is a good model for our networking load, so that's useful too.

Heat is our primary concern, as well as flagging problem machines. Once we are live we'll be allowed virtually no downtime, so it's very important to catch all this as early as possible to allow the supply chain time to react.
ID: 181172 · Report as offensive
Hans Dorn
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Message 181173 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:08:31 UTC - in response to Message 181172.  
Last modified: 22 Oct 2005, 19:10:17 UTC

Heat is our primary concern, as well as flagging problem machines. Once we are live we'll be allowed virtually no downtime, so it's very important to catch all this as early as possible to allow the supply chain time to react.

Did you try running cpuburn?

This little app burns more watts than anything else I came across.
(At least on a P4, that is)

Regards Hans
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Message 181176 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:21:55 UTC - in response to Message 181171.  

Well our application is perhaps a little worse, but processing the same input over and over when we could be contributing a little bit for the same load seemed a little crazy. Assuming things go well this weekend, we'll start ramp-up on our app at the beginning of next week, then seti will be a thing of the past for these machines.

So far we've had only a couple of machines early life fail from this load, very impressive.

We are in a similar situation, except we don't know what applications we'll be running from one project to the next.

So far no hard failures but it has allowed us to do some thermal profiling, check our power requirements and flag some minor issues we may not have found until we started running some 'proper' work.

Hopefully we'll be getting some brand new machines in a month or so, so we'll probably put them to work on S@H to burn them in ...

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Profile Sir Ulli
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Message 181200 - Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 20:11:56 UTC

you are all lucky guys to have such a great Park of Comps for testing...

Greetings from Germany NRW

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Profile michael37

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Message 181696 - Posted: 24 Oct 2005, 4:48:48 UTC

Working in customer relations for a linux clustering company, I can only drool at some clusters I get to work on. Just in the past 3 months, I did a 800-node cluster and a 1024-node cluster -- just imagine, one dual-CPU Xeon can pull 1000 credits per day with Harold's client. That's a MILLION credits per day. We only have clusters of 4 in the lab, and I ran Seti only at night. Other jobs are usually down, so heat is not an issue.

Oh, btw, we are hiring, but you have to live in Boston area.

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